The $1.8 Billion Plan for Amsterdam

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this video was made possible by any desk this is the how Havens Amsterdam's newest neighborhood compared with the rest of the city the house Havens look strange it has the canals the bricks and kind of similar buildings but the house Havens it's different it's not hundreds of years old not even a decade its buildings don't just look like they're from the center they look like they're copies of entirely different neighborhoods and even cities on one Island it's Copenhagen on another it's Amsterdam from the 1600s traditional houses have been transformed into weird futuristic hybrids while cars drive underground it is one of the most expensive and desired neighborhoods in the entire city its canals were not even needed but built to match the vibe of the historic City every single Island looks different this is not just any random City neighborhood This Is the Gen design of Amsterdam's newest [Music] neighborhood Amsterdam was built on a swamp to keep its houses stable they were built on wooden poles as the city grew the demand for wood did two but if you need lots of Timber you're going to have to find a place to store it halfway through the 19th century a part of the city becomes a floating lumber yard the how Havens for decades it stored wood arriving from the Baltic Sea but then the car came the automobile paved the way for Long Haul Trucking delivering by boat became unattractive the timber yard crawled on slowly until a revolution killed it wood pools were no longer necessary to hold up the City's homes concrete poles were enough one of the most important Lumber ports in northern Europe was dying but it would have revenge in the 1950s a man designed a building the UN Deion is the poster child for the architecture of the 20th century modernism after the wars Europeans had to build and build quickly concrete was pre-cast in factories and assembled on site less time labor cost the strong concrete foundations meant buildings could go higher and denser but it had a problem to clear away our slums modernism's intentions were sometimes Noble we want houses quickly its execution though elitist and boring humans have different tastes in food clothes and people why should their houses be the exception modernism strength was standardization affordability but its weakness was the inability to provide another basic human desire the desire for variation the how Havens is Amsterdam's newest neighborhood we have excavated the former lumber yard to create an archipelago it's designed to be a microcosm of Amsterdam we have taken different architectural styles from across the city and recreated a modern updated version of them for the 21st century each artificially created island has its own unique theme design and history when you walk through the how Havens you are walking through the history of Amsterdam it's the 1500s Amsterdam is expanding next to its new canals the city builts hundreds of canal houses Guided by a few simple constraints equal width similar height and a limited selection of materials and color it produced variation that did not get out of hand today these houses are Prime real estate some of the most expensive in the entirety of Europe Island number four narv land we have recreated the canal belt luxury tow houses with varying facades a pallet of colors has produced a street that looks harmonious but every house is still unique this is narva Island a modern interpretation of Amsterdam's Canal belt the buildings are unique by sharing materials colors and dimensions the street has variation without sacrificing Harmony ordered chaos like its ancestors these houses aren't cheap but luckily luxury Canal houses aren't the only type of building the house Havens as redesigned until the 1600s Amsterdam's Merchants stored Goods in the top floor of their homes as the Golden Age heated up these attics weren't enough across the city hundreds of warehouses POA were constructed but as the centuries wore on the lucrativeness of the trade networks declined the warehouses emptied but if they could once hold goods and spices men believed and they could also hold shopkeepers and families Island number one weborg Island we have turned Amsterdam's warehouses into a modern hybrid for Island 1 The Architects determined the average features of warehouses they then procedurally rearranged these into modern Paz a similar kind of ordered chaos as Island 4 but with less Architects and cost in the late 1800s the city was located behind the single as Amsterdam industrialized it was time to expand the Dutch Renaissance style was revived new buildings were constructed with horizontal layers of Natural Stone creating the illusion of buildings with stripes Island number five meme Island Neo Renaissance style buildings have been converted into a modern hybrid meme island is another modern version of Amsterdam Canal houses but in a Neo Neo Renaissance style the old wi painted detailing binds the modern versions together with a unified Style with the expansion of the canal belt Amsterdam's demand for wood increased the house happens was constructed but where the Dutch used imported wood for supports ceilings and floors in the baltics it was used for even more Island number six leau island we have built an island that directly references the industry the how Havens was born from timberl looking homes with a Baltic Scandinavian 2 we interrupt this broadcast with an emergency message are you a father that works in an office job and sees your child getting older and older but you're just not around at home to see it are you just miserable in your boring cubicle and just wish you had more freedom any desk allows you to unlock the Best of Both Worlds by accessing your work PC remotely in the fastest secure and most efficient way possible any desk gives you the ability to work at home use your work computer with lightning fast connection speeds and transfer files seamlessly while hearing the laughter and joy of your daughter who will only be this young once use your work computer like hundreds of thousands of professionals already are but then in the Cozy warmth of your home check out anyes for free at hoo liau is the sixth island in the H Havens and marks the departure from the traditional architecture instead of Amsterdam it's a modern Recreation of the Baltic Coast wood barns boat houses and Timber sheds in the color pet from around the Baltic [Music] Sea it's now the 1900 Amsterdam's population is growing but the city's Elites are realizing something maybe poor laborers need better living conditions too next to the hin is The Spar Dumber be in this neighborhood a strange new form of architecture was born apartment blocks that look like fortresses bricks molded like plastic instead of straight lines and sharp Corners edges are smooth materials are layered and patterned in ways never seen before with intricate iron work and odd facades but instead of statues of kings and queens here you find laborers this is the Amsterdam s a form of architecture that influenced the design of thousands of Dutch homes in the 20th century it also influenced the design of three islands in the 21st century Island number 3 2 and 7 Revel island ston island and Carl scona these three islands reference the neighborhood hood on the how Haven's border Ral island is the largest its buildings are made of brick with round corners and small rectangular Windows one of its buildings is also social housing sharing the same Purpose with the neighborhood that inspired it s island is also touched by the amam Su school but it's different it's a hybrid between a more sober version of the same architecture as well as the Dutch version of Frank LD Wright the buildings homes have horizontal Windows divided into smaller panes and a stout roof but it also has horizontal rectangular shapes and towers of brick Carl scona is the last Island and it's still being built once it's finished it will have two buildings with smooth brick Design Elements it is also the only Island that is entirely social housing the closest to reaching the aim from the creators of the original style the H Havens has traditional and modern architecture interl it also has expressionist and modern architecture interl but it also has modern and modern architecture interl it's the' 60s and the world is optimistic across Europe utopian concrete Mass housing projects start to develop the bail mermier is the city of the future unlocked by the power of concrete Amsterdam is constructing buildings that are higher and denser this Vision was shortlived these neighborhoods were too alienating monotonous and undesirable but they weren't useless they provided homes and information information that modern architecture had to do something different in the 70s the city of Amsterdam creates a different set of islands the house Haven's older brother on the Eastern side of the city Borneo island is one of the Eastern doc islands that we have converted from industry to residential living in the 70s in the 9s on this island we built a new type of street on 60 plots residents designed their own unique homes Architects could experiment with different building material materials facades and Designs but following a few Simple Rules we've created one of the most unique looking streets in the entirety of Amsterdam this ises monstrat if there was any modern competitor to Mass housing blocks this was it it used the new design and construction techniques of the modern era and mixed it with the creative chaos found in the old city but what it gained in creativity it lost in practicality these homes were too expensive and sparse to be a realistic Mass housing solution but what if you combined the best of both on island number zero and the pontsteiger we show the city how you're supposed to do modernism on island zero multiple tall high-rise buildings with a concrete frame on its other side one of the largest highrises in the entire city the poner Island zero was the first of all the islands and it's also the tallest it's intentionally designed that way to Shield the area from indust noise although these buildings are concrete highrises they're not monotonous on island zero you can also find the super Lofts a new type of building with a pre-fabricated concrete base that allows for an entirely customizable interior future residents were able to install CLT floors and wooden interior walls slotted into supports to completely personalize their homes according to their Lifestyles and routines like SCP monstrat but more affordable simple but standard framework creates the room for creativity to flourish the pyer is a sibling of the belmer buildings from the 1960s an upgrade to The Adventurous high-rise buildings of the post-war era next to multiple and its intimidating and potentially boring put it on its own though and it's an icon a literal gateway to the H havans Amsterdam's newest neighborhood works because it gives the residents Choice within constraints ordered chaos is the theme across the entire how Havens not just its Islands the features are unique but together they form a coherent hole they're all modern versions of historical architecture but from different time periods they all have green space but in different Arrangements each is designed but designed by a different number of Architects the islands are rectangular but vary in width and length this is not a coincidence this is a genius design modern housing developments are large and alienating the how Havens feels personal and quaint with the exception of Island zero and the pyer all the buildings are around the same five-story height this creates a feeling of closeness that modern housing blocks lack underneath block zero you can find inner walkways if houses aren't closed together this can feel unsafe but in the house Havens it's close enough that this won't be a problem when the house boats arrive in the neighborhood it will be even better the hens is constructed with an artificial history all the names of the bridges and Islands come from historical landmarks in its former Timber trade you're not part of some futuristic experiment but of a story that's being written many modern housing developments were built for the automobile but the how Havens hides them this is Howa Park beneath it is a tunnel for Cars This was done to improve the air quality but it's also a multi-million Euro effort to include the H Havens into the rest of the neighborhood instead of a operated Rich Yuppy town you have a connected Rich Yuppy town it's an expensive infrastructure project but the benefit is a public park that people from the other neighborhood can enjoy instead of large parking garages next to highrises the how Haven stores Vehicles underneath its Islands there's still roads that bring cars to the neighborhood but it does feel like pedestrians are in charge modern housing developments were built with strict zoning but the H Havens is multi-use across the neighborhood our strategic placed buildings with unique functions these also have special architectural features injecting more personality onto the islands the charm of a city is that it brings things together modern housing's biggest mistake was believing that these should be categorized and separate still no neighborhood is ever perfect walk around the H havin and it's noticeably quiet maybe too quiet we have kept commercial facilities at a minimum we could not cannibalize the industry in the surrounding areas look closer and you'll find quite a lot of bikes that are electric and expensive the financial crisis cut our budget we started with 30% social housing but we had to drop it to 20 canals are of course beautiful but they're also large many are looking for affordable homes it makes you wonder could it have been designed even more efficiently these problems aside I do think the design is genius a shitty home is better than no home at all but it's necessary to build houses people want to live in not just have to many of the postwar modernist experiments that are considered failures today were urgent reactions rational with the information available the need to increase the number of homes quickly meant building the same was an adaptation the house Havens shows us what we learned from the mistakes of our predecessors do not tell people what they must live in give them the freedom to choose and to choose between options Amsterdam itself is made up of strange and different architectural experiments combined though they all make a great City shrink them down take the best ideas from each and then you have a genius neighborhood these are building kits real craftable physical models of iconic buildings this one as well as our exclusive bmer kit are available right now at hook dut shop making one of these gets you into the flow on the worst days it's a great addition to any interior and it's the perfect gift for anyone who likes architecture design or cities touch Amsterdam's most iconic symbols from hook. shop it's also the best way to support the channel thank you for watching
Channel: Hoog
Views: 587,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QMlfVwN3iTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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