8 Trends RUINING Car Culture!

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okay so if you're watching this right now chances are that you love car culture and guess what so do we all over the world you see different cultures popping up in different areas like south florida with its donks supercars in la and bozo zoku in japan but the one thing that unites us is our love for badass automobiles and while we hear it ideal except all kinds of car culture i must say there are some trends that have no place in this world so in this video i'm gonna take you through eight trends yeah eight of them that are ruining car culture and if you're new here hit that subscribe button and turn on that notification bell alright buckle up and let's go to paint or to wrap that's the question but these days it seems like there's only been one answer because is it just me or does no one paint their car anymore like what's going on is a sick house of color paint job with custom graphics just not cool anymore and look i'm just as guilty as the next guy i would argue that the wrap on my porsche 911 looks pretty ideal so how could i say that wraps are ruining car culture well painting is a long and strenuous process that allows you to add a custom color and then layer it with gobs a clear coat and what you end up with is something that's better than the factory put out initially but can't wraps do that sorta you see raps have certainly come a very long way since they first hit the market but i will be the first to admit that they still don't look as good as new paint jobs professional rappers take a car and wrap it and a lot of the time it looks great but it's pretty much just a big sticker and sometimes if not properly installed oh it turns out like this and how would you feel if you spent a few thousand dollars on something like that that turned out looking like that i know i wouldn't but paint does turn out bad every once in a while because maybe the paint gun isn't set up properly and your new paint has just a little too much orange peel and we all know that isn't ideal so yes both methods do have their own flaws but it seems like as of the last few years people have been choosing rap over paint time and time again and that's pretty much because well it's cheaper but as you know cheaper doesn't always mean better while a typical paint job could last 10 plus years heck the paint job that was done on the 68 mustang california special was done in the 80s but a wrap job can only last a few years and that's if you keep it out of the sun and you don't abuse it which i may or may not have had a couple issues taking off the wrap on the 997 911 yeah that's not going to buff out because one other costly issue with vinyl wrap is that if you're not careful taking off the wrap you can pull off the clear coat like i did don't be like me so even if rap could be the cost-effective option early on you may actually spend just as much money as painting it down the line if you're not careful and you damage the paint but hey i love vinyl wrap keep doing it keep modifying your car for you because this next mod won't mess up your paint but it can seriously have awful effects on your suspension can someone tell me why everyone is stancing their cars honestly would you rather have this or this i know which one i would choose and if you're enjoying this video hit that like button helps the youtube algorithm we're trying to get to 24 815 likes because today it seems like it's almost a requirement to be hella flesh out a car meet and i guess i just kind of like to go against the grain but it seems like being unique and different is being completely replaced with hella flush fever today people with unique builds get turned away just because they don't have the proper fitment and if you want to keep your stock e30 m3 the way it is i say go for it not everybody wants to slam their pandom wide body kit and that right there is another fad that's impossible to get away from seems like i can't look in the rearview mirror anymore without seeing a pandem wide body kit which takes up like the whole rear rear-view mirror you know because it's it's wide and nowadays people are slapping on panda wide body kits literally on everything yeah like i mean everything from skylines to supras from mclaren's to your good old mustangs and from rx7s to rangers okay i think you get the point just about anything and everything today is being wide bodied and after a while they all kind of start looking the same to me and the sad truth is is that there isn't enough companies making unique wide body kits don't get me wrong the pandem kit is definitely cool looking but let me test you you tell me the difference between this wide body and this one b unique people and the more hyped these wide body kits get the more it seems like the prices are gonna continue to get driven up and that's not just happening with the prices of wide bodies that's happening with just good old cars as well does anybody remember when the legendary mark iv supra was going for roughly 20 to 30 thousand dollars yeah well that was a few years back and not today because today you'd be shelling out a heck of a lot more if you want to call one of those legends your own but it's not just supras anymore it's 240s it's miatas and it's s2000s as well and it kind of dawned on me the other day because usually you would think something that's older would usually be a lot less money but 240z are trading hands for more than 350z's and now you can find s2000s for the price of porsche 911. sure they are still great cars i just missed the days when you could buy one without paying for the hype tax and i have this thing that i do that anytime i drive a car and you should do this as well is figure out how much the car is actually worth and then if it drives like a vehicle that's more expensive or less expensive than the price it goes for for example c606 you can get them for 30 grand but i think it drives like a 60 thousand dollar sports car a third gen mazda speed miata get one for 14 grand drives more like a ten thousand dollar sports car you see some cars just drive above their weight and some drive a little bit below not saying that the miata is bad but for 14 grand i'd actually rather get e36 m3 that's sorted because that drives like a 20 000 sports car i think you're picking up what i'm throwing down and fortunately there's still some great sleepers out there at affordable prices but it just seems with the interwebs these days and the amount of hype that's built around some of these jdm missiles well they are more collector items now than cars that you even want to put miles on but what aren't collector items at least for most people are missiles yes missiles and no i'm not talking about the instrument of death and destruction oh wait i guess i kinda am you see missiles are cars that have been stripped out and modified solely for track use so yeah bye-bye safety features and the most common missile that you're probably used to is the drift missile and while they're meant for the track a lot of people end up driving them on the street and to meets and sometimes they end up just looking ridiculous you see missiles are set up for perfect asphalt conditions no driveways notes speed bumps no grocery carts to dodge at the racetrack so imagine having to deal with all these imperfections in a car that is just not equipped to handle them well people do it all too often and it not only inconveniences them but also all the other motorists around them and i totally get it if you want to stance your car or maybe even slap on a fart can that is totally fine but driving your missile down the road is not very safe and sometimes it looks downright well ridiculous and you know what else looks ridiculous youtubers yes youtubers making cars uncool i think i'm guilty of this okay i might start sounding like a hater in a second but hear me out a manual lamborghini murcielago very cool right i mean who can't love that 2000 styling with those scissor doors and then you have that high strung exotic v12 paired to a manual transmission but what about a huracan yeah an audi r8 in sheep's clothing or no in wolf's clothing sure it's a cool lambo but so many youtubers have bought them in the last couple years that there is as common on the internet as a camry or heck they might even be more common than a camry maybe that's what i should get next for the channel and you want to know something crazy you can pick up a murcielago or a huracan for roughly the same price and the first two years of the murcielago well they only had manual transmissions and if you want to help save the manuals go snag our best-selling ilt but that's pretty cool that you can shift your own gears in a manual v12 and i really think more and more youtubers should make the jump into owning more exotic super cars you see the lamborghini huracan well it's pretty much just an audi like i said earlier and they are extremely reliable where the mercy well it'll have you begging for mercy when you start seeing the repair bills on that thing because well they are not all that reliable and don't even let me get started on mclaren's you see everybody and their mom seems to have a mclaren on youtube these days and the fact that every year a new model comes out and it pretty much is the same as last year's model for example look at this 650s which was built over six years ago and then here's a brand new 570s yeah i can't really tell the difference in fact i kind of think the 650s is a better looking car and here's the thing back in 2015 the mclaren 650s was the hottest thing since sliced bread and now in 2021 if you don't have a mclaren 720s you're old news so my piece of advice for fellow youtubers and just anybody that's lucky enough to be able to buy a supercar remember buy it for yourself not for the youtube not for the instagram not for the interwebs because it will be cool one year and not cool the rest of the years but as long as you like it well that's pretty much priceless and if you do buy a supercar or just a car in general well definitely don't plasti-dip it unless you know exactly what you're doing now plasti-dipping isn't always bad and it can be done right and when it is it looks really sweet but doing it right is easier said than done because a quick search on google and you will see people botching plasti-dip jobs left and right and if you really think that rattle canning your whole car with plasti-dip will come out like paint well i hate to tell you but most of the time you're gonna be wrong last year when we bought the gen one viper that was plasti-dipped green well the plasti-dip down by the exhaust got so hot that it started peeling like snake skin and so one piece of advice if you're gonna plasti-dip your car or your wheels or your emblems for that matter learn how to use it first there's a ton of great tutorials on youtube and heck fonzie over it dip your car is where i learned how to plasti dip my wheels on my 997 when i couldn't afford aftermarket wheels and i think they turned out fantastic but trust me and don't show it off too much because if you do your freshly plasti dipped car might just need some more work and why do i feel like i need to talk about mustang owners on this one because when leaving a car show well it is acceptable to give it some of the beans but not all of the beans because you don't want to be the guy jumping curbs you know who you are and just because you have four wheels and all-wheel drive doesn't mean you're invincible either so don't drive faster than your angels can fly please don't because you're not only endangering yourself the car but also the people around you plus one thing i've never really understood maybe you can let me know down in the comments why people hoon when they leave a car meet because not only are your tires ice cold but your engine is also going to be cold so if you were a true enthusiast wouldn't you warm up the engine and then also warm up your tires before you did any kind of enthusiastic driving yeah doesn't make sense to me either and heck the ideal tip of the day if your car is older than 2008 you probably don't have tpms which is tire pressure monitoring systems so check the air pressure in your tires every once in a while like once a month just to make sure that there's still air in there last time i checked air is pretty cheap but if you're driving on a flat tire well and something happens it can get expensive real quick and guys those are some of the trends that well we kind of think that are giving gearheads a bad name and if you enjoyed the vid please hit the like button and check out some of our other ideal content and also if you're new here please subscribe and keep living the ideal lifestyle
Channel: Ideal
Views: 1,440,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car trends, car trends that need to die, car trends that died in 2020, car trends 2020, car trends 2021, fitment, aftermarket tires, 3 piece wheels, featured wheels, gallery ad, wheel industry, aftermarket wheels, toyota, bmw, cars, vlog, trends, subscribe, honda, ford, funny, wheel match up, krispy, rotiforms, car mods, 2018, 2019, jdm, custom offsets, offsets garage, vehicle spotlights, car, trucks, car culture, fast and furious, wheel talk, car tech, car science, worst cars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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