The 4.5 Genshin META (Usage Rates Full Analysis)

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the 4.5 usage rates have been out for a while now but I wanted to do some more extensive testing for myself in the abyss just so I could give my best take as to how these line up with my actual experiences and there's definitely a lot of things that are expected but there's quite a few surprises here as well so let's talk about it welcome to Jello impact where I have built and tested every single character to help you decide who you want to wish for and build so we're going to look at different parts we've got the usage percentage so this is the amount of times that characters have been used on the accounts that have them so 89% of people that had jongi used jongi 3.8% of the people that had kitching used kitching so this is of course inherently biased in the sense that even if not very many people have chori she still might appear very high on the usage rate because lots of people are using her and it goes the other way too A lot of people are going to have yao yao or Leila because they're four stars and so 4% is going to be dein flated we also however have the total amount of appearances so out of all the abyss clears 75% of people use Jong Le which is crazy because that includes people that don't have Jong Le um there is the other thing to consider that this is User submitted data and the other thing that cons to consider that I don't hear a lot of people talk about is that this is CN usage rate and CN use characters just a little bit differently than the West often does CN people often they pretty much exclusive they they well I'll say this they're more prone to spending money on gotcha games and whe whether that's not a good thing or a bad thing I'm not commenting it's just that if they have a if if you see a novet here you're more likely it's more likely that they're going to have his C1 or they're going to have his weapon or they're going to have an R5 battle pass that they're going to consider chiori with her C1 for example or Hut with her C1 staff of this is the typical expectation for CN data it is what it is uh we'll also go over the teams for like some of the top teams that people have been using so we know that there's definitely flaws to this sort of way of doing things but there's some interesting stuff here too one of the things that jumps out to me right away is every single Abyss we have Jang Lee being at the very top and this Abyss it makes a lot of sense like you could definitely justify hey it's a Geo Abyss with the Geo thing at the end and jongi is very good for helping to deal with with that guy and he's also very good on the first side dealing with capellia but the fact is it doesn't matter which Abyss his usage rates you look at Jong Le is very very high and there's a couple reasons for that number one is again the CN propensity is to use more invested characters they're more likely to have a C1 or C2 and so it's easier to get away even if Jong Le is technically a DPS loss on the team it's easier to get away with Jang Lee however Jang Lee has gotten secretly buffed over the last little while like he's now on Net's best team he's one of Nava's best teammates he's really good with Linny he's still used very widely with huta he's still often used with alham like jeang Lee is kind he can be the Geo Flex slot for a hyper Bloom team for the second half like Je Le is like a serious I think a seriously underrated character by a lot of content creators especially because a lot of content creators base results off of either speedruns or Theory crafting math nothing wrong with speedruns or Theory crafting math but the reality is as long as you can hit a certain threshold of DPS to clear a spiral Abyss Min maxing an extra 5 10 seconds even an extra 20 seconds doesn't really matter imagine resetting 10 times to get 20 seconds faster or just doing one run through with Jang Lee not having to reset that's kind of what the jangly difference is and that's why I think he's so high finina uh people can hate all they want but finina really is the best character in G impact now um people are annoyed that you know I I see so many comments oh you know this character is just good because of finina oh why is finina and everything why is this tier list like a finina showcase tier list she's the best character in the game I don't know what to tell you she does a ridiculous amount of off field damage and does a ridiculous amount of buffing and she has great free-to-play weapons she has a great C1 which I don't even I don't even consider uh for what I'm considering her for being the best character but that also improves people's perception if you happen to have a C1 so yeah finina really really good it makes sense to have her up here she's also um she also is like just the be one of the best characters for a lot of teams so yeah finina really really good nalette the best carrying the game this makes sense kazwa um this this is so good for kazwa if we pull up example of the first half it's just so good for Kaza kazwa shreds the first chamber he absolutely decimates the second chamber and then he's a very good buffer for Capelli as well the way that the enemies are lined up Kaza is just this is just a perfect Kazo abyss and Kaza still is the only character that groups the way he does sucros has some grouping but it's kind of janky venti has grouping for sure but it's kind of more Awkward to use and because his buffing isn't as good really it doesn't exist except for the debuffing from BV and the energy regen he doesn't bring you that much value against the ice twin Suite so if you have kazwa you should be just bringing kazwa and it's like a little bit awkward to position um vent's burst whereas with Kaz you just have to stand in the middle of where you want the enemies to be and he sucks them in so is perfectly it's perfectly good I also do like how all the whole top row is just nolet's best team that's funny to me I did want to talk a little bit about novet because yes novet is the best DPS in the game but I would like to point out to everyone and just remind everyone that nolet has been has been given preferential treatment during the Fontaine abysses there's a lot of enemies that just line up in a line throughout the entire through the previous Abyss the one previous to that almost every single Abyss except for I think one out of all of Fontaine has been very good for noet and to be fair his AOE is huge and he has good single Target so you know he's still the best DPS overall and that's that's my opinion but I think people's perception of him is a little bit over inflated because of how much pyro Shields we've had how much exactly enemies in a line we've had and it just makes him feel even better than he already is and the reason why I say this is for people who do have noet amazing like I you're still going to have a great time in the future unless there is a ton of like Hydro immune enemies in the future you know you're still going to have a great time with novet forever but if you don't have novet you don't have to feel like you need to pull novet because he's that far in ahead of other DPSS like yes right now between him having you know just obviously being very strong but also having access and having kind of preferential treatment by very friendly abysses to him that he feels even better than he is it's kind of like in the in the 3.0 abysses I was kind of baited by this by the way so I'm not I'm not perfect at this but NE was felt better than she was in the 3.0 abysses and that was something that I didn't talk about as much as I wish I did because in 3.0 abysses there were lots of ungroup enemies that were pretty close together and she basically every Abyss had a side that was just extremely good for Neu and again Neu is still an extremely strong character she's still good even when she's not the best she's still very very good and that's what novet is going to be except that he's even stronger than n was so that's something to keep in mind the next thing we're seeing is we're seeing that baju consistently is the second time I think or maybe not the second time second time overall that I'm seeing that baju is higher than nah in the previous abys nah was higher but overall but we're seeing a trend where baju is getting more and more popular and obviously this makes sense because Fen is so good that if you have baiju you're going to use him um I'm interested to compare this to this side yeah so baju even though Nita's percentage is a bit lower the overall appearance rate is much lower for baiju than nahita because not as many people pulled B and if you did pull baiju it's really he's really nice on this Abyss because having Interruption resistance and good healing for capellia on the first side he's good on aggravate teams he's good on lots of different teams he's a very comfy pick for the first side and you easily might use ba on the first side Jong Lee on the second side defensive utility is really really nice this Abyss so it makes sense that baju is going to be higher up uh we can also see that noelette goes down compared to overall comary to usage rate appearance which again makes sense if you have noet your more likely to use him but not everyone has noet cuz he is a DPS and lots of people have different DPS I think the the jump that the relative jump that Shang Ling has it shows the you know it shows the power of Shang Ling right that because everyone has her so she's the numbers are kind of skewed against her in the usage rate but we see here that she's a bit higher um we see Ryden pretty high it makes sense Ryden is good in as a she's Ryan's got so many Buffs she's good as a driver for finina yolan she's good as a hyper Bloom trigger and of course her new teams the Chev are really really good and she's good with kazwa on her Hyper Team so Ryden is a character that really benefits from flexibility I'd be interested to see what actual Ryden teams appear High uh we have National and this is this makes sense because like I said that's that's one that I didn't even mention which obviously National is very very good but Ryden has so many different teams that she doesn't appear even though she appears pretty high in the usage rate her actual teams don't appear very high because there's so many different teams that people using ryen on what other teams are high uh novet with baiju this does make sense because although his Peak might be with Jang Lee you're probably using jangi on the second side to make it easier to deal with those Geo Shields Hut double Hydro jangly is very high that makes sense cuz it's a full if we look at the second side right it's a full single Target sweep just across the hole so anything good with single Target like I'd expect y Mia to do really well um kazwa National makes sense tinari single Target makes a ton of sense jangly with Hyper Bloom na'vi is so good on the second side as well this one's cool it's the hyper kokami not hyper kooki but driver kooki this is a really really good team and I I think it's very interesting that kakomi has evolved from being a support which I've previously I even made this mistake very recently I'm neglecting this team I I swear I right now I promise you I will build up kakomi properly so she does proper damage so I can properly test this team because this team is good I have been overlooking it and I think and I've been underrating kakomi I think her ability to drive this team has made me Overlook it I need to test it out and compare it to other other characters driving this um another noal version the free I love the noet freeze version this is so good I love Charlotte here um alyam I don't know if they're they're probably using this on the second side doesn't have a Geo but you can still plunge you don't need a Geo for the second side you can still plunge uh Ryden National double Hydro hyper Bloom Xiao finina and novet with Jang Lee makes perfect sense um shenyun still showing up very very high I think shenon just works with so many teams similar to Ryden that although she doesn't appear except for Xiao on this list that she just has so many different teams so she's very very flexible that way I mean chiori Navia it makes sense cuz chiori is brand new idido's gotten a bit of a bump y Mia is reasonably High she's good on the second side so this makes sense I find it so interesting that Shena is consistently above aaka these days I guess it probably people are using it with Risley who's also really high my favorite Risley teams aren't even with Shena but that still makes sense yeah xia is super good on the first side nuu Linny Ito makes sense I think AO is a bit higher than usual because his AOE is really really good and Synergy with Kaza for the first side wander albo even though power crap by chori it's like you already have an albo built so he's still good on the second side so why not use him Gan is surprisingly High Ula this is one of ula's better abysses she's quite good on the first side and quite decent on the second side as well yeah I actually like Ula this Abyss now who doesn't appear here that I've been using I guess it pretty much shows everyone that you'd expect I think singo's appearance rate is quite impressive that's a huge jump up from the usage rate Hydro characters are just so good man they're just always so good Kookie is very high as well I like how chiori goes from 49% to 4.4% whereas like Navia goes from 47 to 16 obviously still a big jump but it just shows you so how few people pulled for chori because this second you know you kind of have to look at both of these two screenshots together because if you just look at the second one characters that are under pulled are going to be under represented so like Risley oh man there just shows that Risley Ms are super dedicated right look at that 23 down to 2.9 you it would be interesting it'd be interesting to see like a overall compilation of the history of usage rates let's like a take a quick look at the previous one all the GEOS about bumped up Navia or Nita bit down Buu a little bit about the same really yolan about the same Bennett about the same I kakomi with a decent jump up shenyun with a little jump up Hut a little jump up shenen aaka down a bunch Risley about the same child about the same honestly not that big of a change Yi a bunch down I think Y is like like here's the thing like I don't think that nahita or yay are worse this Abyss I think it's just like you could I you could easily just chalk this up to preference I find these interesting right like I find this pretty interesting and there are a lot of runs right there's 100 170k 170k submitted runs pretty pretty sizable amount of submissions I think the toughest part about the usage rates for me and trying to like derive a meta is that the game you aren't squeezed enough to really squeeze out the meta of the game so when what I mean is like when you have a competitive game and you're playing PVP you really want to win someone makes an adaption and then you have to adapt to that adaption and then they adapt to that adaption you're kind of you're both you both have pressure put on you to get better and better and better but with something like genin and if you're against PVE content like genin if the content was really hard and only certain things could beat it then the meta would be squeezed out of it alternatively if there were leaderboards and it mattered whether or not you got a minute clear versus a minute 20 clear or a 35 second clear versus a minute 30 Clear 35 second clear a minute clear both count as a 36 star so there's no there's no pressure there's no squeeze to squeeze out the meta for something like a usage rate in addition a lot of people might just pick the first team they think of so like say someone's a big nalet fan say someone's a big yolan fan say someone's a big hyper Bloom fan they may just pick their favorite team go through it it works because they never had they didn't have to brain and think about what would be the best thing so they just picked their favorite team submitted it the end right like if I did this if I did if I submitted to this challenge I would put Ryden or sorry I would put yeah I think I did Ryden Chev Shang langing and then Sara and then for the second half I just did Navia chori Bennett and finina now are these the best teams for this Abyss no no they're not like na'vi is definitely excellent for the second side like this is definitely an excellent team but if I was going to do a Ryden team I would be I'd be probably better off like I would definitely be better off using a kazwa team um and I've got B on the second side so maybe I would adjust this and do like shenyun and then really I should be doing hyper Ryden but maybe I don't want to use Bennett because capellia makes it harder to deal with so maybe I want to do an aggravate team I don't know maybe I'll do fishal baju kazwa cuz I just want to use Ryden cuz I'm a Ryden man and then I submit this as my clear so basically what I'm saying is because the variety that can clear something is so large favoritism is going to seep into this very heavily now is novet the best character on the first side yes but say there was some sort of Strat but all the but everything else it's just so hard to say have these people tested everything on their account and submitted their best thing no they just did the clear with their favorite characters that seemed like it was going to be easy enough submitted it and Bam that's not a bad thing what I'm just saying is that you can't take this information as reliable for a whole number of reasons that being said I think it's very interesting to talk about I think it does show us what people are getting easy clears with or what people enjoy getting clears with at least that and the my one I always enjoy looking at these because my biggest takeaway is just how good jeang Lee is for the average person so that always amazes me so let me know your thoughts on the usage rate let me know who you cleared the abyss with and take care bye for now
Channel: Jello Impact
Views: 66,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vip4Vc-4vbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.