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good morning everybody how you doing today my name's Andrew I'm Daniel I'm Tracy I'm Megan I'm carry and we're some of the veggie boys and girls and we'd like to thank you for stopping by if you're new here please consider subscribing because we can grow a lot of stuff on the farm but one thing we can't grow is this channel without your help are they flying around in there yeah wow do you do you like your butterflies yeah he he he was in the orange yeah he was on the orange good CU see that he was sles yeah h [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everybody we're just working on finishing up morning chores we're just about done dad's just got to dump in some silage for the cattle and give them their grain chickens are taken care of Cavs are taken care of it's that's the last thing that needs to be done many of you know that Greenhouse number six over there is now completely empty and uh now now look at Greenhouse number five wow echo echo the only Greenhouse down around back that has anything in it is the largest one down here Greenhouse number four and to be honest there's not much left uh we have some Tomatoes down here we have a few different varieties of peppers for sales we have some watermelon some cantaloupes some Thai baselin that's about it ooh almost forgot the cilantro I like cilantro however when you're looking at this greenhouse as a whole it's pretty but that's okay because if you remember in our last video we were working on getting some mums filled up and this greenhouse is one of the green houses that gets completely filled with Ms so we're going to need Greenhouse number five and Greenhouse number four all cleaned out and ready to go which they're almost there and the biggest Greenhouse which that's a little bit more of a task but we'll get it accomplished rather than worrying about those green houses though we need to worry about something that we've been working on for the past few weeks and that is transplanting as you've seen we've got our wagon all filled up and ready to go we been working on that quite a bit lately that's because we want to get it accomplished hopefully we can get finished today we're definitely going to have to do some transplanting later on we have some second plantings that are going to need to go into the soil but for now if we can finish our first planning oh I'll be happy now to finish off our first planning we have two very popular varieties that need to go in we have some Cuban L peppers and we have some Italian l or Italian sweet peppers and then that's going to finish it off these are both sweet frying pepper varieties they're kind of similar very very popular and and as they begin to mature they get a beautiful color on them we also have some red deuced tomatoes that are going to need to go into the soil and like I said earlier hopefully this all gets taken care of [Music] today I've got my transplanter buddy right here with me are you ready to get done with all these Peppers today yeah I'm ready to get going let's get going so cie was down with the horses did you just feed the donkeys yes what did you feed them food food oh good did they eat hay no what' they have grain what' they have chicken no did they have steak no did they eat hay no what did they eat um something else oh something else we're about to get the tractor hooked up to our water wagon so once everybody is ready we're going to be heading back to start planting before I do that I wanted to bring you up into the germination greenhouse and show you that all the tomatoes we had up here are now gone and the peppers that we have up here are continuing to grow really really well now there's a few things I wanted to talk about with the peppers that we're going to be putting into the soil especially our second planting now there's a few reasons why we do two different plantings of peppers one is just to extend our Harvest to make sure that we have fresh produce for as long as possible however if our weather is nice we don't really need to worry about that because the pepper plants won't slow down in our area until we hit Frost so it is kind of a partial reason for the second planting but the biggest reason is so that we can have a huge variety of peppers as our first plantings of Bell Italian L Cuban L jalapeno habanero all get finished or as they get more mature they're going to start to produce a lot of red orange yellow uh some beautiful colors but we won't have any just plain green peppers anymore and it seems that the people in our area are always looking for something we don't tend to have so our second planning helps us to have something that people are looking for and that special something is green peppers green Italian L green Cuban L green jalapeno basically any type of pepper we can have the largest variety possible and believe me you think it wouldn't be a problem but it becomes a problem once your first planting starts to mature a little bit more and all you have is the colored Peppers but you have no green peppers so this is one of the biggest reasons why we plant a second planning just to help combat that issue but like I said we try and extend our Harvest as possible a second planning does that another thing planting the second planting helps us to make sure that we have a wide variety of color with our peppers a wide variety of maturity and then probably the last and probably reason we least like to talk about is if we had a crop failure with our first planning we have a second planning available and ready to go and it may seem not possible for that to happen we always tend to have good crops you guys have seen that for the past few years but um it could always happen and we are just trying to make sure that we're not going to be put in a bad spot so having two plantings it's really helping us out and it's making us have a little bit of peace of mind I know we always talk about doing multiple planting but we never really discuss the benefits Beyond extending the Harvest this right here is our second planting of cucumbers pickling cucumbers and zucchini we got our second planting of peppers we've done a second planting of tomatoes we're going to do a second planting of cabbage broccoli col Robbie and we're going to plant some cauliflower and I just felt like this was a perfect time to explain this to you because we're going to be heading out trying to finish off that first planting and I just like to give a little more insight or a little more information as to why we do a second planning now this might not be as necessary in your garden but if it's something you wanted to try I would recommend it because it's pretty interesting to follow the plants through their growing stages not only do we have the peppers on the wagon which we're really going to try and get planted today but here on the back we loaded up some of our second planting of plum tomatoes we were going to hold off on these but if we have the single wheel on might as well get them taken care of and yes I will admit they are a little bit on the tinier side however uh with the growing conditions that we have currently these should be perfectly fine warmer nights longer days they both will contribute to these Tomatoes just shooting out of the soil ah yes back in our comfy spot on the transplanter you look pretty excited Daniel how excited are you w all right calm down we're just playing Tomatoes oh water's cold ground is cold now if you guys have been watching us do this job for a little bit you could probably do it by now what Daniel and I are basically doing taking the plants out of the trays and then pushing them into the holes that are made by the Water Wheel transplanter now the reason why it's called a water wheel transplanter as you can see we've got a wheel that is spinning up there and we have two large tanks that are supplying water to it now as that wheel spins it punches holes into this biom Mulch and then we push the tomatoes into the soil that is left there for us thankfully we have picked all the rocks out of this soil so we're not breaking our fingers as we're pushing in there but uh there are some fields that it's a little more difficult to transplant into so what's nice is the water basically mixes with the soil creates kind of like a muddy slurry and we just push uh the plants down in and that's basically it you kind of set it and forget it we're not adding fertilizer as we're doing this we will come through later on and ful your feed fertilizer which is basically added over the top but for now they're just going into the soil and hopefully the good growing conditions will allow them to continue growing the plants look really nice so they've already got the best start that they can have just finished off the last of the round Tomatoes we are going to be planting no more round tomatoes for the rest of the year it's kind of making me sad but it's okay we'll be picking them soon enough I have this thing about all my tomatoes being on the same row you know I don't know what it is this makes me feel better now we are on to the plum tomatoes they are a little tiny however like I mentioned earlier they'll catch right up it's going to be no problem you know Daniel I was thinking great uh I was thinking about what my favorite things to pick are and I think I'm going to leave Tomatoes at the top and then Peppers number two and then to round it all out I'm kind of split between pumpkins and cabbage what do you think I think pumpkins pumpkins it's just I don't know what it is about harvesting pumpkins it's just fun I don't know both of those I still TR them well that's why you like them you know what my favorite thing to pick is Andrew what's that sweet corn cuz you're sitting in the tractor yep I don't think you're going to be able to see it well we got some deer out in the field eating the soybeans hey what are you doing out there go eat my beans let's see if this will even work I don't even know if you can see that see the deer oh she's running the deer just recently had her fawns so we're thinking maybe there's a fawn hiding in the wheat there we're not going to yell at her too much even though she's eating our beans we'll let her go [Music] we just got another row of tomatoes finished the plants are looking really nice even though they are a little on the smaller side they don't seem to be too too bad I remember when we did the first planting of tomatoes they kind of look similar and when you guys see the tomatoes now W you're going to be like wow I mean maybe you won't be like wow I might be a little different I get very impressed by tomato growth and pepper growth I get excited by plant growth what can I say it's okay Andrew I'm very excited as long as I'm not the only one you bring the driver the tomatoes are now all finished off we are done with transplanting Tomatoes into the field for the year unless dad surprises me later on which he's known to been doing in the past uh however we're going to get moving on to our peppers and we're starting off with the Italian sweet peppers I'm saying sweet peppers look at these things more like sweet trees oh my word that's like a 2ft tall pepper yeah these needed to be planted like yesterday or like two yesterdays ago now because we're moving on the peppers we also need to add our second wheel in which thankfully we brought it with us but we didn't bring the driver so it's going to take a little bit longer to change the wheel out but we'll get it done and then we'll get to [Music] planting we've now got the double wheel put onto our planter so we're going to have to go a little bit slower we're going to have to use a lot more water but it's going to go twice as fast because we're planting double the plants this is this is the [Music] m now something that a few of you have noticed in the comments is that these holes are offset and that's for good reason you can get the wheels lined up together it's not that difficult to do that however we like to have them a little bit offset so that there's a little more room around each pepper plant now the spacing on these is technically 15 in these are 15in wheels and then we have enough distance between them where we kind of keep that 15 in range and the reason for that is so that each plant has enough oxygen around it as it's growing if you get these plants too close together as they start to get larger they are are very susceptible to disease you remember our pepper crop last year disease was a big problem now last year it was because of the soil however if we have a wet year again that's the last thing we want to worry about so we try and make sure that we have plenty of space between each pepper so that we don't get diseases and also the peppers have a little more room to soak up uh nutrients and water so the 15in spacing you could go a little further than this um however for the ount of product that we're putting into the ground uh if you start to go a little further with your spacing you need to use a lot more of this biom Mulch and you also need to use a lot more water and it it's just not efficient for the situation that we're in so we like to go with 15-in spacing if I was doing it in my garden at home I'd probably have them a little further apart but for us here on the farm it's been working out pretty good this way Italian L peppers are now all planted the only thing that we have left is some Cuban L and with the way we went through the peppers on that last row these are going to be done in no time hopefully we can finish up before lunch cuz I'm getting a little hungry well we've done it we just finished transplanting all the peppers sorry that was a little scary I just like slid down the hill on my chair that is going to finish it off for the first planting of peppers we finished off all our Tomatoes oh boy the last thing we'll be using this planner for will probably be our second planning of peppers I forget the cucumbers and the pickling cucumbers Andrew oh Daniel's right I almost forgot about that yeah we have the pickling cucumbers regular cucumbers and zucchini on top of the second planning of peppers the fact that we've gone through all this the past couple days past couple weeks has been pretty crazy we've been super super busy with everything else going on and the fact that we've been able to get it all finished makes you feel pretty good I know about you guys but I am feeling happy not happy that it's over happy that we got it done because now that it's done we don't need to worry about it there's the other peppers that we transplanted there's some eggplant and here are the tomatoes those look absolutely incredible and as we get up a little further we have some basil then is the watermelon cantaloupe and finally our pickling cucumbers regular cucumbers and some zucchini and then I guess the peas but we won't talk about the peas too too much we left the water running but that's no problem we need to empty it out anyway so even though we're going to be late to lunch I think we're all pretty happy that we got that finished today that's one of those jobs that by once you get a finish you're just likeo big weight off your shoulders you know it's funny all the people that have ever been out to these fields they say I don't think the people that watch the videos realize how much is going on here and how much you really plan and sometimes I feel like that's true because I mean I'm in one field of peppers and over there's another field of peppers and we got a third field of peppers it's just it's going to be a lot of picking but you know we're up for the task let's see ooh it looks like we're having sandwiches for lunch and chicken noodle soup those both are really really good and Grammy said I forgot the star We Got Rice Krispie treats oh yeah look at the chickens go look at them we're now all finished with lunch and we've had a few jobs here at the home farm that really need to be taken care of Callie and I are working on some things together show them what you got Callie show them what you got I got egg yep we went and collected the chicken eggs did you have fun yeah and we didn't find too many but we already collected today oh what do you think of the baby chickens they're getting a little big aren't theying hold one you want me to hold one yeah I can try they're getting a little too big what do you think I them yeah go ahead they're getting big watch how fast he runs away Go Chicken Go or don't run away go ahead go ahead hi buddy hello hello little [Music] calf it's a little p to play in water kind of hard to fit this thing down through here [Music] sometimes come on little [Music] W watch out Grammy beep beep we had a few big jobs that needed to be done this afternoon this is probably the biggest one making sure that all of these pots get put into place this greenhouse gets quite a few put into them and the girls have been planting them as we've been setting them down we're just trying to stay ahead of the ladies move down move down all right all right I'm done already move down move down move down move down move down move down we just got all our pots put into place in the upper Greenhouse the girls are going through in Platinum and that'll be it for up here then we're going to have to move down over the hill so we got to get all our equipment moved around I don't think we're going to get started with that today though cuz that'll be a pretty big job but we want to get as many of these pots filled as possible I'm going to get you I'm going to get you well everyone we just got to the end of the day uh we've been working in the green houses the whole time filling pots now though we are closing up the farm market getting ready to head home so when I got home I ended up doing some chores uh just to make sure that I could take it easy the rest of the night got a shower and the girls had dinner already we got green beans and we got some Beast stroking off here but yeah Mama is doing good babies are doing good and we are getting ready to call it for the night I'd like to thank everyone for watching I'd like to thank everyone for being here I appreciate everybody that's liking the videos and subscribing I oh so much thank you guys for watching and we will see you next time goodbye
Channel: The Veggie Boys
Views: 83,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegetable farming, the veggie boys, theveggieboys, vegetable farmers, family farm, real farming, how to farm, farm vlog, farming vlog, homesteading, homestead, farmers, day in the life, my day, day on the farm, a farmers life, farm life, farming life, american farmers, life on the farm, veggies, vegetables, big vegetables, growing tips, farm hack, garden hack, amazing, tomatoes, tomato hacks, vegetable tips, farming tips, garden, garden hacks
Id: zrC_1xkWjXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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