The 10 MOST ICONIC PRO SMITE Plays & Moments Of All Time!

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today we become Legends hey my name's iner welcome back to the channel over the years smite's pro league has had its fair share of defining moments when teams go undefeated to when teams F6 at one minute in from amazing individual plays to clutch whole team fights these are the moments and plays we watch SPL for and this video will Chronicle 10 of the craziest ones quick shout out to Betty Smite who does a ton of pro league content on YouTube that you can't really find anywhere else I had most of these moments already in in my brain but for the last two or three to make it a 10 list I had a browse of his channel to find some remaining hidden gems definitely check him out if you're interested in SPL content but without further Ado let's jump in so the best logical place to kick this list off would be one of the oldest legendary plays in professional Smite game Hunters ver Mana pent kill in the Smite launch tournament 2014 roll the clip to for if you wanted to go de glovs he certainly could there's a Blake initiation cataclysm Cub thrown to the back could they get another kill crushing wave comes out he's still alive there goes the D judgment has been brought down on him and kbo goes down already oh but L is going to pay for this he's gone too far Fearless is going to be good but not in time trick Tank's now in trouble desert Fury is going to be good how did he escape with that hell that man on his last legs the best on no legs a Game Hunter on giant legs is chasing him down knock up from shock wave jingle bang on the ground zapman goes down look from above the sky come down he's got the kill go for shadow the P kill there's a p kill 111 and four this is why he is known as God Hunter ladies and gentlemen if you're at home or you're here in Atlanta Georgia you got to give it up for the baby game hunter and his Penta kill in the lodge Tournament of smite time dude I get chills every time I watch this play just something about the casting from dry bear and DM Brandon here is so special the Synergy was clearly there at the time with DM basically kill counting in the background as drybear commentates what's actually happening in the play culminating in them both just exploding when vermana gets his pent kill dropping all five members of Team dignas it also adds to the hype that this was the first ever pentac kill in any pro Smite tournament ever which is probably why the Caster were so ridiculously hyped for this one sticking with the 2014 launch tournament though check this sh out coming out from Shadow q a little bit premature cracking coming through zapman will fall shadow bit of trouble as well lasses pumping damage into Badger Bader Force out of the fight chain lightning doing work as well Shadow Q juking re reals can't find the hit Shadow still alive world going to miss best te down goes real Shadow still with the juuk what play from Shadow Captain Twi Three Stacks he's going to fall here as well ultimate dead down BS Captain Twi xas takes the fight man what a crazy individual play shadow Q basically saved that entire fight for his team with these Galactic Jukes on reals an her and Twig's Poseidon buying infinite time for the best on Zeus to just freecast and win the fight with Silla on the rotation this fight could have gone very differently if Shadow Q dies quickly here once again the casting is out of this world from dry bear ultimate literal chills dude but taking a break from all professional Smite to give some respect to the new blood the only Warriors 14 set undefeated streak in the first phase of year 10 SPL absolutely has to be mentioned here never before have we seen a team be so dominant as to win every set they played in a phase and by proxy never has a team so dominant been three olded in such a fashion as the warriors were three OED by Fairman in the summer Masters land while not necessarily one moment I simply had to mention the Warriors as they hold the title for the longest undefeated streak in professional Smite history and this set where Fairman dashed their hopes was nothing short of incredible to watch we all know that many of the Fairman are players that really show up in tournament formats and less so in the regular season but to see them confidently three and as their undefeated team is extremely impressive so while Warriors hold the longest undefeated streak in terms of sets the original Epsilon roster who also played under panthera and N hold a title perhaps more impressive the only team to ever win the World Championship back to back with the exact same roster a comeback but just in the wrong spot you try and use the ultimate still not able to get quite far enough away variety had such a good game but but that's a tough death there well he four me left and into the sky goes adapting the ultimate's weighing down the Titan is under siege energy are looking to be world champions again and they've done it long live the king and once again the king is your again this isn't really one single moment but I just couldn't talk about defining pro league moments without mentioning Epsilon by at least one metric they're the strongest team relative to their peers that has ever existed in Smite of course there are multiple ways to to measure that as we just saw with the only Warriors but to this day no team has ever accomplished what Epsilon later NRG did back in season 2 and three some have come close but none have claimed a back-to-back title with the same roster and with how often teams swap out players nowadays I don't think we'll ever see this again the Kings had a shot this year but after replacing genetics it's no longer the exact same roster they won World season 9 with adapting Dei EML iraa and Yamin only one of which is still playing competitive Smite will probably forever hold this impressive title okay that was a lot of long and meaningful stuff about which team is definitively the goat of smite Let's Get Back to Basics and watch some death Walker here roll the clip team fight as zeros has lost his buff the goal now maybe go back in that is unreal from Death Walker that is disgusting as hex Mambo have found the initiation and it's death Walker at the Forefront solar scarabs decimated from the map and it is hex Mambo taking game one so after watching this again for the video I realized it's only a fourman faers I thought it was five when I first watched it but don't let that diminish the absolute decimation that death Walker D out to the entire solar scarabs roster here the fight was all but lost before this absolute hero play from the SEC solol these kind of moments are what hype casters live for and Mifflin honestly one of the goats of hype casting absolutely delivers here just like death Walker delivered basically five people into the jaws of his teammates on Hex Mambo I absolutely adore death Walker Rado and [ __ ] talking in this clip as well he talked [ __ ] before the first set and scarabs promptly two old hex Mambo and sent them into the losers bracket but to come all the way back to Grand finals and pull this play out of his ass in game one is absolutely one of the pro Smite plays of all time switching from a play to Roser drama though I simply couldn't make an SPL defining moments vid without mentioning the recent drama around Barracuda being dropped from the Ravens in favor of zapman Barra has basically been The Golden Boy of smite's Esports scene since literally season 1 playing in every world to date and an all round lovable guy zapman is sort of the dark side of bar and that he has also been around forever but takes on a bit more of a bad boy Persona and talks more [ __ ] in one match than bar has in his whole career I'm not saying this is a bad thing I personally love trash talk and rivalries as long as it doesn't go too far but for not only bar to be out of the SPL but for his replacement to be essentially his Dark Side counterpart led to an explosion of support for both sides of this roster change the ensuing Twitter drama and Jabs taken by both sides was hilarious to watch and saying Fair well to SPL bar is something we all knew would happen eventually but it doesn't make it any less sad when it happens truly a defining moment in Smite espot so we've had a lot of legendary individual plays so far with death Walker's FIS game Hunter's first ever Pro Mike pentac kill and Shadow Q's Galactic Jukes but let's switch up the gears a little bit and look at a good old meaty team play from enemy Esports against luminosity in season three roll the clip in the game it means 76 minutes we're going to just walk around the jungle catch one person look B has no idea enemy they might even go for the cheese wi I mean oh enemy they're grouped up they could just sneak this Phoenix I mean this is Tom Clancy status the teleports in and Mar's going to come over here here they're going to skip the Phoenix the chaos ladies and gentlemen the surprise win from enemy Luminosity had no idea enemy takes it man what a nailbiter of a play I vividly remember being on the edge of my seat watching this live back in season 3 as this game had gone on for 76 minutes at this point of play one of the longest ever Pro Smite matches to that point enemy were up one Z so winning this match meant they take the set and with the 76 minutes stalemate in the late game something had to be done enemy's team captain P devond essentially molded this roster of mostly rookies around himself and made all the shot calls so this was clearly his call and Bo was at the right decision in the end I can just imagine the fear in the hearts of Lis Luminosity roster as they first see all five members of enemy show up on their Phoenix and if the recalls have been a few seconds faster it's possible this game goes the other way but that's not the timeline we live in and this play will go down in history as one of the most nail-biting Smite matches of all time so that's a great team play but the SPL also has its fair share of the complete opposite roller clip remember they're all swinging around the left hand side this it going to be an invade it looks like they do have the sobec to set up potentially Snoopy for a pluck as well that's going to be a lot of chain CC which also during the double chain CC keing can get off a lot of damage with the silence as well the disappointing thing is at the moment look at their boots though they got Taria boots and traveler shoes one Sprint one curse and three sunders this is definitely a strategy that they've been kind of experimenting with I'm assuming yeah experimenting with totally good way of putting that my friend experimenting with well we'll see how this experiment works out for them this going to either work brilliantly or Crash and Burn Right Here curse one Sprint three sunders I mean in theory in theory this should work right because you have a lot of chain lock down CC a lot of burst damage with a triple sunders as well which will amplify the damage and you have a lot of Mobility with all the shoes you're too nice to cuz at the moment all I'm seeing is they were solid after game one and the situation there and now they're trying something crazy for game two well I mean if this works if they can get all three kills in the dualing position then they're going to set themselves up really beautifully for the rest of the game they don't totally what's going to happen then they're going to lose very quickly well let's find out the buff is already been started sorry beginning to be started here at the back here and immediately they're going to charge in onic going to lead the ways the Sprint been popped yet no it hasn't but they've recognized it already have saw they're already trying to run away here the curse hits but it it was immuned immediately by hwind and the plot does not go few purification was used by herwin and then we just return the damage from Stella burst so this invade doesn't work meanwhile they've not got a single buff in the jungle yet four men now five men still group in mid lane they're not going to Lane they're still trying to pressure Hur wind in the mid Snoopy Dives in deep he's going to die to the tower there and now on top of that we're going to see dust actually pick up first blood for them but then during all that process that worth no that was not worth because during that whole process speed buff and blue buff were taking from sord and now they pushed it out the solo Lane and now getting their own blue buff and speed bu turn now that looks like nvs is still grouping up into the solo Lane where Baskin and homies currently level two just hitting at level three okay against five level ones so five level ones there's Berserker barage doing a ton of damage against all the targets so blood Jon's going to hit three people and Smash down one well he's going to get plucked around and meanwhile everybody else is continuing to farm up as baskin's getting four maned at the moment but Baskin still alive finds the second kill as well blon again hit in three delet one all right okay yeah I'm done like I don't even know what en was doing there he just he just one V4 at the end there he was level three against four level ones after homie Fay died and now baskin's in a position to just destroy in the soul Lane credit to Baskin for what he did there in that situation to to pick up the kill snoppy goes back in again but this is this is fical right now from so they just started surrender well they surrendered as well I'm speechless I'm actually speechless right now you're so for you guys that har I just want to apologize now for that get set cuz I did not know about that but that is atrocious I don't even know where you come from or what you play but that is just embarrassing to do that in a competitive game uh game one I completely understand the issues they had but game two doing that I mean I understand the the jokeer around let's try and invade and do something funny but throw your lives away and surrender in one minute not the sp's proudest moment for sure and these players did receive a fine and suspension for this terrible sportsmanship for context envious is solo ler disconnected in game one of this set and for some reason the game wasn't allowed to be paused to wait for his return turn causing a loss and making Envy play with dust a last minute substitute in Solo Lane for this second match so it is completely understandable for the Envy roster to be frustrated here but this was not the way to handle it it does make for a funny clip to rewatch though as Hindu man instantly realizes what's happening where they all buy Taria boots while Anatoli a relatively new Caster at the time tries to play off as if Envy are going for some gigabrain invade Strat when in reality they just went all in it went horribly and they F6 at one minute in which is absolutely against SPL rules as you can't surrender before 10 truly a defining Pro Smite moment sticking with envious for the moment albe it under a completely different roster I wonder why yep I'm going to beat the dead horse that is 667 one more time in my videos weaken if you're watching I hate to do you like this but I blame you for making such an iconic SM Esports moment happen how could I not include 667 in a video like this for those unaware envious was at the time the top team in Na and just behind Epsilon in EU which we've talked about already they were winning the vast majority of their set if I remember correctly there were something like 19 and three at the time this is just to preface the fact that this was not a bad team or a bad player at the time quite the opposite however that doesn't change the fact that over 20 minutes into this Pro Smite match one of the Undisputed top junglers at the time on the second best potentially best team in the SPL had 667 player damage Odin's bir bomb does almost that much at one cast in this point in the game but hey let's not beat this dead horse any further as I have a whole video on the full story behind 667 if you're interested link below and finally let's close this video out with a getting banned from Pro Smite speedrun back in 2013 when Smite was in beta before the SPL even existed and before even the launch tournament where Game Hunter did his pentac kill speedrun a player by the name of EMC square joined a tournament at pack 2013 but instead of converting energy to mass he converted his time and energy into a lifetime competitive ban from Smite before the pro league even existed yep it turns out that EMC was using wall hacks for this tournament the first ever instance of hacks being displayed on the public stage of smite to show that they refuse to tolerate hacks and set an example going forward EMC squ was given a lifetime competitive ban from Smite but that's all I've got for 10 moments that define competitive Smite from amazing plays to trash plays to Lifetime bands drama and more any other moments I should have mentioned in the video leave them down below and perhaps I can make a part two to this video If there's interest catch you guys another one later on have a great day and peace out you NS [Music] w
Channel: Inters3ct
Views: 39,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smite
Id: nYgBjmgHq2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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