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amen we really need jesus you know [Music] thank you you must be born again we need jesus amen he really need jesus all right okay let us all stand please and turn our bibles in the book of uh john the book of john chapter one john chapter one [Music] that's that's my prayer in in the means of crisis like this we need an exciting church market to fight the pandemic you know uh um [Music] um we need jesus and he is the everything and should be our everything you know uh now the book of john uh chapter one will be we will begin reading from verse number 43 but the story is all in the book of one beginning from verse number 43 all right 43 if you're with me say a lot amen and then shout amen well it's about to shout amen yeah yeah amen all right verse [Applause] all right verse number 43 are you ready now the day following jesus would go forth into galilee and find it philip and say it unto him follow me now philip was a besider the city of andrew and peter notice that okay philip find it nathaniel and say it unto him we have found him of whom moses in the law and the prophets did right jesus of nazareth imagine that the son of joseph now imagine it very popular you know and now they they are uh philip is pointing to nathaniel that he found the messiah now verse number 46 and nathaniel said unto him can there any good thing come out of nazareth philip said unto him come and see jesus saw nephaniel coming to him and saith of him behold an israelite indeed in whom is no guile nephilia say it unto him once knowest on me jesus answered said unto him before that philip called thee when thou was under the fig tree i sowed thee nathaniel answered and said unto him rabbi thou art the son of god thou art the king of israel jesus answered and said unto him because i said unto thee i saw thee under the fig tree believe us now now shall see greater things than this and he say it unto him verily verily i say unto you hereafter ye shall see heaven open and the angels of god ascending and descending upon the son of god the son of man okay upon the son of man to present this great truth oh god into the hearts of your people and even in their understanding oh god let them understand this word this message oh god please let them get the message your message please help us to understand the importance of believing thank you oh god and forgive us also for our shortcomings in jesus name amen all right thank you may be seated in the presence of our god okay now hope everybody's ready of the gospel but you know because we know the gospel the action of the gospel is in the book of acts you see activities now why there is four gospels and the fourth gospel the four books the matthew mark luke and john depending on how these people the writers uh presented the gospel to different audience okay now is if you're following me don't miss but listen to me now here's the thing um [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] is believe that is the most important word because that is the variations of belief you see so believe is very important believe is the very content of the book of john s one verse number uh number 11 the bible says he came to his own in his own receive him not before but as many as received him in verse number 12 to them gave he power to become the sons of god even to them that what believed on his name so it is very important you see now into young story about that right in chapter 1 john the baptist about this the book of john contains contains the word believe more than any other books okay in fact by birth he is six months older than the lord jesus christ okay leon see john paul pretended i made some of the disciples and young disciples behold the lamb that takes away the sins of the world behold the messiah behold the one that i'm telling you before you sina shania [Applause] i'm talking about john the baptist okay not john the apostles all right the messiah [Music] they are [Applause] [Applause] can any good thing you know we found him of moses in the law in the prophets detroit he is jesus of nazareth the son of joseph first sabrina all right oh yes sir [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] sometimes your belief limits the success limit uh limit your success your belief limits your success i mean look at this chaos can there any good thing come out of nazareth but philip said come and see so he was simply saying phillip you've got to believe this imagine see peter philippe [Applause] [Applause] if and then listen listen you've got to believe he will simply say you've got to believe if you want to believe then come come because listen to me all right did you get did you get that i'm simply saying if you want to be a christian you've got to believe in something you've got to believe that jesus can you've got to believe in nothing is impossible and everything is possible to them that believe only believe thank god i believe that's the title of this message thank god i believe capital you've got all right now very simple this message very simple all right number one you've got to believe that whatever god said whatever god said he will show it right that's right he can show it he will show it and he can show it all right now listen to me now don't miss this if you want to follow christ if you want to be a disciple of the lord jesus christ if you want to call yourself a christian you've got to believe that whatever god said he will show it he will show it whatever god promised god is going to perform it he is going to perform it whatever god declares he is going to do it now listen to me now let's let's go back [Applause] even from the very very very first book of the bible and first chapter of the first book of the bible [Applause] one chapter of the book of genesis first chapter of the book of genesis [Music] [Applause] anybody who claim that he is a christian and you don't fully trust in the name of the lord jesus christ you better quit from him identifying yourself that you are christ follower you cannot follow christ if you don't believe him fully fully [Applause] all right now listen now how about this in the book of in the very first chapter of the book of genesis look in verse number six and god said what is that god said look at verse number nine another god said look at verse number eleven another god said look at verse number 14 another god said look at verse number 20 and god said and many more listen this is god's word this is the bible so [Applause] amen but listen you've got to believe the bible you've got to believe that what god said god is going to show it now do you understand what that name is [Applause] foreign [Applause] i want you to put this in your mind that god is not in the habit of making an mp promises [Applause] a mexicans [Applause] [Applause] but because the bible says all things work together for good to them that love god then my more excited can i i know what's gonna happen in the future everything is possible to them that believe we god nothing is impossible that's why we believe and that's why we are excited but the most important thing in this issue is only believe and thank god i believe yeah can anything could can any good thing come out of nazareth philip said all right philip said come [Applause] because number one it's the first time okay now you you're missing the point because number one it is the first time in our life and you've got to see it first and you've got to hear it first from the experience of others before you experience it and the can there any good thing come out of nazareth philipps come and see nathaniel and now you're telling me this jesus of nazareth [Applause] first time this is the reason why we are coming to church brethren this is the reason why we should not miss the gathering this is the reason why we have we are having testimonies in this church is there anyone in this auditorium [Applause] you can testify that god has done something in your life and you are showing it to the first time to the first time people were attending the church [Applause] foreign amen hallelujah [Applause] come and see if you will just believe what i'm simply saying if you will just believe you are the next man [Applause] is and let the people know that god did something in your life [Applause] [Applause] why don't you be like philip come and see [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] without form and what void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and this [Applause] [Applause] what the world i'm doing here in this world of darkness [Applause] you say hello maybe i'm speaking to one of you in this auditorium [Applause] foreign just follow him watch him watch him watch him because god is doing something in his life miraculously and what you are the next [Applause] if you will just believe only believe only believe [Music] [Applause] but no i'm living in darkness until i sow somebody someone who is excited in serving the lord [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] do you understand what i'm talking [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen thank god i believe [Applause] [Applause] foreign but i believe brethren fully believe that the people in the old testament all the creators because it is exactly what the bible says in the book of mark chapter 16. [Applause] that's what i believe that's right here i am thank god i believe secondly secondly all right listen to me don't miss this you've got to believe first of all that what god said he will show it unto you okay what god said he's gonna do it and he can do it it's a book of genesis chapter one of the book of genesis amen amen you've got to believe thank you you've got to believe that god knows everything about you very simple very simple all right look at this let's go back to the bible all right jesus saw nathaniel coming to him and say it of him behold an israelite indeed to that's a statement from the lord jesus christ and look at this verse number 48 nathan you'll say it unto him once know is down me jesus answered and said unto him before that philip called thee when thou was under the fig tree i sold thee can you see this statement [Music] thou art an israelite with no deceit evie imagine that is from the very mouth of the lord jesus christ now do you understand about that in the sight in the presence of our holy savior and lord jesus christ he knows everything about us [Applause] let me tell you something there is because god knows everything about us there is bad news and good news about it do you understand about the bad news the bad news is is this okay god knows everything about us god knows everything about you [Applause] here's the bad news news is foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] now you listen to me now it is useless not to confess our sins before god when he knows all about us did you get that let me say this again it's nonsense that's the bad news the bad news is what god knows everything about you and me god knows everything about us here's the good news you ready for this god knows everything about us the good news is god knows everything about us god knows everything about you and me the bad news is god knows everything about you and me and the good news is god knows everything about you and me well thank you foreign oh yeah [Applause] foreign [Music] they don't know everything about us they just heard [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] that's the only way that you can appreciate what god has done in your life he knows everything about us he knows everything about us but you know people will leave you because they based on what they think of you what they think of you they don't know how who knows all about us everything about us but you know what he said i will never leave you nor forsake you in the sight of god we are forever i'm telling you why it is because for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son his only begotten son lastly if you want to be a disciple of the lord jesus christ if you will be called christians you've got to believe that what god said what he will show it and you've got to believe that god knows everything about you but he loves you i'll give myself to you but god commended his love for us in that one we were yet sinners christ died for us don't miss it don't miss it then i know you then verse number 49 nathaniel answered and said unto him rabbi thou art the son of god thou art the king of israel look what jesus said verse number 15. jesus answered and said unto him because i said unto thee i saw thee under the fig tree believe us now sabine [Applause] [Applause] [Music] look what the verse said thou shalt see greater things than these [Applause] yes foreign [Applause] now here is what i want you to believe i want you to believe that greater things is on the way greater things is on the wing you need to see more hindi oh [Applause] [Applause] now do you understand what i'm talking about you listen to me now salvation is not just salvation putin foundation salvation is the foundation of the greater things that are coming on our way no not really i want you to believe that this is not the last chapter of your life did you hear me that is what you are enjoying as far as what god can do in your life is concerned listen god wants you to see more of this miracle in your life [Applause] amen god is about to do something and greater in your life but don't miss this what god is about to do is better than what god has done in your life oh yeah oh yeah walking with jesus is sweeter than the day before every day with jesus is sweeter every day i say every day when jesus is sweeter than the day before i don't know about him but i can testify in this auditorium this morning and before you ladies and gentlemen that every day with jesus is sweeter than the day before you may not see me smiling but i know that within me there is a smile um and they are recognizing what the lord has done in their life that is something already because no one none of us here in this auditorium this morning knows [Applause] [Applause] but because you know that that is not the last chapter of your life and you know that god is not finished yet in your life god is going to do something in your life that's why you are there listening to the preaching of the word of god because you believe that god is going to do something greater than what he has done in your life [Applause] i don't know [Applause] greater things greater not bitter greater [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] and that's what that is exactly what i'm saying and telling you this morning you see now listen to me now god is simply saying to to nathaniel nathaniel what color is [Applause] and the more we know him the more we will love him and the more we will love him the more we will serve him we will all rejoice in him all right this is not again whatever is happening in your life right right now praise the lord whatever is happening in your life right now i want you to know that that's not the final that is not final that is not the last chapter of your life [Applause] greater things still on the way and it's coming on your way it's coming on your way you see my glory but you don't know my story you know i'm here to tell you tonight this morning my update i'm here to tell you this morning i don't know what's going on in your life right now but i'm sure there will be a time in your life that it is very hard to believe it's hard to believe that you can make it it's hard to believe um [Applause] every day different from another day this is it there was a time in my life is this it is this it is [Applause] here i am to testify before this congregation christian bible's baptist chairs thank god i believe amen thank god [Applause] [Applause] this book right here next i'm proving things that what god said what god said he will show it what god said he will do it don't be misled but by what you can hear what you can see believe the bible because this is the preview of what god has done and what god is going to do just believe it i believe and thank god i believe shall we all stand please father bless the hearts of your people bless your people this morning speak to everyone please not always our hearts right now don't know is our mind maybe our minds is filled with doubt right now but oh god i pray to please take that doubt away from us help us to believe and we understand that greater things are coming on our way because we believe bless the hearts of your people as they come into the throne of grace this morning let's come to the throne of grace this morning you go ahead and pray and come to the front of god let's do it let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] uh i know you heard the the the cry and the begging of your people oh god please hear them and help us always ogre to understand our position before you oh god help us always our unbelief and continue to trust your word oh god thank you thank you for your people this morning thank you for the message may these words over that we heard leaving our hearts forever and forever in jesus name amen all right thank you back to your seats please well i hope you you're blessed by the message
Channel: Christian Bible Baptist Church Fort Bonifacio
Views: 2,092
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ftBKr-gnW6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 35sec (5135 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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