The #1 mistake that I've made in every lease purchase I've done

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well good morning trucker todd here and time for another video we had a crazy weekend as you know i did one of a rare times i did a saturday video if you haven't seen that saturday video i realized some of you is home with family off work things like that i'll post a link for that video in the description below but uh i'm gonna kinda talk about that a little bit today but not so much today i'm going to tell you the biggest mistake i've made in all of my lease purchases and i'm also going to give a very very strong clue about what i'm going to be doing in the future so stay with me this one is going to be pretty short i think and let's jump right in here we go hey trucker todd here and today's video is sponsored by the fine folks at mud flap if you're not familiar with the mud flap app they offer you ways to save money on fuel and if you click the link in my description below you'll receive ten dollars off the first time you use their app to fill up if you do it within the first five days so why not give them a shot you could save 20 30 even 50 cents or more per gallon on diesel and you don't have to be a truck driver to use it if you use diesel you can use this app so look down in the description below for the link to receive that savings for being a viewer of this channel all right let's jump right into the regularly scheduled video and this is why i'm doing this why i'm out here why i keep that hammer down on [Music] for this [Music] okay we're back and uh i want to remind everybody give this video a thumbs up we had a a ton of viewership on saturday's video i really appreciate you guys share these videos on your social media platforms because it enlightens other drivers about the good and bad about companies and helps them make an informed decision about where to work also as this all plays out you guys make sure you're subscribed wait a few seconds click that bell and then select all so that you receive notifications about future videos it's free to do and that way you can stay in the loop okay also my instagram my facebook everything like that is down in the description check those things out we put content there sometimes that we don't put on the youtube channel also um also you guys can leave a comment below you can email me questions things like that that you might have and i'll get back to you is just as quick as i can but let's uh stop right there let's get right into today's subject so you guys know i've been driving about 25 years i started my first lease purchase in 2001 and i've been a company driver a couple times since then but for the most part i've done lease purchases a few times i've paid off the trucks and things like that but uh anyway that's not what this is about what's the one thing i wish i wouldn't have done in all these lease purchases now i know you guys um some of you don't like lease purchase and that's okay we can agree to disagree there's some things good about them something's bad about them same thing with purchasing a truck uh there's some things good about it and something's bad about it there's actually a one and a half things the half is i'm starting to select companies where they pay percentage because i've seen in this experience that i make a lot more money on percentage than i do mileage especially when these companies are wanting to pay a dollar five or a dollar ten a mile i can make twice that my part or to the truck anyway by doing percentage and so when you're selecting where you're going to work where you're going to do your lease purchase try to select a company where you can do percentage and i believe that you'll see a significant pay increase now it is a little more risky because the markets can fluctuate and some months you're going to make more than other months but the same is true in mileage pay you're not always going to get 11 000 miles every month um trucks are gonna break freight's gonna drop off i mean things happen so that's why you need to budget why you need to save and uh be prepared for something like that if it happens but i think overall you're gonna make more money with percentage and frankly i think that's why a lot of companies don't offer it as an option because uh they're trying to get you as cheap as they can just like when you order something off of amazon or off the internet you look for the best price you can get for the best product they do the same thing they look for the best driver they can get for the best price and it's kind of a supply and demand thing so uh just be a little more selective try to select companies that do pay percentage and i believe that'll benefit you now here's the one thing that i have done wrong in every single lease purchase i've done i've always gone to a company where you couldn't move the truck to another company if things didn't work out so like this situation here with dart where things have blown up they've got hurt feelings i've got hurt feelings it got really nasty there are leasing companies and leasing trucking companies even that allow you to take the truck to other companies and you know i think that a company that does that is more trustworthy because they don't have the truck to hold over your head if you're if they're a good company you'll stay there if they're not you'll take the truck and go to another company and so now let's uh looking back and even here with dart think about if i could take this truck that i'm currently in which i love the truck wish i could take it to another company all the money i've invested wouldn't be gone uh things like that now i'll give you this all these leasing companies or everyone i know of that you take the truck to another company you pay a fee but you think about it when you go to another company in a situation like i'm in now you're going to pay a fee anyway you're going to have new escrows and things like that so nothing's free they're gonna get you either way and uh it would be nice if i could move this truck to another company but i'm doing something else instead i'm i'm taking my own advice this right here just go ahead and show you guys is and i'm showing you the back of it so i won't give away too much yet is a deposit i put on a 2022 volvo 760. uh it's currently being built at volvo it's that's why i said it'll take a few weeks for things to play out now should things well todd what happens if you work things out with dart um at this point the money i wired to them that's a wiring sheet where i gave my bank permission to where i'm the money they will refund me that if i back out here pretty quick and so i can get out of this um if dart and i work things out i can keep the kenworth i've got or i can move into this other truck which i can move company to company as situations change or i can leave dart altogether and take that truck with me and go somewhere else so i've got options now that i didn't have before i will say the companies that are on my short list for places i would go do pay percentage like i mentioned earlier in the video and so um the only other thing i'll say about the volvo i ordered is it's black it's got refrigerator things like that and so i am pretty excited about that i've never had a brand spanking new truck either as a company driver or as a lease operator so i am pretty excited about that i am doing a lease on that truck um and it'll pay off completely in four years and i'll have a title so i'm pretty excited about that as well but i'm gonna go ahead and wrap this video up i promised you'd be short and we'll catch you on the next one i'm still waiting to hear from the dart president ceo today there's still a slight slight chance things could be worked out but i'm not super optimistic and so uh wednesday i hope to have an update for you guys and if not we'll just keep rolling and we'll talk about the next thing on our list so y'all have a great day i appreciate y'all watching bye
Channel: Trucker Todd
Views: 206
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #vloguapps #videoshop #VivaVideo #followme
Id: 83OwUaXf3Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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