That Wasn't a Flathead Bite

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[Music] hi y'all justin with kayak catfish well i'm on the river a little after sunrise this morning although you can't see it because it is sedan foggy out here we had a little bit of rain last night and it has put a thick fog on the river this morning but the perk of that is is going to keep things cool a little longer we're going through a a late summer surge here in september supposed to be like 90 degrees today so the longer this fog sticks around the better but my plan out here this morning is to do some drifting we've got some current they're moving some water at the dam and so i'm going to drift a main channel ledge this section of the river for whatever reason i have done well at lately i've caught some big flatheads down through here got some good quality blues and when i have gotten away from here to go hit some other spots recently i ain't done worth the crap so i thought you know what this area has been good to me i'm gonna come back and hit it again today yesterday morning i went out with my buddy mark from deuces wild fishing charters he was making a bait run inviting me out so i got plenty of fresh bait today so i'm going to just take a section of this ledge let that current propel me downstream here it's gonna be moving us half a mile an hour or so perfect drifting speed we'll suspend a couple baits off bottom and hopefully run into some catfish along the way come with me let's do it there is the first bait going down that's a skip jack head i got a stinger fly there under it i'm gonna put it on the left side of the kayak i'm in my old town kayak today it's my pedal kayak kind of just bare bone set up i got two rod holders and my graph it ain't even properly mounted up there but that's all i need to catch some fish and so i'm gonna just go out here today two rods one on each side we'll have a head piece on at all times and we'll have a chunk on at all times that's the size of the chunk i'm going to start with there that's a another piece of skipjack do have some white bass also that we may substitute in but right here this morning at well what is supposed to be first light i'm going to have the skip jack on i guess technically it is first light even though we can't see the first light of the sun let me put this chunk on here this stinger fly i got a white stinger fly on my other setup and this one here is a goldfish pattern that's the bait stalker from catfish sumo this is on a carolina rig basically with just a 10 ounce circle hook piece of cut bait and then the fly dangling there under so as we drift along we got that piece of cut bait there leeching off some blood and oils and then fish come up they want to cut bait they can have it if they're maybe a little lethargic maybe wanting a smaller profile bait well we got that fly there just sitting there under it like a small bait fish kind of wiggling around there as well so right now i'm 52 feet here and right on the edge of this ledge as it starts to come up and depth is going to vary out here this morning 52 feet right now it's going to continue to drop down a little deeper as i make my way downstream and then it's going to come up pretty sharp we'll be in the 30s for a stretch and then back down to the 40s so gonna have some some fluctuation and depth here but hopefully run into some fish along the way boy i got thumped hard right here let's see if that rod tip goes down here in just a second i can see my line he's got that bait we're going to see a nice take down here in just a second the whole kayak's spinning there it goes there it goes oh he's got it he's got everybody he's got it let's reel him in slow morning out here y'all i know for video purposes we're looking at a few seconds here y'all watching this but it's been an hour and a half or so for me on the water nothing happening i've covered i've covered a good distance down through here nothing going on that ain't a very big fit he just threw the bait off too i see it sinking right there jag gone fish nice thump though i thought i had a flat head at first because it just wham and sat there and then i seen my line start moving no such luck this time though had the flathead bite but was not the flathead nevertheless it's good to get bit just one of them mornings out here just slow slow day they might be biting somewhere but they ain't biting here all right fish hold yourself up there i'd give you a little front camera time but you threw that bait off and that's kind of a no-no that was that wasn't very kind of you at least tell the audience hi would you paint look at this look at them small whiskers right there look he's got an old gray beard i need to get you some just for me and fish all right folks well hopefully finally going to get down here towards some fishery that's the first bite right there man hour and a half or so now just covering water i'm just keep making my way down river got current flow i'm just letting it take me perfect speed but thus far thus far just limited action but that's how drifting goes often times you you cover big big stretches of water that's just dead just nothing there and then all of a sudden every rod starts going down you just get on them so hopefully hopefully that's gonna happen here soon we're due by gosh we're due i may be getting on some fish here because there goes that rod again oh boy oh boy nice take down nice take down here we go just a couple minutes later maybe i've got on some right here y'all i'm 40 feet deep again i dropped down from where i started like 56 58 feet then come up now i'm dropping back down again that's kind of just fluctuates through here but you i had two trips out here recently that were just awesome trips got big flatheads both trips then i've hit some other places since then they ain't done worth a diddly doo-doo man just been struggling and i thought i'm on i got fresh bait i'm going to come out here again today and just see if i can rekindle some magic or something here that's a little a little better fish a little better than the last one that's a no he that's a mad one's what he is he's mad that's fun size though i bet you he's throwing that bait off too ain't he he learned some bad habits from that other fish they just they teaching these these little catfish here they teach them their own things down there on the river bottom they gotta they gotta get their educational system in order down there cause this is this is bad behavior come on up here fish come on up here now come on get in here let's show you off to the world here boy this fish he got pimple what camera mounts crooked and everything fish i just think it ain't this fish's day he's got a hook in the jaw he's got what looks like pimples on his mouth we're going to hold him up he's going to get his picture taken with a with a youtuber that gets at least 13 views per video and the camera mounts crooked hey boys you hear that he's got plenty to say about it too don't he got old thing right there on his lip right there yo nasty did you kiss your dirty woman uh he says he did it happens buddy you gotta watch yourself they dirty women everywhere now all right well that was two bites pretty quick on my crooked camera mount there hopefully getting on with some fish down here both of those fish ate a chunk of skipjacks small chunky i got the big head over here smaller chunk two different cuts of bait two different sizes of bait just trying to offer them options here so i'll get another chunk put on and we'll just keep making our way down the river here and you know that's uh two the the first one there was a larger dink smaller fun size that's a smaller fun size hopefully we just keep increasing our size as we go down river i'm going to cut another bait i got to put a chunk on there the rod but i think when i do it i'm gonna reel my head up that's the same head that i've been out here from the start with and i know we're just probably five minutes into the video here but i've been on the water a good while so we're gonna switch that bait out and hopefully spruce it up a little bit i'm gonna cut them fins off i'm in bad shape today y'all out here i've got a knife that's the only tool i got with me my scissors and my pliers are gone they in the other kayak i had filmed a bicycle bank video and i put the tools from this kayak into my tackle bag to go fishing on the banks i had my pliers and my scissors right and i remembered when i got done filming that video to put the scissors and pliers back in the kayak problem is my dumb ass put them back in the wrong kayak so they're in my hobie and all i got in this kayak today is a knife so hopefully we don't need i can do without the scissors that's just a luxury item but hopefully we don't need the pliers at any point out here this morning i got another one over here working this rod that's on the head we'll see if he actually has it or if he's going to let it go i'll kind of come across and i'll show you here on my graph some marks there some dinks 34 feet here right now i don't think any of those fish were big enough to eat that bait unfortunately just pecking at it there and it kind of went over a little bit but obviously let it go so one of them days y'all but plugging along out here putting in the time putting in the work he's back for it let's see if he gets it this time he's got the line he's going with it hopefully he's got the hook too he's spinning the kayak then you just let it go now he's back for it again he wants it man all right he may have it that time he may have it that time he may have got to he may have got the hook that time nope he just let it go he's down there just destroying that head i'm gonna hold the rod here a second well here goes this one let me let me put the the head rod back now all right this is my this one may have got the hook we'll get this one up here and take a look at him we'll see the size of the fish down there chewing up them chewing up that head bait yeah smallest one of the morning here dog gone these little fellas right here can chew up some baits man hello oh my gosh look at this thing look at all them leeches on his chin now he's embarrassed about it i almost hate to open up fish i almost hate to lift this in any way because he's got some all that nastiness there lord give me my line back he's clamped down on my leader there look at that and leeches on him there goodness you nasty fish you nasty yeah i'd be embarrassed coming up here on camera looking like that that old nasty fish but that's the size of the fish though has been down there chewing up that head bait just hitting biting on it pulling the rod tip down not actually having the whole bait and hook and everything eating but uh i'm gonna i'm gonna put another bait on this in here i'll reel up that head bait take a look at it it's been hit numerous times now if it's looking bad i'll switch it out if not i'll try to get a little while longer out of it but definitely definitely got to switch out to bait on that one that fish knocked it off or i ate it one body chunk again body chunk oh boy look at that look at that man that's a nice take down that one's pulling harder now goodness let me get that right out right here that one's pulling harder nice take down my drag's a little tight there i got i must have got bumped getting in and out of the car or something real nice take down another long spell here between bites this fish i don't think is going to end up being nearly as big as what i initially thought that's another fun size that take down little man when he first buried that rod over and spun the kayak around i thought he was going to be significantly bigger there's just another fun size he's still he's still wound up that way ain't he i'll play him out here smidge i want to get every second i can of this battle by gosh it took so long for this fish to come along today oh boy he's still wound up man [Music] still wound up i'll tell you something folks this is a strong fish right here oh goodness still full of energy too goodness gracious fish calm it down now three or four notches why don't you i need my pliers what i need y'all essential tool there we go yeah that's their uh fun size you know smaller fun size kind of well i don't know i ain't got my board to throw him on there i'm in that slot tournament this month but i've i've measured fish for long enough to get my limit and i said i'm done measuring fish for the month but he's probably 32 inches or so 32 34 inches you know fun size length getting a little gut on it there but just well he was pooping on the way out too i don't think he i don't think he shot it all over the kayak here tag on fish tried to doo-doo all over me tell him i'll tell him a few things by gosh we don't do none of that here that's outdoor behavior that ain't indoor behavior here well the theme of the morning here i reel in a fish it throws off the bait so i'm gonna cut another bait and put on there small chunk though getting it done on the limited bites i have gotten the head has been tapped numerous times over here especially as i've gotten down here to this stretch of the river seems to be a lot more activity here a lot more fish but just not very good quality the fish like that bigger bigger fish bigger big enough to eat a bait very sporadic thus far and just like that i drop another bait down and well it got hit i think he's got it i think this in here is acting a little bit smaller than the last one though what do you think it's good to get another bite that quickly though every time i think i might be going into some fish it was just a false alarm i'm only end up grinding out several bites today though before it's said and done and it's just a matter of covering water putting the time in i've been on the water i guess it's after 10 o'clock now so a good while this morning for the few bites i got i think sometimes on these youtube videos you you unfortunately you see kind of highlights of these trips that are a few hours long and you think man the bite was on he was just getting one fish after another after another and in reality a day like today it may look like that when the video is finished and put together but it's been a very spr i'm trying not to get this hook here i'm trying not to get that stinger hook in my hand i'm gonna let him go just like that but uh you know sometimes i think youtube can be kind of deceiving as to how a fishing trip has really gone if a day like today where maybe i end up grinding out and getting several fish it'll look like it's just one fish after another after another when in reality it's been catch a fish go a little while catch another go stretch that kind of day but the most important thing though is getting bit and and i've said it so many times before drifting with suspended baits it's a great way to cover water and and run into fish you know you'll cover enough of an area along a main channel ledge you have to run i mean statistically speaking you have to run into some fish eventually so getting a few out here this morning are still waiting on the bigging though just like that man here we go again oh goodness that's going to pull a little drag down all right own some fish right here y'all that's three pretty quickly now and this one's pulling man this one here's pulling made my way down there's a creek here kind of behind the camera right now over here to the side that comes in you all know me i like me some creek mouths because these fish they work in and out of these creeks listen here he said he'll go in that creek later right now i'm offering him a free meal right here in the in the main channel how can he pass it up yeah that's another that's another hard-pulling fish is what he is that's another fun-sizer come on up here fish we got we got four people left still watching want to see you at least four four people that's still watching and maybe one or two that fast forwarded and landed on this spot of the video y'all know who you are i know you fast forward a lot of just do come on over here fish let's land you oh goodness here i was trying to get my glove on and that fish decides he wants to he wants to give me a bath or something he wants to hose me down this fish that i stunk or something he wasn't coming in here tried to tried to hose me off now look what you've done now fish now you don't got that stinger in the back you got a hook and a jaw and a stinger fly in the back uh-huh you've done it to yourself buddy you've done it to yourself now going up in here hold yourself up there fish there's another smaller fun size heck of a takedown though man they're the the fish the limited bites i'm getting buddy they're fighting hard man they're pulling they're aggressive when they do hit that in there was aggressive he said some words on the way out i won't translate for you because not be offensive to the sensitive people out there watching but all right well right here behind the camera here there's this creek that comes in caught some good fish there this year and in years past and so just drifted down to it here again i started way up river from here this morning and have just made my way along just covering water working the edge of the ledge i love the edge of the ledge that's kind of the highways that fish cruise along as they move up and down river and finally you know running into a few fish so we'll get another bait down there right quick who knows might catch another got action here on this rod on another chunk chunk has been popular today the fish that have eaten have wanted a chunk the fish that have at least considered the head have just come up and nipped and thought better of it they knew something was awry with them heads this one here well at least this fish here at least left us the bait on if you're going to be that small you might as well at least leave the bait on he may have lost an eye today folks he's going to be wearing a pat no i know his eye's okay i thought we'd put your eye out with that hook you lucky fish it's close fish better count his lucky stars he'd be like ralphie shoot his eye out get some that slime off air and we're going to drop that same bait back down i reckon i might re-hook it here all right back down it goes man let's see if we can get another hopefully something a little bigger than that and right there but much bigger than the bait well guys the sun has finally burned through all that fog out here and boy now that it has it has gotten hot summer is making its final stand here in september and uh going out with a bang by gosh so i think i'm gonna get on up out here ended up grind i mean oh well well i thought we might get us one more here by gosh he that fish right there knew he was running out of time he thought i better bite quick but he didn't get to hook fish this video was about to end here in a few seconds so by gosh it nails the time buddy but anyway y'all got a few fish out here i've had to grind like a stripper on a pole to get them but by gosh got it done for whatever reason this past week or so here i've just struggled i mean i've tried different places done some different things the bite changed on me and i've just failed to adapt properly it ain't for lack of trying but by gosh it just ain't worked out but today was a little bit better at least got a few bites got a few smaller fun-sizers out here and most importantly had fun been out here today you know my old town kayak i may have talked long enough for him to get it nope it's the t's just the t's like one of them real strippers on the pole but uh been out here my old town kayak today my pedal kayaks bare bones basic setup this is a lightweight kayak and you know them fish like the size i got there earlier man when they take a rod down and start pulling the whole kayak spin it's fun i i enjoy it i like fishing out of this kayak and since we're kind of in the the youtube it's starting to slow here you know it'll slow down views wise through winter probably gonna be doing a lot more trips in this kayak just just have some fun if i get content great if i don't well i ain't the end of the world because well but a handful of them still left watching this time of year anyway but uh anyway y'all like i said it's hot as blazes out here summer's making its final stand and i think i'm gonna take it home get me some lunch kick back and relax the rest of the day so anyway we'll do it again soon i'll see you
Channel: Kayak Catfish
Views: 117,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kayak catfish, kayak catfishing, catfish, catfishing, how to catch catfish, kayak catfishing setup, catfish bait, flathead, kayak, catfish rod, ultralight fishing, bluegill, crappie, gulp, gulp minnow, fishing, kayak fishing, bank fishing, cut bait, best bait for catfish, catfish rigs, golly whopper, kayak carp, kayak carp fishing, carp, carp fishing, carp bait, carp rigs, hair rigs for carp, pack bait for carp, catching carp with corn, best bait for carp, how to catch carp
Id: vRbp6kCmtmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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