The 2520-Year Prophecy and the "Special Relationship"

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[Music] prophesying about 800 BC during the reigns of some famous kings that you know some Judean kings names you're familiar with King Uzziah king ahaz King Hezekiah God inspired the prophet Isaiah to warn about the end of a very special relationship now he didn't use those exact terms we know from Isaiah chapter 46 verse 10 which I'll only reference that God declares the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand I will do my pleasure our God is sovereign as we heard in the song let's turn to Isaiah chapter 9 a different passage in Isaiah again recorded around 800 BC in that general timeframe and there's a specific prophecy that the Church of God has long taught no new information today brethren but very fundamental information very fundamental very important in Isaiah chapter 9 and verse 21 we have a prophecy that has not been fulfilled yet Isaiah 9 verse 21 it's still yet future let's read the verse quickly as we begin the sermon today we see here I'm going to break into the prophecy break into the thought it's recorded that Manasseh shall devour Ephraim and Ephraim Manasseh and they together shall be against Judah for all the so there's some sort of punishment and ephraim and manasseh are going to turn on each other they'll be against each other they'll be against Judah that's what this scripture says and then God continues through Isaiah and says for all this his anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still implying and indicating that there's yet more to be fulfilled now as we will see Ephraim and Manasseh and Judah as you know did not stumble together historically that's historically provable we'll identify who Manasseh and Ephraim are we will talk about the amazing promises and the fulfillment of those promises that God caused to be affected upon the descendants of Abraham and how in a very real personal way we're living in an age where on one hand we are experiencing the the blessings of those promises but on the other hand we're headed toward another time of national punishment as you all know and we will also talk about our particular roles and what we can learn from what God is doing and the prophecies that are unfolded unfolding before our eyes what we can do to have a closer relationship with God with our sovereign God now the United States and the United Kingdom and we will identify and prove from Scripture who these these people are but the United States and the United Kingdom still have a very strong relationship but there have been a lot of comments in the news and in political circles lately during this presidency this administration also during the prior where there are questions about the special relationship will at last will it stand is that special relationship as strong as it once was later in the sermon we'll identify and I'll show you where that term special relationship came from some of you are probably familiar but it was actually coined not too long go but what is the significance of this prophecy brethren who are the players what did God fulfill and cause to come to past in years prior where do we live in this prophetic timeline what is going to happen in the future when you watch the news you can understand what's happening politically and geopolitically through the lens of Scripture and you'll see that it does really show God's he is sovereign he does cause his counsel to stand and he does cause his will to come to pass the title of the sermon today it's a little bit of a lengthy title but the title is the twenty five hundred and twenty year prophecy and the special relationships so the two five to zero the twenty five hundred and twenty year prophecy and the special relationship in order to continue to set the stage and explain why this relationship is so important before we explore and prove who the players are and what God has been doing I need to take us back in time not too far into the recent past I need to take us back in time to win many of your parents and grandparents were alive and the world was on the edge of one of the worst times that had ever experienced and they these were the events leading up to World War two so I need to take you back to that time to talk about the special relationship why the powers the Allied powers were in the position they were in and what was going on prophetically and then we'll go back further in time and look at some scriptures and tie it all together now World War one was a terrible time World War two was as well and a worse time the Nazis invaded Poland September the 1st 1939 September 1st 1939 this was the final straw for the British Britain declared war on Germany September 3rd 1939 the numbers are hard to process I'm going to give you numbers and they're hard to process but I want you to personalize these numbers they're not just numbers these are people and this is during the time of your parents and your grandparents and this connects to the special relationship and what God caused to come to pass and what he's going to allow to come to pass in the future Poland during that initial invasion just during September and October of 1939 would lose seventy thousand people seventy thousand were killed 130 3,000 were wounded about 700 thousand were taken prisoner just in September in October of 1939 at the beginning of World War two Germany began dealing with what they called the Jewish Question and they developed ghettos in Poland beginning September 1939 the first poles were killed in the gas chambers the carbon dioxide chambers in November 1939 zyklon-b was used in Auschwitz Birkenau September 1941 not tasteful things to recount events that are not being taught in today's grey schools and high schools as much anymore people deny this happened and Satan is behind those denials the nation of France very important player go and talk about France during the sermon today one of Abraham's descendants as well the nation of France but not not all of its overseas territories fell in May of 1940 France was a tremendous Empire at that time one of the largest armies in the world of course this led up rapidly to Dunkirk you're familiar with Dunkirk the miracle of Dunkirk Hollywood has done a terrible job they've removed God for their recount of the Dunkirk story I went and saw a couple of the movies and I appreciated you know what they some of it but they removed God from the what happened the miracle of the calm seas is what it was called this was in the newspapers a hundred and ninety-three thousand British troops were evacuated from Dunkirk 193,000 British one hundred and forty five thousand French about three hundred thirty eight thousand men British French Ephraim Reuben we'll talk about that deeply in the sermon today that was from May through about June 4th 1941 force 1940 at the beginning of World War two just after the Dunkirk invasion sorry evacuation had concluded that Winston Churchill gave his famous speech in the House of Commons and where he said that if Britain were to be invaded he said he doubted they would be but if they were invaded they would carry on the struggle and then he spoke of the new world coming to the rescue of the old I don't know if Churchill fully understood biblically what he was talking about what he was referring to but through reading some of his writings I think he had a hint we'll return to World War two later but as you all know the United States did enter World War two the Allies prevailed why why why were they allies in the first place why did they have such national power in the first place who are the allies in history and in prophecy very fundamental brethren very fundamental very fundamental so we're going to go through and explore some prophecies today that we need to understand and remind ourselves off the church's talked about these four years taught these four years so who are we free my Manasa let's turn back to Genesis chapter 12 who are afraid I'm a NASA Genesis chapter 12 and as we explore this we'll see that god does cause his plans his counsel to come to pass he is sovereign he is the eternal one we'll see he's working with a people will understand why he's working with the people will understand why those people are going to be corrected will understand why they've were blessed in the first place will understand our part in that it's it's it really should if we have the right attitude about prophecy it should make us fear in a proper way God's God's power and his the way he intimately works with with his people and weighs intimately working with the world today so Genesis chapter 12 we have God promising Abraham a great reward for his obedience let's move quickly through some of these promises and Covenants that God is making with Abraham Genesis chapter 12 verse 1 now the eternal had said to Abram this is when Abraham was about seventy five years old and they're seven or eight promises listed in this passage right here you can review it later if you'd like and find those find those there's seven and there's an eighth promise after they arrive in 2nd but we're going to just read the first couple verses in Genesis chapter 12 where God's the Lord speaks to Abram the eternal he says get out of your country from your kindred pack up your things have faith in me I'm going to send you off to a distant land leave your father's house to a land that I will show you have faith obey me do what I ask you to do and I will make you a great nation and I will bless you and I will make your name great and you shall be a blessing there are so many promises so many truths embedded just in these 10 or 15 words I read and if God is real and if the Bible is his word these promises have come to pass brethren and god still working with his people and there's yet more to come to pass so he says he will bless those who bless you curse him who curses you and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed so Abram departed as the eternal spoken to him and lot went with him and Abram was 75 years old when he departed from Haran so we see a command we see obedience and we see a promise don't we let's turn in Genesis chapter 17 Genesis 17 verse 4 so many scriptures in in Genesis that I could go to will just look at a few here Abraham promises here are God promises that Abraham would become a father of many nations and the father of many kings Genesis chapter 17 and verse verse 4 now here a BIR Abraham or Abram is 99 and we're going to come down into verses three four five Abram falls on his face so picking up the account in Genesis 17 verse 4 as for me behold my covenant is with you says the Lord the eternal - to Abram and I will make you the father of many nations here we have another promise God cannot lie God will bring this God did bring this to pass some so the question then will be when and how and with who so he says he make Abram the father of many nations no longer show your name be called Abram but your name shall be called Abraham for I have made you the father of many nations I will make you exceedingly fruitful and I will make nations of you and Kings shall come from you and I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants and so forth now in Luke 4 for we hear Christ says we're to live by every word of God aren't we this is this is Scripture this is god-breathed this is god-breathed and so this is important this is not frenzied this is fundamental and it is sad it is sad that so many people who used to understand the importance of this have become dis uninterested disinterested and you'll you'll see why you'll see why as we continue on they're not referring to you in this room or anybody I'm aware of in the living Church of God but many who used to be with us Genesis chapter 22 Genesis 22 verse 17 another time where God records a his promise to Abraham and his descendants and here in Genesis 22 verse 17 he he tells us that Abraham's descendants would spread around the earth they'd possess the gates of their enemies which typically historically refers to the sea lanes historically armies Commerce the majority is gone over the oceans and through the seas and through pinch points through sea lanes it can also refer to land passes but primarily it's sea lanes so here Genesis chapter 22 verse 17 in blessing I will bless you in multiplying I will multiply you or I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven we see that God promises he'll make Abraham's descendants great a great multitude did God caused this to come to pass is this just poetry did that was this fulfilled with the small nation of Israel or the small nations of Israel and Judah thousands of years ago was this fulfilled yet that's what Protestant ministers who try to teach prophecy will tell you was this fulfilled then no no so Genesis 22 verse 17 18 they would possess strategic pinch points they would be a multitude as the Stars and so forth let's let's move forward to Genesis chapter 48 let's talk about ephraim and manasseh Genesis chapter 48 what we've seen so far is that God made a covenant with Abraham because Abraham was obedient not because Abraham or his descendants were a great people we'll come back to that point later you all understand that God didn't call Abraham and his descendants because he was impressed with them wow these guys are really smart these guys are the great of the earth that's not why he began working with Abraham and his descendants it was because of Abraham's obedience his faith and so God made a covenant in that covenant and that promise was passed down from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob and here were introduced to ephraim and manasseh we read about ephraim and manasseh and Isaiah at the beginning of the sermon so here in Genesis 48 verse 8 we are introduced well we're not introduced for the first time but we read about ephraim and manasseh in Genesis 48 who are they well short answer is they're the grandsons of Jacob their heirs to the birthright promised that Reuben lost let's read Genesis 48 and verses 8 9 10 so Israel saw joseph´s son so Israel is Jacob Abraham Isaac Jacob Jacob is real same you know different names same same person Israel saw Joseph's sons Josephus Israel's son he sees his grandsons and he says to them he says to Joseph who are these and Joseph said to his father these are they're my sons whom God has given me in this place and he said please bring them to me and we have a very important event here where the birthright blessings and promises are going to be passed down through Joseph to Ephraim and Manasseh they're not going to go through Reuben they're not going to go through Zebulon or GAD or Judah they don't go through Esau they don't go through no Ishmael or eat them and they're passed down a specific weight I know you're familiar with this I know you know this but let's review the story quickly because it it it matters God fulfilled his promise in a real way we'll come back to recent history and see how he he indeed dead so Joseph says in verse 9 these are my sons verse 11 now the eyes of Israel were dim with a so that he could not see then Joseph brought them near him and he kissed them and embraced them and we had this very just touching account here but God guided it to be done in a very specific way what's going to happen 11 Israel said to Joseph I had thought to see your face but if that God has also showed me your offspring so Joseph brought them from beside his knees and he bowed down with his face to the earth a very solemn occasion showing Joseph showing Jacob respect and Joseph took both ephraim with his right hand now notice this Joseph took both ephraim with his right hand toward israel's left hand Joseph guided ephraim toward israel's left hand I know this is fundamental I know you know this but let's just let's review it anyways because we'll see it play out historically and so he guided ephraim to Israel's left hand and Manasseh with his left hand toward Israel's right hand and he brought them near him then Israel stretched out his right hand and laid it on ephram's head who was the younger uh-hah why did he do that Israel put his right hand on ephraim said who was the younger his left hand on Manasseh said guiding his hands knowingly for Manasseh was the firstborn and he blessed Joseph so first Jacob blesses Joseph why is this recorded because the Covenant promise is going from Abraham through Isaac through Jacob through Joseph to Ephraim and Manasseh not Abraham Isaac and through you know Jacob and then Reuben ok I'm not through Ishmael or someone else it's very specific and so he blessed Joseph and said God before whom my father's Abraham and Isaac walked the God who has fed me all my life long to this day that angel who has redeemed me from evil blessed the lad's LUT my name be named upon them so those those covenant promises are going to pass down to them and through them through their offspring and the name of my father's Abraham and Isaac and let them grow in tumult into a multitude in the midst of the earth now you know the rest of the story when Joseph saw what his father did it displeased him so he took hold of his father's hand to remove it from Ephraim's head to Manasses head and Joseph said to his father not so my father so Joseph wanted it done you know the other way and Jacob refused verse 19 inspired led by the eternal who was working out is his covenant promise who was who was guiding these events and he said his father refused and said I know my son I know he should also become a people and he shall also become great speaking of Manasseh but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he and his descendants shall become a multitude of Nations so we have these clues and again I know you're you're aware of the identity of the offspring here but we have these clues and God would fulfill these promises in very specific ways it was because of Abraham it was because of God's promises to Abraham and his descendants that the United States and Britain became so great in the last couple centuries not because the United States and Britain inherently are smarter or better and we understand that as well let's talk about Reuben briefly because he's an integral part of the story let's turn in Genesis chapter 48 I'm sorry Genesis chapter 46 and let's just briefly introduce Reuben who was Reuben well in short Reuben was Jacob's firstborn he was the uncle of Ephraim and Manasseh Genesis 46 and verse 6 so they took their livestock in their goods and this is when Jacob and his family goes into Asia because of the famine so Jacob takes his family their livestock and their goods that they'd acquired and Canaan they go into Egypt Jacob and all his descendants and so forth and his sons and daughters and then verse 9 these are the names of the children of Israel Jacob and his sons who went to Egypt and here we have Reuben introduced in verse 8 the firstborn Reuben the first one typically the firstborn would receive the primary blessing but he did it why did he not let's turn to Genesis chapter 49 Genesis 49 verse 3 now the account is recorded elsewhere but for sake of time we don't need to go to it but what I'd like to bring out in the sermon today very quickly is not just remind us that Reuben lost the firstborn blessing but like to draw your attention to the fact that Ruben was still the firstborn and was still one of Abraham's sons or you know grandsons and he still did receive some blessings there still was promises to Ruben and those relate to France and you'll see that and later in the sermon so Genesis 49 verse 2 3 we see that Jacob is preparing to die and he wants his sons and everybody gathered to him and he says in verse 3 Ruben you are my firstborn my might and the beginning of my strength and these are also national characteristics as the church has long long talked and will will I will give you some quotes later regarding that but Ruben you are my firstborn my might the beginning of my strength the excellency of dignity the excellency of power unstable though Ruben wasn't stable on stables water he will not Excel because he went up to his father's bed he defied defiled his father's bed but Ruben and Rubens descendants would still have a a significant blessing just not as much as ephraim and manasseh would would receive now as a historic point of fact when did the Roman Empire collapse when did the Roman Empire collapse 476 this used to be you know again grade school history so 476 is when the Roman Empire collapsed if you look at Europe in the Dark Ages and thereafter what you see are Frankish descendents of Ruben holding things together having excellence having excellence you see you see names like Charles Martel Charles Martel in 732 defeated the Islamic armies who he conquered all of Spain you see names like the morovian a warrior dynasty that ruled out of Paris ruled out of Paris resisted barbarian invasions in the 500s and six hundreds those were Frank frankish people that ruled from Paris later you see Charlemagne Charlemagne there's big debates was he German or was he Frankish well he was neither he was a he was a precursor to the dramatic in the Frankish people but he was a Frankish king a lot of rubra Knight blood a lot of rubra Knights were excellent were they had their little feet thumbs little kingdoms after the Roman Empire fell but they never achieved worldwide great great empires like ephraim and manasseh would again why these blessings let's go back to Genesis chapter 26 before we move on why these blessings mentioned above Genesis 26 verses 3 and 4 here God will reaffirm his covenant with Isaac the Covenant he made with with his his with Isaac's father Abraham he'll reaffirm it with Isaac but the question is why why these blessings why these promises Genesis 26 verse 3 for so God records for us here sojourn in this land and I will be with you and bless you for to you and your descendants he's speaking to Isaac I will give all these lands and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham your father so the eternal is reassuring Isaac that everything would be okay and he's going to work out and fulfill those promises he made to Abraham and he says in verse 4 I will make your descendants multiply as the stars of heaven we see that repeated there that promise and I will give to your descendants all these lands and this was speaking here locally at that time and in your seed all the nations of the earth be blessed again another promise there this was not fulfilled fully back historically now this is a dual prophecy this is a dual promise this does in part apply in a huge way to the Messiah to Christ but it also applies nationally it also applies nationally that the nations that bless Jacobs descendants God would bless the nations that curse them God would curse and we've seen that played out we'll see it play out again if I can pick up the pace and get to the rest of my sermon so he says I will make you just multiply as the stars why versified because Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge my commandments my statutes and my laws you know brethren statutes and laws and Commandments includes the Sabbath and the holy days includes the Ten Commandments it's living righteously Abraham lived faithfully and righteously and God blessed him massively because of his obedience and because of his faith before we move on to the rest of the sermon let's remind ourselves quickly the God is not a respecter of persons and we understand that but turn to Acts chapter 10 but I'd like to use two scriptures to bring that out today that actually tie in to the topic tie into the theme today regarding what God is doing how he's fulfilling his covenant promised to Abraham and his descendants Acts chapter 10 verse 34 God is not a respecter of persons the ultimate fulfillment of these promises we understand is spiritual right we understand that the ultimate fulfillment of all these blessings will be in the kingdom but acts 10 verse 34 and 35 before we get too far into the sermon Peter opened his mouth and said in truth I perceive that God shows no partiality Peter was a very bold proud Israelite and God helped him to understand that God is not a respecter of persons God did not choose Abraham or Israel because they were great God did not choose you or me because we're great God you know the United States did not become great because we're just better people we became great because the eternal has been working out his plan with his people and he's been fulfilling the Covenant that he made with Abraham and Abraham's descendants and so Peter says God shows no partiality but in every nation whoever fears him and works righteousness is accepted by him so we understand that black or white Hispanic let you know it doesn't matter polish whatever if God calls you if you fear him then God will work with you and his goal and your goal is to be in the kingdom and you'll be acceptable to him and accepted by him Galatians chapter 3 is another passage we use often to remind ourselves that God is not a respecter of persons if he calls you then you're Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise the the the ultimate fulfillment of that promise which will be ultimately in the kingdom and in the Millennium in the kingdom of God Galatians chapter 3 verse 26 and 27 Glacius 326 for you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus you don't have to be a physical Israelite for God to call you to work with you for you to be sanctified for you to be made holy for you to be eligible for the first resurrection and frankly to be eligible for all the fulfillment the great fulfillment of the of the promises that God made to Abraham and his descendants that that they would have an intimate relationship with him for ever and ever and ever and ever into eternity and we'll get to that later there is neither Jew nor Greek there's neither slave nor free there's neither male nor female but you are all one in Christ Jesus and notice how Paul ties it back to Abraham into the topic today Paul says if you are Christ then you are Abraham's seed you're Abraham's descendants and you are heirs according to the promise the ultimate fulfillment of that promise which would be in the family of God the kingdom of God so back to that later so now let's come back to history let's review what mr. Armstrong Todd what dr. Meredith has taught dr. Whannell is written on this we've all taught this for many years I learned this from the church I learned this back at ambassador College this is this is something we should all understand we're going to talk about the twenty-five hundred twenty years punishment and the day for a year principal and we're going to turn back to Leviticus 26 which is where we find a clue regarding the duration of that God would withhold the fulfillment of the physical blessings upon Abraham's descendants ephraim and manasseh it was going to be withheld for a certain amount of time Leviticus 26 and when you understand this it explains things in history it explains things that are going to happen in the future and it really gives glory to God Leviticus 26 verse 18 so we have here the the blessings on the cursings we'll come back to that later at the beginning of this chapter if Israel obeyed God God would bless them and then a transition transitions around verse 14 if they don't obey he will curse them and they come down to Leviticus 26 verse 18 we're going to read that specifically if Israel ceased you know obeying God if they were encouraged about then we have this reference to seven times punishment that they will be punished seven times more for their sins and their their their power would be broken now we need to define some terms quickly we need to let the Bible define these terms so we're going to do that in just a moment but it's for the sake of your notes it's Leviticus 26 verse 18 where the twenty-five hundred twenty year prophecy is revealed we're going to define the terms and we're going to do the math but let's now back up quickly and let's just skim real quickly chapter 26 very very fast at the beginning of chapter 26 God tells Israel what he wants them to do do not make idols do not make carved images do not bow down to card do not worship as the pagans worship for I am the eternal your God keep my Sabbath's reverence my sanctuary walk in my statutes keep my Commandments and perform them be like your father Abraham be righteous be faithful and we don't have to go through israel's history to know that they failed over and over and over in god eventually punished them in a terrible way they went into captivity we're going to go through that very specifically a moment so down in 14:15 God starts to warn them but if you do not obey me if he despise my statutes verse 15 break my covenant you know the nations today the Israelites nations today despise God's law and you know that we know that we see that despise it they hate God's law and Israel hated God's law back then and God says if you do that you'll be defeated you'll be defeated you'll suffer but if you keep doing it and then he embeds this clue here the seven times more seven times more you'll go into captivity I will punish you you will go you become slaves you'll be led away with fish hooks in your mouths as it says elsewhere and that happened to their kings and their leaders and their rulers at horrible punishment he withheld those blessings now how do we identify Leviticus 26 verse 18 as a seven times at twenty five hundred and twenty years well you know I say some Britain in prophecy page 17 it's a good place to go mister O'Quinn writes there the following look at another well actually here mister of wind's going to introduce the the day for a year principal so let me let me quote from chapter sorry page 17 look at another incident of punishment in Israel mister O'Guin writes numbers 13 and 14 give the account of Moses sending twelve spies one from each tribe to investigate the promised land ten of the spies brought back an evil report that discouraged the people and caused them to refuse to enter the land God was greatly displeased with the people's lack of faith notice the consequences that followed and then here mister O'Quinn will quote numbers 14:34 according to the number of days in which you spied out the land forty days for each day you shall bear your guilt one year namely forty years and you shall know my rejection my breach of promise this is one of the scriptures you can turn to to see the day for a year principle we also know that the term time can refer to a year we know that biblically don't don't we won't turn to it but when Nebuchadnezzar dreamt his dream he would be punished what did he dream in Daniel chapter four he dreamt he would be punished 7 for his pride 7 times remember remember seven times so time can reference a year day can reference a year in Revelation 12 I don't have time to turn to it revelation 12 verses 6 and 14 we should know this here we have the time times and half a time and it's said that it's recorded that that is 1260 days we should know this revelation 12:6 and 14 the 1260 days are equated to a time times which would be 2 times and half a time that's three and a half years of 30-day months three and a half years of 30-day months let's turn to one of the scriptures let's turn to Revelation chapter 11 revelation 11 verse 2 here we will have 42 months equated with 1260 days showing that biblically God equates a prophetic month as being 30 days a prophetic month is 30 days biblically again refer to Revelation 12 6 and 14 we're now turning to revelation 11 we're going to look at verses two and three so we're letting the Bible define its own language revelation 11 verses two and three then I was given a reed like a measuring rod and the angel stood saying rise and measure the temple of God the altar and those who worship there but leave out the court which is beside the temple and do not measure it where it has been given to the Gentiles and they will tread the holy city for 42 months so here we have forty-two months we have the time time in half a time from revelation 12:6 and revelation 12 verse 6 and 14 we have now in verse 3 just the next verse that he I will give power to my to wit and they will prophesy 1260 days clothed in sackcloth so over and over we see that a day can be a year that a month is prophetically 30 days we see that a time can be a year we see God uses these terms interchangeably when he's speaking of prophecy very often so with all of that when did the punishment begin that was recounted in Leviticus 26 verse 18 when did Israel go into captivity 721 BC that's historically provable let's turn back to Leviticus 26 verse 24 quickly Leviticus 26 verse 24 and if you're most of you had this marked up in your Bible and I do know that but a lot of people may not Leviticus 26 verse 24 I'm sorry I'm saying verse 24 Leviticus 26 verse 18 biggis 26 verse 18 after this if you do not obey me then I will punish you seven times more for your sins break the pride of your power verse 24 then there's a repetition of this then I will also walk contrary to you I will punish you yet seven times for your sins so what you do brethren as we've taught as you understand that Israel went into captivity in 721 BC we've seen that seven times can mean seven prophetic years years of 360 days we saw that in prophetic speak prophetic language a day prophetically is sorry a month is 30 days so you have seven times seven years okay how many days would be in a year if there are 30 day months 367 times 360 when you multiply seven times 360 you get 25 2000 went into captivity in 721 you factor in Year Zero if the birth right promises were withheld from Ephraim and Manasseh beginning at 7:21 and then there would be begin to be released and fulfilled 2,500 20 years later you arrive at about 1800 and that's when you have ephraim and manasseh start to explode on the world scene dr. Meredith wrote about this in a tomorrow's world article a vital key to endtime prophecy he said the following beginning from 7 21 when Israel went into captivity this seven times extension of its punishment would run 2,500 20 years until 1800 when indeed the US and the British Empire began their rise the rapid rise to world dominance God fulfilled his promise to bless Israel he also delayed it according to his promised punishment that's why Jacobs descendants began to become powerful and blessed around 1800 now I want to come back to some history again and talk about the British and American empires and the French Empire before World War two I won't elaborate it on elaborate a lot but brethren the British Empire God did fulfill his his physical the the promise he made to Abraham through through Ephraim the British Empire was huge it was the largest empire by landmass that the earth had ever seen it covered more than 20 million square miles you cannot explain this acts as if it was an accident it covered about one-quarter of the Earth's total land area it was the largest empire by population had the second largest economy second only to the United States at that time it had the largest military in history at that time it ruled from Canada to Egypt from India to Australia how do you explain this this little nation on this little island it ruled from South Africa to Iraq from Hong Kong to the Falkland Islands the French Empire was also a pretty large at that time it was called the French colonial empire it began with the conquest of Algiers in 1830 and it included men as well I won't go through it all but lands in the Middle East and Africa and so forth why did the British and the Americans why did they eclipse the French mr. a partying longtime evangelist in God's church he wrote a book back in 1961 it was published titled the french-speaking peoples in prophecy and I came across this back ambassador college and it's an interesting book the french-speaking peoples in prophecy and on page 59 here's how he explained it regarding the French Empire in the French people as relates to the the British and the Americans he said the following quote however at the beginning of the nineteenth century with the end of the period of national banishment the twenty-five hundred twenty years we talked about most of the israelite nations notably Great Britain and the United States descended from ephraim and manasseh began to enter into the possessions of what had been promised to Abraham for the Israelites as a nation not only did they overtake France but they surpassed it in almost every area Reuben would be blessed but not as much as ephraim and manasseh i want to come back to world war two quickly and then don't worry a lot of scriptures here in the final part of the sermon when i come back to world war ii in this special relationship as mentioned earlier brethren the Nazis invaded Poland in 1939 the Dunkirk invasion was May and June of 1940 by the summer of 1940 around 8 million French Dutch and Belgians were refugees 8 million by the end of 1941 about four hundred and three thousand British civilians had been killed through German bombing raids a lot of times people don't remember that now the goal is not to draw our attention to World War two the goal is to understand who these people were these nations what's going to happen in the near future and what we can do about it what our nations should do about it the first air raid over a concentrated civilian population was December 16th 1940 over Mannheim Germany in 1941 the German star of two million Soviet prisoners mostly Jews World War two was a terrible terrible time the numbers are hard to to process two million Soviet prisoners mostly Jews starved in 1941 alone another 2 million Russian and Ukrainian Jews murdered by what was called the Holocaust of bullets between 1941 and 1944 one of the revivals of the beast was in power brethren and there was a special relationship and there were two great nations that were great because God fulfilled his promise blessings to ephraim and manasseh and they would they would have a special relationship and they would intervene and they would do something of not too many years ago the question is what will happen in years to come what will happen in years to come more than a million civilians died during the Nazi siege of leningrad alone 880 day siege of leningrad a million civilians died two million died during the Battle of Stalingrad in the winter of 1942 I'm not trying to depress us brethren but when Christ said that it will be the time of Jacob's trouble will be worse than anything ever before it's going to be worse than this May 30th 1942 the Royal Air Force started dispatching thousand plane bomber raids over Germany a thousand planes they would devastate cities kill civilians 40,000 civilians were killed in Hamburg alone during one of these raids a lie bomber raids over Dresden killed 25,000 civilians hundreds of thousands of Germans were left homeless some estimate more than 600,000 German civilians died during World War two semester mate more than 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust plus another 6 million non-jews about 12 million were killed by some estimates in the Holocaust does not include the war in the Pacific and the two atomic bombs that were dropped it was then after clothes of World War two that Winston Churchill gave another speech this was March 5th 1946 and it was in Missouri and here's what he said he said I've come to the crux of what I've traveled here to say neither the sure prevention of war nor the continuous rise of world organization will be gained without what I have called the fraternal Association of the english-speaking peoples this means a special relationship between the British Commonwealth and the United States and we've had that brethren we've had that because we're brother nations and because God fulfilled his promises to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and Joseph through and then ephraim and manasseh but as we already reviewed in Isaiah 921 these nations will turn on each other in the years to come let's turn to another prophecy hosea chapter 5 hosea chapter 5 hosea 5 verse 5 it was a in Joel Amos Hosea 5 verse 5 this was written a short time before 720 BC God told the Prophet Hosea to warn of an end time punishment on the house of Ephraim and Israel Hosea 5 verse 5 the pride of Israel testifies to his face notice the language brethren God is being very precise therefore Israel and Ephraim stumble in their iniquity Judah also stumbles with them this did not happen historically historically israel went captive 721 BC Judah went captive more than a hundred years later they did not stumble together historically they will stumble together in the future please read dr. Douglass 1 Elle's article on the website tomorrow's world they stumbled together he goes into this prophecy in detail why will Israel and Judah stumble together punishment for sin punishment for sin let's please turn back to Leviticus 26 I know we're going back to Leviticus 26 let's turn back there brethren Israel back in ancient times in Old Testament times turned away from God's law his Sabbath's and we've done it again not we not you and me but modern Israel is God's sovereign did God withhold his promise for twenty five hundred and twenty years did God didn't fulfill it did the Allies become great nations at God's appointed time brethren God is going to rebuke Israel again and that special relationship will not save us next time it will not save us next time it does not matter who's the president it does not matter how much military we build up repentance God's Sabbath's God's holy days stopping the abortions stopping the drugs stopping the homosexual agenda those things repentance of those sins that is the only hope that the Israelitish people have we're not great because we have any type of superiority god blessed us because of our great great ancestor if your Israelitish his faith and if you're in the church he's your spiritual ancestor leviticus 20:6 do not make idols but we'll see christmas trees and many of the homes here in a couple of months won't we and you'll see Christmas trees in the White House and we'll see Easter egg hunts and we'll see Halloween and we'll see all kinds of other abominations keep my Sabbath's keep my Sabbath's God does not change brethren he wants Israel to obey Him like father Abraham obeyed Israel's hardheaded they were led off into captivity they were massacred it's going to happen again that's why we preach the Ezekiel warning shame on us if we don't preach the Ezekiel warning our nations are headed towards doom and destruction repentance is the only way that will avoid it and we know sadly that the nations are not going to fully repent we hope God will call many more people into the church so they can have an opportunity to walk God's Way of life it's a blessing to be here on the Sabbath it's a blessing to keep the Feast of Tabernacles it's a blessing not to lie cheat steal commit adultery murder because God's law as a hedge it protects you it gives us peace of mind it gives us happiness and also by the way it's required by God to be called one of his Saints yes Christ's sacrifice the blood of Jesus repentance of sins we can't earn our way into the kingdom but God's law is required and we see here that they would not walk in his statutes and so God took an threatened or told them that they would he would take them into captivity let's turn the galatians chapter 5 because it's interesting to me here you have the apostle paul a ex Pharisee and a strong devout jew strong israelite son of abraham and he's warning the church in galatians chapter 5 and to me it sounds a lot like what we didn't read in detail but what we look at in leviticus 20:6 let's turn to Galatians chapter 5 and this is about us you and me as well as of course what God wants from from all people to turn away from sin Galatians 5 verse 19 what purpose then does the law serve I'm sorry about Galatians 3 Galatians 5:19 so now the works of the flesh are evident brethren ancient Israel was guilty of the works of the flesh God wants us to not fall into these sins and I don't believe we are these sins are what caused ancient Israel to go into captivity historically these sins are rampant in the world today all around us we live in a society that practices this filth do you want to suffer what ancient Israel suffered we don't I don't want to I don't want my neighbors and friends to suffer it this is why we take sin seriously this is why we repent of sin this is why we turn to God's law and we pray for each other and we pray to overcome sins if we are struggling with sins the flesh that loaf for the flesh lusts against the spirit the spirit against the flesh these are contrary to one another so that you do not do the things which you wish and this is talking about people that are struggling with you know with sin that God's working with and they're struggling with sin let's drop down to verse 19 the works of the flesh are evident adultery fornication these are things that ancient Israel is guilty of these are things that the world is guilty of today the United States and Britain and Australia but all of around the world you know all nations are guilty of this stuff and these are sins and we've got to come out of these sins fornication and cleanness licentiousness idolatry sorcery hatred contentions outbursts of Wrath the works of the flesh these are sins modern America modern Britain the Western world they are profaning God's Sabbath and they are turning to sin what do you see in the media what do you see in entertainment you see sorcery you see witchcraft you see sex you see adultery you see taking God's name in vain what do you see in the schools what do you see in government you see teaching against the godly family structure Israel abhors God's laws verse 21 more of the works of the flesh envying murders drunkenness revelries and the like of which I tell you beforehand just as I also told you in times past that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God brethren we've been called out of this world we've been called out of this world we've been called to help preach the gospel the good news of God's coming Kingdom the kingdom of God of Christ's return when peace and God's law will will encompass the earth when righteousness will encompass the earth when there will be no more murdering of babies in the womb when there will be no more LGBT agenda when there will be no more you know drugs running rampant and all those sins that you see around us today brethren that's why we take coming out of this world so seriously those sins are a stench to God and those sins are a reason that ancient Israel went into captivity in the past their reason Israel go into captivity in the future let's turn to 1st John chapter 5 first John chapter 5 first John 5 verse 4 let's let's beat let's read verse 3 as well for this is the love of God that we keep his Commandments oh that ancient Israel had kept God's commandments but we have a advantage they don't they most of them didn't have don't we most of us if we're baptized we have God's Holy Spirit in us for this is the love of God that we that you that me that his people that his nations would keep his Commandments and know they are not burdensome they are not burdensome for whatever is born of God whoever God has called whoever's begotten of God whoever is born of God as which phrase in the New King James overcomes the world brethren we've been called to overcome not to not to practice what ancient Israel practice not to indulge in the entertainment that ancient Israel indulged in or the entertainment that promotes these sins these evils I understand how it is I am very sure that none of you are running around practicing all these evils but God says you can't approve of them either God says don't watch them don't look at them don't enjoy them don't pay $12 to go see them at the movies tonight overcome the world overcome the world the United States and Britain are brother nations in Revelation we are told of the final revival of the beast power a final time of punishment was turned of revelation 17 very quickly revelation 17 verse 12 one of a few scriptures we could turn to another time of war is coming another time of punishment for Israel's coming and the special relationship will not save the Allies the next time revelation 17 verse 12 we have the Beast in verse 11 the ten horns which you saw our ten Kings this is yet future who have received no Kingdom yet but they will receive Authority for one hour as Kings with the Beast there will be of one mind they'll give their authority live their power and authority to the Beast brethren there's yet a final revival of that beast system a German led European Empire to punish Jacob one more time for Jacob sins Jeremiah chapter 30 familiar scripture to you Jeremiah chapter 30 verse 7 probably you don't have to turn to it because we know this but this is where it's revealed that it's called the time of Jacob's trouble and this is yet to come Jeremiah 30 verse 7 why will it come because of Israel's sins Jeremiah 30 verse 7 alas for that day is great so that none is like it is a time of Jacob's trouble but he shall be saved out of it ah there's hope for Jacob we saw in Hosea we saw in Isaiah that there's a coming time when Ephraim and Manasseh and Judah would stumble together there's a coming time of national punishment that God we'll still deliver Jacob from in the future Jesus Christ talked about this in the Olivet prophecy let's turn to Matthew chapter 24 Matthew 24 Matthew 24 verse 21 another familiar passage before we jump back to Isaiah Matthew 24 did Jesus Christ preach prophecy brethren absolutely why why do we preach the good news of the coming kingdom of God and the Ezekiel warning because we've been commissioned to we've been ordered to we're hopefully Philadelphian individually we're hopefully Philadelphian we're going through the open doors we're trying to warn Jacob we're trying to warn the world we're preaching the gospel as a witness God will call who and how many he wants but we're going to continue to do the work and Jesus Christ here in Matthew 24 you're familiar with this he's talking about the Great Tribulation and the abomination of desolation and flight to a place of protection in verses 19 and 20 verse 21 verse 21 we have him tell us that this will be a Great Tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time no nor ever shall be brethren would I read about the beginning and the statistics regarding world war 2 is not going to be anything to compare to how horrible the next and final revival of the beast will be and it doesn't matter how good or bad the economy is what weapons we build God's law his Sabbath repentance that's why Israel went into captivity thousands of years ago they don't repent to go into captivity again that's why God tells us to come revelation 18:4 come out of her come out of her come out of that system let's go back to Isaiah Isaiah chapter 9 let's continue on with the prophecy in Isaiah because there's good news good news follows the the warning and the sobering proclamation Isaiah chapter 9 Isaiah 9 verse 21 that's that special relationship brethren the special relationship between those brother nations that were blessed because of Abraham's faith Abraham's obedience because God is sovereign because God fulfilled his covenant his promise to make them a great nation and the great nations to be a blessing upon the earth and so God says that at the time of the end they'll turn on each other we see that in verse 21 they'll fall together that did not happen historically Israel into captivity 7:21 and historically Judah went into captivity more than a hundred years later but the story continues anciently and the original manuscripts there's no chapter breaks as you know so God continues on and we come to virt to chapter 10 and God says woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees and so forth and so forth who robbed the needy of justice he's warning the preachers and the leaders about practicing and leading in a right way he talks about robbing the fatherless I wish I had time for that but I tell you what one of the reasons that ancient Israel went into captivity was also being unfair to the weak and the fatherless which has occurs today and the United States not as bad as some countries but I've got to continue on here God then identifies the Syrian verse five and he says woe to Assyria so verse so the first part of chapter 10 we have the punishment upon Jacob and then God shifts gears and he says because the punishments being given by Assyria right and then God says woe to Assyria the my anger and the staff and whose hand is my indignation I will send him against an ungodly people an ungodly nation and against the people of my wrath brethren no parent likes to correct their children but you correct your child because you have to God does not take joy in the fact that the nations of modern Israel will go into the worst time of punishment that they've ever seen worse than the world has ever seen he doesn't take joy in that he sends them against who what against an ungodly nation ungodly people people who have kindled his wrath and Assyria will punish Jacob one last time one last time and it will be devastating but there's good news there's good news Jacob will be saved Jacob will be restored drop down in the chapter 2 verse 20 verse 20 and don't blame Assyria by the way they're the rod of G of God's wrath they're the rod of God's punishment when you get you know a spanking you don't don't blame the the paddle you're the one who broke the you know who did whatever was wrong and had to get punished so we come down to verse 20 I shall come to pass in that day after the punishment after the punishment after the time of Jacob's trouble after the Great Tribulation that the remnant of Israel and those who have escaped that of the house of Jacob will never again depend on him who defeated them but they will depend on the eternal they will know the eternal they will know God the Holy One of Israel the remnant will return to the mighty God for though your people o Israel be as the sand of the sea they were they were blessed they were mighty their empires were huge a few of them will survive a few of them will return verse 22 and God's punishment will pass and they will be redeemed God will make an end to the punishment they will not be last they would not be lost forever this is when the fulfillment of all of those Messianic prophecies that we're going to speak about and hear about during the feast will will occur when the kingdom of God will be set up and established on the earth I'd like to in order to wrap up I'd like to turn to a prophecy we don't go to as often that's messianic that's hopeful and I just find this one interesting and I find it just I think it tells you something it just gives you insight let's turn to Luke Luke the Gospel of Luke Luke chapter 1 from Genesis to Revelation brethren God has revealed that he's working out a plan of salvation not just for Abraham and Abraham's descendants but for all the nations all the nations all whom God calls and I just think it gives us insight into how important that is to God to Christ to the Archangels to the 24 elders I think it's interesting Luke chapter 1 you know there's punishment coming but Israel will be restored some of them will come out physically they'll live on into the Millennium if we've held faithful we'll be changed God's church will be changed at Christ's return will it come into God's family but I find this very encouraging and very interesting Luke chapter 1 we have in verse 26 Christ your header may say Christ's birth announced to Mary now the six month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David the Virgin's name was Mary from the line going back to David and verse 28 the angel said to her rejoice highly favored one the Lord is with you blessed are you among women but when she saw him she was troubled at his at his saying and considered what manner of greeting this was then verse 30 the angel said to her do not be afraid Mary for you have found favor with God and notice how Christ is introduced to her the role the function the promise the hope from Genesis to Revelation brethren it's about the hope and the promise and the faith that God's working out a plan that Christ is king of kings he will return as Lord of lords he will establish God's kingdom on the earth and that's how he's introduced to her before he's even born by Gabriel the angel what does he say behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son and you shall call his name Jesus and He will be great and he will be called the son of the highest and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David and when will that occur in fullness brethren in the Millennium when Abraham's descendants the remnant comes out of the tribulation when hopefully you and I have been changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye and were part of God's family the fulfillment of this introduction of Christ who was not born yet to marry and to us will occur then that is the hope for the world for Israel for you and me and so Gabriel continues and says he will reign over the house of Jacob forever the ultimate fulfillment of the promise that God gave to Abraham it's that all would be called son and of the seed of Abraham all us in God's church today spiritually we are potentially the firstfruits we potentially have the opportunity to receive that reward first but eventually as you know God will not stop at that and that's what the great last great day talks about and so forth and so he will reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there will be no end brethren let's understand and appreciate prophecy not to scare ourselves or scare somebody else but to be thankful that God is sovereign that he declares the end from the beginning he causes his will to come to pass must be thankful that we live at the time of the age when we do after the blessings were poured out upon ephraim and manasseh after being withheld for twenty five hundred twenty years let's be thankful for that special relationship that the Israelitish nations have had but you know what brethren we're more thankful for the special relationship we have with God we're more thankful for the special relationship that we have with Jesus Christ let's uphold God's law let's come out of this world and let's be worthy of that special relationship
Channel: Living Church of God
Views: 6,226
Rating: 4.7948718 out of 5
Keywords: prophecy, biblical, god's plan
Id: 1Yt1eQ03aVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 0sec (4500 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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