The 29 Worst Cars Of ALL TIME!

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oh man now there is a terrible car but is it the worst get your rage fingers ready and scoot into the comments because i'm about to tell you what i think are the 29 worst cars of all time and is your favorite car on this list well let's find out and the way we're going to do this is we're going to work from what i find is the least offensive worst car ever what's going on with you what are you talking about down to the number one spot which is by far the most awful vehicle ever produced so starting with the chrysler pt cruiser this list is gonna be a ton of fun let's go [Music] this cruiser or bruiser you knew it would be on this list it's an unreliable minivan wannabe that looks like well exactly what it is an attempt to make the 40 style conform to modern safety regulations and i definitely don't love it there was a turbocharged version that was pretty hot i mean fast not hot i mean nothing about the pt cruiser is hot and the same goes for number 28 here the ford mustang ii aka the uh pinto mustang and you'd think a sporty rear-wheel drive v8 could not possibly be on this list right [Music] yeah well this was the 70s in america and unfortunately the mustang was one of the biggest victims this side of the challenger but more on that in just a minute this car imported from detroit is anemic ugly and perfectly represents how damaging the gas crisis was to car design still i think it gets a worse reputation than it deserves like number 27 my favorite number the fuller dymaxion and hear me out this was supposed to be the wave of the future much like my impeccable style and showcase aerodynamics galore and uh modern suspension instead the first prototype was so unsafe to drive it became uncontrollable at low speeds and killed the test driver yikes i know i'm dangerous but i've never stepped behind the wheel of this thing but a lot of cars failed were supposed to be the future though uh some fare better than others like number 26 here the 1958 ford edsel in one word it is straight up ugly it's not the worst looking thing in the world that would be the weirdo in the mirror after my morning run the interesting part about the edsel is that it had more hype behind it than the new supra yes the bmw supra but it had even worse execution like ford told everyone this was supposed to be the car that killed cadillac and then 1956 came and all they got was an ugly underachiever which is kind of a tough break maybe they just need it to be driven by a bad guy and revive that image like the famous pontiac aztek our number 25 today now there's actually something to be said for the aztec that hasn't been said before because it basically paved the way for the modern crossover suv that are so popular today it's too bad that it is incredibly ugly and kind of hit every ugly stick on the way down as it fell from the tree and i really like this quote from journalist dan neal with its multiple eyes and supernumerary nostrils the aztec looks deformed and scary something that dogs bark at and cathedrals employ to ring bells poetic neil very poetic and that's the kind of slams i want in the comments when you insult how i look anyway moving on to number 24 let's get unsafe at any speed and with this one chevy's got your back with the corvair it is a rear engine sports car that was designed unfortunately to kill you well not really they just didn't have the tire technology to make it a good car and by the time they did well it had already caused a bunch of accidents so into the bin it went you'd never get something like that from ferrari right oh no number 23 has just entered the chat the ferrari mondial eight but but what makes it terrible you ask well for one thing it likes to catch fire and burn to the ground because the electrical system is absolute dog but that's not the biggest sin the biggest sin is that it's a ferrari that only makes a truly pathetic 214 horses a chevy spark nowadays we'll beat it in a quarter mile time and that is just downright disgusting and speaking of 80 supercars don't buy number 22 the maserati bi-turbo yeah maserati the car company we like to talk about all the time here at ideal which if you're enjoying this video so far hit that subscribe button turn on that notification bell because this thing has twice the turbos and twice the problems is my ex-girlfriend we talk a lot about this italian company but most of the time it's about their modern lineup the truth is they've been crapping out lemons for a very long time decades in fact like this 84 by turbo a car famous for being totally unreliable and nearly impossible to fix much like my life at least they were fun to drive when they ran before the turbos blew up unlike number 21 here the smart 4-2 it's slow it's stupid it's just downright unsafe what more do you want me to say that there's something redeemable about it it doesn't even get that good of gas mileage you're lucky if you get 39 miles to the gallon same as a stupid fiesta and at least the fiesta is kinda safe although the smart 42 does stay upright in a turn unlike number 20 here the reliant robin all you gotta do is search youtube or watch top gear and you're gonna know exactly why this thing sucks it's only got three wheels a very tiny engine and if you sneeze in the wrong direction you end up rolling over still strangely it's got a cult following which if you're one of those people uh let us know in the comments below because i guess there are people out there that like to be different but uh i haven't met one although no one really wants to be as different as number 19 though introducing the peel trident you probably know about the peel 50. well this is the successor that somehow manages to be worse the trident has a bubble canopy and a detachable shopping basket and that's totally cool with me and not super lame right are you with me oh and like the robin it does like to roll over too at least the lada samara our number 18 has four wheels but that's about the only redeeming factor officially known as the vaz 2108 it is a front-wheel drive economy car made from whatever parts were left over from over 20 different factories including old volkswagens fiats opals fords and volvo garbage yeah that sounds fun to work on you have to make a cross-continental journey just to source parts for a tune-up come on although it is something you'd kind of expect from a soviet car although chevy has no excuse which is why the vega outranks the lada as number 17 on our list and this car is so bad that single-handedly it ruined gm's reputation yeah take that mustang too people still bought the mustang after the 70s but the vega had to be canceled like a modern stand-up comedian after just one production run and what was wrong with it then only that it was unreliable poorly engineered rusted easily the engine made no power it was unsafe and some people also think it just doesn't look very good so we've covered ford covered chevy dodge doing dodgy things well you're up with the dodge viper just kidding it's the relatively new dodge dart now if you go into a time machine and go back to the 60s the original dart was a v8 pony car that stood toe to toe with the mustangs and the camaros the reissue dart was a successor to the already terrible dodge neon and it was somehow worse with a gutless little fiat engine that would leave you stranded on the side of the road the dart is a vehicle to avoid at all costs and if you're going to waste money on something at least get something kind of cool like number 15 the delorean you know it as doc brown's time machine the most hilarious part of those movies though is that the idea that a delorean could go 88 miles per hour [Music] per hour these things were slow except my homie lamborghini just ls swapped one and pretty much turned the internet on its head and i bet that thing could hit 188 miles per hour anyway the originals well they were built out of sheet metal and they were expensive as hell to build and fix they are something to behold though something that number 14 is definitely not the unique amc pacer and it's an icon of the 70s so you know where this is going to go it's slow and it's ugly it's also become shorthand in film to show that someone was well a loser party time indeed still believe it or not it had a better rep than number 13 which was absolutely explosive you know it it's pinto time and no we're not talking about the beans for once well you wouldn't want to give this thing the beans because due to a specific design flaw the gas tank could easily catch fire and cause the car to explode in a minor accident i'll admit i do get worried about being rear-ended when i drive but i can't imagine the pure paranoia that would come driving a ticking bomb around although i've been on dates like that before anyway the pinto is probably the most famous terrible car out there but i can forgive some sins because of the times the chevy ssr here at number 12 has no excuses and let's start off with one good thing about the ssr it has a big old v8 under the hood but that's not enough to overcome the incredible ugliness of it it just looks stupid like it's about to tell you that doing the rain dance will actually make it rain and then just drone on and on about what the worst cars ever made are wait the next car on our list dares to ask a question it asks can a car actually be sexist and at number 11 the nash metropolitan answers it yeah a little and yes i know it was a different time but nash's whole marketing shtick was that this was a manageable car you know for the woman folk that couldn't handle a big car and i don't know about you but to me that feels a little wrong now and what's worse is that it could barely go 60 miles per hour without blowing up the engine and now that we're at number 10 yes the top 10 worst and most ugliest vehicles ever two thirds of the way through we gotta go with the hugo no you go i go we go you go and let's let daddy doug demiro sum up the hugo it's priced between a bus pass and an entry-level used car but the bus pass is a better value because it's more comfortable wow we are talking about the most base model based car you will ever see in your life where the glove box is just a glove shelf they have a weird large cult following which is why i'm not comfortable rating it worse i don't really want people hunting me down at car shows even if i could outrun them in literally any vehicle that can travel more than 20 miles without breaking heck i could probably outrun them on foot it's that slow except our next car on this list won't even do that at number nine the worst dodge ever the second generation challenger and yes the challenger was one of the coolest muscle cars ever which is why everyone was excited for the follow-up when it ended production in 1974. nothing could be more disappointing though because the second generation was a four-cylinder with less than 100 horsepower or a whopping 107 with the optional big block the mopar fans had major disappointment and see i told you the mustang 2 wasn't the worst name shame let's go back to cars catching fire with number 8 the truly terrible triumph tr7 hold on here's a joke why is british beer warm because lucas built the electronics in their refrigerators get it because lucas electronics is famous for building some of the worst electrical systems ever which the tr-7 had but unlike the beautiful tr6 which i owned one the tr-7 also had a horribly unreliable engine making it the best or worst of both worlds it's an old british car though you gotta cut it some slack and you gotta love it it's not like it's brand new a la number seven on our list the mitsubishi mirage and it's one of the cheapest new cars that you can buy period which you'd think would make a lot of problems forgivable right but the truth is you'd be better off buying a 20 year old corolla than buying a brand new mirage not only do they like have nothing on the inside but they are about as reliable as the promise your local politician just made for shame mitsubishi for number six we're going obscure with the brickland sb1 and yes it's a really interesting car and one that i've looked at one for sale the brickland innovated safety like integrated role protection and crumple zones which just didn't exist in the early 70s too bad it also had terrible quality issues and cost way too much to buy and really just tried to push morals on you yeah brooklyn decided smoking was evil so the car didn't come with an ashtray and that's kind of ironic since one of the most famous sv1s burned to the ground in front of the cameras oopsie daisy for number five we're reaching into my own past with the chevrolet chevette yes it got the nickname piece of chevette for a very good reason so let me paint a picture for you the pacer pinto and vega are all on this list as entry-level compact crap boxes that are terrible piece of chevette though was supposed to compete with those cars and it was the loser of that competition this is a true story my dad had one and yes we called it the piece of chevette because well it was a piece of that couldn't even go 60 miles per hour we'd be going down the highway getting gapped by volkswagen beetles while the lights flickered on and off due to terrible wiring and so glad i got a wrangler instead of number four on this list jeep compass that truly didn't know where north was when fiat took ownership of jeep it was a chance to revitalize the company instead they took one of their worst vehicles stuck a jeep badge on it and sold it to the u.s compass it's known for being horribly underpowered made up low-grade steel instead of modern materials and breaking down constantly not a great look jeep not at all and now that it is top three time let's do it i feel the rush on like cadillac in the 80s now it was really hard to choose just one model because cadillac did this to all their flagships in 1981. they introduced cylinder deactivation where your v8 suddenly became a v4 while the car felt like it the thing is it sucked so you get an unpredictable slow and extra complicated car if that's not a recipe for success i don't know what is still at least it was a cadillac you won't get made fun of it for driving it to a meet if that's your thing so have i got a car for you at number 2 the chrysler sebring convertible let's say you want a sports car something sleek makes good power it's rear-wheel drive and manual sounds great right well on paper it is and it's the sebring but it's the exact opposite that in person it's a slow front-wheel drive four-seater convertible that looks like someone used to stretch tool on a miata oh and it shares components with other heroes on this list like the compass and the pt cruiser so you get all the problems in addition to the uh good looks okay last chrysler product i swear because there's only one car that could be number one the worst car of all time put your hands together give us a round of applause for the trabant in 1957 communist controlled east germany needed a car so they made the trobons and they didn't stop until 1991. it's incredibly low cost and incredibly low everything else the two-stroke engine can't push the car to 55 miles per hour the construction quality was beyond terrible you had to even manually operate the windshield wipers and reverse lights were an upgrade it is truly a terrible car daddy doug does a great breakdown on one so go check it out and see just how bad it is and why it deserves the top spot on my list of the most terrible cars thanks for watching what do you think is the worst car do you own it let us know in the comments below subscribe if you're new turn on that notification bell and hit that like button and promise me one thing keep living the ideal lifestyle not in the worst car ever [Music] you
Channel: Ideal Media
Views: 679,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worst cars, worst cars ever made, worst cars to buy, worst cars 2021, cars, bad cars, bad cars to buy, car, car review, worst, cars you should stay away from, diy, terrible cars, worst car brands, cars to avoid, bad cars not to buy, car brand, repair, worse, worst car brands ever, worst cars to own, worst used cars to buy, car buying, car diy, scotty kilmer, amphicar, top 10, ford, chevy, worst car, bad car, top 5 worst cars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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