Evolution Evosaw380 VS Dewalt DW872 - Head to Head Comparison!

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hey guys welcome back to the Ramsay Custom Shop this is Gary and evolution sent me a couple of songs a while back and I've been meaning and looking for the right project to show these on video and I think I got something today that that I want to demonstrate it on so I'm going to make a couple of videos here over the next few couple months but this one today will just jump into so I'm going to grab the larger of the two and go ahead and unbox it and we'll do a little unboxing on camera and show you what it's about all right well you can see this is brand new never been open to the extent that I can tell and this is kind of how it's going to come if you decide to get one of these sauce and so what comes in the pack is some ear plugs replacement brushes for the motor some documentation and there's one part in there that needs to be assembled and then there is a some kind of oh this is a looks like a B block for the fence so you can cut ground parts so we'll go ahead and open it up to take a look at it and you'll notice right down here is our dEWALT's I think it's multi saw DW 872 if I'm not mistaken so we're going to be able to get a look at it and do some comparisons [Applause] all right so I'm just going to kind of walk you through some of the features as I see them and we will go from there so we have a 15 inch blade on this thing so us that'll be the first speck on it and I showed you that that it came with an extra set of brushes here so you can see the the part on the motor the entry point to be able to change the brushes it's got one on the front and one on the back I'm going to zoom you in down here on some specs that may be of interest if you're thinking about buying one of these saws everybody that is going to get something like this is going to want to see the spec so hopefully those are showing up for you there I'm just going to the first blemish I see which is really not a big deal is the powder coating looks like got a little draw spray right there on the on the handle but no big deal so you've got the documentation package here a little owner's manual and what comes in it is this guy so we'll take that out and that gets mounted there [Applause] the one thing that you notice between these two saws and let me just scoot this over and hopefully this is picking up on camera but we'll get a few measurements here just to kind of compare this is is the base on this is cast iron or cast steel and the base on that is some fairly thin let me get a measurement on this here yeah it's a little over eight eight inch maybe maybe nine ten gauge I'm assuming that's with the if you didn't have the powder coat on there it'd be it'd be 8-inch 140 mm and to do a similar comparison so again I'm taking the calipers and just measuring the edge thickness there and you see that so let's grab it on this one you see that 191,000 so probably 3/16 on this one and eight eight-inch on that one the one thing is right off the bat that you can see is significantly thicker is the clamp itself here looks like quarter inch or even maybe three eighths yeah three eight hundred three hundred seventy four thousand s on that one and compare that to this one 165,000 so definitely more more BP there and let's take a look at the fence itself and see what we get 283,000 so on that one and you know pretty close to a half inch thick on this one and it may not be showing up but there's some support gussets that are built into it as well this one has the support gussets are 170 thousandths the support gussets on this one 300 thousands so some some you know significant noticeable difference just between just in the quality of how things are made now the one thing I'll point out that is you know probably in the favor of the DeWalt is the screw here on the clamp this one just has normal regular and it looks like maybe a fine thread of some dimension I'm sure it's metric you know 700,000 so I don't know what that would be in metric maybe 16 millimeter you'll notice on that one that it's got a square thread you know like a ball screw type thread and those are you know obviously much stronger you know you'll get more clamping force out of it but I would really challenge that the thinness and overall lack of you know weight and rigidity of the way things are made is that's probably overkill but it would be nice if this came with a with a square threaded screw on the clamp but it doesn't now the one thing that you'll notice here is the the the way the guard is made is really encapsulate sixth ream ly well it covers the blade more and you'll notice back in here that there's a built-in slot to try to catch the you know your chips and dusts that come off of it and you see this one has a slot as well but that's actually one that I fabricated and made and put on there and I've got a video on that but I made some time ago so the next thing I wanted to check on that that you'll notice is that the flatness of this base here looks really really good really flat this one on the other hand I've known for a long time that is kind of bowed in concave and it just always been that way and it really comes in two importance when you're trying to you know clamp a piece in and get it flat and square to the blade you know this one it wants to rock I mean you can never really tell where the flat spot is because of the bow in the middle of it but what I'm going to do is I'm going to put an indicator on both of these and check it in like maybe three places and and then check it on this one as well so let me get the indicator set up and we'll take a look at that alright so we've got our 18 inch straight edge here I'm just going to set this down and I'm going to I'm going to hold it down flat on this side and show you this so we got the snow getting irregular see a little better if you look out here you see that rock that's what I was always dealing with trying to get this you know get something level on it and let me put it on this one over here you see if I can get it to focus a little better and there's definitely not a gap on that one and there is no rock to it you will show you across there so let me put it back on this one and see if I can get the blur out of it my focus is in so you can pick it up better as you can see that now whoops here we go that's what I was trying to show you see that big gap there so when you're trying to put a piece of metal in and clamp it down you know where do you get it Square to the blade at I would always try to get it squared up back in here but I would end up with some fairly inconsistent results on that so let's check the run-out on the spindle with the with the blade all right you can see I put a little mark right there and that's three inches out from the center roughly so I just want to make sure we're fair and consistent we're going to do this the same on both and so really what you want to watch for is even though you may not be able to see the numbers themselves is watch for movement of the needle as the blade ah just for reference purposes I'm going to zero this out so we're zeroed out now and I'm just going to rotate the blade we'll make sure we get all the way back around to the mark all right let's uh let's take it again around so words there [Music] it looks like it's it's around four to six thousandths you know somewhere in that range and I've not really taken a comparison like this on on other things that's you know probably not bad given what this is but but what we're really after is to just do a head-to-head comparison so we'll switch over and do the DeWalt now so I'm going to call it I mean let me I'm going to do it off camera just look at it a little more carefully and it looks like around you know that it went four thousandths in that direction and about one or two thousandths back that way from from the zero point but we'll we'll take a look at that more detail all right so we've got the same setup we're three inches out from the center of the spindle roughly not exactly but roughly to try to make it as fair as possible and we're zeroed out on the indicator so I'm just going to spin it around and you know you can you can watch the travel you might not be able to see the numbers but again you can see how much travel there is so what we're comparing it to is about six thousand on the evolution and I also want to point out that this blade is a you know this this all has got three years worth of use on it and it seemed quite a bit of labour in this blade I think have I've sharpened it had it sharpened once so let's see what we get on this one so that was about mm in one direction and about three in the other so there's two and three so it's about five thousandths that we're seeing on that one so it's really close on on that one and you know it says a lot that this is a brand new evolution saw out of the box over here and compared to a really beat up and quite well used the wall so anyway from everything I've seen so far the biggest difference the two things I'll really like the most are how well the the guard encapsulate the blade which will help with dust collection and the fact that there is a dust collector built in and it shields it from the back and deflects everything down and if you compare that to the flatness of the deck on the on the on the evolution there's no comparison you know and trying to get in a square cut so having said that let's let's get it set up and make a couple of cuts all right so I've got a piece of three quarter inch by four flat bar we're going to cut one end of it with the with the DeWalt and the other end with the Evo saw 380 that we're testing out here so just so we know which one is which I'm just going to make a quick note all right so let's get it clamped into the Evo saw here real quick and we'll go ahead and make the Evo cut and then we'll move over to the DeWalt and make its cut so I'm just going to we're just going to nip off the edge and not take a lot off of it but I did take time to square up the base and the fence with a square and I'll double-check the DeWalt as well make sure we do a fair comparison here back your way so we can see what's going on here [Applause] I'll put a little time comparison all at the end so we can see how they both did one of these that was kind of cool about that is that offcut didn't drop off it stayed right there because it's so flat so we got a pretty nice cut on the finish there so now you see we got ebo in the wallet I'm going to flip this over will do the the water next one thing that's going to be a little unfair on the speed comparison is the blade and this one's got quite a few cuts compared to a brand-new blade in that one but we will again this is you know we're just checking things out we're going to see see what it looks like and maybe there's a big difference in speed maybe there's not we'll see but the main thing we're trying to do is get two cuts and we're going to measure those cuts the accuracy across the length of them here over on the milling machine in a second I'll show you that one thing that that stands out to me you know and this could be a reflection of the run out in the blade that we're seeing there but that's got a really smooth finish on the wall and this has got you know some evidence of chatter and in movement which I really didn't expect to see kind of surprising actually to see that so let's see if we can get a you know find out how much how square these cuts are compared to each other we're going to use the milling machine to check that out alright so we're going to use the milling machine and the milling vise to check the squareness of our cut so our reference point is the vise and you'll notice that our needle there on the on the indicator is staying still as we're moving it which means that the vise is trimmed in so what we want to do is go ahead and get our remove you a little bit I've cleaned the face of the Jeff of the vise jaws off I've cleaned the parallels we've blown everything off cleaned everything off good so now we want to get our our piece in here and so and online I'm just going to you know clamp this loosely I'm not going to clamp it very tight at all because there is no reason to do that and the only thing that we could do by clamping it tight is disturb the the flatness of our bar that we got mounted in there so we've got that indicator on there and I'm going to zero this out and again you won't be able to see the zero but I'm going to get you around here straight where you can see how much the needle is moving so we got that zeroed out and we'll just sweep across that this out of our way and we're looking at the Evo cut here and you'll see the variation in it because of the unevenness of the cut you know the little blips of the needle as it's dipping down in not until the very end we see it move significantly and in fact halfway across it was still or three-quarters of the way across it was still right there its mm movement across that so let's go all the way to the edge and again it's dipping in and out of those uneven cuts and so I'm going to call it five thousandths you know because if I take the peak so if I start let me just zero it here which is kind of the peak is about eight thousands and I'm gonna go all the way across and look for a peek on the other side there's a at the very end of it there it's I'm just going to call it a thousandth or to run out across that which is really quite impressive for a chop saw no no question about it now we we cut that you know with the bar standing in there vertically had been interesting to cut it this way as well so let's just flip it around let me zoom you out so we'll just pull it off the indicator here and what I really should do to make sure that we get the same size compared to slip it this way and I'll stick it in and I'm going to push this out into the indicator and we'll just kind of work those jaws a little bit to make sure we get it push square and it's not this just kind of snug so I'm going to zero this out again not that the zero really matters we're just looking for how much it's moving and so we'll do the same thing will go peak-to-peak here and so we saw a couple thousands maybe overall on the on the other side and what you're going to see probably is less variation but is it going to be even from end to end so let's sweep across it look at that I mean it's immediately you notice in that mood so we started on zero it's just it's a you know it's off all the way down which would indicate that we got about forty five thousands of run out and you notice that needle was not you know tipping as bad because we got a smoother cut on the on the DeWalt one I don't know if that's the the blade or the pitch on the blades or you know the way the teeth are staggered you know that would produce that or maybe just rigidity I'm not sure although you think the the Evo would be more rigid but that's that's a that's fifty thousands of run out you know that's almost that's a sixteenth of an inch just just a shade under a sixteenth of an inch across the length of four inches there so so let's just I mean we're seeing that repeat pretty well accurately as we go across let's see if it goes back to zero at the end pretty close to zero there so let's just do the other side one more time just just to double-check if the evil side and we'll zero it out right there and we'll sweep across see that needle jumping around just because of the unevenness but you notice it's not just continuing to sweep around which would be an indication of squareness overall and we'll find a you know I miss it's a it's a thousands off a thousands or mm all the way across I mean that's it's phenomenal phenomenal for a chop saw so let's wrap it up here guys I'm going to put a I'll put a slot up on the screen that's going to give you a little advantages pros and cons of both I would say overall the the deck is really the selling point on this thing it is by far just from a usability standpoint noticeably nicer and it shows up in the cut over here you know and I mean I could come back over here and tweak you know how this thing sits but you saw the unevenness and I tried to get it as flat as I could you know to make the cut and I clamped it in there tight so I would definitely say the deck is the main selling point this saw also appears to be about $50 less than the DeWalt now I paid almost $500 for this Duvall three four years ago and I think it's around four thirty now and this one is you can pick it up on the street for in the 380 385 range but I'll put slot up it kind of from my perspective gives the pros and cons I realize that some of the measurements I took you know we're not exactly scientific but we're just trying to do the best we can with what we have I do believe this comparison over here though is pretty consistent and repeatable and accurate so alright got a long video I'm going to have a link also to Rafael Alvarez of Alvarez Metalworks he reviewed the same saw he got one as well from these guys and he showed it in action showed it making a lot more cuts this video was this more of an intro kind of unboxing some of the initial impressions of it but I'm going to give you pros and cons you know like for example the screw on the clamp definitely advantaged a wall you can see the square shoulders on the on the screw there the square-edged is compared to just a regular you know what looks like probably just threaded rod now what you know how that shows up over time likely I would say just in I mean wow I don't know I guess that's where I just clamp to that look at that had already kind of boogered up the threads there a little bit I noticed when I was trying to unclamp it that it seemed kind of funky so you know it's funny I was just making that point and sure enough the threads are kind of jacked up on it there a little bit so I would you know hopefully evolution maybe watch this video and you know something to take back to engineering and consider putting an ACME type or a square shouldered thread like this one everything else about the saw I really liked so alright guys long video hope you guys enjoyed it see you you
Channel: Ramsey Customs - turbocobra
Views: 467,712
Rating: 4.3048167 out of 5
Keywords: metal, shop;, fabrication, homesteading;, off, grid;, prepping;, Simple, quick, easy, do, it, yourself, diy, how, to, work, welding, grinding, cutting, design, create;, Metalwork;, Metal;, bend, steel;, metal;, milling;, machining;, tig, welding;, mig, Evolution Power Tools, Evosaw380, Evolution Evosaw380, Dewalt vs Evolution, chopsaw comparison, best chopsaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2017
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