The 10,000,000 Coin Quest #4: The Minecraft Mandrake

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this video is only going to be two minutes long since i've planned out everything already step one get level 55 farming to be able to farm mandrake step two enter the goblin hollows step three farm mandrake step four sell mandrakes for 10 million coins so i farmed pumpkins for three hours got level 55 farming step one complete then i went to enter the goblin hollows blocked wait what the goblins would probably be upset if i enter i'll probably be upset if this video takes longer than two minutes here's a goblin yo what's happening so basically the goblins live together in harmony then everything changed attacked a bully came and overthrew the government with his big muscles which personally i think that's how governments should work but if i want to get in i have to kill growlder so there's a new step to my plan this video might be one extra minute never mind apparently girl dude is level 45 and i am level well if this is 45 then this is level 25 and then there's me so i have two options train and get stronger or get someone else to do it for me hey big guy wanna fight for me i have come to the leader of the giants to recruit him into my army against the goblins his name is roald dahl a reference to the famous children's author who wrote the big giant i sometimes swear hello sir do you play basketball i mean how's the weather up there i mean can you fight the goblins for me i will help you if you cook me a delicious meal after he denied my cheese toasty i realized i had to add an extra step to the plant he wants an elderboar roast which his daughter knows how to make who names their daughter gluttony also i think maybe she's adopted something just looks a little different for the giants to fight for me i gotta cook the el de boer and serve it to them and only olaf knows the recipe which means we're going ziplining hell yeah and zero full damage later i spoke to olaf he says he's been trying to catch the elder boy for years but he isn't the main character so it's impossible you will need the largest net in the universe you'll never be able to get it i already read the wiki page i have everything oh so i crafted the net and olaf said that to capture the elder ball i need to use some tricky magic not magic magic see magic is like and magic is like off to find the elder boar now did i get completely lost for an hour yes but did i finish watching the one hour version of moshu's wrap yes i do have it on loop though so that won't be stopping anytime soon i found it or we made it last tomorrow that's it apparently the horses got improved let's test that out ah yes just like vaping is an improved version of cigarettes but you're still gonna get cancer all right i got the boar now you need the five secret ingredients found in each corner of the world i looked up the wiki and bought them on amazon you know what [ __ ] i don't swear and we had a lovely family dinner then god gluttony says she has to become a master brewer and doesn't want to miss the boat what a boat this world has almost zero oceans maybe she's boating to the wizard tower but he didn't teach me brewing she has to be lying and i found her hiding in her room i knew it typical teenager i bet you also listen to heavy metal music you satanist i made your delicious meal now join me to fight the goblins i totally would but like i'm trapped sea defense keeps me in you're a giant oh what a shame the fence is too high i guess you gotta find someone else to do it maybe someone who names their daughter better right did you just hold a grudge against me well at least i unlocked the giant parkour course step one parkour step two swing step three fly step four dodge flying skulls step five chocolate parkour step 6 wool jump step 7 repeat this 180 more times to get the giant backpack an amazing tool for any aspect of the game but consider this i don't want to spend 6 hours jumping around on chocolate so my plan is going well the giants won't help me so i need to actually level up my combat i hunted skunks for their xp i slaughtered hundreds of them but then i realized how does hunting a defenseless animal make me a good hunter the sign of a true hunter would be to hunt something that could hunt me back i think that hunting a man would be the only true test of a good hunter meet sebastian he's a radish farmer who has a black belt in taekwondo this is his wife sabrina i am the ultimate hunter to get my combat level up i'm going to fight a guard level 110 let's go oh god i need to quit nope he killed me before i could even disconnect i went back and found that i did eight damage total okay screw this i've waited too long i'm finishing step two enter goblin hollows by killing growldoog in 1v1 combat the server is restarting in two minutes i have to hurry i am ready for the greatest battle of my lifetime [Music] oh i must have died from lag since the server was restarting plan i need to get attack and defense xp so i can fight the goblin to get the mandrake to get 10 million coins but i hate grinding combat skills so instead i'm going to go after xp bottles there are sets of tasks to complete that will give you xp bottles that you can use on any skill 950 coal collect 100 potatoes scam 20 people by the way subscribe to my channel for 500 000 daily tax-free delivered by a unicorn my first task is to farm 100 tomatoes and i have perfectly camouflaged with the pig you can't tell which i am then i killed 100 ducks chopped 100 trees killed 100 skunks mined 100 magic rocks and fished 100 sardines during all of this i managed to finish motion beatbox two more times truly i'm moving forward in life but then i realized i could be convinced to do anything if it gave me a higher number as a reward i'm going after these rewards with jingly sounds and bright colors yeah i went from level 25 to 26 but it doesn't really mean anything the more videos i make the less likely it is i'm going to keep playing video games at all what i'm trying to say is then i pick 250 bananas does this look like a banana to you farm 250 cocoa beans and make a cocoa montage no i have found a hidden cave there must be something secret at the end here goes the greatest parkour jump of my career i'm just gonna go around nope a magical four stops me at least it isn't a magical force then i'd be screwed so i spent 10 minutes running back and forth stop all right this time i'm going for the greatest parkour jump of my career oh my god actually made it i did not expect that yeah that's more like what i was expecting now that i'm out i've only got three tasks left to get the xp bottles next i have to mine coal inside the volcano of fire which is a pretty redundant the only problem with the colon here is that it's guarded by fire-breathing lava monsters at first i thought i would fight fire with fire but apparently that just makes the fire even bigger i really should have known that there is a heavy metal song called and heavy metal is evil so i hid behind rocks and got it eventually hello um hi who are you you killed my father you have the slightest idea how little that narrows him down oh it's sebastian's son he's come for revenge should have used magic idiot the next quest is to make chocolate step one chop down sugar cane step two grind it into sugar step three abuse child labor step four advertise to people with eating disorders step five don't pay taxes step six build statues of yourself step 7 immortality i found a treasure chest while fishing wow i will value this forever the final task is to buy 250 chrono runes literally just spend your money and fuel the economy attack leveled up defense leveled up once i'm combat level 38 now and i need to be 45 to fight graldurg so i'm going to the combat expert lyrily what must i do to increase my battle strength kill 100 wolf milo citizens cool sounds good wait what you can't just tell people to murder innocent citizens look she has skulls in her stool who gave you this job was there a background check although it would give a lot of xp one two three 65 66 67 68 you might think it's bad to kill 100 people but actually it's much worse since a family on average have more than two children the human population grows at 1.1 percent per year so if these 100 people were let live 100 years later there would be 13 720 people so by killing these 100 i've actually murdered 13 000 potential people this is the power of compound interest then i went and killed 100 seagulls or else 13 000 birds would outnumber humans in a hundred years now that i finished my tasks i get rewarded with a payer key i can either spin a loot box for random loot or sell it for cash but you see there's something called a compound interest you can have one chocolate bar today or four chocolate bars tomorrow if you wait 100 human skills today or 13 000 skulls in 100 years so i sold the key i needed more combat xp so i killed sebastian's entire bloodline this is sebastian's identical twin serbian his less identical twin sonia his side piece satrina oh it's sebastian he's resurrected from the dead bye filled with bloodlust i needed more i killed so many skunks that in 500 years humans won't have a sense of smell because humans have old senses as responses to danger since i've entered all sorts of dangerous smells in the universe humans won't need smell i'm now level 30 attack and defense and 41 in combat i'm ready for the growlderg battle in preparation for my jewel i bought a stack of apple pie heels for 50 health g'day goblin i'm finally back are you ready to witness the greatest sports showdown in history sponsored by red bull dragoon goes for the swing attack a groundhog parries with an axe thrower wow it looks like dragoon is showing he texted growlduck's mother ralduke has started leaking dragoon's credit card details they are fighting between dimension they're moving at the speed of light they have transcended time itself this fight happened 10 000 years ago and is still happening now ralduk's mother texted back dragoons ralduk is on 69 health it seems those apple pies have steroids inside them i'm not sure if that's allowed and dragoon has won it's all over folks thanks for watching sponsored by red bull right click to enter the goblin hollows i've been waiting for that for so long that was step two of my four-step plan that was supposed to take two minutes total now step three farm mandrake but where are the mandrakes not in this house not in this cave not in my search history i asked goblins i asked yahoo answers i sent out morse code to alien galaxies god where are the mandrakes oh there they are thanks dude glad we proved you exist time to farm my first mandrake ow mandrake screamed so loudly that it hurts you when you pick them to counteract this i need earmuffs here is the goblin loot chest you can randomly get items like ages of fury the elder spirit or even a snail shell or earmuffs the last thing i need before completing step four of my plan to open the deposit box and get the earmuffs i need a goblin key so i have three options buy the key complete the adventure quest to get a key or kill random citizens and hope for the one in 150 chance of getting the key and i think i've shown what my true natural talent is reducing populations i've been grinding for about 30 minutes and i've found a key loop see the key is split into two halves the loops are from female goblins and the stems from males when a man and a woman love each other very much they put their keys together and that unlocks the box that has a baby inside the baby comes with earmuffs because babies are loud and annoying just got to get the stem now 20 minutes later and another loop see sometimes a female and a female love each other and when that happens it's a sin against god and doesn't unlock the chest oh someone noticed me you're that one guy right yeah i'm ryan's toy reviews i'm another hour in and got a third loop but no stem see sometimes three people love each other all at the same time and when that happens people will pay money to see it okay it's been a while i think i've listened to enough of this i'm swapping to gandalf saxophone for 10 hours but a boom i did it i got one stem i can combine them into one key will i get the earmuffs will i get the snail shell oh there it is the snail shell please come on this is all i've ever wanted wait no come back please come back i guess i got this what is it i got face paint i spent two hours reducing the goblin population and got this green thing on my face can't i just use sheep wall as earmuffs so i asked people in the game if they had any earmuffs i asked people on discord i asked people persuasively god where can i get earmuffs oh no answer i guess female and female is fine never mind wait that gives me an idea i can trade my female half of the key for a male half to complete the key i've already killed tens of thousands a little human trafficking isn't that much worse okay that's three unforgivable jokes in a row this should be my last video sadly there is a shortage of men and i can't buy any so i tried to buy a baby directly buying a key is basically adoption nope a shortage of those two maybe if i had more money i could afford one then someone messaged me hey are you up for some money gaming this guy promised to show me how to make millions of coins just look at how trustworthy his face is he's leading me towards the wait is that bajan canadian he's killing civilians too population control must be achieved the guy promising me money told me to use the zipline so he's definitely trustworthy led me deep into the maple forest and i was never seen again don't trust strangers unless they promised you money we siphoned maple syrup out of all the trees nearby sold it to people with eating disorders and made hundreds of thousands of coins then someone else noticed me you're good youtube wow dragoon he is not dragoon guys long correct i am ryan's toy reviews after some maple syrup farming i was rich enough to buy two more keys i am finally ready i will get these earmuffs you don't know the things i have done to get these keys step 1 get level 55 farming step 2 enter the goblin hollows step 3 get some fluffy earmuffs all right in this box there are 129 items each key gives you approximately 3.5 items since i have two keys that's a 7 in 129 chance or a 5 chance of getting the earmuffs i got bark runes hatchet a cold backpack some mushrooms and flowers what the f i don't swear just as i was mortgaging my house for more keys my final order for a male half came through this is it my final chance i have no money left it's all in the goblin key god if you are listening why do people go bold this key gave me the maximum of five items could this be a sign [Music] nope nope nope nope oh good i got a sword so i can chop my hands off and never play this game again you know what screw it i don't need earmuffs i'm going to farm mandrakes without them if i turn gandalf all the way up then i can't hear the mandrake screaming anyway i am immortal i will farm forever
Channel: Dragoon
Views: 148,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyblock isles, minecraft, hypixel skyublock, hypixel skyblock, hypixel, skyblock update, minecraft update, minecraft but, minecraft challenge
Id: mRHwi2Vv0kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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