The 21st Century Aspiring Muslimah

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[Music] we begin with by praising and thanking allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala for all his numerous favors and bounties upon us he is the lord creator nourish protect and provide them absolutely everything in in existence thereafter we ask of him the almighty to confer his choices peace blessings and salutations upon our beloved messenger and leader the guide of this ummah and other than muhammad and mustafa upon his noble family upon all of these noble wives and illustrious companions his wives who were known as the mothers of the believers keeps all of us at large myself yourselves from amongst those whom he loves and those who allah the almighty and majestic is pleased with in both worlds in this life and in the next my respected brothers and sisters in islam locally within south africa and wherever you may be watching and finding yourselves today if it is night in our part of the world it's already evening for those globally wherever you may be we have greeted you with the universal greetings of peace of love and mercy and we extend our heartfelt appreciation and warm wishes to yourselves for having joined us this evening on this special expose on the special online symposium which we have titled the 21st century aspiring muslim now we know for those from south africa august is referred to as women's month in south africa and there are many times or days like this globally but in our part of the world this is what it is known as and referred to currently and alhamdulillah this evening we have dedicated this particular special program an exclusive online symposium dedicated towards preserving the honor of the women folk which islam affords them at all times not only on certain occasions or specific time periods no but islam has given them this honor so much so that within the quran we would find that there is an entire chapter revealed after the womenfolk named as suratu nisa the chapter named after the womenfolk there is in fact no chapter called surat the chapter of the male folk or the men so this evening has given our women a great honor in his sight and as these scholars say we have suratu nisa al-kubra which is the actual suratu nissa the fourth chapter of the noble quran and then we also have surah nisa asura which is the chapter of talaq found was in the 28th just of the noble quran so this evening my respected brothers and sisters in islam wherever you may be this program is dedicated towards not only upholding and preserving their honor and status with us but also how we come to know and understand the key roles that they play and the integral part that they do play within our lives and also within the lives of society in general with that having been said we warm we warmly extend our greetings to yourselves once more and we thank you for being here and without further ado we will move on to our very first guest for this evening the honorable hakeem who is joining us all the way from jeddah in saudi arabia and sheikh asim al-hakeem will be discussing the first topic on our agenda for this evening and that is the topic of understanding the noble status of women welcome to our program this evening and thank you very much for honoring our invitation once more allah bless you and preserve you with us you can't live with them and you can not live without them this is what people are taught since a very young age and it seems to resonate everywhere however islam is different because islam is not man-made it is from allah the almighty azzawajal if we look at the status of women in old nations we will find that since the beginning of time almost whenever a society or a culture or a nation was far from islam you will find that women were treated as trash as rubbish they used to dispute centuries ago whether a woman had a soul or not and a lot of the men would say amen yeah this is what people see and perceive in the media when they are not related to islam the arabs whenever someone died they inherited his wife as they inherit property as they inherit plots and wealth the arabs used to consider having a female as something shameful to the extent that whenever someone was blessed with a female daughter he would anticipate the right moment to take her and bury her in the ground alive so that she would die alive and he would not be disgraced in the future as he thinks if you go to the hindus till recently and until today it's still practice but it is illegal but till couple of years ago whenever a man died they would cremate him alongside with his living wife they will burn her her with him because she's worthless after the death of her husband if you go back in history the pharaohs used to sacrifice a virgin a beautiful girl by throwing her in the nile so that they would ask the gods to send them rain and to preserve them and keep them safe from drought and if you look at women in the west they're not much better than women in the previous nations and this might be shocking to some because most people think that we live in the best era of history as they say because women have gained their claimed freedom which allows them which entitles them to do whatever they what what they wish so you hear feminists everywhere shouting screaming and calling for their rights a woman nowadays works exactly like a man in every field even if it does not suit her nature which led which led to losing her integrity and not being feminine as before she's now more inclined to being masculine because she was forced to leave her home to work and to do the things that are against her nature in america alone and this is according to the fbi website i think in 2015 the statistics stated that a thousand cases of rape happens in the usa per day a thousand cases of rape in 2015 and you do the math how many cases happen per not let's not say hour per minute this is in the biggest democracy in the world and we can go on and on talking about how women wear and are treated islam which matters to us most as muslims because we submitted our will to allah azzawajal we believe in the quran and in the sunnah with the understanding of the three favorite blessed generations therefore we're in sync with islam and we think according to what islam wants us to think so when we look at the status of women in islam we find that islam has given women their rights fully and this is according to what it's not according to how westerners think because then you would have a very big gap the west wants equality in islam we do not have equality we have fairness because equality is unattainable you cannot ask a woman to be the bread earner while the man is sitting home and you cannot ask the man to conceive and become pregnant while the woman is working outside there is no equality in such but there is fairness so islam gives women their full rights and they make them islam makes them equal to men in status as the prophet had said women are the twin halves of men they are the twin half half men half women and the prophet alaihis salatu reiterated so many times this phrase create women kindly so every almost gathering that the muslims were gathered in public places in large places like reed and hajj the prophet used to always emphasize on the fact of being kind to women on being kind to weddels on being kind to daughters even your own parent the prophet alaihis salatu salman asked who is the most worthy of my best companionship the prophet said your mother the companion said then who the prophet said your mother the companion said okay then who the prophet said your mother then the companion went on to say then who the prophet said your father so threefold of your best companionship should be given to your mom because she is a female because she's worthy of being taken care of more than your father as for your wife the prophet said allah the best of you all muslims are those best to you to their wives and i the prophet says about himself i'm the best among you to my wives as for the daughters the prophet said whoever is blessed with three daughters and he raises them well he educates them well and he gets them married they will be his visor his screen from hellfire he will not see hellfire one of the companions said what about two a prophet of allah the prophet said two one said what about one o prophet of allah did not say that but they said to themselves well we think that if we were to ask the prophet about one girl about one daughter he was given us the same response so women have their status in islam now you may say okay then what is the issue of a woman getting half the man in inheritance this is not true this is in certain cases in some cases the women get more and for example if a man dies leaving one daughter a father and a mother the daughter gets more than the father the father of the deceased his only single daughter gets more than the percentage that his father gets so in issues of inheritance it's a complicated issue but it is not true that it's always the man gets double the the female and even when the man gets double the female even if the female is having her portion of inheritance yet a man is ordered to spend over his mother his daughter his wife and if his sister is needy he's obliged to spend and provide for her and the issue of hijab which everybody thinks that this is a form of oppression because they're used to exposing their women so they think that covering her up is oppression and the funny thing is and this is a side note in france and belgium and other oppressive undemocratic countries they impose a fine on a woman who wears a niqab with the corona virus oh allah be praised for the coronavirus they made it recommend not recommended obligatory upon even men to better than nikon the face mask and everybody is giving thumbs up to wearing the nikab yet it's still a crime in france a couple of days ago the interior minister scolded a group of policemen who approached on the beach in france couple of women who were bathing sunbathing topless and they said that you should move somewhere else because there are families the policemen were christians the families were not muslims but because this was so offensive for women to go topless this caused the interior minister to come on the media and condemn what the policemen did why they said this is a free country women should not be oppressed like this they should wear whatever they want actually they should strip of whatever she they want subhanallah and when my wife wears the nikab she's fine where is the freedom but this is not our point this has not happened because it we will take all night if we were to go into the injustice these people are doing in islam we treat women as a valued jewel you would never find someone with an expensive jewel putting it on the table for the people to come and see and watch and touch and play with they will protect it and this is why allah says in the quran o prophet tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves part of their outer garments that is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused this is to protect them so that they will not be abused because when people recognize that these are women or beautiful women they will harass them so islam covers this jewel with proper attire now if you look in the media today the nature of people has been twisted women anchor women on the media are more famous when they show their cleavage and they wear mini skirts and they put a leg on top of the other and you see her thigh visible maybe something else while men are covered from neck downwards men cannot come with short sleeves on tv oh what is this polo shirt go and wear the suit men cannot come wearing shorts as an anchorman and this shows you how people's nature has been twisted islam protects women the women that are being publicized and given as a role model today she does not come on the media except with her hair with her cleavage with her arms with her legs exposed to everyone to see islam takes care of women to the extent that even a woman's reputation is protected listen to this beautiful verse allah says to what translates to and those who accuse chaste women accuse them of what of adultery fornication gossiping talking about her and saying look look she went she has a boyfriend she does this she does that and those who accuse chased women and then do not produce four witnesses what's the punishment lash them with eighty lashes and do not accept from them testimony never after and those are definitely or defiantly disobedient whoa three punishments for what for just a single word that i said about this woman she's a she's a she is a prostitute free punishments to protect a woman's reputation and to prevent those disobedient from talking about your sister my sister your daughter and my daughter is there any other religion that protects women like this if we were to look around we will find a lot of stories highlighting the heroism of women in islam many stories alhamdulillah but these stories are very minute and little compared to the numerous different stories about men so what's the reason and feminists say ha look islam degrades women islam oppresses women why don't we have so many stories as men the sheikh said it himself hold your horses hold your horses you know why we have less stories about women than men simply because each of men and women they have their own separate ways separate life style separate roles in islam the default in a woman's life is to be concealed to be hidden to work backstage so a woman's sacrifice a woman's heroism is portrayed upon her children her husband the men of her relatives to her in her own environment and community in her own family and she also participates positively among women folk in a totally segregated environment because women were not created to be standing out in the community a woman's role is never to stand among men calling people addressing them and unfortunately nowadays even among the muslims you find a female diary a female scholar a female preacher and she's wearing she's covering her hair not wearing the proper hijab and addressing men and women and when this began like 15 20 years ago this was shocking it began in some cultures not alhamdulillah in america generally speaking and bit by bit we've started to see the steps of shaytan so now instead of addressing only women which is totally legit totally halal now they are addressing men and women and nowadays they're sharing the platform the stage with other men some scholars scholars say pros and cons this is for the good of humanity this is good for spreading islam i think sheikh i'm going to go for it i beg to differ but this is your opinion and after sharing the stage now we see masha allah video clips coming the sheikh the great dari with the sheikha the great darya on the same table platform and they're addressing the audience and their chit-chatting cracking jokes doing things well i'm ashamed of doing i'm not a good practicing muslim but when i see this i said this is too much even i wouldn't do that so this is something that is going out of the straight path this is not the religion of muhammad ali or prophet this is not his way but the people when they want recognition when they want fame they do hideous things just to be acknowledged among the people just to be pointed to say good chef many followers on instagram on twitter on facebook on whatever he sounds good he talks good where is the beef they say big loaf of bread but where is the beef where is the beneficial thing a woman is was never created to address people and to come in the open allah created her to be a form and source of tranquility to her husband and to raise up her children and to be their mother and mentor and this is why one of the most articulate women of all times was with her the prophet islam ordered us to learn our religion from her yet she would never ever address the muslims in congregation or call them to ajummah and she leads for example or she makes a public lecture to the muslims in the masjid though she is their mother allah says and his wives are their mothers the mothers of the believers so i don't want to take much time because my time is limited as well as yours most of our problems nowadays are caused by our separation from islam and let us be frank in a muslim country in an islamic center in an area that is governed by the community of muslims we will find that we have this split personality of dr jekyll mr hyde the norm that islam has approved and called for and that all people's pure nature calls for is that a woman's place is in her home where she's good with her husband and she takes excellent care of her children and that she does not mix up with men she limits her mixing with her women folk with the same gender and with her mahram men her uncle her father her son her brother her nephew her father-in-law her father her son-in-law her stepfather her stepson etc these are the mahrams and at the same time the man's natural position is for him to work earn and put food on the table so that he would provide for his family and not acquire them to go and work whenever this equation is imbalanced therefore you will have the result in a catastrophe where women do not abide by the hijab where women work with men and they deprive the bread or the money earners from their potential job so she takes his job and he's the one who feeds his parents his sisters and brothers and his wife and children a whole family is jeopardized by this woman who doesn't have to work but she wants to work who spends 70 percent of her income on new dresses perfumes and makeup this is not the norm yes this is not the case always there might be some women who are desperately in need of work and this is a different issue when she doesn't have anyone to provide for her yes she can work but she has to work in an islamic environment otherwise the norm for a woman is to stay home allah says in the quran addressing the wives of the prophet and they are our role model allah says and abide in your houses and do not display yourselves as was the display of the former times of ignorance the times of jahiliyyah so the female women are ordered to take the mothers of the believers as role models so what is the status of women taking the mothers of the believers as role models is definitely a very big gap the enemies of islam and we are focused only on the muslim community we don't care about the non-muslims they have their own religion they have their own beliefs they want to destroy the community it's up to them doesn't matter for to us we give them advice but definitely they're not going to take it what we care about are the muslims the enemies of islam they want women in islam to be an engineer working with men bossing them around mixing with them they want her an anchor woman appearing on tv with full makeup they want her an air hostess alhamdulillah we don't have any uh airlines flying in our days but this is what they want her to do to be they want her to be a waitress in a cafe or in a restaurant they want her a doctor a medical doctor who treats not only women but only men and only not only women but also men if she were to treat women only that would be a win-win that would be the best but no you can't only treat women you have to treat men as well and they want her to be an actress a singer diva they want her to be a supermodel this is what the enemies of islam want for our women and listen to what allah says allah wants to accept your repentance but those who follow their passion and desires want you to this want you to digress into a great deviation so the status of women in islam is highly regarded and i know that some of you would say this wahhabi is from saudi arabia they oppress women they're this they're that well this is all great lies i was blessed with the grace of allah with two wives and i have 13 daughters no sons alhamdulillah and i have five granddaughters so actually i am swimming in an ocean of estrogen and sometimes i feel that i'm growing a uterus may allah protect us that i don't get my period so all what i see is women around me i cannot be objective i care for women they're all around me i love women i can't live without them and i would by allah choose the very best for them according to what pleases allah and the prophet muhammad ali but never ever would i approve or agree with crossing the line and this is why we say do not listen to these feminists those who want women to go and try don't listen to men don't restrict yourself to men do whatever comes into your mind enjoy your feelings this is your body you're free to do whatever you want with your body subhanallah this is how they speak to our women take your hijab why being oppressed this is not fair why aren't the man covering their faces or their hair why do they go to the beach where i can't go to the beach why do you do this we don't do that and they keep on whispering the whispers of shaytaan in their ears before they used to do it in their ears now it's also visual so you go to instagram you go to snapshot you go to pinterest you go to twitter you go to face hell facebook or you go to uh youtube all what you see is people as allah said but those who follow their passions want you to to digress into a great deviation all what you see is people calling them to hell come to us come to us and our girls and women don't have the proper iman nor the proper connection to the quran and to the sunnah say that what these guys are saying is logical why should i obey my father why should i be married to a man who controls me and plays with me like a puppeteer i'm not a puppet i have my own life i to live i have my own wishes and desires and blah blah blah and then what and then what tell me after death is it jannah or is it help or or or paradise what is it you want the problem is they see no further than their nose the tip of their nose they can't see further practicing women righteous women pious women that i know a lot of in my culture in the uk in malaysia in nigeria in kenya i've seen them all over the world abiding by their very discreet very polite full of bashfulness you don't hear anything about them but when i speak to them one to one or i see their resumes i am shocked these if we were in the west would have become role models but these women want allah they want paradise they don't want exposure like all of us we don't want exposure if we would wanted to to have exposure and fame i could do this in five minutes write a tweet or give a lecture where i say something that would be a jaw dropper to the muslims and defy some of the rules of the quran the sunnah tomorrow i'll be on cnn on cnn but to abide by the quran the sunnah and not to want fame not to want recognition just want to please allah it's very difficult but those women who succeed in doing it they'll go straight to jannah so i conclude my talk with look into the status of women in islam don't be fooled by cultures by wrong practices of muslims go to the source the quran the sunnah seek your knowledge from the quran the sunnah with understanding of the three favorite generations and relate to women who are practicing who are walking the talk and you can find them in your cultures don't look for celebrities whenever you find a woman who is a celebrity you know that she is not a role model and she cannot be a role model because she's famous and she is exposed to everyone to look at and to listen at and this defies the purpose of hijab then why why did allah impose hijab if she comes on the media like this and with patience and tolerance and with following the quran the sunnah you with the grace of allah will be in paradise insha allah may allah azzawajal make me and you and all those listening and watching among the people and dwellers of paradise muhammad and always keep you in the service of his noble religion that of allah the book of allah and the sunnah of his noble messenger upon the understanding of our righteous predecessors of this ummah we thank you for that fruitful discussion and points of advice there is one question as we usually do our custom when the talk is done that we do accept questions from our viewers one such question from one of our students is that is it permissible for a woman to use social media as a platform to spread darawa and encourage other muslim sisters i presume to do so as well on the condition that she is correctly covered at all times it is not permissible for a sister to appear in a public platform even if her intention was to give the hour to the sisters because we know that social media is not segregated so even if she's covered and her covering the best would be is you know the ninja uh turtles or the the the zero nekob which is good but still i can hear her i can see her eyes she's in front of me so if i want to lower my gaze there's no point of her coming live like this hypothetically speaking she's covering her face the vast majority of people would uncover their faces and just cover their head and maybe her hair is an afro so she's covering it and she looks maybe better than if it were an afro maybe some people like afro some people don't i'm not saying that this is an issue of um criticizing how the way he literally looks maybe her hair is so rolled down and so soft that it is like dead hair you never know covering the hair makes her more beautiful so the beauty is all in the face in my case the ugliness is all in the face but in women this is why whenever a man wanted to marry another the prophet would say to him did you look to her face if she was walking covered the prophet wouldn't have asked him this because okay the prophet of allah we see her on the streets in the masjid in the market so the man said no the prophet said go and look at her this is a must that you look at a woman's face so if the sister is coming on social media on youtube even if she's teaching the quran or the sunna or um when she speaks this is the playground of shaytan even i if i if i look at the sister who is teaching us how to perform salah and she says and you say allahu akbar and i said this is how shaytan works and allah wants to protect me and protect you my sister if you or my daughter to say if you want to give dawah go in a classroom go in a closed environment where you can teach only sisters no male attending or listening if you say no i would like to benefit women well with all due respect us men have gazillions of lectures and detailed description in quran and sunnah and akida and everything so we have covered almost all aspects even purity even pahara even higher menses even postnatal bleeding the whole nine yards so what will you contribute that men did not contribute if you want to do something on social media let it be in writing there's no problem in that go on twitter go in publishing something here and there in writing where you don't show your face yourself you don't show uh your voice providing that you do not chit-chat with men so it's only with women answering women keep it all simple don't allow shaytan to penetrate and don't be a role model to other girls who will take you as someone who started something and they followed it and then on the day of judgment you will find that so many sins on your back because of those who followed you and allah knows we thank you and appreciate your time spent with us this evening we ask [Music] and find yourselves across the world we thank you once more for being with us this evening in our part of the world and wherever else it may be according to your time zone may allah bless guide and protect all of you at large and grant us to have the ability of full comprehension and understanding of what not [Music] will be sharing with us as we move along further into our programme my respected brothers and sisters in islam there is something very beautiful an example found within the noble quran we know that islam as highlighted has given a huge status and honor to the women folk i said earlier on before we welcome hakim that islam within the noble quran we find allah subhanahu one such beautiful example that i would like to share with you is a beautiful very wonderful and amazing ayah of the noble quran whereby allah had revealed a very important verse to the women folk and to the males of this ummah but on one particular occasion we find as is recorded in kefir and meaning other explanations the exegesis of the noble quran we find that our noble mother none other than mother of the believers and on one occasion she complained she asked she questioned her beloved husband and she had asked him the question as the hadith very beautifully highlights and indicates to us let's listen carefully why is it the case that we as women are not explicitly and directly made mention of within the noble quran meaning within the feminine pronoun as how the male folk are done and how allah addresses them and obviously we know within islam when allah subhanahu wa ta'ala addresses in the masculine plural or pronoun then it refers to both male and female but this was a very valid question that our mother is and so she says then on one day without realizing the prophet allah is calling from the member from these pulpits and she says i was combing my hair she was combing her hair so i tied my hair back and then i went out to my chamber within my house and i started listening to a verse which the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam at that time then said in is speaking and this was a very beautiful and lengthy verse which was revealed verily the believing males the believing females those who believe in allah those who do good etc etc joining us right now i'm not going to recite that verse for you myself but joining us right now all the way from singapore to recite this verse and other verses of the noble quran very beautifully unto our ears and our vision from what we will be seeing shortly is a dear friend and colleague none other than of singapore we welcome the chef and he will be reciting uh for us a few moments inshallah to adam before we move on to our very next honored guest as well in sha allah and that you are in service of islam for many many more you know recite for us some beautiful verses of the noble quran which we have put uh together the translation as well this evening for yourselves who may not be familiar with the ayat so inshallah we welcome you now and we wish to listen to the melodious voice allah subhanahu wa allah has blessed you with barack obama [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] all the way from singapore it's very late it's already in fact 3 a.m in the morning that side six hours ahead of us in south africa but the chef is still with us and he always accepts my invitation bless you having me and protect you leaving us now my dear brothers and sisters he will be back later on inshaallah ta'ala with another recitation beautifully and melodiously from the book of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala uh [Music] once more and that you were able to follow the translation of those verses of the noble quran pertaining to the women folk and in particular the one verse that i had discussed and mentioned about before the sheikh had begun his recital may allah bless all of us at large respected brothers and sisters wherever you may find yourselves across the world alhamdulillah it now gives me great pleasure to welcome a very special guest of ours who is joining us this evening alhamdulillah we are honored that he has accepted our invitation and that is none other than bilal phillips as we know the sheikh is an internationally renowned islamic scholar orator and author the sheikh is also the founder and the chancellor of the islamic open university sheikh dr phillips began his journey when he converted to islam decades ago having studied in other places as well the sheikh was born and raised in jamaica and is also canadian by citizenship masha allah completed his master's at kingston university and also completed his phd from the university of wales sheikh dr velazquez has dozens of books and alhamdulillah i'm humbled that the sheikh has joined us this evening and alhamdulillah sheikh is someone who we hosted as well two years back in 2018 when the came to visit us on the in the how are you doing this evening dr milan can i don't think that we can hear you could we please speak the volume is turned out uh volume is is that maximum all right bit of a bind now this is the end of the evening yes i you know and i'm not sure how far we're going to be able to get because we've had the electricity off all day here in addis ababa ethiopia and the internet batteries computer batteries are down i'm now on 36 remaining which means it won't be really enough for me to complete a presentation of you know truly of half an hour or more so i'm i'm very sorry i was um about to send you an uh and a text saying you know i will have to forget this one and try another time but my wife was insistent trying to do this and that changed sims and contacting the uh internet company and uh this but anyway um with the reality is that um i as i said i won't be able to there's not enough battery left on my laptop to finish it because our original plan was uh half an hour ago half an hour ago i did have some more charge but we may have to do this at another time um i can just make a brief summary i had uh collected material because the issue was raised that all right i think that we had unfortunately lost our honorable guest dr bilal phillips there uh inshallah to allah we will try to see if we can regain connection with dr bilal for those who do not know our honourable chef is currently in ethiopia and due to many strikes and protests which have been happening within that particular country electricity does get cut from time to time throughout the day and also there may be interruptions with the internet connections so we do apologize for that hopefully inshallah ta'ala we will gain contact once more with uh ferdinand chef dr phillips so my dear brothers and sisters in islam indeed we always are thankful and praise allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for all these numerous favors and bounties which he continues to bestow upon us as an ummah as followers of muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the biggest thereof is that we thank allah by remaining committed muslims towards understanding our deen of allah and the sunnah and through that we need to be advised all the time constantly on a regular basis to recreate [Music] through platforms like these we know that our messenger has said that indeed whatsoever allah [Music] to the one who he wishes goodness for and to the one who allah [Music] so my dear brothers and sisters in islam it is with that intention that we always put together these online symposiums especially during this time that the world has been experiencing covert 19 there's been many adjustments to the lives that we have regularly been leading before then and so this is a network but how we go about taking this into implementation and how we handle it and how we conduct ourselves with the favors of allah indeed we will be questioned for so the call is always that we strive our level best towards participating towards reconnecting with the deen of allah towards connecting ourselves as our guest during last week's program chef dr ibrahimoho from nigeria and malaysia had mentioned to us reconnecting ourselves to the scholars that is our aim and objective so that we may be of those who are people of understanding remember alhamdulillah i do see dr bilal phillips has joined us once more alhamdulillah for that but before we welcome dr bilal there he is we will ask dr insha'allah to continue uh with the remaining time uh i'm reminded as much as you had planned we do understand circumstances as i tried to explain the the topic i can only say a few words on this topic concerning the rules of muslim women in the 21st century um i was challenged by some of um of my followers on facebook when they saw this topic and all of the people who are going to be speaking on it you know on the various uh branches of this topic uh we're all men you know and uh so what happened to the the women's uh uh point of view and etc etc these issues were raised to me so what i did was i contacted you know um women who are either uh people uh part of our administration in um in the international open university you know who are quite outspoken um as well as teachers the opinions i took the betweenings of one of the teachers in the u.s and you know [Music] a working convert muslim in india and i also took opinions from our brother badir zaman his mother she gave some opinions also so i tried to look at all of these various opinions and share share them this was the plan to share them in my presentation but uh with the laptops uh charge being as low as it is it's now gone down to uh 32 and uh if this was a brand new laptop 32 could mean you know half an hour hour but this is a few years old so it means only about 10 or 15 minutes so what i would do rather than trying to bring all of that information to you for reflection i would say in general that when we ask about the role of the muslim woman in the 21st century we have to ask ourselves wasn't islam supposed to be for all hope places is all people and all times the final message of islam came it is for all times so what was the role of the woman in the time of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in the time of the prophets before him it's the same rule and the change of time doesn't change the role yes we are faced with the covet 19 which has caused the patterns of life to change in order to adjust and become functionable in new circumstances with the shutdowns the lockdowns uh travel restrictions and shutting of clue schools uh businesses and all these this which is taking place in the societies uh this is a time a trying time but there have been trying times before and the prophet saw sallam spoke about you know the plague and if there's a plague in a land don't go there if you're there don't leave you know he gave instructions concerning this type of a circumstance so in general we could say that if we look at the basic roles of a woman in the time of the prophet muhammad in islam in general her being a muslim you know either she is a daughter at home so what's her role her role as a daughter at home would be to honor and obey her parents this is a point that our convert muslim from india who is a supervisor in uh ibm company there you know she she pointed out that first and foremost as a daughter islam calls on her to honor her parents so that role hasn't changed as a sister in the home she is entrusted and given the responsibility of maintaining harmony with her siblings she's got brothers or other sisters as a muslim she should be at harmony with them not at odds fighting where that situation changes like recent cases which came up in pakistan uh which became front page news where after parents had died the brothers put their sister in lockdown locked her up in a room and took all the inheritance that was evil that was wrong it should be corrected because she has as a sister the same rights as her brothers of course the portions of the inheritance are different but she has the right to inherit and to live a productive life for herself but they stole that from her they showed pictures of the police breaking into the house and you know arresting the brothers and all this so harmony this is a requirement as a sister in the home circumstance as a wife her responsibility would be to obey respect and be patient with her spouse with her husband as a wife has that role changed no well in some countries where the influence of western civilization which uh has destroyed the relationship between the man and the woman the husband and wife trying to turn it into something artificial and unnatural where both are equal there's no leader just two individuals with two different ideas that have to get along that approach of course that is a change that has taken place and it has been introduced into many muslim countries in countries where this has happened it should be corrected you know the society needs to change it and the women and the men need to speak out and ensure that the responsibilities which islam has set for husbands and wives should be followed as a mother as a mother her responsibility is to raise righteous children to raise righteous children in the 21st century has that changed technically no that responsibility to raise righteous children people say well it's to raise children to raise good children it's righteous children this is the responsibility of parents and they will be held accountable to allah if they don't fulfill this responsibility they are to raise righteous children and that process of raising righteous children is itself ibadah worship of allah so with regard to their children they worship allah by raising them righteously so it means of course in our time where parents were typically putting children in crushes you know nurseries others taking care of their children as they run out to work this is a distortion those early years should be spent closely with the children they shouldn't be given to others to take care of well with covet 19 and the shutdown of the nurseries well it's now thrown back into the lap of the mother and she now has to take up the responsibilities that are involved in educating her children at home so she needs to be engaged in learning herself how to introduce islamic thoughts and concepts into the educational material which has been given to her children either the older children are getting it now by video conferencing video classes online classes etc she needs to be there to add to whatever they're learning an islamic view an islamic uh understanding to put it in the context of islam so as the mother a change in the role due to covid actually this is a good change because it's putting that responsibility back into the hands of the mother where it should be for some women as workers in offices they're working in offices etc their responsibility as a muslim is to fulfill the trust that they have engaged in in the contract with their employers their employers have hired them to do productive work they need to fear a law and do the best that they can they should not fall into the office culture of cat and mouse when the cats away the mice will play when the manager is not around everybody leans back and relaxes they start working as soon as the manager is coming okay but it's not working no they shouldn't engage in that as a worker they've signed a contract to do their best and if they play this game and they earn their check at the end of the month that check is illegitimate they're stealing money from their employer people don't look at it like that because that's just how businesses operate but as a female muslim in a business that is her responsibility and it's the same on males it's on all who are working for others as a neighbor her islamic responsibility is to be a good neighbor allah tells us about the neighbors through the messenger salam who mentioned that jibril came and instructed him with rights of the neighbor that made him think that the neighbor was going to inherit would be one of the inheritors so many rights whoever believes in allah on the last day is good to their guest and good to their neighbors the prophet sallallahu has stressed neighborliness to a large degree because of the changes in society today and the way people are living it's not uncommon that people don't even know who their neighbors are in many cases especially in in the west where people are living in huge high-rises etc [Music] you hear every year cases where people die in their homes nobody even knows until they stink that's coming out from their place the neighbors you know come across this stench which is coming out of this apartment and they call the police and finally they break the door down and find the neighbor died and the neighbors of that individual don't even know who that person was weren't even aware they were sick or anything they were living completely compartmentalized lives so it is the duty of a muslim woman to be kind to her neighbors to share prophet said if you you're making a bowl of soup make add more water to it so you can share it with your neighbors so this sense of neighborliness and concern and this is something which needs to be revitalized especially in cities the big cities etc where women may have neighbors who they don't even know as a homemaker she is the head of the household because the prophet said all of you are uh herders you know your hurt is of a flock and every one of you is responsible for that flock so they went out to explain about the husband being responsible and then after the husband he mentioned the wife when in the absence of the husband the wife now becomes the head of the family so she has to play this role well normally if she was out working because society has now pushed the woman out of the home into the workforce this situation where she has come back home puts on her shoulders new responsibilities as the head of the household to ensure that that household functions in an islamic way a way which is pleasing to allah a way which islam has prescribed according to the quran and according to the sunnah as a homemaker we mentioned the homemaker sorry as an entrepreneur because women have businesses and this is not something new some people may look at a woman having her own business she's a head of a business and it's not something new women had businesses in the time of the prophet muhammed in the marketplace there were women selling women buying so having their own business is nothing against islamic teachings in any way shape or form unless the business itself is haram or the way in which the business is conducted so as an entrepreneur her responsibility again is to be honest in what she's selling because islam in business prohibits deception modern business from the western percept perspective to a large degree is based on deception all of the marketing tools and and images and media etc use is to promote falsely promote product to convince people to buy what they don't really need or to make claims about a product that it doesn't really fulfill muslim business people can carry business in that way they have to be honest as the prophet sallallahu when he walked into a to the marketplace in medina at one point and a man had a pile of grain and he stuck his hand in the middle and he pulled out some grain which was wet and he asked the businessman what's this he said oh what the the rain fell last night on it so he said so so why didn't you leave it open for people to see by him covering it with dry grain people think it's all dry grain when he puts it on the scale the the wet grain weighs more it says absorbed water so he's cheating people the problem whoever deceives us cheats us is not of us it's not true muslim this is against the principles of islam so as a businesswoman she needs to be honest and just in dealing with her employees these are basic principles which distinguished muslim traders of the past much of islam spread because of honest and just businessmen and women who took islam from the arabian peninsula all over the east in indonesia in malaysia in philippines to china they were very successful islam spread because of their honesty the people respected that as a citizen as a muslim as a citizen she should be a part of the community citizen of a country a town dweller dweller she's a dweller in a town she's a part of the citizens of that town she should join in with that community in order to help the needy members of the community so she should be engaged in charitable works again this is not something new to the 21st century this is islam so she should be you know and usually in most towns or cities et cetera there are organizations that are involved in helping the needy in one way or another she should be involved in some of that of course not to the detriment of her own home meaning that she's out running around trying to help everybody else and she's neglected her home no there needs to be a balance but as much as she can whatever means the law has given her of course this will vary from one woman to another one household to another household what their situations are so given that she has the means the time the opportunities she should engage in community activities and then finally the final thought which i because i asked each of these different uh sisters to give me the ten most important points for the muslim woman today in the 21st century so the last point that our sister put point number 10 others put it as point number one is to be a true slave of allah to fulfill her religious obligations as they deserve to be fulfilled some of the other sisters pointed out that these religious obligations like salah for example in the home where you know the mother the sister the daughter tends to get busy the wife trying to prepare things and etc then salah is done at the last minute as quickly as that salah is over in out to bring back into our salah you could say to a certain degree that the 21st century tends to make our lives so busy we hardly have time for ibadah so we could say in this way we need to correct it by taking time out setting out aside a sufficient amount of time to pray our five times daily prayer you know with reflection not as flash speedy gonzalez you know finished in a minute the kind of prayer that the prophet saw told the man go back and pray because you didn't pray the man went back prayed and came back again he told him go back and pray because he didn't pray finally the man asked the prophet saw that's the only prayer i know so he said okay when you stand to pray you stand [Music] until and you pause in that position until all of the bones of your back fall into place they settle when you bow same thing till all of the bones settle when you prostrate same thing when you come back out of bowing and when you come back out of frustrating sit back stand back until all the bones go into position pausing in other words pausing with each movement and if you pause with each movement then your prayer you know it will have a level of calmness to it which right now how are we praying stand up pop up down down up up up up up down that's how we're praying today trying to finish it off as quickly as possible because we got something else to do but is that what salah was supposed to be for so it's re-engaging with our prayers more time has been put on our hands because of kobe 19 with the family etc which is a good thing we need to use it for all the benefits that there is in it so re-engage with our various acts of worship and what was proposed also was re-evaluation of our own lives but dear zaman's mom that was a big point she made time to re-evaluate covert 19 has given us a pause stop and think where has our life gone we've passed so many years 20 30 40 50 60 years have passed what have we done what do we have to show for these years if we have to stand up before allah and give an account what can we say have we not just wasted these years busy in so many things but we haven't grown we're the same as we were when we were teenagers busy with life ibadah was neglected in one way or another so now is the time to reconnect reconnect with the dean it's allah's other government 19 has given us time that we didn't have or we thought we didn't have up until this point so i would say that our responsibility as women of the 21st century is to reconnect with the dean to learn to study give time for our ibadah and insha allah seek as much knowledge as we can to be able to benefit our families to help guide our families to bring our families closer to allah because the basic purpose of the family is not procreation because there are husbands and wives who don't have any children they try they try and try and they don't have any children does that mean that their lives become meaningless no the main purpose of the family is to get closer to allah together that's why the prophet sallam called marriage and nika nisfordine half of the religion it's half of the religion in the sense that if you're on your own you miss fajr you miss other prayers in the day you miss out in so many different aspects of the deen the religion that having a wife there to remind you and the prophet said may allah bless the woman who sprinkles water on her husband's face and to wake him up for fajr may allah bless that woman of course today maybe the man would be so angry jump out of his bed and be screaming what are you doing but the prophet saws made special dua for that wife and that's the importance of the wife to help her husband in his prayers and also his responsibility to help her in her prayers plus many women in many parts of the world they pray fajr when they get up the men may be trying to get to the masjid and but the woman who stays at home she prays fajr when she gets up usually after sunrise it's a norm that's it finished nobody's praying fajr in its time so we need to reconnect and bring the dean back to the position that it is supposed to be in our lives so alhamdulillah this is these are some of the thoughts that um i wanted to share with you from your sisters these are their thoughts i have just verbalized them i've written them down and i've tried to mention as many of them as possible uh i see one point that maybe i left out uh good friends you know the world developing friends and of course this is a very very important point prophet sallam gave us the whole parable of the perfume merchant and the blacksmith he said a good friend is like a perfume merchant when you go to the perfume merchant he's opening up bottles of perfume and giving you some maybe he gives you a bottle at least he opens it up and the smell the fragrance comes all over you and you walk away from him smelling good whereas the bad friend is like blacksmith is beating the iron you know pushing the bellows heat fire sparks when you smoke when you stand near him either sparks are going to burn holes in your clothes or at least you're going to walk away stinking of smoke so as the prophet sallam said choose your friends well because you will be raised on the day of judgment with your friends so if this friend of yours is not somebody you would like to be standing before allah with then now you better separate yourself and find good friends whom you would be proud to stand before a law with that was just one point i noticed i missed so baraka lafikum these were the thoughts as i said of your sisters uh sharing about the roles varying roles of muslim women in the 21st century and in the first century these rules have not changed and islam has provided guidance in all aspects of a woman's life it's the duty of us all women duty on the part of men to help women gain knowledge of these various roles responsibilities rights it is the responsibility of each and every woman as it is the responsibility of each and every man to seek knowledge as the prophet seeking knowledge is an obligation on every muslim so the wife should not be dumb ignorant at home she's just cooking in the you know in the kitchen all the time and she's just making sure she's preparing tea etc for the husband husband comes in he eats he's gone no she should [Music] come closer to allah through understanding who allah is and in understanding who allah is she learns what it is that allah wants from her she should know what is her purpose in this life she should know how to get closer to allah and she should seek the knowledge necessary that she may live a life pleasing to allah in all of its aspects as allah told us indeed my prayers and my sacrifices and my dying are for allah the lord of all the worlds foreign and knowledge and wisdom and honor and an insight in order that you may continue to serve the ummah as you have diligently done for many decades i hope we have [Music] absolutely because the power mode is not down to 23 it should have gone to zero the intention to have you part of this program was very sincere alhamdulillah and looking forward to it by many uh and those people are still commenting now mashallah a question which is it's been addressed by yourself moments ago hakeem uh highlighted it earlier as well and i see this i won't say a petition uh many times but it's happened now a few times even whilst we're alive people are commenting that they're not seeing women being a part of the program alhamdulillah myself as the coordinator and one of the people putting together this program it seems to me that in all other online events we've had over the recent times there hasn't been no commenting but today and this evening seeing that we put together a specifically uh women's program per se we have people who are saying now where are the women but you know a week ago we had shaykh singh before that we had other guests [Applause] etc we didn't get any of this but at the same time i guess my question which i would like to put forward to yourself is in answering this we have people mashallah who may be more towards the feminist approach of things so sometimes they approach a matter in that way and highlighted by yourself again on the other end of the stick they are people who sadly and unfortunately and correctly so they do not give the fair share they do right owing unto our women folk by making them feel as though they are second-class citizens so maybe we could highlight the idea of there is no harm or sin in the deen of al-islam being conveyed to people to women by male scholars or by male to add people who do if we look at the fact that the prophet saws muslim himself was a male he was not a woman so why do we find a problem when males are conveying the message in terms of women's empowerment i think that is an issue that we can uh briefly highlight inshaallah well you know of course there are different perspectives and um ways of looking at the function of the muslim society and how the members function etc in it um there are [Music] you know extreme right and there are extreme left positions and there's a you know down the middle position and really i think that to a large degree you know uh we have different societies of muslims around the world and some societies have traditions in which the female is never seen a good friend of mine in in in qatar he told me i remember a few years back he had to take his mother to the hospital she got ill so he had to take her to the hospital and for the first time in his life that he could remember as i according to him that he could remember he saw his mother's face then his mother would wear this they have a version of nikob there it's sort of stiff but it's like almost like a mask you know with space for the eyes and that and stained on your face 24 7 the first time i said what he's in his 50s this is not a young man he's in his 50s he took his mother to the hospital for the first time that he could remember he saw his mother's face and it was no big deal for him it was normal because all the people around him that society had evolved in that way that women just stayed completely covered other societies in the east indonesia malaysia philippines and in the west in africa different parts of africa etc the societies egypt and that have evolved in other ways the issue of of uh basic hijab covering the body etc not exposing parts which are forbidden that those principles are maintained but the face of the woman her hands in some parts her feet not her leg thigh calf but feet may be exposed and are we going to say that only the society in which women are covered in a particular way that that is the only acceptable way we have a problem because the the principles of women covering are identified in the deen what societies have come up with in terms of the norms this allows for the variance in interpretation and culture and these other factors of course there are limits where the dress and garments etc start to expose parts of the body which are clearly forbidden then of course we say this is incorrect this is not acceptable but as a norm i think that we have to find you know a balance which is neither to one extreme nor the other in the time of the prophet saw i was on them women worked in the marketplace they were not secluded only in home and they didn't go out these wives of the prophet saw asylum is different so we shouldn't yes the wives of the prophets are the mothers of the believers but we should be careful that we don't take certain rules which were specific to them they couldn't marry anybody else after the prophet sallam died to marry anyone else was haram forbidden to them so to prevent any man from falling in love with them or whatever it was you know so certain limited limits of hijab were set which were the norm for them but not the rest of the women in the society some women chose to follow whatever the the prophet did however they did it even though the laws were specific for them they chose to go with it and that's fine that's an option you can do it but are we going to take those rules and force them now on the rest of women all women no when you do that it becomes oppression it becomes an extreme so in my view there are uh limits that we shouldn't cross and there are leeways that we shouldn't necessarily limit uh by preventing and and um prohibiting what in the prophet saws time was not prohibited so i can understand that and i don't have a problem with the fact that some societies some organizations some [Music] television programs some hold a stronger position in terms of [Music] non-visibility of females while others hold that as long as the woman is properly covered etc etc not painting herself up to you know create another scenario but natural properly covered this is not impermissible some societies say okay the marketplace you know should just be a woman's marketplace initially when they set it up they had men serving and selling you know and eventually they said hey this doesn't make sense this is only for women then they have men sitting in there selling undergarments of women to women get rid of all the men so only women working in there so that is the suk only women from beginning to end is that wrong no no you can do that no problem if that's what the society prefers and feels most comfortable with fine but then the other societies or other places where they have uh marketplaces where both men and women are in there going to buy things men and women men and women are selling things there which existed in the time of the prophet muhammad do we now say that one is wrong we should close those down and only have women's markets and men's markets completely separate if the society decides to go that way fine if the society decides to make a decision that uh we don't need women to be driving we have men to provide for them you know etc it's fine they could have the right to make that decision and if later on they decide well we can let women drive they're driving all over the rest of the world women rode camels in the time of the prophet not a problem that can be done also so um i would prefer to follow whatever is the norm or whatever is preferable in a given society a given community you know we should have that flexibility i feel to be able to uh live to be able to function practice your islam my islam in all of the various circumstances of life briefly our next guest is waiting as well but uh if we may there is another question that says um this game directed at your stealth chef would be what is the ruling on women who normally leave their husbands house and go abroad to work um are such still regarded as wives inshallah if we can give that a brief answer i'm not quite sure about that question could you replete please so the person says what would the ruling be on women who normally leave their husband's house and go abroad to work so probably meaning that they leave their country and they pursue jobs overseas um but by themselves without their with them or without the company the accompanying of their husbands from a halal perspective is that permitted and the person is asking the question as well would this still be regarded as wives in other words is their marriage still intact well i mean obviously if if the woman leaves the home with her husband's permission i mean it's not that she has just left disappeared you know so now you're questioning is she still a wife or not and no if the husband has permitted her to go then obviously she is still a wife it doesn't affect her marriage in that way now the issue of her um going to a foreign land that issue in general is a an issue of danger that she is on her own and many women are abused in these kinds of circumstances as maids etc if they go in that capacity of course if they go in higher capacities you know as managers or whatever then this is a different situation [Music] for her presence in that foreign land does she require a mahram no mahram is required for travel when she leaves her place and is going to the other location but in terms of when she is in that other location is does she is she required to have a mahram there for example if her husband completed her to you know another country and then she took up work there uh for some period of time whatever uh is he required to stay there with her no it's not um so issues of is she still alive there's no issue this is not a question in in this context this is not a relevant question in this context all right then inshallah we are indeed happy that you have joined us this evening and we thank you for your uh your presence with us the advice is shared the words of wisdom and uh for having yourself with us is indeed an honor alhamdulillah we're reminiscing the time we were fortunate to host you uh two years ago in 2018 on your south african tour alhamdulillah mala return you once again to south africa after the lockdown and maybe be able to do the work of dawah for the sake of allah and for the cause of this deen and the sunnah the way of his beloved prophet salallahu so we've been honored by your participation this evening bless and protect you and immensely reward you for your efforts under the trying circumstances you are facing in ethiopia with the power shortages there's been protests throughout last month and the wi-fi cuts martial i can see that the electricity went off and she's probably using his mobile device to shine some light on his face mashallah oh it's okay and to be able to do that our work with yourself is an honor for me and for our organization include feed yourself and and you have a peaceful knife [Music] for inviting me and i hope that the words of the sisters who passed this information on to me was uh accurately conveyed to the listeners the audience and um i'm sure they would have done a better job of expressing the issues but i i tried to do as best as i could and i pray that allah take take the benefit uh from it to you and put it in our scales of good deeds of having sought knowledge having received knowledge and we ask allah to bless this knowledge and inshallah bless our lives and keep everyone safe and healthy and practice your social distancing you know stay safe as they say what my dear brothers and sisters uh you um uh uh absolutely initiative and the great speakers that we had earlier as for insha allah the reminder i'll give you'll be a brief inshallah i know it's been a long wait period for everyone it's about some of the great personalities of female personalities in our religion in islam and that it's great for us especially for our sisters to understand the importance of having female having female role models that they could look at and they could emulate so as for my topic as i mentioned earlier it's going to be about the importance of looking at some of these female role models for our sisters for our brothers and for everyone at large and this is an important topic for us especially during this time when there is a great need to have role models allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has honored the human beings allah has honored the children of adam as allah says allah says we have honored the children of adam allah has honored all of us allah has honored all of the children of adam our father adam was honored our mother was honored and that it is only because of our sins and because of our disobedience to allah where allah says because of that we become the lowest of the safety the laws of creation as we see a role model is something that we need the messenger was the best role model for us indeed in the messenger of allah you have the best of example you have the best of example in the messenger and the messenger he was also commanded to follow the way of the prophets that came before him as allah says to him that allah says follow the way of ibrahim ibrahim hanifah so as for the women of some of these great women personalities in the history of mankind in the history of islam the messenger sallallahu alaihi will tell them while he was with his companions one day he put four lines on the ground and he said to the companions do you know what these lines are then the companions they said allah and his messenger know best the the most virtuous of the women of jannah the messenger sallam said they are these are the four greatest women of jannah good news should i not give you good news then felton has said what is this good news that you are referring to what is this good news that you're referring to she said in me i heard the messenger of allah saying that that the most honorable women the most virtuous women of jannah are under four and he mentioned maryam khadijah felt him and he mentioned asya so these are women that their favorite allahu subhanu ta'ala favored these women and allah is the one who chooses your lord chooses and your lord creates as he wants and what he wants and as for the virtue of uh um aisha she is very virtuous as well where the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam said about her in the isha indeed the virtue is like how virtuous this dish of over all the other types of food so inshaallah just a brief reminder uh about will be these five exceptional women these five women that allah subhanahu ta'ala chose and these women they were chosen because of their actions because of their obedience indeed those that are most honorable in the sight of allah are the ones that have the most taqwa are the ones that have the most taqwa so if we look at and you know as dr bilal said and shall ask him they mentioned a lot of points that will suffice us is that being a good muslim woman we must understand what allah wants from us what what does allah want from us what is expected from us and subhanallah if you look at these five women they all came with such great qualities and attributes if you look at asia for example asia is immoral she was the wife of pharaoh she was given all of the luxurious things anyone could imagine she lived in the greatest palace she had all types of jewelry and gold and silver she had the most expensive clothes and she lived in the greatest rooms and bedrooms but yet allahu subhanu ta'ala honored her because of her obedience to him and asia she took care of musa salaam as a child and allah when she saw this young child in the cradle she said that this child brings the comfort to my eyes do not harm him do not kill this child perhaps this child will benefit us or we may take him as a child so asia was responsible for saving musa she was the wife of pharaoh but yet when she heard the message of musa the message of tawheed because fraunh would publicly challenge musa when he said to him but she took the message of musa and she chose what is with allah subhanahu wa ta'ala she chose the over this world when faraon found out that his own wife accepted the message and the religion of musa he punished her and he eventually killed her and when he was killing her asia began to smile she began to smile so far and the people around her did not understand why she smile why is she smiling what is making her happy and she made dua to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala at the time of her death she made dua to allah an example for them an example a role model for them for the people who have faith men and women is the wife of pharaoh in the callet biblini when she said my lord build for me a mansion build for me a house in jannah when a genie and save me mithraon wa he saved me from his actions and saved me from the people that are oppressors so look at asia allah gave her everything in this world but yet she chose what is with allah because she knew that the message of musa was the truth it was from allah and she chose the over this world even if it means losing everything once she accepted the the dean of musa she lost everything she lost all of her belongings she lost everything that belonged to her and she actually lost her own life she lost her life because of her faith in allah subhanahu wa ta'ala from the people there are those who have given everything they have seeking allah's pleasure you are choosing this world as a muslim woman as a sister as a mother you have to understand that regardless of what happens to you in this world from the luxuries if this will interfere with or to the obedience allah if this will interfere with you obeying allah but rather you should obey allah and this and and just this is just an example of the life of asia what she has done for us all of us insha allah to to benefit from and and to understand india if we look at and we mentioned five women so these five women that are mentioned in the two ah hadith they are maryam asia was a woman if we look at her life she sacrificed everything that she had for following the truth for following the message of musa even if it costed her her own life now if you look at the example of one of these other women if we look at for example khadijah to hawaii she was a rich business woman but at the same time she was modest at the same time she was honorable at the same time she was a good wife to the messenger was a good mother and the messenger sallallahu alaihi salam loved her so much honored her so much and he said about her that she believed in me when the people rejected me she gave me comfort when the people rejected me on the one the people threw me away she gave me comfort and the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam upon receiving the first revelations that came down to him he went to his supporting wife he went to hija and he said cover me cover me he went to his wife for support and she gave him the confidence when she said to him who connects with his family you are known for being truthful you are known for being honorable he was muhammad he was the one that he was truthful even before he became a prophet and khadija supported him so as women as muslim women my respected sisters in islam know that the sky is the limit you could be a successful businesswoman you could have a lot of wealth but at the same time you could be a supporting wife you could be a loving mother why do we limit ourselves some of our sisters today they they have to choose between being a wife or being a successful person you could do both you could go to school and be very successful as khadijah was a successful businesswoman but at the same time she was a loving parent at the same time she was a supportive spouse to the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam if we look at now the third woman because of the sake of the time i'll try to just review uh just give a summary of one of some of the things that i wanted to capture is that if we look at fault ima felt who is the daughter of the prophet sallallahu she is the youngest daughter that the messenger of sallallahu sallam had and valdima she grew up in islam she was at the age of five when the messenger sallallahu alaihi sundam became a prophet says she grew up in the house of prophethood fatima she was the most beloved child to the messenger shalom he loved her so much to the extent that the companions would say that she resembled the way the prophet alaihi wasallam would look she resembled the way he talked she resembled the way he walked him was a brave daughter when abu jahl and the quraysh wanted to humiliate the prophet salallahu they wanted to degrade who will bring the intestines the stomach of the camel and put it on top of muhammad sallam when he's making sujud so some of the quraysh came and dumped all this filth and the intestines and the stomach and everything on the back of the prophet salallahu being a young girl look how brave she is we should teach our daughters the story of falcone how brave she was when she ran to her father and she took everything out and she wanted to protect her father and the messenger of sallallahu salaam told me as for your father allah will protect him allah will protect him but look how brave she was felthana is a special person fatima is the person in which the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said my lineage will go through the children of phala he'll go through the children of falcone through hassan and hussain this is the these are the descendants of the prophet sallallahu alaihi was telling them it will go through altona and that the messenger sallallahu alaihi we are sending with honor fatima where sometimes they when he sits with his wives when faltum comes he would stand up greet her hug her and make her sit in her place he would honor her as a daughter and amongst towards the end of the life of the prophet when he was with his wives and felt him i came he greeted her and he told her something and felt him and started to cry when he told her this then afterwards he said he whispers something else to her and she began to become happy only after the death of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam aisha said yes during that day do you remember the day when the prophet sallallahu asallam came up and he said something to you and you started to cry and he said something to you and you became happy what did he tell you what did he tell you he felt him radiology said that my father told me that he will die from this illness his time in this world will be very short he is about to approach his death and as a loving daughter she began she began to cry then afterwards he said oh faltema you are the first for my family that will join me you are the first for my family that will join me and fell to media right afterwards within six months less than six months of the death of her father father of the illinois she she died she died and the messenger if you look at the menachem there are so much virtues that felt him has that the messenger salallahu said that today an angel came to me and entered from the heavens a place he has not entered before and the angel came to me gave me salam and told me that i'll give you the good news that felt in that she is from the seydet she is from the noble most honorable woman of jannah and her sons hasan and hussain are from the leaders of the youth of jannah this is from the virtue of again of the virtue of khadijah this is a blessed family this is a blessed family if we look at all of these five women what do they share in common they are connected to from the great prophets if we look at asia she is the one that raised musa if we look at now falcom and khadija falcon is the daughter of the prophet s these five great women they're connected to urul azmi they're connected to the five great messengers the five great messengers in which allah subhanahu ta'ala tells us in many parts of the quran as allah says with ahadna meaning you have no you have ibrahim you have musa you have east you have muhammad sallallahu alaihi and all these five women they're connected to these great five messengers so now if we look at she was the most beloved person to the prophet sallallahu alaihi who sent them she was his wife she was the one in which she carried all sorts of a hadith she carried a lot of hadith to the ummah because she would spend so much time with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and she was a sadiyaka vinta siddhir she was the truthful one who is the daughter of was from those who were from the greatest enemies of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam but allah chose him and he made him a muslim when he became a muslim he became very close to the prophet sallallahu alaihi said to himself that i believe the prophet loves me more than anyone else i believe the prophet loves me more than anyone else and that in a public area he asked the prophet sallallahu alaihi and he said who from the people do you love the most who do you love the most and he said publicly he said i isha isha i love aisha the most then amber said from the men then he said ha i love her father. he said i love her father then when amra said who's next he said um so i'm gonna ask he wanted to ask the prophet salallahu his love for his wife ayesha and there is no wrong there's no arming doing that there is there is no wrong if a man expresses his love and says that i love my wife i love my husband i love my children these are all things that are allowed as for aisha she was from the scholars of the companions she was the most knowledgeable woman in this ummah she was among the uluma of the companions many many great companions would come to aisha would ask her questions would come to aisha and ask her for fatwa many of the great companions she shared so much time with the prophet salallahu and through the hadith of ayesha we extract and we learn so many rulings of fick just to give you an example of allah she became very sick one time she had an extreme headache and she said my head my head my head really hurts and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and this shows from his good manners the prophet said and he was joking with her he said yeah aisha how would you feel how honored would it be that if you die the prophet of allah would wash you and would bury you and you and he was he was joking with her just from this conversation between the prophet the scholars have extracted the ruling that a man is allowed to wash the the body of his wife that passed away so many other benefits we learn through aisha and the other um that without them would not actually know how was the prophet salallahu at home how was the prophet with his wives how was he with his family what was his mannerism at home and the messenger salah would play with another incident is that when they were traveling and the messenger went out for an expedition he told his companions to go ahead and to move forward in their travel then he asked aisha uh let's raise he asked ayesha let's raise he wants to race with his wife look at this beautiful love this is what marriage is about this is what having this love between a wife and a husband is he asked aisha let's raise and i said that when the messenger beat me because i started to become heavy as it became older became heavy and i and the messenger of sallallahu salaam this see this is one for one you beat me before but now i got you back and we're even this is the the loving character of the prophet sallallahu alaihi shah was knowledgeable as he said that and he was from the students of he was from the seventh grade of medina where he said that i've listened to the the lectures and and the of many of the great companions but i've never listened to a person who is more articulate a person who is more knowledgeable in terms of having a command of the of the arabic language than aisha aisha not only was she a scholar of of islam she was also a master of the arabic language she was a master of poetry and she was also a master of medicine so look at this the sky is the limit for our daughters for our sisters for our mothers for our aunts why do we have to limit ourselves aisha was a scholar of hadith a scholar of the religion but also she was a scholar of the language she also was a scholar of medicine the sky is the limit you could become a person who's successful in this world at the same time become an honorable person a knowledgeable person in islam there we shouldn't set these limits anyways we see from ayesha and she reported and she was from the the companions that reported more than one thousand hadith she reported over two thousand a hadith and she was from the mukhtareen those who reported the most hadith as uh as the imam assault he says in his alfie where he says she is the top seven companions among the top seven that reported the most hadith many of the hadith we find if you look at you look at muslim you look at the other books of hadith she was a special person she was a person of knowledge she was a person of wisdom and she is a great example for all of us all of us to to emulate and to follow in her footsteps may allah be pleased allah that we want to discuss into uh about her life is the great marianna marima imran maryam the daughter of imran maryam the mother of the third chapter it is called the chapter of the family of imran is the family of maryam because imran was our father where allah says in allah adam allah chose adam chose adam allah chose noah allah chose the family of ibrahim and allah chose the family of imran over all of the creation imran was was an obedient servant of allah was a religious person was a knowledgeable person he is the father of maryam and that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells us of the birth of maryam and now which is the mother of maryam and imran they were unable to have children it took a very long time for them to have children so she made dua to allah and when she finally became pregnant and this is the lesson that sometimes it is it does not mean that you have to have a children within the first year or two years there are a lot of couples that have children after many years afterwards we have to be patient we shouldn't blame the wife nor should we blame the husband because having children is a gift from allah subhanahu ta'ala having children is something only allah could give as allah tells us about the word gift allah will give as a gift to whomever he wants daughters and allah will give as a gift sons all yuzu would you and others allah would give daughters and sons he would make barren some people will not have children regardless of how many times you get married regardless of how many times you try if allah does not decree for you to have children you will not have children so when maryam's mother and father when they found out when imran found out that his wife was pregnant when she found hannah found that she was pregnant allah says with call it father i dedicate whatever is in my womb for you for your service i will make this child grow up in the masjid this child will be in in your service you are the one who hears everything and you are the knower over everything then allahu s when she finally gave birth she was anticipating she was thinking that this would be a a a boy would be it would be a boy so when she had fallen oh allah i've given birth to a girl and allah says allah truly knows what she gave birth to allah chose that but allah did not give allah gave her a daughter she gave allah gave her a daughter that would change the world this daughter that would have a son who will be from the greatest human beings from the great messengers and she says i have given her the name maryam maryam means it is a it is like allah it is the slave girl of allah that's what mary means i seek refuge in you that you protect her and her children minas sheltani regime from the occurs satan and the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam informed us when he said that was his child and because of that the touching of a shelton the child comes out of of the womb screaming except for maryam and her child isa because of the dua of the mother of maryam let us not underestimate the power of dua regardless of your situation the power of dua allah will accept your dua allah will change things that will happen to you in your life because of your sincere dua because of your sincere dura allah took care of maryam fatah allah said that he took care of maria maryam grew up she grew up in the masjid she grew up and she was well-mannered and she was known for her ibadah even at a young age she grew up in a very good way as a career and allah made the career be her caretaker the career as some of the scholars they say zakiriya was married to the maternal aunt of maryam she was married to the maternal ant of of maryam whenever would enter into the place of worship where her mehraap were places that she would make it he would find with her there is provision she always has food she has the fruits that are not in season because as we know in that part of the world in many parts of the world there are certain fruits and crops that only grow in the springtime others grow in the fall time so she would have fruits that would be in out of season and zakaria said who gave you this the fruits the food that you're eating is not sold on the market it is not in season who gave you this she said who am i because of the dua of this young girl mariam at that time was nine ten years old she was very young zakiri is a prophet at this time he is the leader of vinnie sorry he is the prophet zakir heard this and he this impacted him and zakir for the longest of time he was trying to have a child and this time he's an old man he is in his 70s perhaps he's in his 80s he's an older man then at this time when he heard this when he heard what maryam told him it impacted him when maryam said this is from allah and allah gives without account allah will give without accounting meaning that allah would give you anything you please and more than that so this when he heard this said allah look at the impact a young child had on a prophet let us not underestimate our children they're seven eight years old 10 12 15 they could change our life maryam impacted the prophet zechariah and he made dua and allah gave zakariya allah so my brothers and sisters there's a lot of great examples women personalities in islam that we see that we need to all emulate we need to follow and we need to have role models there's there's a lot of role models that are missing the lives of young muslims men and women we need to have these role models when you have a role model you could see and you can try to imitate in their steps try to be like them and we see these five great women each woman deserves a lecture on our own and a series of lectures this is just a brief snippet of part of their life and that upon us is to understand that how do we achieve how do we achieve the ranks of these women allah chose them for their servitude allah chose them not because of the color of their skin not because of their family allah chose them because they were from the quantity allah chose them because they had they were more knowledgeable than us what could we do as young muslim women men parents siblings neighbors we all have to learn more about allah it is incumbent upon all of us to learn more about allah the more we learn about allah's religion the more we are more fearful of allah the more we would our ibadah our salah will become stronger because we know about allah those who fear allah a fearing that is allah is deserving of are the scholars and that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam informed us of how when the prophets die they do not leave behind gold or silver when prophets die they do not leave behind gold or or silver but they leave behind knowledge and the messenger the scholars are the inheritors of the prophets and the prophets do not leave behind gold or silver but they leave behind knowledge if you look at the the if you look at the early scholars of islam many of the prominent scholars were women many of them were women if you look at the great four imams they were orphaned and their mother took care of them their mothers were the ones who helped them in seeking knowledge who sacrificed everything for them so there's a great role the muslim woman is the most important person in the community and the muslim woman is honored by allah subhanahu wa it is only through islam that we gain honor allah subhanahu wa ta'ala knows what is good for us knows his creation whatever allah commands is good for us whatever allah forbids is not good for us and this because allah is loving to us allah is caring for us when the messenger when he's clues with his companions and a young girl who lost her child was looking for her child was looking for her child and she finally found the child and we know how how what a great feeling it is what sorrow what grief we have when a child is lost she found this child and she grabbed the child and she hugged the child and she comforted the child and the prophet said do you see this woman would this woman ever throw her child into the hell fire they said no how could this woman throw her child and he said allah allah is more merciful to us than this woman is to her child so allah is merciful to us but we need to know about allah we need to know about allah knowledge and to know that allah subhanahu ta'ala has made honestly allah has made easy for the woman to enter jannah allah has made easy for the woman to enter although all gates of jannah where the prophet salallahu said to us if the women prays our five daily prayers and she fasts the month of ramadan and she guards her private part she is modest she guards herself she guards her modesty she does not fornicate she does not she she guards herself and she obeys her husband it rectify our affairs we ask allah to make our life easy for us we ask allah that he unites us in jannah with the righteous people from the prophets and those the siddhi was in um so i don't know if you introduce yourself here sheikh when you started to our honorable dear viewers globally wherever they may be alhamdulillah you just listen to our honourable chef and brother muhammad who is an imam and all the way joining us this evening well it's the afternoon where the chef is um from the state of virginia in the united states the sheikh is an imam and also masha allah a graduate of the faculty of hadith allah for your valued and appreciated participation with us today um if we look at the context of our women in the society we're currently living in well society we mean globally within the modern day year what advice would there be in terms of what you just spoke about now looking into perspective of the women of the righteous predecessors from the mothers of the believers and then we mentioned the verses pertaining to surah maryam and asia etc what do other women take from that today how they can try because some people think that we can only emulate based upon the time and the era but not based upon our current situation what advice do we give that for god now the advice i would give them is that if we look at all these women they all had special characteristics and there are many ways of entering jannah it is it does not necessarily that you have to be a scholar to enter jannah some of these women they were good mothers the example of maryam and khadija others they were good daughters like mariama and feltima others were business women padilla she used her financial ability to help the dao of the prophet sallallahu alaihi so there are many ways of pleasing allah subhana wa and just being a good mother is from the greatest types of ibadah because the mother is the most important person in the society the mother is the one that brings out the next generation and that's why when the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam gave us these small words she prays your five daily prayers and she fasts amongst the month of ramadan and she guards herself and she obeys her husband she's good to her family she will enter all gates of jannah because this is the most important role of the women and only we find if we look at just the history of western civilization and how women were treated just 50 years ago 60 years ago but rather in islam islam honored women from the beginning allah honored the women and allah through the the speech of the prophet sallallahu alaihi who sent them the importance of women so insha allah there are many ways to please allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and look at yourself and ask herself what could i do in order to obey allah could i do in order to help this dawah of al-islam and convey to the next generation and also what advice would there be in terms of mashallah you highlighted an important topic she is one of the if we were to say the top five narrators of hadith amongst whenever we would open up for those who will be familiar with the books of hadith etc what type of motivation and encouragement do we give to our muslim women young and old to be part and parcel of those who are earnest in seeking knowledge of islam because when we look at our noble mother aaron she was when she was asked about religious matters uh how do we give encouragement to our women folk to follow in pursuit of the study and acquisition of islamic knowledge what encouragement do we give that they too may become leaders of society but leaders in their homes to their families to their children's now if we look at just the history of some of the natives in in these hadith if you look at the history of the early muslims many of the women were scholars and many of the great imams if you look at their chain it would come through a woman they would look to these women that were known for their knowledge so this is something that if you look at islamically in history of islam in all generations and times you find that there are women that hold the highest level of jazz when it comes to the quran there are women that had the highest egypt when it comes to a muslim we're encouraged to learn and learning is fundamental is for both men and women and the messenger said uh obligatory upon every single muslim so this has always been encouraged but this is you find that this is something that comes later on in in the recent times where women are being discouraged to to seek knowledge but if you go back in the early parts of islam and throughout the history of islam women were always encouraged to to seek knowledge and to become from the people of knowledge now we have a little bit of a surprise uh as we would say impromptu surprise uh whereby we would be joined right now by the young very talented kari from minnesota in the us how's everything going on in virginia so we will be requesting from our beloved ahmed to recite verses uh of the noble quran in particular from surah maryam which we are requesting of him to render and inshallah the translation of those verses will be on the screen and then we would like hassan to touch briefly on the story of what the verses do imply and uh mention the story of maryam [Music] foreign foreign [Music] queen [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] m [Music] a [Music] me us with your presence during the program we really appreciate it allah keep you in the service of this book amen an inspiration to many of our youth out there i mean would there be any words of advice would you like to share in reference to the mothers and the sisters and your family members and everyone around the world well all i have to say to my brothers and sisters watching this is uh nowadays we've seen in our communities that we've been far away from the quran and the dean a lot of people are preferring secular education over religious education and they wonder why is our house you know why is the house not like not functioning well why is that there's no nur in our house there's no light in our house you know and now and my advice to these families is the more you put time into quran the more you uh give to these institutions and organizations the more money you give the most of the the more you give to the dean of allah the more it gets back to you you'll see the change in your life your house will be uh lit up there will be so much light in your house there'll be so much more it's the way you uh raise your kids and inshallah i urge to parents to you know to uh raise their kids with harald money inshallah let's stay away from haram money one dollar you make in the way is better than you making hundreds and thousands in the haram way so always remember that there's always barakah doing everything the right way so inshallah my advice to these parents is instead of focusing so much on the secular education of the uh your your son or daughter you should focus on the deen the quran the maracas the messages putting a lot of money into their though the place where you invest into the more you invest into one place the more you get back inshallah that's all i have to say the the bark of the quran is amazing speaking of myself uh if i leave the quran for one day if i do not recite at least the jews or two just a day i feel so dark like they're so my like my day is so heavy as if i'm carrying a huge burden like you feel as that way but today i recite even like a couple pages of of the quran well like my my day is so positive there's so much uh positivity so much happiness sad you know the more you connect with allah words the more you see buttock in your life so these are the wise words i'll tell the uh parents and the uh students here in the kids in terms of everything that you do as a shining example for the youth out there within your home country in the u.s and approach mashallah and other guests dedicated to the youth but also everyone is welcome inshallah on reconnecting with the quran and how we remain uh good beneficial believers for the pleasure of allah who joined us very briefly for quite a melodious recitation of the novel quran all the way from the minnesota state within the u.s alhamdulillah my dear brothers and sisters in islam we would now be joined again in the next few moments by sheikh hassan who would be elaborating on some of the verses which had recited but inshallah whilst we do wait for we would like to emphasize my dear brothers and sisters as kari ahmed indicated as well to us the importance of reconnecting ourselves not only with the book of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala with the dean of allah with the sunnah of rasulullah we do so by reconnecting to the organizations who are involved in spreading the work of dawah and who are involved in teaching and educating people and supporting these initiatives as just mentioned now saying the importance of us aiding these institutions on organizations like we like ourselves of sunnah we urge everyone to try the level best to support the work we do the projects to donate generously where they can and to help us improve the lives of others within the muslim ummah globally so that they may be able to learn the deen of allah and gain empowerment through these particular efforts that we do whether it's the online teaching whether it is the classes that is conducted whether it is the symposiums and all forms of good in fact allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells us and do the good deeds and come the day of qiyama allah subhanahu wa will see allah is going to note amongst his creation what rasulullah and his noble messenger sallallahu alaihi and all of the believers they will see the good that you did in this dunya so we always rectified we always make sure that our intentions is sincere we work on that for the sake of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala if we were to leave a synopsis of the verses which were recited we have specifically chosen those verses because it deals with the topic which yourself have covered and addressed so are there any explanations you would like to give on those verses pertaining to maryam herself being a righteous slave of allah and then the transition that she went through becoming a mother divinely by the woman of allah as the verse be and it is that is the instruction of allah she said that no man lamiam says nibasha no man had ever touched me before so how she couldn't perceive the idea of being able to conceive a child but this is the will of allah now the recitation was very beautiful bless him uh and his teachers and his family i mean that's everyone involved in this great initiative um i have like two or three percent remaining on my phone uh banished i'll do a quick uh review uh just a summary of the ayat he read uh as for the ayat that he readies in surah maryam uh the chapter is named after her and look at the importance and the honor allah gave maryam and women in the quran their a and there's also surat maryam and these ayats are talking about what happened to her uh when this incident happened that maryam and you could imagine this malayan comes from a very religious family she's from ali imran her aunt is uh the the wife of the prophet at that time was responsible for her when she was a domestic and when she was he used to take care of her situation and maram's father imran passed away as well and that's why zakiria became her guardian because maryam's father imran passed away shortly after her birth so now you have where maryam she's a she is obedient slave of allah subhanahu wa she is known for her virtue she is known for her righteousness and allah subhanahu ta'ala gives her this great gift and also test with the gift of being the mother of isa and also being tested being tested with what's going to happen to her and that allah subhanahu wa chose maryam for you know so when this happened and now the beginning of surah maryam deals with zakariyah making dura because to him in allah foreign he came to her in the likes of a man that is completely built a man that has no deficiency so now maryam at this age is about 16 years of age 15 or 16 as the the mufasarian say that now she's a young girl a man comes to her she's away from where she is where she's from and a man comes to her what does she say god it's meaning that i am a chaste woman i'm a modest woman i have no business talking to a stranger in ya udu i seek refuge then what happens is that jibril tells her that he is a messenger from allah and giving you the good news of a child and mariam said how is it possible and i haven't had any relationship with a man and i'm not one who fornicates then jibril says whatever allah commands allah commands it is easier for allah it is easy for allah adam the example of israel allah said to him he became then gabriel blows into the sleeve of maryam that she conceives the child again she's only 16 years old then once she starts to become the time of labor because what's gonna happen is after five six months you will see the the stomach to form that there's a child in there and again all of this is happening to a young girl who's known for her obedience she is known for her righteousness and allah tested her so my brothers and sisters being tested as part of life life and death so he may try us he may test us who amongst us is the best of deeds she's tested with this and yet when she goes she experiences the agony the pain of childbirth by herself but allah comforts her allah comforts her and know that regardless of your situation allah will protect regardless of your situation so maria now she has the child and she has to face her community she has to face her society look at the difficult situation she's in but she went to her people at that home she went to her people she didn't run away she went to our people because if you are upon the truth if you're upon the truth allah is with you if allah is with you allah will protect you allah will aid you regardless of what you're going through so when she went to the people and they said to me how is this possible your father is a noble man religious man your mom is a religious woman how do you do this how do you fornicate how do you come with this child out of wedlock but the only thing she did is she points to the child it was a miracle given to us at this young age while he's in the cradle then this young child for a shout out she pointed to him that's it they said okay how could we speak to a child in the cradle then he said so we have to learn the lessons extracted from the sunnah so if you're a young girl and you're the only one that wears hijab at school know that maryam is an example for you mari went through this she went through a bigger challenge just because things seem to be strange know that as long as you're obeying allah subhanahu ta'ala you're obeying his prophet this is where you would gain the meaning that is needed tranquility only comes from the thicker of allah thank you for your patience it's been a long seminar uh many hours so may allah bless you know that allah will will bless us for our efforts and that coming together and learning about allah's religion is the best thing we can all do and this is the best thing for our world and the akhirah as well we ask allah to to bless this blessed marquez and all of the teachers that are involved and everyone who's involved putting this great uh initiative together may allah bless you may allah honor you indeed you have honored us for your presence with us today like you said it has been a long time but mashallah there are still people viewing with us up until this moment may allah bless them as well for their sacrifices yourself and the quran who joined us this evening and the has joined us all the way from the united states mashallah having sacrificed time to be with us accepting the invitation which we sent barakallahu kuma uh we look forward to the special program we do have lined up for next week insha'allah with our other brothers foreign with that my dear brothers and sisters we come to a successful conclusion of our program this evening in our parts of the world it is quite late alhamdulillah but we have managed to successfully conduct this exclusive online symposium entitled the 21st century muslim woman the 21st century aspiring muslim in light of the quran and the sunnah how we uphold their honor their dignity how we continue to persevere as people as the creation of allah as worshipers of allah as human beings on this earth how we strive to uplift ourselves with knowledge with education and with goodness in this life which will eventually lead us and take us into the pleasure of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's eternal abode he has prepared for the believers the righteous males and the righteous females as allah tells us in the noble quran and so if it does good deeds whether it be male or female but provided with the would be conditioned while such an individual is a believer male or female allah promises and listen to this my dear brothers and sisters we will surely give them the good life everybody today talks about having the good life yeah allah promises that he will give those who work hard for his pleasure and following the guidelines of the prophet sallallahu alaihi he will bless them with a good life in this world inevitably leading to the eternal bliss of the after may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant myself and your honorable selves that i wish to thank you for joining us today on this special program and this special event i will bless everyone who watched from the beginning until now and even those who just came and viewed for some minutes and a short time we know that it took a lot of time and ran for a few hours but alhamdulillah we are grateful we thank you praise allah firstly and thereafter all of our special guests who join us this evening on behalf of myself as the leadership of we thank you i also extend a sincere appreciation to our technical team and everyone involved in putting this program together from the design work from the live streaming absolutely took a lot of effort and work masha'allah may well bless and protect all of those involved along miami until the next time we hope and pray that this discussion an online symposium was indeed beneficial we ask of allah to accept from us our efforts to make us of those who as it will claim our love to allah says that allah should make us of those who either or when we are given a blessing from allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala we show thankfulness there are all for that particular blessing and when we go through a calamity or a difficulty or a strife or a trial a test we bear patience because rasulullah muslim says when the believer experience is good there is goodness for him when he gives thanks when he experiences bad and he remains patient allah still places goodness in his affair and the prophet says and that is not ill and except for the believer how amazing is the affair of the believer absolutely every condition they find themselves in is good and then the third point that it will claim allah and the true quality of the believers the true qualities that they make up themselves and their persona is that when they commit an error they sin then they immediately return to allah it is the tokens of happiness it is the tokens of felicity for the believers may allah make us of those who he loves and those who he is pleased with in this dominion and in the next i mean may he accept from all of us our efforts and richly crown it with sincerity for his sake alone with acceptance and with continuity to the best way possible in order that we may continue to serve islam as he wishes and is satisfied from us to do so once more you may contact us on social media please like our facebook page subscribe to our youtube channel our instagram page as well and shut up our banking details have been featuring at the bottom and this enables us at the bottom of the screen your support and generous donations enables us to continue with this blessed work and the developer of the dean of allah once more i sincerely thank all of you for watching wherever you may have joined us from this evening and today in your part of the world from across the globe we really appreciate it may allah bless all of you guys and protect you and your families and still love between one another protect you from all diseases and from pandemics and from trial and tribulation upon this earth may he richly reward us for our patience and for our perseverance until the next time we hope that you will all be joining us next week saturday once more same time for our next event which will deeply be advertised inshallah in the upcoming days do stay tuned for that may allah by the will of subscribe of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is most high most knowledgeable and alhamdulillah was my you
Channel: Bilal Philips
Views: 7,940
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: Khutbah, english sermon, islamic lecture, muslim scholar, Dr. Abu Ameena Bilal Philips, shaykh
Id: 7qU7dzzTN9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 25sec (12925 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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