[TF2] The Best Sniper Rifle

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tf2 on the whole is a pretty well balanced game most of the unlockable weapons are situational side grades they play well on certain maps or with certain play styles but perform weaker in others while usually still being usable in any situation but some weapons are ridiculous they're blatantly broken and not fun to fight and a select few are what i'd call straight upgrades of their stock counterparts normally meant to be the all-around best and most well-rounded option to use and one of those is the sniper's bizarre bargain the bizarre bargain is in my eyes the best sniper rifle in the hands of even a semi-competent sniper i consider myself an above average sniper i'm not two for battlement stupid but i'm not highlander platinum god like either and i've been able to get some pretty insane use out of the bizarre bargain for a very simple reason it's a snowballing weapon once you get two headshots it's as good as stock and every headshot from that point on is just a bonus that makes the gun a straight upgrade with no downsides now there are two kinds of snowballing weapons in tf2 what i like to call soft snowballs and hard snowballs a soft snowball for example would be something like the diamondback or the frontier justice it's not on a timer like the buff banner the kritzkrieg or the flog you can hold onto your crits for as long as you want but they do cap out after a certain point you lose them on death and they will run out if you use them all the frontier justice i would say is a well-balanced soft snowball weapon because once it runs out of crits you have a very severe downside by a way of having your clip halved this is even a detriment while you have the crits because it means you can't just go on a spree you need to pace yourself on top of this getting the crits means you have to exit your comfort zone as engineer you need to destroy your sentry or else have it be destroyed and go on the offensive dramatically changing your play style in a way that not a lot of players can adapt to quickly meanwhile the diamondback has a pretty meaningless downside of a 15 damage penalty and that's it it's basically a straight upgrade to the stock revolver because the damage penalty isn't punishing enough to make it a major downside and if you just do the only two things you can really do as spy it turns you into something between a sniper and a scout in terms of sheer power and you don't have to change a thing about how you play hard snowballs are something that gives your class a permanent upside that lasts as long as you stay alive as a reward for killing enemies examples of this are the air strike and the islander once again the airstrike is what i would call balanced if anything it can feel underwhelming you have very real downsides in terms of less damage and lower explosive radius while rocket jumping but if you manage to get 4 kills even with these downsides you get 8 rockets total in your clip which is pretty insane and with an increased fire rate on rocket jumps the burst damage you can potentially accomplish with this is pretty nuts and it's also really fun to punish enemy soldiers who pop you in the air with it meanwhile with the islander once you get two heads which is pretty easy on demo night considering you can pretty easily one shot every class in the game besides a heavy by simply right clicking and then left clicking in their general direction it's a straight upgrade you have a permanent health and speed buff that can even transfer over if you switch your shield and boots out for your actual explosive weapons making one of the strongest classes in the game even more unstoppable [Music] oh [Music] there's a very good reason that islander demo knights can seem unkillable sometimes the health and speed buff coupled with whatever shield resistances they have and the ability to get out of any bad situation by right-clicking makes them very annoying to deal with for anything besides a natasha heavy or a level 3 sentry and with that said in regards to the topic of today's video the bizarre bargain falls hard into the islander territory it's a hard snowballing weapon that has no downsides once it's fully or even partially snowballed upon getting a headshot kill with a bizarre bargain it increases your charge rate by 25 up to 200 percent but as a downside you start off with the 50 slower charge rate this means that at two heads it's identical to stock and past that you have a free faster charge which is a pretty big deal the stock sniper rifle and some of the other unlockables like the machina hitman's heat maker and the classic all take 3.3 seconds to fully charge where they'll do the maximum damage of 450 on a headshot the bizarre bargain at 6 heads takes 1.8 seconds now a second and a half difference doesn't seem like that long but the stock sniper rifle has a small period of time where you deal 150 damage even when the charge meter is visibly going up and the bizarre bargain by charging so much faster basically eliminates that and you do more quick scope damage almost instantly so 175 hp classes overhealed light classes they get destroyed so fast because even though you start off with a slower charging rate you still do 150 damage quick scopes which will instantly kill a lot of classes so getting those two heads to bring it back to stocks level really isn't that hard when five out of nine classes can be killed in a single shot especially in pubs where scouts run in straight lines and derpy engineers and snipers that hold perfectly still are very common so you don't even end up playing differently because snipers and medics are your biggest targets and you one shot them just the same as you normally would and in fact even on bulkier targets like heavies going for two quick scopes instead of one hard scope is a very effective strategy as it gives you a small degree of mobility and awareness between shots so in summary it means you don't have to change your play style at all which is a trap a lot of the sniper rifle unlocks fall into it means that dying isn't all that punishing because quickscopes are still very powerful negating the main drawback of hard snowballing weapons and it means that even if there are good players on the enemy team if they also have bad players who are easily headshot they get punished for this completely outside of their control this is an issue of all snowballing weapons even the soft ones if you're a good player and you recognize that a spy is farming your teammates for free diamondback crits or an islander demonite is whittling down your entire team and getting away with it you basically have to tunnel the [ __ ] out of them because if you don't then they're going to be even stronger when you run into them on their terms depending on your unlocks of choice it might not be so hard to deal with a sniper as a demo or pyro you can use the lock and load or quickie launcher to get that bit of extra range that means you don't have to spend as much time closing the gap or you can just use literally any flare gun to put the sniper out of commission for several seconds and if you want to close the gap there are plenty of options for that too but that gets thrown out the window when the sniper can insta-kill you so fast he may as well be quick scoping and that also applies to another one of the snipers biggest counters a rocket jumping soldier now the biggest reason that this fast charge is an issue besides the fact that there are no downsides is that having a permanent faster charge makes everything about playing sniper easier hard scoping is now twice as fast so even tanky enemies don't stand a chance against you because the window of time they have to act against you just got cut in half even just simply taking time to line up a shot properly while scoped in adds massive damage to what is already a glass canon class with a high damage output this has a domino effect in that now you can come out of a scope much more often as your scope charge is effectively disposable meaning you can be much more vigilant and mobile more often spies have a much shorter window to stab you before you come out of your scope to check for them even the vaccinator is weakened by this thing assuming you're not currently overcharging with it the upside of the medic being able to tank quick scopes is largely irrelevant because the sniper just charges so [ __ ] fast oh and if you thought that snipers being able to do 150 damage without even having to hit your head just for standing still long enough was annoying try cutting that time in half yeah a lot of fully jacked up bizarre bargain snipers might not even bother going for head shots when it isn't absolutely necessary because going for a fully charged body shot is just as powerful as quick scoping is almost as fast is easier to hit and has no drawbacks unlike the hitman's heat maker which is actually very similar to the bizarre bargain in that it rewards you with a faster charge time for getting kills the bizarre bargain doesn't give you any penalty for hitting body shots oh yeah and the faster charge time on the heat maker runs out after a certain period of time unless you're constantly getting kills which you can't even do in mvm because you run out of [ __ ] robots it's like i said everything about sniper is just easier everything tanky dies fast everything frail dies even faster and after a certain point you don't even have to try anymore it is the best sniper rifle for pubs certainly maybe not for highlander and certainly not for sixes just for the fact that you have less heads to shoot at and less people to snowball off of but in pubs i'd say it's frankly overpowered and yet there's something very interesting about the bizarre bargain no one ever seems to complain about it specifically there's plenty of people who complain about sniper now because of youtubers giving their opinions on the matter but the bizarre bargain despite being easily the best sniper rifle in the hands of the class that is now widely considered overpowered just kind of skirts on by not attracting attention the closest weapon i can compare this to is the diamondback and i get to complain about all the time for basically being a straight upgrade and deservedly so but the bizarre bargain despite deserving it just as much just isn't on people's radar why well i think it's an issue of feedback it's nearly impossible to tell when your death is specifically because of a bizarre bargain sniper's faster charge whereas with a spy using the diamondback you absolutely know you wouldn't have died to him if you didn't pull 300 damage out of his ass for backstabbing your gibbous engineer and sapping his teleporters with the bizarre bargain not only is the way you play a sniper almost exactly the same so is the counter play it's just less effective because the sniper can kill you faster despite how much of a straight upgrade it is playing with and against it feels almost identical i'll even notice this when i'm going through my primaries like oh yeah i have a bizarre bargain and it's festivized and professional killstreak got spent a lot of keys on that is there any reason i want to switch off of stock and use that eh not really i have the same issue with the heat maker and the machina too they're so similar to stock that i just kind of feel like why bother so really instead of the diamondback i guess this is more like the third degree it's stock but better except it's on a weapon where the stock version is actually good so how would i fix it being stock but better well i'd give it a full damage nerf across the board enough so that your quick scopes still do 125 so you can counter snipe but no more this means that even once you're fully boosted you still have a downside and you have to charge up in order to kill medics even if it only takes a second that's more than what the stock rifle gives medics and really that's all you'd need to do this would also mean that the damage is capped at 375 on fully charged shots meaning you can't one shot fully overhealed heavies anymore but i also think that's an acceptable downside you reach full charge quicker but do less overall burst damage and it would still pair really well with the cozy camper which is what i like to use with the bizarre bargain now if you're even a half decent sniper there's basically no reason not to use this thing but i won't pretend that for snipers who end up dying after basically every kill they won't have a lot more fun with basically any other rifle actually there is one thing this is good for if you're a less skilled sniper training wheels because this encourages a single-minded hit your head shots or else mentality it's good for forcing yourself to go for headshot kills you know at first until rapid charged body shots become really easy but if you're not good at sniper to begin with you won't get to the point where that's an issue for a long time some weapons exist in a straight upgrade state but no one really minds for one reason or another maybe the weapon despite being better than its counterparts isn't frustrating to fight and makes the class more fun to play maybe it's a melee weapon on a class that doesn't get much use out of that slot anyway and the extra utility they get from it doesn't break the game maybe they main pyro but for weapons like the bizarre bargain i really don't think that should be the case it's too much of a reward for just doing what the class normally does yeah yeah i see you over there diamondback don't think you're out of the woods here pal your day of reckoning is coming [Music] [Music] you
Channel: FishStickOnAStick - Gaming
Views: 755,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tf2, team fortress 2, tf2 sniper, tf2 best sniper rifle, tf2 bazaar bargain, tf2 sniper rifle, bazaar bargain, fsoas, fishstickonstick, bad weapon academy
Id: hLi0V-onuhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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