The 10 Best PS5 Accessories You Should Buy!

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Today I'm going to be showing you the best  PlayStation 5 accessories that you can buy right   now. Some of these you've probably seen before  like the controllers and the docs but there are   a few here that you may never have heard of so if  you're wanting to upgrade your ps5 setup or just   improve your whole ownership experience hopefully  today's video will help also everything is linked   in the description if you wanted to check that out  right let's start with the plates so the ps5 comes   with these white covers on the side but they are  actually removable and replaceable that means with   very little effort you can actually slide these  off and choose another color instead completely   transforming the look now since launch you have  been able to get hold of third party plates from   amazon and dbrand but last year sony announced  their own official covers they were the midnight   black and the cosmic red but we will see more  colors later this year removing the old plates is   just a case of holding the top corner and sliding  down and out at the same time first up we've got   the cosmic red plates here and these really pop  but if you wanted to go for a more understated   or dark theme then i would definitely recommend  picking up the midnight black plates instead i've   been using these since they launched a few months  ago and i think they look awesome but if you don't   like any of the official colors where you can  choose d brand instead and they've actually got   their own design so you can see here it's got  vents on the side of the covers and the actual   edges are more rounded instead of being sharp but  regardless of where you buy these from just by   changing the plates can completely transform the  look of your setup and while we're talking about   customizing it here are three small things you  can do to change the ps5 look now you might have   noticed the center piece here is normally glossy  which although looks nice it usually attracts dust   and fingerprints pretty easily and the answer  to that was to wrap the center with a black   vinyl wrap from dbrand there are cheaper versions  out there from amazon but it basically just sticks   over the top leaving small holes for the buttons  now next to these weird-looking stickers these   are actually used to cover up the leds on the  front of the ps5 to change its color by default   the lights on the ps5 are blue when it boots up  then they turn to white once it's on now if you   add these little stickers over the top you can  actually change the leds to appear a different   color instead you could have blue red orange  or even black if you wanted to completely turn   it off so as you can see here i've opted for  the blue leds which i think looks really nice   okay so if you're using the official sony plates  you'll have the little playstation logo cut out on   the side and if you pop the cover off you can see  there's a very small ps logo indent too so if you   take these stickers here that i've got which come  in a selection of colors you can stick them on the   little cutout on the inside of the console now  when you put the plates back on you've now got a   little pop of color showing through the logo it's  only a subtle change but depending on what your   setup is like and the color theme you're going for  you can have your playstation 5 match that color   next up is storage so we know the internal  storage on the playstation 5 isn't great with   around 667 gigabytes of usable space it means  it fills up pretty quickly especially with the   new playstation plus tiers that we're going  to see later this year there's a good chance   you might download even more games now there's  two no actually three solutions for this one is   just delete any games that you've finished  playing or re-download them if you need to   two is plug an external drive in which lets  you store but not play your playstation 5 games   all three is install an m.2 drive in the internal  slot now if you're opting for the external drive i   will go for the sandisk extreme ssd these come  in sizes from 500 gigabytes to 4 terabytes and   will let you store your playstation 5 games on  it now just bear in mind you cannot play the   games off this drive as you will need to transfer  them back onto the ps5 internal storage now the   easiest option but a little bit more expensive is  utilizing the internal ssd bay which sony unlocked   last year and this will let you fit any compatible  m.2 drive just by removing the side cover removing   the metal plate and inserting it here it takes  a few minutes to install and it instantly adds   up to four terabytes of storage it will also let  you store and play your ps5 game straight from   it so there's no need for that external drive as  well if you're going down the internal ssd route   i would recommend either the sn850 from western  digital or the mp600 pro lpx from corsa those are   the two that i've used since launch and they've  been great so far i'm not sure about you but you   can never have too many controllers adding extra  controllers to your setup is one of the easiest   and most convenient things that you can do whether  you're gaming for hours every day you play local   co-op games or you just forget to charge it having  at least one extra controller will be useful   so we've obviously got the white controller that  comes with the console so that's pretty standard   but there's now a huge selection of controllers  to choose from we've got the official colors   including midnight black cosmic red galactic  purple nova pink and the starlight blue then if   you want to create something totally unique this  place is like colorware and then there's the new   scuff controllers now i've actually been trying  for months to get one like since they announced   it last year hopefully i will get my hands on one  soon but i keep missing the drops now with the   xbox series x you've got a choice of the elite  controller or you can go down the scuff route   as well so i've actually got a scuff instincts pro  here and i've been using this for about six months   or so for me the experience has been great so far  but i'm really keen to try the playstation 5 one   now if you ever want to take your ps5 controller  with you or just keep it safe you can actually buy   these hard shell carry cases these actually fit  the dual sense controller perfectly and it looks   pretty neat it's actually very similar to the  case that the xbox elite controller comes with   following on from the controllers you'll also  want to charge them so the playstation 5 does   come with a usbc charging cable but any extra  controllers that you buy doesn't now i'm using   the official playstation 5 dock here which means  i've always got two controllers ready to go as you   can see this one is actually painted black but the  official one comes in white next i've got these   wooden controller stands from geek made designs  i have three of these now and they are always   displaying controllers in my room they have a  few different designs and styles but this one   is definitely my favorite it fits the jewel sense  perfectly and it looks awesome so it's made from   solid wood it's got rubber feet underneath and it  feels really well made so if you want to display   your controllers in your setup i would definitely  recommend picking these up another idea if you   don't want to buy a dock or a holder is to use  these clips instead so this little mount clips   onto the side of your ps5 so on the console itself  and it lets you hang your controller from here   this is perfect if you're on a budget or you're  limited on space and you don't want to have the   controller on your desk there are a few places  actually sell these including amazon and glisco   okay so if you're playing any fps games or  online multiplayer you're going to want a headset   the obvious choice is to go for the sony pulse  3ds these come in black or white and they actually   match the playstation 5 design i have them and  i've used them and they are definitely worth   the price but if you can spend a little bit more i  would recommend going for the still series arctis   7ps or 7p plus they are a far better headset  longer battery comfier and i think they look   nicer the only downside of the 7p over the 7p plus  is the lack of the usbc port so i would definitely   go for the 7p plus but i also still have my eyes  on the astro a50s i actually sold my previous pair   just before i got the ps5 but the hdmi splitter  and the lack of hdmi 2.1 support is what's still   putting me off now unfortunately the monitor  i'm using does not have an optical out so i'm   not able to use that here but if you can i would  definitely go for the a50s okay so you've got   your headset and now you need somewhere to store  them i actually hang mine on my shelf over here or   on one of these headset stands i've actually got  two of these stands now i've got this grove made   one here that sits on my desk now this is solid  and it will fit pretty much any headset the link   below that i've got to this actually gives you a  10 off code if you're interested or if you wanted   something with a playstation brandon or icons on  it there's this one here from geek made designs   this is also made from wood and it's got a metal  bracket in the middle but if you look closely   i really like this design across the bottom and  here's another idea just like with the controllers   if you're limited on budget or space you can  buy these little clips to go on the side of the   playstation 5. this will then allow you to mount  your headset on the side of the console instead   and here's a little bonus accessory that i wanted  to show you these are the wooden playstation   icons so if you want something totally unique and  different to what you can buy in the shops i would   recommend picking these up i actually have two  sets of these now i've got one under my tv and one   on my desk set up so that was a quick look at what  i think are the best playstation 5 accessories   that you can buy right now thank you for watching  and if you drop a playstation 5 with a little blue   heart in the comments i know you're here right to  the end and if you did enjoy today's video check   out my gaming on a tv video next as it covers  why i think gaming on a tv is actually better   than a monitor don't forget to like subscribe  and turn notifications on until next time
Channel: SpawnPoiint
Views: 1,128,837
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Keywords: best ps5 accessories, ps5 accessories, playstation 5, ps5 controller, playstation 5 accessories, best playstation 5 accessories, sony playstation, ps5 accessories you need, dualsense charging station, sony ps5, ps5 accessories review, top ps5 accessories, best ps5 headset, dualsense controller, best ps5 accessories to buy, accessories for ps5, ps5 controller accessories, ps5 gift guide, accessories for playstation 5, all ps5 accessories, ps5 accessories to buy, Spawnpoiint
Id: lHDeqn-8Cdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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