The 3 P's: Purpose, Perseverance, and Promptness | Jurie Al Sharhan | TEDxYouth@ASK

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one phrase that my little sister once said has really stuck with me ever since she said picture this you've been given the opportunity to view your whole life like a movie from beginning to end my eyebrows furrowed as I tilted my head but then it all suddenly made sense but before I get into that hold that thought good evening my name is Julia shahan and today I'm going to share with you the three p's purpose perseverance and promptness I believe that the three p's are all that is required to achieve any goal that you have in mind despite any obstacle that you may encounter now let's get into it close your eyes and imagine a time we're all familiar with somewhere around 4 years ago the global pandemic Corona virus we were all in this kind of disconnected bubble constantly daunted by fears of waking up to find tests coming out as positive causing even more seclusion like being grounded by the universe for reason you simply can't come up with now you're over that fear you're over that thought but a shadow awaits you the night you fall asleep not having an exciting reason to wake up you can open your eyes now with everything that was going on I lacked purpose in life which inevitably caused the excitement I used to feel every single day waking up to disappear like being grounded by the universe for a reason that you simply can't come up with with all the spent time during the pandemic I got into reading self-help books specifically written ones online considering going outside was unsafe as I was sitting one afternoon I read a book called 12 rules for life a a book by Jordan Peterson that's when it hit me no not right things can get better as Jordan Peterson once said just because you can't see your potential doesn't mean it's not there everyone has something to contribute even if they don't know it you can always commit suicide tomorrow today you have things to do the world needs you even if you don't need it for instance your family your family needs you and you need them my grandma who I'm so lucky to have in my life lives with me in the same household as she is the only one from my grandparents that I still get to see in this Earth with everything that was going on not to say I'm blaming her of course but I was just so worried that something might happen to her or that I might not be able to see her again as I finally got out of isolation I got the chance to hug her as I collapsed in her arms she said something to me that really helped me get through this difficult period She said that that time heals everything it uses the pain we have in our hearts so I found my purpose which was to make my grandmother happy and you know what they say happiness is contagious and that meant that the only way that I could make my grandmother happy was if I was persevering is persisting and fighting through this difficulty despite delay and achieving success I am a high achiever and I'm very goal oriented and I try not to focus on my failures because if we do then when will we have the chance to evolve change or grow personally I try to pursue excellence in anything that I do my biggest accomplishment is believing in myself to believe that I can Thrive within anything that I choose I want my parents to feel proud and say that's my girl I reached the point where I can say that even if I fall that's okay but persevering doesn't disregard the need to be prompt which involves pushing things to tomorrow next week next month or next year yep I'm looking at you Karen you kept saying you go to the gym next Monday and yet here you are a year later 365 days later it's December 31st we all know what that means it's the New Year tomorrow new year new me imagine this you walk into a room and that room is filled with people who were destined to reach a certain goal and that goal is sets on top of a very high mountain just imagine it each one of these people reach the top of that mountain Martin Luther King Jr once said I have a dream come to think of it I'm certain we all have dreams but how many of us have turned those dreams into goals and goals into action and succeeded and made that dream into your reality every single day you wake up is every single chance you have to chase that dream of yours in order to do that you must devote all the hours in the day all the days in the week all the week weeks in the month and all the months in the year from the moment that you open your eyes to the moment that you close them again so tell me what is the barrior to your progress it doesn't matter if the person to the left or right of you isn't feeling it today or the person that you're counting on doesn't show up in the end it all depends on you so what's the solution what is the best way to achieve our Ambitions as Paul quo once said one day or day one so just start now with the fear with the pain with your body trembling and your voice shaking and don't stop you need to tackle the three PS with the mindset that no matter what you're doing everyone is watching you as Britney Spears once said all eyes on me in the center of the room just like a sir cuz I mean she has the point the minute you stop disregarding what everyone else thinks that is when you're are unstoppable thinking about what my sister said earlier I want to leave a footprint to serve a mark and have significance wherever I go I realize that my biggest fear is to die with regret to regret knowing I could have accomplished more when I haven't because I was scared or gave up when things got difficult looking at this room actually it's too big to call room but you get what I mean not one of you is like one another and I don't mean the parts on the outside I'm talking about the core of you your values your beliefs the minute you decide who that person is then you will have taken the first step to achieving your goals if a 17-year-old girl can persevere be prompt and and find purpose to in achieving her goals then can't any of you do it if I can do it you can do it too right all you have to do is keep going just keep fighting [Applause]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Achievement, English, Life, TEDxTalks, [TEDxEID:54779]
Id: JMt_S5YLt9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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