The 3 Web Sling Hitches and How to Use Them

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Tyler - Hey guys we're down here in the E-Rigging  Warehouse and today we're going to be showing you   three different types of hitches using our  Thortex lifting slings. We're going to show   you a vertical hitch, we're going to show you  a choker hitch, and we're going to show you   a basket hitch. If you like this type of  content, don't forget to subscribe to our   channel for more helpful rigging videos and  more information on Thortex lifting slings. (Music) So the first hitch that we're going to talk  about is going to be the choker hitch, now,   the reason that we went with the choker hitch for  lifting up the bar stock that you're seeing is   because the bar stock is round and choker hitches  work great on round objects such as piping. (Music) The next hitch that we're going to talk  about is going to be the basket hitch   and basket hitches are great whenever you  need to cradle an object and really support it   and that's what you're seeing here with  us lifting up this big super shackle. (Music) There's two different attachment points  and it's going to really stabilize   the shackle as we move it  from one pallet to another. (Music) Lastly, you'll see us using the vertical hitch. Now in this scenario it may not  be the absolute best hitch to use   to lift up the shackle but this is a great  example of whenever you can use a vertical hitch. (Music) That's going to be it for today's video  guys, if you like seeing us down here in   the warehouse working on some rigging  projects, be sure to give this video   a like and drop us a comment below. I'm  Tyler with E-rigging; thanks for watching!
Views: 15,836
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Keywords: rigging, rigging tips, web slings, lifting slings, slings, what are web slings, choker hitch, basket hitch, vertical hitch, e-rigging, web slings for lifting, lifting sling, how to lift with slings
Id: 0zMHu4jPunA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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