The 1 MACRO Mistake Every LOW ELO Player MAKES - League of Legends

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hey everyone league is a really complicated game it can be overwhelming at times when trying to think about all the different things you could have done better or want a game that you lost but what if i told you that there is a secret win condition that 99 of the player base doesn't even realize exists and it's right in front of their face yes even a lot of challenger players don't understand this and it's these secret tactics that you're about to learn that actually help you climb ranks most players don't realize trying to mimic pro player high yellow streams will only slow you down they don't teach you how to exploit low either like we do which is necessary for carrying teammates from hell that's why we can guarantee you'll climb five divisions while actively using our servers at it actually works so check us out after this in the meantime let's uncover the secret strategy in today's guide in this game i'm playing orianna versus zero and masters elo first look at these team fights twitch appears out of stealth with yumi on him i miss mount like a noob then the enemy moored alts our jungler and we kill him as they come out so we win that fight slightly since we got one kill and they got none now take a look at this next one sadly it starts out with me missing my alt again i kind of hate that i chose this replay but after a little bit of trading in river we see mordekaiser in mid lane and camille jumps on him then he flashes away just barely surviving i linger in mid afterwards looking to poke them until the enemy azir jumps in and tries to flash all me into them he flashed too far so i just dodged at all but i still need to flash over it because of this misplay from him we kill him and two more winning that fight three for one all right and one more fight to look at it's going to start here with the enemy twitch trying to push wave my team is coming from bot side river so twitch starts running away into his top side jungle but our camille came from top side and flashes then ultim this lets us kill the 7-0 fed twitch and once i arrive i finally land an alt and clean up the fight and we get an ace alright let's go back to the first fight again this time specifically focus on the enemy twitch he comes out of stealth and i miss my all then notice he walks straight back under his azir tower so we couldn't really kill him after that but in the last fight twitch was caught in pretty much the same exact spot and notice because he didn't have a tier 1 tower he had to take a different route and was cut off and in the second fight mordekaiser was trying to push mid and notice it was too dangerous for him too because he didn't have mid tier 1. so he got him to flash away with low health so what's the hidden wind condition and the reason these fights are going the way they are mid tier one tower it's almost impossible to lose a game with mid tier one tower up they can take everything in bot lane including the inhibitor and everything in top lane but if they don't have mid tier 1 they cannot win i've been playing for almost 10 years and i've yet to see it without considering forfeit of course let me explain a bit more the key here is to understand that it's not about us winning these team fights the team fight is actually irrelevant it's about how dangerous it is for the enemy team to try and get any kind of mid priority if you don't know mid priority is the most important macro concept in the game even in pro play and it just means whoever pushes midway first because whoever pushes midway first has the first move to anywhere on the map think about that let's look at a few scenarios scenario one there's a 2v2 happening in top river and the other three players are in mid lane for both teams break it down piece by piece first the blue team pushes mid wave before the red team now this means they can be the first ones to move to the fight happening at top side i know what you might be thinking though what stops the red team from just leaving at the same time and ditching the mid wave it's only six minions well then they also leave their tower completely vulnerable so then the blue team doesn't even need to move to the fight they can just keep pushing and take one if not two towers until someone stops them so the red team needs to clear the minions first then they can move to the top fight let's say that takes them 5 seconds that's where that fancy word you've heard before comes into play tempo blue team has a 5 second head start to the fight so that means they have a 5 second tempo advantage because they can get there first they should obviously win the fight for this next scenario both teams have three dragons and soul dragon is about to come up baron is down so don't worry about that the blue team gets mid prior which let them move towards dragon before the red team now blue team can get vision control of the area and the red team will have to face check them we all know how those scenarios turn out so those are two simple scenarios showing you how important mid priority is there's plenty more but those should do before we go any further you might be thinking these concepts probably don't apply to my helo because nobody's thinking about this stuff and you're right about the second part nobody's thinking about this stuff but these kinds of things happen without you even realizing and give you more chances to make plays now that you understand what's happening for example in a low elo game if we take the same first scenario instead of respecting the mid wave the enemy team will just leave it and run to the fight this is where your knowledge from this video comes into play you can take a look at the fight and think about if you would win it or not and if you can't tell or if you think it's a loss you just take midtower and push push push until they make you stop then once someone comes and makes you stop well now you have a tempo advantage that can be used if something else is happening if you have mid prio the enemy team has to take an l somewhere it's just up to you to punish them for not understanding this all right so now that you understand mid prio and why it's important now let's think about mid tier 1 and why it's the win condition if you keep that tower up you can pretty much always be all the way up in the middle of the map and be safe so let's say the enemy team actually gets mid prior well it's only going to be for a little bit since the wave hits the tower right away but if your mid tier one is gone you're all the way to tier two instead so they have double the tempo advantage on top of this look at what they get access to when they have mid prio and your tier one is gone they can walk into either side of the jungle and contest any jungle camp and if you want to get into your jungle you're basically face checking this is what i mean when i say this stuff happens without you realizing the enemy team will have a lot of map control because they took tier 1 but they don't know that that's the reason let's look at another scenario let's say your sideliners aren't doing too hot but you're winning mid lane so you have your tier 1 but the enemy team has taken your bot and top tier one and they are pushed up on both sides a fight starts breaking out in your top jungle so now the enemy bot lane wants to rotate to that fight but because you have tier 1 they can't just walk in between your tier 1 and tier 2 mid towers they have to walk all the way around this is the map control that tier 1 gives so just to make it clear if you don't have mid tier 1 it's very hard to get mid priority without it being dangerous and if you have tier 1 and they have mid prio it's only for a small amount of time anyways and finally mid tier 1 gives an insane amount of map control because of those two things i could keep making scenarios all day so let me show you a real one again in this game i'm playing yasuo and masters we're winning slightly with a 3k gold advantage if we look at the mini-map they have taken one tower our mid-tier one we have taken their bot and top tier ones the enemy sivir and braum have been doing a good job keeping mid tier one up and watch how hard it makes things for us i push bot for tempo advantage and head to mid looking to fight or prevent them from clearing the wave sadly there isn't much i can do to them if we pause look at toppling see how garen is chasing the enemy's head well let's say we had their t1 down then we could push the wave to their tier 2 we could all just run straight through their top jungle to that fight but because we don't have tier 1 the enemy team can easily be there before us or cut us off if we tried so you see how much map control that tier 1 gives it's literally preventing us from being able to make a potential play anyways we try again to force a fight to get this tower but it's too hard and it fails the second time as well and remember we are the ones with an advantage here we have the 3k gold lead and if you're thinking why don't you just go split push well let's say i'm pushing bot or top guess it will always have the first move to me exactly the enemy team because they have tier one it's way too dangerous to split push without that tower down even if we get mid prio it's only for a few seconds alright so what does this mean for you it means that whenever you make a decision you need to be taking into account what happens in mid tower if you die when i'm playing something like anivia and a sketchy fight is happening i play it very very cautious because if i'm alive they can never take mid tier 1. so don't just coin flip fight and lose your easy win condition for no reason think about it it can literally win you the game that tower staying up is worth more than one or two kills you might get at of fight so you really need to think about the risk also it means if the enemy team makes plays that leaves their mid tier 1 exposed don't hesitate to take that tower and don't get baited into fighting that tier 1 tower is worth way more than a single dragon and though either will give you a chance to take their mid tower every time a dragon comes up and this is just a taste of the super effective strategy you'll find at if you're serious about improving and wanting to rank up fast then check us out link in the description below that's gonna wrap this one up we hope you enjoyed it and thanks for watching
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 79,614
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Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, league of legends season 12, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, league of legends macro, lol coaching, low elo, how to climb, challenger guide, lol macro guide, mid lane guide, how to mid lane, mid lane coaching, league of legends rank up
Id: YTl0IH3jCn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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