The 1930s Russian Prophecy | Perry Stone

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[Music] all right i'm going to be sharing with you today a story that millions of people who are christians around the world have never heard before it's a fully documented story and it was shared with me many years ago so let's begin in 1917 toward the conclusion of world war one there was the bolshevik revolution that introduced communism to the area of russia now russia traditionally had been known as an orthodox christian country with many churches however with the introduction of communism there came a clash between true christians who were faithful to god to believe in god and the atheist indoctrination that came through a lot of the early communist leaders and also later communist leaders one of the features of the revolution that followed was the persecution against christian uh christians and the arrests the taking of bibles the shutting down of of churches that were not registered by the government marx wanted to actually get rid of religion and he deemed it as a weak system for people who followed it between 1917 and this is in history from 1917 to 1921 the soviets destroyed 600 monasteries and oversaw the killing of 300 clergy between 1921 and 1950 there was an estimated 15 million christians that were sent to prison camps and after 1950 there was another estimated 5 million christians that died and perished for different purposes and different reasons during that time the communist nations around the world if you've ever noticed whether it be north korea or whether it be china the countries that are strong communists are very strong persecutors of true christianity when i say true christianity we're talking about those who choose to put god first and christ first etc so here's the story there was a fall of communism in the late 1980s and early 90s at that time there was a man who was the world missions director for the church of god denomination in cleveland tennessee that i knew personally is a great man by the name of lovell carrie lovell kerry made a trip to the soviet union that had collapsed and it would again later be called russia once again the russian republic whatever name they're using at that time and he met with the bishop of the underground unregistered pentecostal church and these were secret believers that had gone underground for many many many years under communism many of them when they were discovered were severely persecuted some did suffer death but they had in bishop fedetov i believe was his name who was the bishop at that time had in his possession a piece of paper from a prophecy given by a woman in the soviet union in the 1930s and this uh this very unusual prediction that i'm about to tell you was kept in possession of the leaders of that church all the way till the time of the fall or the collapse i should save communism now in the 1930s this woman had prophesied level kerry saw the prophecy it of course was not written in english it was written in the russian language the bishop showed it to him directly and this is what the prophecy said the prophecy said in the 1930s that there would come a time in the future when there would be a man rise to power there in the soviet union whose name would be called mikhail or mikhail as we would pronounce it and that he would be known by a mark that would be on his forehead or on his head now i have a picture here of michael gorbachev and you can see the birthmark that's on his head right there this is very interesting so keep following it she predicted that when this man would come to power that there would be a great season of religious freedom that would once again come to their country which at that time was the soviet union and that there would be revivals that would break out across the nation there would be bibles that would be visible again and the freedom would be great and there would be this great move of god's spirit then she said and this is the point i'm getting to you right now see who i'm pointing to that there would then be at uh after this time of freedom there would then be repression that would once again start and it would occur again now when this lady gave the prophecy this pentecostal woman in the 1930s it would be about 50 years later that mikhail gorbachev who had the birthmark in his head which was identified by the underground church as the man the prophecy was talking about came to power he introduced something called glassness which was to be more open in the government and allow more freedom of religion and of course that prophecy was fulfilled through michel now let me just share something with you that is written in a book that i wrote called the pope the eagle and the iron sickle and honestly i shouldn't even be talking about the book because i don't even know if we're out of the print of this book it was a fascinating book about the pope about the eagle represented by ronald reagan and the iron sickle represented by mikhail gorbachev who would come together to help bring freedom to the eastern bloc and also in the soviet union and that's that's a whole other story but i want to read to you because i want to read it it's an interesting story there was a man by the name of lavon riley over masters tours in dallas texas who took me to israel in the 1980s he told me this story himself lavonne was a tour operator from texas in the late 1980s mr reilly planned a trip to russia traveling with a plain load of christians underneath their plane were thousands of bibles now this is after freedom began to come in the late 80s and early 90s that was the time frame upon his arrival he discovered it was difficult for to clear the bibles but after a special visit with customs personnel personnel and a special permit the army came and with trucks and delivered the bibles directly to the churches lavon personally told me this story of how during this trip the kgb called him into their offices great fear came upon him that he would be arrested the kgb leader proceeded to tell him that they were aware of his every step in fact the man in charge that he was speaking to said let me show you your file he proceeded to pull a file about four inches thick that gave details of every time lavon had ever traveled in the past to the soviet union now you could travel there but you weren't allowed to do public meetings or bring bibles at that time because he was a tour a tour director so he took people on tours so it had records of every hotel he'd stayed in people he'd spoken to restaurants he'd eaten in so it came to pass after he stood there and talked to this man that he realized they were not going to arrest him but they were going to show him that a new uh era had began in the soviet union which would be the russian states later and that they would permit permit more religious freedom a permit was given to levon and by the and the third man under gorbachev gorbachev uh brought said bring as many bibles to russia as you want we love bibles now that was a really strange statement to make considering the past of the country but now the freedom had come based on and i say based on the 1930s prophecy it came to pass exactly the way the woman predicted it was at this time that lavon also learned that the mother of michael gorbachev was an orthodox christian she had prayed for michelle for many years that he would become a leader in russia during easter his mother would make a special cake and place certain scriptures on it this was confirmed when gorbachev appeared on the hour of power with robert schuller robert schuller had the crystal cathedral in california and had him had gorbachev on as a guest on october 22nd 2000 and he spoke michelle spoke about his mother's prayers and that practice all of his family were christians and during the interview he made this statement this is this is gorbachev who made this statement he said there can be no freedom without spiritual freedom without human beings being able to choose that was a very powerful statement that he made now the point that i want to make is that this revival has has happened churches have been built bibles have been there there has been a freedom of preaching however though prophecy said repression would begin again eventually there would be religious there would be a repression now she didn't specifically say religious repression she just said repression will begin we're not sure exactly what she intended when she made that statement now here's the question this man putin with what he is doing in the ukraine and we don't know where this is going it could end a month from now it could get worse it could lead to other states being taken over has the prophecies the final part that repression would begin again is it now beginning to take place under a different leader and so this is one of those situations in my opinion that i i cannot sit here and predict this unless i have a direct word from the holy spirit and i'm not like some people every time i want to prophesy something i just get it prophesied i don't believe that's how prophecy works i believe there has to be a divine inspiration from the lord before you speak and you must know it's him and not just speaking out of your own mind or spirit i don't have the answer is this the repression that is beginning or will there be another type of repression that would come in russia itself we know that there's a lot of young people there who want democracy and want freedom the same is true in the ukraine east eastern europe and the baltic states however even if it was just about this one war we could see yes that has begun to happen again so i want you i wanted to share this with you and we're going to be doing some uh information or giving you some information on some very old prophecies some are over 100 years of age that most people are totally unaware of they've been documented it's not just something we're coming up with that we just heard somebody say i've actually shared this for 20 years and thought hey it's time to bring that out again when i wrote that book the pope the eagle and the iron sickle but i just want to say to you if you learn something please give this a thumbs up and that helps the algorithm of more people seeing it now a lot of you over 47 of the people that watch us on youtube are not subscribed to our youtube channel would you subscribe to our channel and show us how you love what we're sharing the research we do and you are just behind and you want more and more of these great teachings that will help me to see that you're out there and you're interested do not forget that at the end of every single series that we do like this there's a special resource that we make available also remember that we have special prophetic summits big camp meetings and also an israel trip god willing that we do every year in the month of november you can contact our ministry or go to and get information on these wonderful things that you can participate in thank you for your time and keep watching the perry stone youtube channel my new book titled the visions contains specific details of visions and revelations involving future both national and international events from visions and encounters that i have recorded in my private journal i waited for the right prophetic season to disclose these warnings and events god's word states that if spiritual watchmen do not warn the people of the danger they see coming the watchmen will be held accountable for what happens to the people after experiencing much inner conviction in my soul i sensed it was the right time to pin what i and others have seen much of this book covers warning visions explaining what is coming and how to prepare i've divided the visions into what was what is and what is to come here are some of the subjects i will cover in the book learn the four different types of spiritual visions i explain ancient oracles exposing how leaders attempted to see the future visions of cities burning both present and future including new york city my father's vision of a planned east coast nuclear attack also my recent visions concerning cremation ovens i experienced a vision of a frightening assault on a public school that i want to share with you i have for many years experienced tsunami visions and i've decided to release that information and include the locations that i have seen in those visions there is a vision of a nuclear power plant that initiates a stock market crash there's a vision of empty cities and empty streets that i believe is linked to the recent pandemic and possibly another pandemic coming the vision of the 10-mile radius bio-weapons attack on london england and also i've seen in three different visions a strong earthquake impacting the midwest especially the st louis area i also talk about the strange vision of three tornadoes that i believe cost hillary clinton her political future i share a vision revealing future attacks on individual christians and churches i also talk about when political leaders and their administrations lose divine favor with god i have a section where i talk about 2024 and beyond and i've included what i believe to be an interesting historical parallel about a possible trump second term the coming revival through the lens of a camera one of my favorite chapters that's going to be very helpful to you is this 10 rules and wisdom principles for surviving and thriving at the end the book also has important instructions for the reader to follow when you order this new book i'm also including my two audio cd teaching the battle of the two marks which exposes the future mark of the beast and explains the mystery of the seal of god both which are alluded to in the book of revelation get the new book in the audio cd now for your donation of 35 or more ask for offer vs 141 you can order at or by calling toll-free 1-888-21 bread or mail your order to perry stone po box 3595 cleveland tennessee 37320 i hope every prophetic student intercessor and those interested to know what is ahead will take time to order this new spiritual resource i written this in the fear of the lord but i believe it's now the time to release the messages a remnant is now waking up and preparing what about you if you enjoyed this youtube content there's an important website you should know about is an essential resource for the latest books audiovisual presentations and digital products from perry stone ministries resources that cover the same kinds of topics discussed in the program you just watched stop in and see all that's available at [Music]
Channel: Perry Stone
Views: 250,389
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Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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