The 19th Amendment | History

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NA thesthese truthsuths to e NARRATOR: OR: "We hd self-elf-evident tnt that al, and womewomen, are cre created" No DeclDeclaration ion of Indepn. No, that'sat's not e It's a's actually lly frome DeclDeclaration ion of Senti, a doa document snt signed atd t ev ever Womenomen's Rightightsn in 184 1848. Ba wereweren't alloallowed to dtt Back then,hen, women ieS of thi things men men were, li. And itd it would tld take m anotanother 70 y70 years te granted thd that fundaundamenta. Wh Why? We women's ins involvemenement in s Well, manymany thoughtught g would uld underminrmine soc. The prosprospect of of womeng was threatreatening tog to the n who heo held powerower. In 1In 1848, Eli Elizabeth y Stanton ton and LucrLucretiat decidecided to org organie factioctions acroscross the cy e that wer were campaimpaigninr suffrage oge or the rie rig. su The convconvention aon at Seneca Fal Falls, New Nk Se addresdressed womewomen's rights ats and inspinspird other her conventientions and a. Stanton ton consideriderd it tit the begineginning of tof the womenomen's rightigh. After ter the CiviCivil W, the 15e 15th Amendmendmet r, was was introducoduced, whh wo would givegive black mc, bu but not wot women of y color, the the right th. co Suffragiragists werewere sp. St Stanton ann and Susan sany op opposed thd the amendme, objeobjecting tog to the exclusiousion of wom wome. They fey formed thd the Natl Women's Sus Suffrage Age As, Wo hoping to to pass a c a constil lamendmendment thatthat include. Othershers, like ake abolitis Lucy Sto Stone and Hnd Henry Bl suppsupported thd the 15th Ath. They fey founded ted the Amen Women's n's Suffragerage Asson and lobblobbied for for the ws right tot to vote one on a stal instead ead of throuhrouga nationalonal amendmendmen. The 15th15th Amendmendmet was ratifitified in 18n. wa BlacBlack men con could vo, but women men still col. bu In suffsuffrage ame amendmet In 1878, a8, a womes pe finally lly proposedosed in Co. penned by by Susan B.n B. s But itt it was def defeaten the the Senate fte floor in . In 189 1890, the she separe suffsuffrage mov movemens merged, ed, opting tng to tacktackle suffruffrage by sby state in in the wakewe fedefederal AmenAmendment's t. Withinthin six yea years, Col, Utah, an, and Idaho aho grad women thn the right ght to . Wyoming ing had alrealreay done it int in 1869.9. ArouAround the she same ti, the the Nationalonal Associn of Cof Colored Wed Women was , bringiinging togetogether morem0 black ack women's n's clu. It includeluded leaderaders Marh h Terrelrrell, Joseposephine Se YateYates, and And Anna JuliJu. By the the turn of tof the 20th, the the women's n's suffragerat ha had gainedined renewedewe. Paraderades, marcharches, and picketckets drewew gr great atteattention ton to . Between een 1910 and and 1918, r of sof states ans and territs expaexpanded vot voting righrig. In 191 1912, 15,005,000 sufe supportersters took tok to s su of New New York Cik City. But as was women's 'politilitical powepower gr, so did tid the dangeanger they. In 1913, o3, on the eve eve of t nWoodroodrow Wilsonlson's inaug, hu injured red in a mas massive se hundreds ods of women me paraparade in thn the nationtio. In Novembeember of 191 19173 suffraffragists wes were arrd 3 outside ide the WhitWhite H. The woe women werewere clubbedb, an and torturrtured by pry pris at at the Occ Occoquan Won. One One of the mhe movemens le leaders, As, Alice Pa, fo Nationtional Womanoman's Pa, founder ofr of what bete wa solitarytary confinefinemt was placedaced in in orderrder to breabreak hel and undermdermine her her c. an Bu the womewomen's treatreatmt But press ess coveragerf increaseeased sympatmpaty fo for their eir pligh. An And in 191 1918, Repreepre Je Jeannette tte Ranki, the firsfirst woman man in Co, opened ced congressiessional dn a woman'man's suffraffrage ame. The resoresolution fon fai. In 191 1918, Pr out out in favoravor of suff, President ent Wilson aoe declaring ing it was nas ned d as a w a war measueasure. Wi be Wilson arg argued thatthad been proviroviding vit s duriduring Worldorld WarI Iand thd that theirheir vos shoushould be coe counted in orderrder to makemake the woe world safesafe for dem. Finallnally, in 19n 1919, the l WomeWomen's SuffSuffrage Ame , th the same ome one writtritten B. Anthonyhony back ink in , was was passed bed by the eHouse use and the the Sena. And ond on August ust 26, 1, th the 19th Ath Amendmt was ofs officiallyally incorpd into tto the US CoS Constitu, d prohibitiniting denyinnying theo oa US cUS citizen ben based on , al although sgh states cosd still del deny votinoting rightsghts based oed on other . It wIt would tak take another years fos for Nativetive Americn and men men to get tet the rio vote and and more the than 30s be lifted on on Asian-Amn-Americag before maj major restrestrie rightsghts.
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 625,819
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Keywords: 19th amendment, women's rights, right to vote, women vote, voting rights, women's history, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, suffrage, woman suffrage, suffragettes, history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, america, united states, explainer, learn about, information, facts, women, US 19th amendment, women in US, US women right to vote, right to vote 19th amendment, womens suffrage, constitutional amendment, women right to vote, women's rights movement
Id: a9LmBgY-F5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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