Thanos Portal VFX Tutorial (tyFlow & Phoenix FD) in 3Ds Max by #RedefineFX

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel so today I'm going to show you how to do this Thanos smoked portal effect with Ty flow for the little lightning and then Phoenix of D for the smoke effects so let's set it up from scratch it's a pretty simple setup so I'm gonna try and do it as quickly as I can some working in units centimeters one unit is one centimeter we can start just by creating a torus in the middle of our scene make it about this big it should be pretty thin rotate it and raise it up and if you sort of look at it the bottom of it should be a little cut off because that's where the ground is so we can sort of leave the bottom of it maybe something like this and then hold shift and drag and copy this one like that maybe we can raise the thickness of this so radius two maybe we can do 10 and move it back here helpers point and just make a point and then make it a bar and I like to make it some other color than green because it's the color of the Phoenix box so let's make it maybe Orange and let's align it to the torus and then I'm going to link the torus to the point and that's just because I want to be able to control the torus with the point then let's make our timeline longer so 200 frames for now and then go under material and create a new mat and let's make it a noise map and then you can lower the high - maybe 0.6 and increase the low - maybe 0.4 which will just give you more contrast and let's apply that material to the torus so we can see what's going on and hit show map in viewport and then we need to decrease the size of this to maybe 5 and go under click on the torus and go under the modifier panel and add a UVW mac you can just leave it as planar hit Auto key and animate the face of the noise from 0 at frame 0 to 25 on frame 200 so now pattern of the noise will keep changing over time like this turn off auto key go under helpers Phoenix and create a PHX source and add the Taurus and then before we forget click on this small one go to object properties make it not renderable display us box and then right-click again go to Phoenix FD properties and make it not a solid object and then under the source let's give the arguing velocity maybe 75 so this is the strength of the smoke that's gonna be coming out of this Taurus so 75 is a value that I found to be you know not too much but not too little to get this kind of violent smoke we can turn off temperature we can raise the amount of smoke to two and then we want to grab this map that we created for the Taurus and say copy and paste it into this smoke map and say instance so basically wherever the mask is black there will be no smoke emitted and wherever it's white there will be smoke emitted at full strength of 2 with 75 for arguing velocity so as the map keeps changing you're gonna get this randomized sort of pattern of smoke bursting out at different points around the Taurus and also said the noise heretofore which will just randomize the outgoing velocity of the smoke even more and then we want to go under helpers Phoenix and create a body force and set the strength to 1000 and for the attraction object let's pick this small Taurus here so we're gonna admit the smoke from this baked Taurus and it's going to get attracted to the small one and that's how we get this funnel look of this smoke going to the smaller point so I also want to add a turbulence so let's do PHX turbulence leave it at strength 200 but with 50 centimeters for size and then we can create the Phoenix grey so standard Phoenix fire and smoke them and just make a grid like that grid and set Z as jammed - so that the ground of the simulator or the bottom will act as the ground and we can raise the Z like that and for the resolution one centimeter cell size right now is fine you know about three million total cells is okay to start and then I raised it to about eight million from my final simulation which ended up looking like this but you can give it as much resolution as you want you can leave it simming over night if you want so under dynamics we can raise smoke dissipation to about point four so this value goes from zero to one with one being that the smoke will instantly immediately disappear so point four will just make it sort of thin out and sort of look like it's about to disappear back here into the darkness and then I actually left everything else at the fault and then just go under output and make sure that you output velocity I I did render this with motion blur which helps sell it a little bit so just pick your path here and then let's simulate a few frames and make sure that this is actually working all right so I ran this for fifty frames and everything's looking good you can go under preview and turn on the GPU preview so you can see the funnel click on this torus go to object properties and make it display us box and not renderable as well so if I go through my timeline this is basically our effect as it stands right now now the way I rendered it basically there's no lights back here so the smoke just sort of vanishes into darkness so I know that I'm making it look super easy but obviously I've already gone through the pain of trying all sorts of different numbers to get this kind of an effect but the numbers that I just gave you will give you exactly this effect here so I just say that we're happy with this as it is so we can just hide Phoenix for now and one more thing that I want to do is let's make this display normally again and I forgot to animate it so let's just select this control point and set it as it is on frame 50 and go back to frame 0 hit R and just scale the tours down so that's how we get that opening in the beginning and then you know I added a quick flash of optical flares from Andrew Kramer and it lasts exactly 50 frames so you end up with that opening just like this and you can select the point hit the curve editor and set the point type to auto which is basically smooth so it will give you a curve and it will slowly stop as it's growing and now we're going to use type float at this little lightning sort of going through the funnel so hit R and hold shift and drag and copy the stores and let's name it our a mission Taurus you can go under materials and maybe give it a read material just so we can differentiate it and make that a little larger than the first one so maybe four and you can scale it down a little bit just to match the other one ty flow create a tight flow object go into the editor and let's drag out a standard birth and we want to omit from 0 to 200 per frame and we want to omit about 20 particles per frame and then let's add a position object because we want to birth those particles along the surface of the stores here so I'm gonna pick our red emission Taurus and we have some particles being born and now we basically need to attract those particles to this small Taurus again just like we did with the body force so with tight flow you do that by using the find target operator so let's drag that out here and for our target we want to pick this small Taurus here so now we have that funnel again that's a good start except the particles don't die so we need to add a delete operator and we want to delete the particles based on their age and then you can just drag this range until you have them about where you want them but what I actually did I just increase the variation because I don't want all of these particles to reach the end because it's supposed to be served as flashes of lightning so the particles shoot some of them should die sooner than others so I just raised the variation to about 40 and maybe you can lower the range again and then maybe lower the variation a little bit so we basically want the particles to die around the time when they reach the Taurus back here so now our portal sort of gets born and the particles are moving along with the smoke to the small Taurus and then they die now we need to give these particles shape and make them look like lightning so we can just add a shape operator and drag it under the fine target and you can make it 3d for now and just make it grass long which is close to lightning as you as you'll get and then we can go under display and make it geometry and we need to go back under shape and hit scale and maybe scale this up to 500% so we can see it so now we have these little pieces of grass for now and let's go under the material and go to standard v-ray and let's do very light material and make it sort of like a cool blue and maybe with a 5 intensity apply that material straight to Ty flow so now they're blue now they're all sort of facing the same direction so let's add a rotation operator here so now they have random rotation so this is what we have right now and what you can also do is add a spin operator and put it under rotation and maybe set the spin rate to like 2,000 so that they keep spinning also on top of having a random rotation in 3d space all right so now let's just make something to replace this grass with so we can go under splines and just create a line and just make a few sort of random points to make it look like lightning and then you can just play with the vertices a little bit maybe delete this one so something like that and then it's going to rendering and enable in viewport and in renderer so you can see how thick it is and that looks fine so I'll just right click and make it an editable poly and then you can go under shape and just remove the grass and add select it hit the scale size again and make it maybe ten okay it's too small so maybe 20 okay I think it's that's about where I was here and a lot of these will disappear into the smoke right away so don't worry too much about you know what happens back here you're never gonna see that you're only gonna see a few of these around and you know you can always just duplicate this make it a little different and add it in here so you have more variation all right so now in order for us to be able to render this out we need to add a mesh operator down here and now we can just go under standard lights and add a few very light all right so with the virial light you can set the multiplier to maybe two and then under options make it invisible and hold shift and drag and make one more rotate it 180 and then hold shift make one more and maybe put this one on top and for this one you can lower the intensity to maybe one and then let's unhide Phoenix so we have our smoke in here and then maybe we can go under the rendering settings for the smoke so you just go under rendering volumetric options smoke opacity and I think I raised the opacity to maybe 0.7 just to make it look thicker and then under smoke color I think I made it more black so something darker like this should work and then one last detail we want to add is the blue sort of light glow on the inside so I just made another v-ray light and this one you can just make a sphere and I think I set the multiplier to about five and make the color blue like that and then everything will turn blue because of the GPU preview so you can go back into Phoenix go under the GPU preview and here you can click exclude and just exclude that last light and say okay so it will not be shown in the preview so not everything will be blue and then you can just move this blue light basically in the middle of that funnel so about there should be pretty good I'm just looking at this view right now you can just you know see where it's at so basically in the middle like that and make sure that it's invisible I know we can just come over here and for my quick rendering settings I'm just using v-ray next bucket two and four for the subjects and thousand for light cache that's fine and let's give it an HD resolution and hit render and see what we get all right so this is the render as of right now it's very close to what I have here now obviously I added some curves and color correction and after-effects to make this pop a little more but you do have this basic render looking pretty good I think the Lightning is a little too bright so you can go back in the material and maybe you lower this to just one and then what you can do is go to your render settings under render elements and add a v-ray self-illumination Pass which will basically just give you a pass of just the the lightning so this is what that pass will look like you will get just the lightning by itself which then you can use the ad transfer mode to add it on top of the funnel and you can go and do effect stylize glow and just you know add some glow to to the Lightning which can be pretty cool but I actually didn't use this pass at all because I really liked it being very subtle and not drawing too much attention to itself just a few little lightning bolts here and there but mainly the focus is on the smoke and one more thing that you can do is go under standard v-ray and make a very plain drop it in here and then you want that to be slightly above the ground sort of penetrating the smoke a little bit so maybe like that into the grid and that will just give you a ground so that the lightning sort of isn't here on its own so you can just go back into the material and make a sort of bland gravy or a material with no reflection which will just make it faster to render and apply that material to the VI plane and now let's just put our camera in place and see what we get alright so this is very close to what was my final result I just think that the light here gives you this sharp thing so let's just what you can do is move the light up and rotate a little bit just to get rid of that sharp edge and move it more sort of higher up above the funnel and then I think that the light inside is all too bright so you can just select that light again and maybe let's lower the multiplier - just - and you can basically just animate your camera run the Phoenix simulation and and that's about it and then when you bring it into After Effects basically all I did was I added this optical flare in the in the first few frames and then I cranked up the curves to give it a lot this nice sort of brighter edge so really a very simple setup so I hope that you guys will try and do this effect on your own I will love see your results I would appreciate if you could leave me a comment you know letting me know what tutorials do you want to see next if you like my tutorials I would appreciate if you would subscribe I'm gonna be uploading more I have over 50 tutorials on my channel which you can check out so thanks again for watching and I'll talk to you later you
Channel: RedefineFX
Views: 665,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tyflow, avengers, thanos portal, thanos vfx, avengers vfx, avengers vfx breakdown, avengers endgame cgi, vfx, visual effects, tyflow tutorial, tyflow vfx tutorial, tyflow smoke, tyflow lightning, 3ds max, 3ds max tutorial, fx reel, fx artist, thanos visual effects, redefinefx, vfx breakdown, weta, digital domain, ilm, computer graphics, 3d animation
Id: 9wBGNY3wCgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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