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are we getting sick of being cold are we getting tired of high taxes are we bored every five years Americans move to another home it's not always a dramatic move say going from California to Colorado often it's close by like across town or to another part of the state every five years might sound like a lot but it's actually lower than it used to be as a population we're getting older and older people can't move as easily as younger people can nowadays mom and dad both have jobs which makes mobility a tougher pill to swallow and data shows that we don't job hop as often as we used to so we don't move as much which states were seeing the biggest population declines over time actually there are exactly 10 of them the rest of the states have either seen slight increases or big gains in people will talk about where people are moving and why everyone's leaving and all the other fun stuff in this video so grab your packing tape and don't forget the goldfish we're gonna explore America's fastest shrinking States on the road again going places that I've never been getting out of states that I'll never see again I just can't wait to get on the road again [Music] so here we go hopping in the truck this is gonna be fun everyone a new adventure anything's better than Kansas no Kansas isn't that bad is it well clearly it's not the bee's knees since it's our 10th fastest shrinking state we actually have 10 states exactly that saw population declines last year Kansas barely qualified it lost only 0.1 percent of its population of late which isn't so bad but the population decreases accelerating here as Kansas had a smallish 1.8 percent population increase over the last decade so people are leaving in a faster rate why are people leaving such a pretty state jobs mostly I mean the schools were pretty good the cost of living is reasonable the biggest demographic moving out of Kansas or older people folks over the age of 55 she couldn't wait to get out of here but then she came back and realized she actually kind of missed it now the opposite the fastest growing state is the state of Idaho which saw a four point one percent growth rate last year and a 16.2% population increase over the last decade but Utah grew even faster than Idaho in the last ten years with an eighteen point two percent growth rate both of these states have a booming economy and an exceptional cost of living teeny little Rhode Island ranks as the state with the second-biggest outbound migration rate what's wrong with Rhode Island nothing really when they asked people why they were leaving Rhode Island nearly half set for jobs we're actually gonna hear that a lot the core of the people leaving or retiring opt into southern states with less taxes it's the wealthier people getting out of Dodge to hardly any of the poorer Rhode Islanders are leaving and what about the fastest shrinking countries most are in Eastern Europe places like Bulgaria Lithuania Latvia Serbia Ukraine Japan's culture shift has meant that it's on pace to lose about 20 million people in the next thirty years they're just not having enough kids to keep up with the aging population same goes with Italy the country's growing the fastest are all in Africa a high fertility rate and better medical technology means people are living longer here and the population growth is exploding however these countries are all very poor which is a big problem in this part of the world all my bags are packed I'm ready to go I'm standing here outside my door I can't wait to hit the road and say goodbye we had to fly our stuff out of our next shrinking state because renting a boat to move a couch and our pets just doesn't seem prudent especially when we spent a fortune trying to afford living in Hawaii when you have the highest cost of living in the nation it's kind of hard to keep people around meaning of us can't justify paying in average six hundred and seventy two thousand dollars for a house even if this is in your backyard rent here is like two grand a month at best and grocery costs are through the roof and one of the populations dropped here for three consecutive years besides people leaving because they can't afford to live here they're hurt fewer little Hawaiian babies being born ah that's too bad little Hawaiian babies are so cute we go down south for the first time and actually for the last time Louisiana is the only southern state that didn't increase residents last year even Mississippi gained a few people as we mentioned earlier the south and the West are where we're all moving the biggest destination for Louisianans is next door in Texas a whopping 70 percent of people leaving Louisiana are doing it for better jobs as you may know if you don't work in energy the fishing industry or in agriculture it's tough finding work here mister and the lower the oil prices go the poorer everyone here gets sadly get ready for a long drive good thing we have snow tires we're here in Alaska at least for now because like a lot of other people we're leaving six years in a row it's been since Alaska had a net migration that's the longest ever it's tough finding good work up here at no man's land and it's expensive for things like heating fuel medical insurance and bear traps of course it's very cold and dark here too the older population is beginning to get tired that and the younger population well they don't like not having amazing internet and a Starbucks on every corner so they leave did you know every resident in Alaska gets a check every year I did know that mappy and looked it up and last year Alaskans got sixteen hundred dollars each just for being Alaskans that's a lot no not really mappy child care alone here costs about seventy six hundred dollars a year sixteen hundred dollars isn't even enough to pay for igloo insurance Oh mappy has no idea what day-to-day costs are I haven't really told you guys but his family's been living with me for the last three years I just might have to do something about that though but for now we drop in on connecticut for a live view of a very happy family packing there she like Alaska before it Connecticut's population has dropped for six consecutive years to families like this are moving out every day that's kind of a weird way to pack were they doing the plastic like that more than one in three people leave Connecticut because they retired and three-quarters are relatively wealthy folks Connecticut had a net loss of thirty thousand people last year meaning to nearby New York Massachusetts and California for some reason I guess they never visited California before because the northeastern part of the US has been hit hard by an outward population migration it's been four consecutive years that the Empire State has lost people a lot of them are from upstate a region which has been hit hard by manufacturing job losses and the cold climate doesn't help but it's not just folks leaving the sticks last year a hundred and thirty one people left New York City every single day lots of folks were burned out by the fast-paced life and the high cost of living is just wearing on people I guess of course many people are moving to New York City as well two-thirds came from abroad that means other countries a lot of New Yorkers are leaving for southern states especially Florida which is the fifth fastest growing state of all mostly because it's warm here and there's no income tax New Yorkers also fleet a nearby New Jersey and Pennsylvania at a high clip just know I'm not alone because we're gonna make your state our home our next fastest shrinking state is Illinois why taxes the weather Chicago crime nothing to do every five minutes somebody leaves Illinois for another state this state lost a hundred and four thousand people last year Illinois is the only Midwest state that didn't grow last year outside of Kansas now because the population has shrunk so fast here that demand for housing has also gone down that's impacted one of Illinois s biggest industries real estate now less homes means less property taxes which means the economy is sinking even faster and they're talking about hiking income taxes even more here next year which will mean more people will likely leave again by Illinois now Wyoming actually lost more people than any other state last year but Wyoming had seen a slight gain in people over the previous decade that means Wyoming's population decline is picking up steam why are people leaving all of this mostly jobs and better economies elsewhere Americans do want to live in less crowded places these days but the sweet spot seems to be the suburbs outside of major metro areas there aren't any major metro areas in the cowboy state the economy here and the jobs have been up-and-down for the last five years look at which states are right next to Wyoming Idaho Utah and Colorado three of the fastest growing states they're stealing Wyoming's residents away jerks which date is he fastest shrinking of them all West Virginia's there are many many reasons why the mountain State has been bleeding residents of course jobs have a lot to do with it the unemployment rate here is about 25 percent higher than the national average thusly two-thirds of the people leaving or doing so for bigger paychecks or actual paychecks and most interestingly nearly three and ten people leaving are young that's really high it's like you grow up in West Virginia and you can't wait to get the heck out of West Virginia soon as you can people here are poor we're 20 percent live in poverty it's an older unhealthy population and part of the decline is just people are dying there were more deaths than births here last year and sadly addictions are a big problem in West Virginia too now while people continue to leave West Virginia probably meaning the other states we talked about will probably see that as well we want better jobs warmer weather and a better life and some places in our country allow us to do just that so next time you're looking around wondering why on earth you're stuck there remember this you're not take action and move on to greener pastures you'll be a lot happier you can always come back settle down it will all be clear don't pay no mind to me I don't want to be here just know you're not alone I just don't want to make this state my home hey guys if you learn something new or you just like this video make sure to like it and if you really like this video make sure you hit that subscribe button so you get all of our videos about what it's like to live in different places in America peace
Channel: Nick Johnson
Views: 2,007,997
Rating: 4.6679411 out of 5
Keywords: shrinking states, states to move to, where should i move, real esate, america, new york, illinois, connecticut, kansas, wyoming, west virginia, hawaii, alaska, states losing populations, rhode island, louisiana, us population, usa documentary, best states to move, worst states to move
Id: _G9QMaqN12g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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