The $250 3D Printed Lever Action Nerf Blaster

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two hundred and fifty dollars yeah me too I was surprised to see the price of this 3D printed Nerf blaster despite the rave reviews I needed to see for myself whether this Blaster could check off five key requirements I have determining whether this Blaster is worth your money or not will depend on how many green check marks I can give it and the results were absolutely not what I was expecting requirement one it had to be easy to build this is the silly butts lever action Blaster aka the slab printed and provided to me by out of darts there are two different versions of this Blaster there's the 250 dollar fully assembled version and the version that was gifted to me the 185 dollar do-it-yourself kit it was actually my first time assembling a 3D printed Nerf blaster so I wanted the kit and the instructions to be as clear as possible and this is where I got lulled into a false sense of security the kit itself was nicely printed and packaged the instructional video by silly butts was shockingly easy to follow mind you there were a couple of times where I got confounded but I just kept re-watching and I eventually got it it took me approximately three but probably four hours to build this thing and it was more fun than I thought then the excitement was killed when it came time to actually test firing the Blaster it just didn't work darts were getting jammed the prime wasn't working the trigger wasn't working I spent more hours troubleshooting the slab than actually building it every solution to a problem birthed a new problem and at some point I was ready to just give up on this whole project but after getting help from three different sources I was finally able to get the slab functioning looking back on it now the solutions themselves weren't hard to implement it was just difficult figuring out what the problem was and which solutions would actually work I'm guessing that most other customers didn't have the same amount of issues as me when building this and especially if you got the pre-assembled Blaster but I just want to be transparent that this was the experience that I had this leaves me in a weird spot because people have had Flawless experiences with building this Blaster but I haven't so right now I'm going to say that for requirement one I can only give it a half check mark so while I was testing out the slab I also partnered with myheritage to test out my DNA I've always wondered if I'm like related to the Nerf dart on the family tree my Heritage was like okay that's weird but years of DNA testing kit and it was a really easy process essentially they just took my spit and instead of selling it on the black market like they should have done they uh securely analyzed my DNA in their labs to my family tree and then this happened I got back my DNA results I haven't looked at them yet we're gonna do that right now [Music] what what what the hell I'm freaking I thought it was mainly Chinese and Japanese the Scandinavian that's totally unexpected I don't know where the hell that came from I mean that's pretty neat like I wouldn't have figured out any of this by myself like you just have this map so you can get a general idea of where um your ancestors are from I even found some new living humans that could be related to me you can learn about your family history by getting a DNA kit using my link below and you can steal my coupon code in the description for free shipping too now back to the Nerf content luckily I think the problems that I encountered with the slab can be avoided for future slab customers and I'll talk more about that in the conclusion of this video requirement two the slab has to be ergonomic it's a very long Blaster and if it's hard to wield well that's a really big red flag luckily thanks to the design by silly butts and the specific build choices from Outer darts there's really not much to complain about here if designed poorly the extreme angle of this handle could really screw up your wrist but in this case I don't even think about it because it's just so ergonomic the stock is solid and curved the texture and the groove on the front grip are nice but I still find my hand slips way too often when using this Blaster personally I think a vertical grip would better suit me no issues with the mag well or the mag release everything is just super Snappy the slab is big and I have a smaller frame so for me it's hitting the edge of what's comfortable but for like the 97 of the population with a larger frame than me you will better enjoy the ergonomics of the slab so let's give requirement to a big fat check mark requirement 3 the slab's lever action system has to be Flawless its main selling point and the reason people love this lab is because of its lever action priming system there are barely any lever action Nerf blasters in existence let alone 3D printed ones and the slab's unique design puts lever action on the freaking map I think I installed a 130 FPS spring in here but despite that the prime emotion is unbelievably smooth and light to the point that I forget I'm using a high performance Blaster the physics of the lever action priming system is so genius because it makes it so that you're not fighting against the full tension of the spring but you still get all the full benefits of the spring and its power because of the system you can fire the Blaster repeatedly without getting as exhausted as you might think and the sigma energy that's felt from priming this Blaster is a different dose of satisfaction I will note that repeated back-to-back firing of this Blaster might get the back of your hand soar after hitting against this priming handle a lot but obviously you're not going to be using this blaster in this way frequently for requirement 3 heck yeah this Lever Action System is awesome so we gotta give it a green check mark requirement 4 it's a no-brainer the slab needs to have consistent and solid performance especially at its price point unfortunately my testing revealed a lot of things I was hoping to avoid for average velocity the Blaster alongside what I believe is the 130 FPS spring installed was getting an average of 128 feet per second so that's fine but what worried me was how inconsistent than the numbers were sometimes shots of 140 FPS were followed by shots of 110 FPS and firing the slab downrange showed that same inconsistency I just want to make a note that the footage here was before I was able to fully fix the slab but it was still in good enough working condition that I could fire some darts downrange I was aiming for the white chair yet the dart flight patterns were unpredictable to say the least I don't know if other people are seeing similar performance issues as well I like to think that it could be faulty just due to the way that I built it but either way this isn't ideal again like my final decision for requirement one I'm struggling to weigh my own experience with the more positive experiences that other people have so for now I'm giving a requirement for a half check mark requirement 5 the slab has to be a not rip-off without tax or shipping factored in from autodart's website you can get the fully assembled blaster for 250 USD or the DIY kit for 185 USD to me it seems pretty comparable to other high performance 3D print to Nerf blasters on the market I'm not saying you can't find more affordable powerful blasters than the slab but I'm also taking into account that this is one of the few that have a lever action priming system that you might be seeking therefore requirement 5 gets a check mark finally is the slab worth your money going into this review I had five key requirements that the slab needed to meet in total three requirements got their check marks of approval but two of them could only get half points technically that's a passing grade but let's think on this building this Blaster was fun until it wasn't and even in fully functional form it's still spitting out inconsistent performance don't get me wrong this Blaster is super fun to use but it's just totally being overshadowed by those two things purely based off my own experience with building the slab I can't honestly recommend this kit to anyone if I knew that they were going to go through the exact same difficulties that I did and mind you this was sent to me for free as a review sample so if I had my own money on the line and I bought this kit I would be a lot more frustrated but on the positive side I think the chances of someone encountering the exact same frustrations as me while building this will be a lot lower because other darts is going to be releasing their own tutorial build guide I've given out of darts my feedback about this kit and they should be addressing those in this video as well as any other tips and tricks that currently aren't in any videos online I'd also like to believe that if I reviewed a fully assembled version of the slab instead my review would be a lot more positive but for now I'll leave it there you can check out my other 3D printed Nerf blaster reviews on the screen and thanks again to Luke and the team at Oda darts for sending me the slab
Channel: legitbread
Views: 125,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerf slab, nerf slab review, lever action nerf, nerf lever action shotgun, nerf out of darts, nerf sillybutts, nerf 3d printed blasters, 3d printed nerf guns, 3d printed nerf review, coop772
Id: OYvYl9sxg4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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