Hacking Computers from Blocks Away With a Wi-Fi Duck

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in our previous episodes we've already shown that Wi-Fi can travel really far up to five miles and today we're going to show a tool that uses Wi-Fi to allow you to hack a computer from blocks away so stay tuned [Music] the USB rubber ducky is a particularly famous hacker device which when plugged into a computer looks like a USB flash drive but acts as a keyboard now when the computer thinks it's a keyboard it's allowed to run commands that ordinarily would be blocked by any sort of program because a user is trusted and keyboards are generally how we interact with the computer so it's a really good way of attacking a computer you have temporary access to now the USB rubber ducky is amazing but it does have some drawbacks and one of those drawbacks is you have to program it in advance and if you don't know exactly what commands you want to run this can be a serious problem because it's just a one-way device it only goes in one direction now the Wi-Fi duck made by space soon also known as Stefan crumbs err is an incredible tool that bridges the gap by having Wi-Fi access allowing you to access a web interface and control it from a distance now we want to test out just how far this tool can go so we want to plug it into a computer and then from an extreme distance run payloads and see if we can do something pretty nasty like embed a tracking script on a computer that's left unattended for only a couple moments for our test today we'll have a hacker plug in a Wi-Fi duck into a briefly unattended target laptop from a distance a second hacker will connect with a directional Wi-Fi antenna boasting a range of up to a mile and deploy the right script to exploit the operating system running on the target computer after the hacker plants a backdoor using the Wi-Fi duck it can be unplugged and the hacker can control the victim laptop directly to test these claims we're going to need a couple things first we'll need a d1 mini and a pro micro the two microcontrollers we'll be using to program this attack we're going to solder these together on a circuit board to fit everything together nicely although a breadboard should work - in a pinch next we'll need a computer to program them and for our attackers trigger the script from a distance we'll be using a simple Wi-Fi yagi antenna connected to an alpha wireless network adapter with a Wi-Fi duct for injecting keystrokes and the directional antenna for connecting to a remotely we'll be testing the scenario today to find out if it's really possible for a pair of attackers to run commands from such an extreme distance when the victim in our test scenario leaves their laptop unattended the first attacker can send information to the second attacker about what script to run based on the laptop operating system and anything else they notice about the system after the first attacker plugs in the Wi-Fi duck they can make a quick exit minimizing their chances of being caught lingering around the laptop the second attacker can now connect to the Wi-Fi duct using their long-distance wireless network adapter from browser the second attacker can write a script live or run a pre-recorded one for our TOC will use a save one to save time with the back door installed and the attack complete the rest of the attack will run in the background the first attacker can now retrieve the Wi-Fi duck leaving no obvious traces of the attack now that the victims laptop has a persistent backdoor installed the hacker can run truly damaging malware like ransomware spying tools or even worse as our test was able to verify a hacker could implant a Wi-Fi duck and send commands from a very long distance away now in a business with a bunch of USB drives that might be in places that aren't frequently checked a Wi-Fi duck could represent a serious security threat that might not be noticed for a substantial amount of time if you want to check out the Wi-Fi duck you can go to spacing calm and find out more about how to run this project and if you want to find out more interesting resources check out the Verona security podcast and other gronitz references to find out how we can keep your data secure
Channel: SecurityFWD
Views: 339,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kody Kinzie, Null Byte, SecurityFWD, WiFi, Ducky, cheap usb rubber ducky, rubber ducky, usb rubber ducky, kali linux, how to, hack wifi
Id: dupA278XqRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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