TF2 Unboxing: Gone Way too Far! Most Unusuals I've Unboxed!? 250+ Scream Fortress Cases!?

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[Music] hello everybody today we're opening 150 stream fortress cases we've got 100 war paint cases and 50 wicked windfall cases now keep in mind i am spending a lot of money here so if you enjoy what you're seeing please consider subscribing and maybe go check out some of the other content i've made you'd really help me out by doing such now that that have been set let's start unboxing let's get something good off the bat that would be nice to start off the video with that that actually worked okay we're ending the video guys that's it i hope you enjoy it see you again next time i'm joking of course but holy moly [Music] this is where a same person stops we are not sane we're not saying we're going to keep going i spent the money already i can't believe that worked i was like let's start with something off the bat and boom the game is like oh you want you want this sure here have this and it was cool i can't let a double win oh my god that i i'm lost for words honestly that i i still can't like that's so mind-blowing to me that that first case just boom there you go and we're also getting quite a lot of strangers to be honest i do wonder what where it is we we're gonna check uh we actually gonna check it out now just so people can't go to the uh i guess end of the video to see what we've got so here we have it what where is it it's it's factory oh my god it's factory new i thought it was minimal wear we just off the bed off the bat we got that are you kidding me look at it's it's sort of sad to me that it isn't strange because that would just be so good that would be so valuable but even like even this is like such a good like and we got it first case like this this was the first case on box honestly let's keep unboxing that's the warped i didn't like last time i hope the game doesn't find a joke for me this time though you watch the next level troll it's it's probably gonna give me a hot version it's like hey you could maybe have gotten this effect on another wallpaper but here you go the warped you did like i don't know i i hope not honestly i also realized which sounds a bit dumb this this is like team color which means that honestly it could look nice with both sides of tope and tart but i kind of don't like war paints too much when they're like the team color you know in unusual of course i do think that a hot could still look amazing on it on both teams so i would take that for sure [Music] oh this is team color too it's it's funny what you notice when you actually look at what you unbox i'm i'm too busy focusing on you know the big prizes to unusuals which might have not been been the smartest thing to do especially the first video that i did but yeah i feel like i'm on this sixth week of unboxing unusual so that's really just what i'm looking for you know i don't know if that makes sense it probably only makes sense if you run rocks a lot of unusuals i guess or maybe you can kind of get the mentality of it that that it wouldn't make sense but yeah i feel like the these cases have quite some nice uh war paints that could be pretty nice with certain unusual effects so that's why i would like to maybe get a very nice strange one with a nice effect of course strange is asking a bit much i'll take just unusual of course but it would just be so amazing to get an amazing looking warping with strange and unreduced effect like one of these could be amazing [Music] honestly it's a good thing i have music added to these videos because else it would be i just don't have technically that much to talk about when i'm unboxing 150 cases or something like that or just a whole lot of cases and then having some nice music in the background i know that that's something people appreciate that's the reason why i actually put in all the effort to add music so hope you guys enjoy that as well that's the the thing that's going to haunt my dream so ever by the way [Music] also i'm not even sure if anybody's noticing that there's music but you'd notice if there wasn't take my word on that one i feel like i i was a bit meta with the whole statement before but i felt like i had to talk about something because we're starting off strong but we aren't getting anything uh anything recently that's super nice [Music] wouldn't it be amazing if if the last case on this page was unusual too or if if we got a single unusual hat that that would also be sort of amazing now [Music] i'll take an elite grade i'll i'll i'll definitely take an elite great elite radar like super rare [Music] now there is a very very unrealistic never gonna happen chance that we could get a strange unusual elite grade which i'm not even gonna like i've i don't think that's even possible for me to unbox but the chance is technically there i have unboxed a lot of unusuals it would be nice to get something of that quality i mean even just a elite great unusual war paint would be nice honestly even if it wasn't strange of course i'm gonna regret saying that when we get one and i'm like oh my god it's 10 it could have been strange right but i actually like this cosmetic a lot i think it have a lot of potential okay come on gaben i mean it's it's strange factor neo the game definitely forgot to give me a heart effect on that one for sure [Music] by the way i i would like to see you guys sort of expression of of what you felt in the moment of the first case though like just because i feel like i'm gonna do something with the music there because i i've started to add some sort of pipe music with actual unusual unbox or something sort of like guest boss music in a sense but where it like fits in really good so i really want to see that sort of reaction in the comments below if you guys don't mind just like no way as it when the music starts playing and then no no way not the first care that that is that is but maybe maybe we just used all the luck on that first case and then as i said it should have stopped we've we unboxed 60 cases now and we haven't had anything nice on like aside from the the first case like super nice as in actually worth unboxing for nice we have gotten some you know we got that strange back to new wallpaper and of course but at this stage it's not really like unless you get a strange maybe lead grade or assassin great then this this case is too new for it to actually be worth that much honestly at least in my experience [Music] okay so let's put the first case aside and then you have a pretty realistic unboxing experience here by the way just anybody wondering definitely not worth unboxing keep in mind i have insane lock that's how i unbox like so many unusuals in general normally people don't have this kind of insane lock and that's something to keep in mind so aside from the first case this toss that out of the window then so far this is what the normal unboxing experience would be like honestly [Music] but i i have high hopes we we still have like at least another pay full page i have high hopes that we can turn this whole thing around [Music] [Music] i mean last time it in some of the final cases if i recall right so oh we were quite into it and then there were one in the final case so i definitely have high hopes [Music] [Music] [Music] that would be nice and unusual sadly it wasn't i'll take an unusually fire it's an old class that's a kind of nice just because it's halloween normally i'd be sort of offended but that's mainly because i i've had an unusually fire curse in the past so that's two unusual quality items so far we kind of need a third to keep up the whole streak i've been going with lately where i get like at least three a video or will it happen to your video so i guess we have one more install somewhere if that sort of pattern keeps true and maybe we can break it maybe we can get more [Music] would definitely be nice to get more than three when we are unboxing 150 that's the third another isotope we've got we've got the third as i said we could turn it around that's that's so if if the patent keeps two we're not gonna get another unusual for the rest of the cases and we should really stop a wise person would stop a sane person would stop i'm obviously not either of those so we're gonna keep going maybe break the streak get a get another one [Music] [Music] i mean again if i was wise i would have stopped at the third newsroom in like okay that's our cap we're gonna unbox the next once in like another day and then i'm just gonna upload this video later to get more new skills oh my god never mind we broke it that that that's that's the fourth unusual that that there's the fourth i'm not even sure if you can get an unusual head and not use you to find the same case i think i've heard something about it but who that would be that would be insane okay so so now everything can happen we could just start getting unusuals back to back to back like three in a row wouldn't even be surprised because we we we've got more than three this time anything can we can also just not get anything i guess but it would be nice though to either get an unusual hat just to have you know something of each or i don't know maybe a strange war paint with a very nice and used to the effect that's called hot because we got two isotope effects and two a new certifier so far we have another page after this right right i think we do i'm pretty sure we have another page after this oh yeah we got we got 50 more let's go let's see how many unusuals we can get in one video [Music] oh we assassinate it's i honestly thought that was mercenary because it looks so garbage but hey assassin great we'll take that [Music] that that is definitely an assassin rate that i would uh i would prefer not getting in unusual [Music] come on gaben you you know you want me to get something good you know you know game game you want this game to give me a very nice item and you're just waiting until the the best possible moment to give it to me obviously that that's that's how this works [Music] and that that was not the moment i'll okay i'll wait for it i'll wait for game whatever you say game again this would be this would be nice and unusual there haven't actually been that many uh strange hot of the war paints unboxed by what i've been able to see so i am hopeful i am hopeful that we could unbox one of those integrations because mathematically or statistically that should be a i think we could do i guess i don't i don't know how that even works but [Music] you know if you get a strange unusual war paint there is a very high likelihood which doesn't really work like that but it feels like there would be a very high likelihood that it would be hot so i'm hopeful [Music] come on [Music] ah damn it i know i'm asking for a lot here i've already gotten unusual shouldn't be asking for more but i i just feel like we we did open and or taken a whole other page and we just not getting anything you [Music] [Music] know 20 left [Music] uh [Music] am i really asking for that much just to to see a heart effect on one of the new war paints i guess i am i kinda guess i am i have a feeling this video is gonna say unboxing 200 cases because i feel like unboxing 50 more warping cases all of a sudden [Music] and that is the dangers of unboxing because you feel like you should get something you aren't getting it and you try more and then you still aren't getting it and i know i've already gotten stuff but that's also why you stop after you get stuff you don't you don't keep going you never keep going [Music] okay come on we've almost gone through this entire page oh we have yeah almost gone through this entire page actually without getting anything super nice so that would be very nice if we could just get something nice you know [Music] come on it's gonna be in the last case isn't it three more to go come on don't make me do another 50. [Music] i guess we're doing i guess we i get i guess we're doing another 50. ah strains not unusual yeah i'm gonna i'm actually just gonna do another 50 wall pin cases i just want to see if we can get one with hot and i don't want anybody saying that i didn't try before we do the the other 50 cases of course i'll i'll take a look at the spider wall paint that i got before i forget would be terrible if i forgot that and where do we have the the rocket launcher because somebody's gonna be like why didn't you show this one specifically on a rocket launcher here we have a classic example of why unboxing is dangerous because now i actually bought 60 instead of another 50 because i figured somebody would complain about not enough wicked windfall cases then and i guess we're just gonna keep going like it's too late now just want to see how many we can get or if we can get like a a nice one with hot effect honestly of course we aren't going to get a single thing in these cases because we fell for the trap that is unboxing and not stopping but i i felt like either case i win because either i get a bunch of unusuals or i show you guys why you shouldn't unbox in general even when you are super lucky also yes i will probably be oh my god that is except it's not hot it's an isotope and it's one of the pains i really didn't like but at least the effect matches the pain and there's our fifth unusual also as i was trying to say before the unusual rudely interrupted me i'll probably be giving some of the stuff that i unboxed away like usual at a later date when it's tradable so you guys don't need to ask for that i know that there are a lot of people who can't afford to unbox and this is kind of their way to unbox that they see me on box stop and then i give some of the stuff away and sometimes i even throw in like an unusually on there you know on the raffles that i do so definitely stay tuned for that i think what the game is actually telling me though is that i got cool now i got isotope and i need to do a third unboxing to get the hot effects which again you start seeing why unboxing is dangerous because you feel like even when you get unusual it's like i could have done something better oh i could have gone and then oops there goes your entire bank account before you know it and that's why you have to stop at some point and i'm gonna be honest i'm stopping if i don't you know i'm i'm just like these are the last case i'm gonna be doing from at least this point in i might unbox some of the warping cases at a a later date you never know but this is probably gonna be it for my at least the unboxing of these new halloween cases during halloween at least how i feel right now because else my bank account is gonna have issues as as you can see from from what what what what it's doing to me unboxing when when i feel like i'm on a streak and it's sometimes even more dangerous when you don't get unused goals so there is that [Music] the game was literally just like oh you were about to get an unusual let's fix that problem [Music] okay this is this is gonna be the final spin for a chance to get an unusual hat with one of the new effects hopefully it's not the cauldron though [Music] i think the hellotalum could be very nice because it have a lot of options of the new effects that look good with it oh the final spin for not you and it's it's commando great i really do not like the hat that being said i i think this should be a mercenary grade but we did end up with an unusual hat so i guess doing the 10 extra cosmetic cases kind of worked to check that off the bucket list [Music] would have been so bm if it just gave me like an unusual cauldron just to be like that that's right [ __ ] you know who's bus that would've been nice as unusual not that i like the head or anything but it's an assassin great so [Music] so we can check off getting one of the new effects even if it's not necessarily the best one on the hat i think it would have been better on the pumpkin yet i know nepalopolis unboxed one of those with guardian angel [Music] before i forget it's probably a good idea we just quickly check this hat out though not the nicest effect for the hat and it's a sniper only head that doesn't look too well i think this is not gonna be worth that much but hey at least it's a you know unusual halloween hat so we will take that now if if we can just get a hot wall paint that would make this perfect even though we did spend more than we really should we shouldn't have unboxed this much i deeply regret getting baited even though we did get an unusual hat and another unusual war paint from it so but that's honestly just my luck doing the work for me it's not that i you know it's just a lock let's be honest it's just pure luck and even with this lock i i feel like i'm not getting the best possible outcome on my own [Music] second elite great sadly it wasn't unusual but we will take a second delete great [Music] okay we've got 20 left 20 left we can do this we can't do this out of this even blue not much different honestly we really need to start praying on the last sin to be honest if if this if we if we aren't getting another unusual war pain now we really need to start praying [Music] oh i'm not another unusual fight we'll definitely take this at this stage like anything we can get we'll take anything we can get here [Music] just up that a total unusual count of of the video is that like three and you should fire three wall paints and of course an unusual hat [Music] but yeah i feel like if i if i want one of the hot effects on a nice warping i'll have to buy it myself and would probably be cheaper cheaper i just realized we we forgot to even take a look at this one so we should probably do that before we do the last 10. else they're probably going to be somebody complaining because it is isotope it is sort of a green thematic one so it might actually be something some people would want to see [Music] so here it is and let's start praying trying jesus for the last 10 let's get a hot one to end the video with from all nine jesus give me a hot one i've tried to beg for gavin for it he wouldn't want to give it to me maybe you won't maybe i shouldn't back to anybody maybe i should just believe in myself i want a hot one just just would be so good to get one just i've got cool i've got isotope i really feel like i'm being taunted let's be honest about that hot one just a hard wall paint this stage honestly any any war pain just just to get a heart for the principle of getting a heart it's looking very bad guys [Music] okay that that's another unusually fire we'll definitely take that no no hot warping though but another unusually fire that could have been an actual unusual we've gotten a lot of unusually fast this video [Music] come on two left come on another unusual war pain please that would have been that would have been like that would have been the war pain to get an unusual honestly even though it's like completely battle scarred would have been would have been the one yeah we're doing another 10 this video is the perfect example of why you shouldn't do unboxing because this is what it does to you and i really should have stopped but we are still just going because i feel like that hot one is just around the corner i have the luck to unbox unusuals there is a very high probability and i kind of just want to try my luck on one more unusual war paint and it shouldn't be that hard for me to get another one if it's hot or not that's you know whatever but i at least want to see what the next warping i would get would be come on i i definitely fell in the unboxing trap we are not going to get one but perfect example of why unboxing is dangerous and why you shouldn't unbox even when you're lucky honestly another unusually fire i feel like that that's that's so new should we get there on this back to back maybe again no no no back to back find one just just honestly just an unusual wall paint another new city fire yeah okay the great example of why you shouldn't unbox because we're doing another 10 i just i i just want to see the next propane i get and here you have not addicted i'm committed i'm committed to provide you guys with perfect content and this video is going to be an hour by the way guys i know what you're thinking but if we have to be a little unboxing addict we might as well do it right i do tend to go a bit crazy when it comes to unboxing around this time of the year like last year it was around christmas i believe when i went a bit crazy as well i'd say and i i feel like halloween have a an easier time you know getting me to actually go completely crazy so here we are and now we're too deep in and now we're gonna try and get another unusual war pain and it's probably not even gonna be hot [Music] or maybe we just get you know an unusually fire because we've gotten so many of those in this video already oh my god what am i even doing with my money i i should be using this money way better than what i'm doing right now i should honestly just buy the war paint instead i should put this money towards buying it instead of trying to unbox it because that's that's really the big takeaway here that is not a bad warping honestly too bad it wasn't unusual that would have been the the real jackpot getting strange assassin great unusual warfare just just thinking about it makes me so happy but that now that's definitely not gonna happen but but another unusual war pain though that's that's where i have my hopes [Music] eight left kevin i'm jesus they they aren't hearing my prayers i don't think they hear my prayers guys i think we have a problem i think i i think i have a problem actually this is this is not healthy this is not a good idea and we are not even gonna get something nice as you can see at least it's not looking that way [Music] and this has just been a documentary or whatever of why you should definitely not unbox yourself because this is what it does to you even if you get unusual just never worth it long term trust me on that one it's just it's just one big trap it's just one big trap case it's a trap we're not getting it we think this way too far i'm too far down the rabbit hole guys it's it's just gonna keep going until we get an unusual warp and i'm just gonna be honest with you this is gonna be two hour video if you are watching this fight really haven't subscribed you should really consider subscribing and yes i do plan to stop after these ten but i also plan that one of these ten do have an unusual war paint in them and if they don't then i i i'm sorry guys i just i i can't stop i'm i'm literally committed until i get uh an unusual warfare and i gotta i gotta be honest with you guys like i just can't stop i need another unusual warfare that i can't stop or at least another on youtube i mean if i get another unused if i'm just gonna be like ah screw this so it's either one more one presenter let's go this is really not healthy and i need i need help i i need help guys i actually need like somebody needs to send help here i feel like we might have crossed the line of from entertaining to literal gambling addict problem especially when the game is so mean and not giving me a war pain with an unusual effect at this stage of of the addiction do we do we do another 10. the games but we're doing another 10 guys like i i can't help myself i'm i'm too deep down the rabbit hole honestly i mean we're this deep down we just as i said we're gonna keep going until we get the next unusual and probably finish up whatever batch we add at the stage of time when we get the next one and yeah i i'm i'm i'm just gonna i'm just gonna take my addiction and and then roll with it i guess because i've got a full-on unboxing addiction right here and it's definitely not healthy and it's it's it's just so dumb because i feel like yeah i can easily unbox an unusual and now i just can't get the the effect that i really would like one of these wallpaints will just and and at this stage i don't even like i don't even care if it's a warping i don't want it's just i need to get one there's another usually fire so this means this is for sure the last batch but at this stage it's just like i know i can unbox unusuals it's so easy for me i have the lock to unbox unusual but i kinda just wanna show that i can get the effect i won't understand oh my god and it's not working and we we're stopping after this patch because we did get the next unusual and it wasn't an unusual war pain there was another new silly fire and i feel like i've i've done well to deserve to get my new cd5 curse back i definitely also have enough of new suit advice to making a new cd5 video during this halloween so i think that that'll be the next addiction a new certifying great oh i'm i'm actually broke now i'm i've i've i've given up it's like this it ain't happening guys we got the new city fire which means we we have to stop i'm not gonna keep gambling on a one percent just to get another new cd fire and not get the the war paint that could be hot and even then it's one in three chance when i finally get it which is already at a one percent chance and then for it to be strange as well that's a ten percent chance so we are really down in the in the this never happens category i think at this stage the final one please psych i'm back again guys dot editing the video figured it could be really cool to just slap in another unusual wall paint at the end of the video so we're opening 10 more real quick before i schedule the video whatever just to get that that extra unusual wall paint you know i'm i'm way too stubborn to unbox honestly i should be unboxing space i shouldn't that's another elite grade i shouldn't be wanting to unbox specific things i should just take the unusuals and leave it at that that's what i'm trying to say here because this is as a one-way trip to uh to not having any money left over of course the the money that i'm spending these cases were some of the tools and stuff that i unboxed that i felt like i could market of course i have still saved a lot of things to give away i have too many things to give away in a single giveaway even i think there is another new cd file i'm cursed guys that's another new signify i've got the new city firecast back oh my god if i have a talent it's uh it's unboxing and use yours not the ones i necessarily want but i do have the ability to unbox unusuals and the final case i i have enough money to like 10 more with what i sold so i'm actually going to do 10 more at this stage i'm wondering if anybody's even still watching because they think the video has been over like what five times by now but i want to see how far i can take this and that we got a cool one that's the next war paint i thought i don't like the warped itself but we got another evicted isotope and then it's cool and not hot i feel like there that this video is pretty fitting i finally get another warping after so long and it's it's cool it's just like just that extra soul in the moon there but hey i'm not i'm not complaining that's another unusual warfind so definitely taking that there [Music] [Music] that'll be it guys i'm i'm honestly done now like as as you can see it's like way later than from when i originally recorded the other things and i just wanted to use a bit of the the money from some of the tools and some of the other stuff that i sold that just to unbox a bit more and see if we could get another unusual war paint which we did and we got it it wasn't hard it was cool let's take a look at it this one would funnily enough look good with isotope honestly hey i'm i'm not complaining we got i want another unusual war paint i got it i hope you guys enjoyed this i'll see you again next time [Music] you
Channel: Archimo
Views: 23,861
Rating: 4.9331269 out of 5
Keywords: team fortress 2, Team Fortress 2, unusual, team fortress, TF2, tf2, strange unusual, unusual skin, unusual skins, scream fortress, tf2 event, scream fortress cases, wicked, wicked windfall, wicked windfall cases, unboxing unusuals, unboxing unusual, unboxing unusual war paint, unboxing unusualifier, unusualifier, screamfortress XII, team fortress event, funny, unboxing, opening cases
Id: aI4ujztQ0Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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