the ✨ultimate✨ notion setup for 2023.

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I spent the last decade of my life cycling through dozens of productivity apps and strategies all of which always left me feeling underwhelmed or frustrated so today I'm going to show you my exact system in notion that has allowed me to stay organized and get more done than ever before let's get into it all right now that we have our angle change let's get started what we're seeing right now is my notion dashboard and it looks a lot different than what I had showed you guys last year mostly because I used to base my system off of a combination of getting things done and bullet journaling but now I do still have a couple pieces of the getting things done system in here but I have reworked it to mostly follow Austin Bradley's pillar Pipeline and Vault system which I will link down below if you want to know more about it's a little bit complicated but I've just found it works a lot better for my workflow so hopefully it's going to make sense to you guys so if we go down here I have our cute little waving bear and our Cloud dog butt and a little good luck like just adding a little bit of stickers you can see it that my three main sections of my notion are my action Zone my alignment Zone and my field notes and I'm going to go into depth about these a little bit later down here is a link to my inbox that's just my scratch pad that I go through every week to make sure that I'm not missing any notes or ideas and here are my Hubs so these are just different sections of my life also known as pillars so you can see there's like Finance relationships design travel this is going to differ for you compared to me but these are just the components of my life if you do bullet journaling you can think of these as collections so just to kind of show you all what these look like inside I'm going to open up mental health and Clarity so this is just a hub that holds any page within my notion system that relates to this section of life so for example I have like a self-care tool kit a seasonal depression strategy for anyone that gets sad in Winter I highly suggest making one of these it's really helpful then I also have my therapy notes just so I can make sure that I have something to look back on every week and then if we go into health and fitness here's another example so I have my workouts page linked here my meal planner Muay Thai notebook medical notes just any random notes related to health and fitness so you get the idea and then there's a little area down here for like notion shortcuts or just any pragmatic notes that I need so let's start with the action Zone this is actually the page that I spend most of my time on when I wake up in the morning I'm opening this up not my dashboard and that's because I have everything on here automated to tell me exactly what I need to do every day at the top here is my daily tracking so every day I open up a new template add in the date as the title the date and the day already populated I will add in the week so that it links to my weekly reviews I will put in a mood for how I felt that day these are all color coded and really cute with little emojis I also add a rating for how I ate that day on a scale of one to five how I slept and all of these are automated so for example if I say I went to sleep at 11 and I woke up at 8 30. it gives me the total sleep time here so I don't have to calculate that and then at the end of the day I'll also check off any of the habits that I did um I can write down any improvements here so stop snacking on a boredom that's a bad habit I have and at the end of the week this will all roll up into my weekly review and then if I did you know my weekly review monthly review I just put it here just to log it and if I published a video or a short form video on either my channels then I will put that here as well and then down here I add in any gratitude I have and it's nice because this all rolls up into that table so I can look at everything I've been grateful for for the past month or a year and then every morning I like to write what my intended highlight of the day is so if there is a certain project I really want to get done or I'm just really excited to hang out with a friend and I want that to be my highlight I'll put that here just as kind of like an intention chin and then I also have my affirmations and my manifestations listed as a reminder as well and the cool thing is because there's so much data here I can actually roll up that data and see Trends under my full Daily tracking spreadsheet which you can see here so I can look to see just what my mood has been like and since these are kind of categorized by color I can just tell at a quick glance if there's a lot of green I've been doing pretty well if there's a lot of purple that means that I've been more like tired or Moody and then if I go and click on 30 day averages it'll automatically Give me a summary of the last 30 days so if I go down here it tells me my average diet has been a three out of five I've been going to bed around almost 1am on average waking up around 9 30 getting about eight and a half hours of sleep I do love my sleep I prioritize it a lot what my average weight has been the days I do weigh myself now if we go back to my action Zone page we can go down to my task database the biggest change I made to the way I use notion and the way I handled my tasks in general is that previously I was scheduling tasks based on their due date but now instead of using due dates I use due dates like do not due and that has just been such a game changer for me I find that knowing when something is technically due is not really helpful for figuring out when you're going to do that task it doesn't tell you when you should do it how you should break it down through the week or through the month it just tells you the day that it needs to be done and for most tasks especially bigger tasks if you wait till the day that it's due then you're going to be screwed so while the old system was based on David Allen's getting things done which is something that works for a lot of people because it's very contextual it's very flexible I found that I was constantly being left without a plan every day and I wasn't really getting the right things done and I don't think that's gtd's fault it's my fault it's just kind of the way I work and my brain works I need something that is a little bit stricter and more Concrete in terms of task management and just in general I'm very bad a prioritize amazing so I need to know well ahead of time what I'm going to be working on and when I'm going to do it so all of these tasks are linked to my all task database and each time I add in a task I set the status to active I give it a due date so that is a date I plan on doing the tasks not the date that it is due but if there is a due date then I will also add that I don't use it very often because a lot of my tasks are self-set but it's there if I need to and then I add a priority so I used to assign priorities to a Project based on how important it was like most people but the problem with that is on any given day you could have four high priority tests and you don't know which one you're supposed to do first but now every day when I'm setting up my to-do list each priority can only have one task assigned to it so I will set my first priority which is the goal second priority and third priority and these are typically the only priority settings I set so these are the three things that if nothing else gets done this is what I want to do and if there are other tasks that I need to check off that day because you know a lot of us have little things that we just need to catch up on I will usually schedule that as extra credit which means that it's not the most important thing you need to do today but if I have extra time I can occasionally I'll do fourth and fifth priority but I think that still kind of like takes away the importance of these first three so it's pretty rarely that I'll use that one and then if something is scheduled so it's like a dinner or a meeting I don't have control over when I do it I mark it here if it's an errand it's marked in as an errand if it's a reminder so maybe someone's birthday I just want to remember to say happy birthday to them then I will put that there if it's immediate it's basically a really high priority that has to get done immediately when I wake up that day so maybe there's like a deadline something I have to submit like health insurance or you know taxes then I might put that there to really just you know Hammer at home put it in my face and then if it's just like a quick task it'll take five minutes gets assigned to Quick now if there is a task that is supposed to come before this or a task that comes after this and one can't be done without the other one previously having been checked off then sometimes I will add them to following and next in line so for example this task right here is film a video this is actually the video that I'm filming right now and the task that came before this was scripting so obviously I can't film the video before I script it so that was the original one and then the next task after this is going to be to edit the video so each week when I'm doing my weekly review I'll usually just dump a bunch of tasks roughly how I think I'll get them done for the week I don't really worry about priorities or hard scheduling at that point it's only the day of that I go in and actually set the priority and tell myself what I'm going to do that day and that way I still maintain a little bit of flexibility for things to kind of come up through the week or for tasks to overflow oil but when it comes to my actual day-to-day plans they're a little bit more set in Stones just so I don't get distracted and this database is linked up here under today's tasks just so I have like a little bit more of a focused view of the things I need to do I can also look at what is completed what's going to be due tomorrow and then down at the bottom of this page is my current projects so again this is a concept from getting things done where if you have a really big task that's not really something you can sit down and do and it needs to be broken up into little tasks then that becomes a project so for example planning your trip to Germany you have to book the flights book the hotel figure out your itinerary in that case you would make it a project instead of a single task I have a bunch of projects that are queued up on Deck but only a couple active at a time just so I stay focused and I don't spread myself too thin so right now I have planned for 2023 I'm gonna do Channel audits on both my channels I'm working my way through my wardrobe and trying to kind of like change around some of my clothing um and then I'm also trying to build a custom keyboard so I'll use this as an example if I click into it let me see the status each one of these has a priority and a review date just in case you know life gets in the way and I haven't really made any progress on this this is my reminder to take a look and make sure that it's still moving and then if we go down here I just have space to put like notes um and also I can add in all of the tasks that will be a part of this project so right now you can see there's three different tasks that need to be done and if you go up here you can see a progress bar and this is automatically linked to the tasks in the project so for example if I check off one of these I go back up here and we can see the progress has been updated to 33 because I just completed one out of three of the tasks needed to complete the project pretty cool now let's go into the alignment zone so any sort of weekly reviews monthly reviews cold planning that all goes here this is my kind of like live compass planning Hub if you will so to start I have my guiding principles which are just a reminder of like my values and what I'm focusing on right now and then I have all of my Cycles I do a Daily Review which I showed you earlier a weekly review a monthly review quarterly review biannual review and an annual review sounds like a lot but as you get higher and higher up these actually take less time because if I'm doing my weekly review then a lot of my monthly review is already done if I do my monthly review my quarterly review is like 50 done the only one that takes a while is my annual review but that's nothing new it's been like that since high school go through and show you guys an example so each time I will add a photo as a cover from like a memory that I had that week I'll add an emoji to show how it's feeling add the date range here the month any Focus I have for the week like I want to try and eat healthier have a lot of projects I want to finish I'll write that there any accomplishments or disappointments I put here and that gets rolled up into its own database any improvements that I wrote down during the daily reviews get rolled up here all this is pretty automatic which I like and down here I will just review the tasks I completed um this opens up my completed task calendar I'll review my guiding principles accomplishments disappointments kind of just get a feel for how I've been doing there's also a couple Journal prompts if I want to go in depth about reviewing the week and down here this is another part that's taken from the GTD system that I still use which is to capture any ideas or thoughts that I have throughout the week in my inbox which is my main scratch pad and then I'll go through and add in anything from emails I'll look at my calendar for the next two weeks weeks before look through my YouTube Pinterest Instagram Etc and just use these as kind of like triggers or reminders for things that I might have upcoming to do or any projects I might want to start I'll write them down in that inbox and then once all of my thoughts are kind of like laid out there I'll go through through and file them into appropriate tasks so that way I'm making sure that I'm not really missing anything I review and update my content calendars view tasks that I'm waiting on the projects any deliveries that I'm still waiting for and then go through and update all my finances schedule my meals for the week workouts for the week by any miscellaneous items that I need finally if I have the time I will go through and like do a little digital detox and clean out my desktop downloads iPhone you get the point and then when we get down to the goals section I have my long-term goals which are spanning over several years so for example I'm trying to build up my personal brand build up combat culture work on my health have a strong mental Foundation these are kind of just like big umbrella goals you can probably think of them more like values versus actual goals that can be accomplished or checked off and then my midterm goals which is anything from one year to three years these are a little bit more tangible so you can actually check them off once you finish them and then down here you have projects and my action items also listed just for reference so a really big part of the ppv system is making sure that every little task you do every day is connected to your larger goals and values and it keeps you from working on things that aren't actually important so all my projects and action items are directly connected to a short-term goal and all of my short-term goals are connected to a long-term goal it can get a little complicated when you start to get into weeds but I highly suggest if this sounds interesting to you to look up August Bradley and his ppv system I'll try to link it down below takes a while to set up but I promise you it is life-changing so if my action zone is meant for working and getting tasks done and my alignment zone is meant for reflecting and recalibrating then the field notes is where I store and process information and the two main parts to this are my topics and my sources so if we go down here you can see this is my Wiki and these are all the topics that I'm interested and learning about so for example creativity or business building job hunting Spanish I was learning Spanish for a while any topic that is interesting to me goes down here and it will have its own hub for me to collect any sort of like notes or resources that I pick up they all go here and so over time I'm kind of building my second brain of information on these different topics and the sources can be anything from books to videos articles quotes podcasts so for example I have the 2021 consumer Trends report that was linked as a source I categorize it give it a star value any of the topics it's related to I link it when I add this to my database if there's any related quotes or projects or other content out there that I think could be connected to this then I will add that here as well if we go down here I have all my notes summary of everything different screenshots kind of just like a notebook so I do that for for every piece of content that gets filed into here or we can go into notes and conversations I've recently learned about the Mexican fishermen Parable I thought it was really cool so I just kind of added in here as a note connected to different topics that I thought was relevant and I actually learned this from 4 000 weeks so I linked that book here I also have different tools that I think could be useful also courses that I might want to take or that I've already purchased and still need to go through and just to show you guys one of the wiki Pages as an example let's go into relationships you can kind of think of these as like Majors or courses so here we have the different life hubs linked that you saw on my dashboard originally I have a project that is related to this and if we go down here you can see any relevant notes and you know media that I've consumed are automatically linked under here so I didn't have to do this manually it's just as time goes on and I'm collecting these resources I just make sure that they're linked to relevant topics and they will show up on these pages so later when I I feel like I've collected enough resources for a certain topic then I will go through and actually start compiling notes on my ideas or kind of just like the things I've learned so this one I really went in depth on there's a lot of stuff I wrote on it and this has just been really useful to keep me learning and to have a way to kind of organize the stuff that I'm always reading and engaging with we go into the library you can see I made this kind of like a Hogwarts theme just because I wanted to make it like a little bit more fun you know and this is actually not my template I'm not going to take credit for this forget who made it but I'll try to link it in the description later but everything here is automated and I can see what is on my up next what is on my to read sort books based on their category or their genre and then once I go through and actually read a book I will add in all of my notes here like when I started it when I finished it you know like the genre rating and then down here I will have my key points Impressions any notes and these books can all be linked to the wiki pages I showed you earlier goals I have projects everything is interconnected and if we go back to field notes one thing I did just to make like learning a little bit more fun this is kind of nerdy but I gave myself like a kind of like dark Academia semester schedule layout where each season or like each quarter semester I will go through and put whatever subjects or topics from that Wiki area that I'm currently learning about or just thinking about they'll be under here so this is kind of like my subjects for the quarter I have my student resources here and then all of my courses and books have an option for a quarter tag so you can see for example on here it says fall 2022 it was summer 2022 et cetera so if I want to read a book or a course at a certain part of the year I will just tag it with that and then at the beginning of each season I come here and kind of craft my learning curriculum for the next few months now I'm just going to take you through some of the extra pages that I have this is a meal planner that I use every week the base template was created by someone else so I can't take credit for that but I do find it very useful for automating my cooking and shopping so in my cookbook any recipes that I want to try or I have tried I add to this and you can see as an example here I have these different tags so that I can kind of search or categorize I have a link to the recipe whether or not I have already made it I give it a rating once I do and all the ingredients for this recipe are going to be linked under ingredients into their own pages and the reason for that is because when I go onto this main page and go down to the shopping list we can actually filter by meal and so I put down all the meals that I plan on making for the week and those ingredients are automatically added to this list which I think is pretty cool and if we go into the weekly view each week I add whatever I'm going to be making if it's already in my cookbook then all I have to do is go through and add the days that I want to make that or eat that and then it will automatically come into this Monday through Sunday calendar for me so this way I get like a really good visual of the meals I want to make and I can kind of just like move things around really easily and it'll automatically change those tags for me and then back here I just have like cocktails I like making different blogs or Tick Tock accounts if I need inspiration and a scratch pad and next I will show you guys my happy routine page because people seem to really like habit templates so right now I have every habit or routine on its own line and I'll categorize it with the time of day that I want to do that frequency and if you've read Atomic habits you know that every habit needs like a cue and a reward so I make sure that anything I'm putting here I've already thought about that so that it's a little bit easier to integrate into my day and I also make sure that they are added to some sort of like value or goal or project so I'm not just doing these for no reason and then this is one of my favorite templates that I downloaded it's from the notion bar and this just tracks all the different deliveries and orders I have coming in so for example this one it I ordered some boots it'll have a status that I'm waiting for it I need to return it I have returned it it got refunded I like to put in the order date when it's expected deadline to return that's always a good reminder when I return it if I do how much it costs and the order number it's just nice to have all these things in one place so you don't have to dig around in your email and try to find this information then if you go down here you can see the store directory so these are all the stores that I've ordered from and these are all linked up here with the actual items that I order and I guess I'll show you how I do my content I know this is kind of like a niche thing so feel free to skip this part if it's not interesting I have my whole content database here everything is in the same database and whether it is an idea or something I've already published that all goes into the same database so I kind of see on this content calendar when things are going to be published so for example this is one that I just released how to read more in 2023 I have the intended publishing date the status also put the video URL and the published sub count and how many hours it took for me to kind of like film and edit and produce this I think it's just good to keep that data there and down here we have like the brainstorm main research online script shot list title thumbnail all the stuff you could ever need for videos I'm pretty sure this was Ali abdall's template I think I'll find a link for it if it was and that is my whole updated notion tour well I hope this video helped you get some inspiration or just some ideas on how to make notion work better for you and if there's anything that you want me to go in depth about or Explore More I can always make a video on that just let me know in the comments below but for now if you want to keep on your notion Journey then I suggest you watch this video next foreign
Channel: Wesley Anna
Views: 192,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: notion, notion tutorial, how to use notion, notion setup 2023, notion tour 2023, best way to use notion, getting things done in notion, ppv notion, pillars pipelines and vaults system, aesthetic notion setup, aesthetic notion tutorial, reading list notion, meal planner notion, notion second brain
Id: ddrMwfDzzqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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