TGF Beta Signalling Pathway

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Oh in the previous video of cell signaling we discussed about the tgf-beta structure and it is diamond ization process if you want to watch that video first of the link is in the description now in this video we'll be discussing about the tgf-beta signaling pathway in detail the tgf-beta signaling pathway or we can say tgf-beta is the transforming growth factor beta molecule in this signaling pathway we have plasma membrane bound receptors like we have got type 1 and type 2 receptors on cell membrane second we have the ligand or signaling molecules for this receptor it's TGIF active in nodal gdf BMPs and EMH so these are the molecules or ligands we can say that binds with the receptors and initiate the pathway now when the pathways initiated there are intracellular signaling regulatory molecules for this tgf-beta pathway and these are called our smells or regulatory smads the ours med includes this mad one smell - smell 3 smell 5 and smell it or we can say SMED 9 moving further we also need one more smell molecule what we call as course med and for this we have smell for molecule that will help driving the signaling pathway once all smells are active and also one thing to remember here is that smell 6 and cement 6 molecules are called inhibitory smells or ice meds now let's get directly to the signaling pathway in this diagram we see we have the cell membrane having type 1 and type 2 receptors that type 2 receptor is port ligand binding or signaling molecule binding and type 1 is for mediating the intracellular signaling the detailed structure and phosphorylation mechanism of these receptors have been discussed in the previous video of TGIF now moving forward towards the signaling pathway to ensure the signaling pathway we need some ligands which will bind with the type 2 receptor here we see we have tgf-beta signaling molecule tgf-beta signaling molecule binds with the type two receptor monomers of TGIF and this will induce the dimerization of type two monomers as shown in the animation in the next step the dimerization will recruit the type 1 receptor monomers in the close proximity with type 2 receptors with which the type two receptor shows kinase activity there by postulating the type on mono moles at serine residues so ultimately we have the hetero tetrameric complex of tgf-beta receptor and in this complex we have activated type 1 receptor on the other hand let's say BMP molecule acts as a signaling molecule so it will bind the same way with monomers and will induce the formation of hetero tetrameric complex so here also we have type 1 getting activated why I have shown two different signaling molecule activating the tgf-beta receptor is because different signaling molecules drives the recruitment of different smell molecules within this cell we see signaling Metiria active in nodal and some gdf mediate the signaling by a smell - and SMED 3 molecule whereas signaling by BMPs AMH PGD EPS mediates the signaling bias mad one smell v and smell 8 or 9 but later on both pathways mer jet goes mad activation with smell for now getting back to the tgf-beta activated pathway there is the first pathway here in this pathway we see the activation of type 1 will recruit the smell - and smell 3 molecules and we also need some proteins to drag the recruitment of smelled molecules like we need sera protein this protein is anchored to the cell membrane this sa are a protein permits the binding of our smell to the elf fortified region of type 1 receptor so on recruiting the smell - and smell 3 molecules both mall tools are postulated by type 1 receptor at serine residues phosphorylation induces a conformational change in the MH 2 domain of ours made this allows for SMED dissociation from the receptor complex and sarra so once it gets dissociated it binds with the course med molecule that's made for here in this animation we see SMED - awesome add three binds with a smelt for molecule now let's keep these things here on the other hand we have a pathway which is initiated by BMP signaling molecule wire tgf-beta receptor it will recruit this mad one smell fire ants mad eight molecule these are smells will get phosphated the same way like we saw in smell - all smell three pathway then ultimately these will also bind the course med molecule that's the smell for molecule as shown in the diagram so we have two different pathways activating two different smell molecules so now we have complex of our smell molecules and course made molecules in the next up these complex molecules or the postulated our smell cosmic complexes enters the nucleus where it binds transcription promoters cofactors and causes the transcription of DNA like we see BMPs will drive the transcription of mRNAs involved within osteogenesis neurogenesis and ventral mesoderm specification whereas tgf-beta is called the transcription of mRNAs involved in apoptosis extracellular matrix neo Genesis and immunosuppression and many more so this is how tgf-beta signaling pathway is driven within the cell with different ligand or signaling molecules I hope you liked the video if you liked it you death on the do cancer support my work on patreon and also make sure subscribe this channel Thanks
Channel: Hussain Biology
Views: 17,072
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Keywords: tgf beta signalling, tgf beta signaling pathway, tgf beta, tgf beta pathway, transforming growth factor beta signaling pathway, tgf beta smad pathway, co smad, smad, tgf beta receptor, tgf beta receptor si, type 1 receptor, tgf beta phosphorylation, tgf beta signaling by hussain
Id: TfPHZqT7b9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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