TF2: The Official Heavy Weapons Tier List

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true badass anime man [Music] channeling my inner albert wesker i have i am for i don't know what it is i don't know what it is about my appearance but i'm only ever compared to murderers cult leaders or villains i don't i'm never i'm never compared to like something that's fairly innocuous right okay and yes also as a reminder because for some reason people have developed this conspiracy theory now that sniper isn't on this list because i'm refusing to do a sniper tier list because i think he's overpowered no i am going to do a sniper tier list but the sniper is going to be last that's why he's not on the dial because that would defeat the purpose so he's gonna be last that's not why that's why he's not on the list just to clarify again because no one seems to be paying attention every time i [ __ ] say that so there you go shall we see who we're doing today we're doing heavy okay i can do heavy i'm just gonna repeat the same [ __ ] that i've been doing this this is like the the you know the little reminder as to what my tears mean here you know broken needs a nerf and rework means that the weapon is so hideously overpowered or broken that it needs an adjustment in order for it to be fair and balanced a is the best b is good c is middle middle of the road good d is passable but ah and then e is bad and then broken bad slash needs a rework means that the weapon is so hideously broken in that it doesn't function properly that it's just a bad item and needs to be fixed or it's just so so horrifically bad even though it's mechanically okay that it needs some kind of it needs it needs a fix you know that's basically it where do i start guys what do you think the one i see the most up is where i'm gonna start you see a pretty wide spread between almost everything ah okay so what was the first one that was recommended grew okay we'll do gloves of running urgently first because that was the first one i saw there's there's just such a huge mix of things that i can't i can't decipher that's wrong one groove's down here i don't like the groove i don't know i'm i'm really upset with what happened to these gloves i'm i'm not sure as to what the placement is going to be at the moment i don't like the gloves of running urgently anymore because they got nerfed into the floor because people bitched and moaned too hard that heavy was able to get to mid too fast in competitive games and it was always it was always off the white list for items because oh if one heavy ran the groove then the other heavy was forced to run the groove in order for the teams to have an even fair fight especially in highlander so they squawked and bitched and moaned long enough and then valve eventually picked up on and go huh maybe we should nerf these and they listen to the wrong people and now for me whenever i play heavy i consider these gloves absolutely [ __ ] useless health drain on heavy health drain on any [ __ ] item is absolutely [ __ ] stupid why would i ever sacrifice my health pool for anything in this game when health is everything right i immediately whip these things out and my health starts draining me the only time the only time i can justify using the gru is over just short short distance like super short distances if you have these things out for any elongated period of time you go all the way down to 100 maximum health on a heavy and as soon as you put them away you're still stuck there for a while and you have to wait a long ass time for all your health to regen and you're the slowest moving class in the game with a health pool that's lower than a scout oh it's [ __ ] it's not it's so horrible and what's worse what's really bad about this is that the way they're balanced now is that they completely violate other items that give some kind of a speed bonus and also have a downside to them or some kind of a bonus whenever you have them out for example take the power jack whenever you have the power jack out you have a damage vulnerability right but then when you put it away you're fine but guess what you're also not moving fast you're only punished when you're using the item with the groove you're punished for an extended period of time after you put them away i don't understand why they thought that was a good idea because any extended use of this item is gonna [ __ ] you we're just gonna die it's it's horrific and the yeah zenny the way this item used to be is that it used to be like the escape plan for heavy they made you mark for death when you had them out they have i think a damage penalty and a swing speed penalty i'm not even sure how they're balanced now all i know is that they have the stupid [ __ ] health drain for the same amount of speed boost but yeah they used to mark you for death and then that was it you were punished when you were using them and then once you put them away you were immediately back at a slower moving speed and i think there was also a slight delay as to like how long he still took many crits after you put them away which is like the escape plan which for me i think was fine and if they made it exactly like the [ __ ] um if they okay listen if they made this item exactly like the escape plan where you cannot get healed when they're active that would be perfect i would use these things so much more often and they and but as they are now they're [ __ ] and what's more you wanna know something else about this item these this item is buggy you something fun fact you don't know about these things if you have any amount of overheal using the gloves running urgently the instant you pull them out your overheal is gone it vanishes immediately do you have 450 health full over healed and if you accidentally swap to that melee item guess what 150 effective health is just [ __ ] gone it's so stupid and you can the amount of overheal still scales with your draining health pool but if you if you keep like swapping back and forth between melee and other another item you're deleting your overheal over and over again it's [ __ ] i hate it so much i don't like this item because your active health pool isn't consistent it's constantly changing always evolving because of the health terrain it's [ __ ] annoying you have the issue in that it's an extremely delayed downside after you put them away that's like why would i ever use these things right i i hate hate hate the rework that they put these things on man my firm belief is that they need to rebalance these things so it behaves exactly like the escape plan except yeah it would be the same base movement speed and not scaling with decreasing health you would just be marked for death and you cannot get healed while they're out at all like there's no slower heal you cannot get healed period if these are out instead of the stupid health drain and you take mini crits that would be better instead of forcing yourself to end up at 100 effective health and then dying to literally anything in one shot i hate i hate what they've done put it back put it back to how they were they were totally fine they were completely fine in the casual setting heavies were punished when they were out and for a short time after they put them away and not for like 30 seconds after they were put away [ __ ] stupid dumb [ __ ] rework the one of the worst balance changes this game has ever seen in its history put this [ __ ] back they're like low and but here's the they're still kind of they're marginally useful if you're doing like if you have like a long ass map on like payload or something or if you're doing like a huge 5cp map and like this guy just said you whip them out for halfway there and then you put them away yeah that cuts down on your travel time but it's like it's not that impactful to me anyway i would much rather use any other melee item except the eviction notice in the warrior spirit because dear [ __ ] god those are even worse than this item put them back bought like bottom bottom seats here marginally useful only on larger maps anywhere else useless you just [ __ ] die don't use them and yeah that's the other thing too they nerfed the eviction notice in the exact same way why did they do that is it because it gave you a speed bonus every time you hit somebody oh and it gives him the speedboat so they're gonna hit so we have to nerf it now it's like why these things were even more okay you had you you punched faster you had a severe damage penalty and you're just [ __ ] whipping them out beating the [ __ ] out of people there's nothing wrong with the eviction notice man what the [ __ ] they were totally fine that oh it makes me so mad and like these weren't even competitively viable but they got the exact same treatment why did they do that it makes no [ __ ] sense like this was meant to be like the fun gimmick item where you're [ __ ] like [ __ ] it i'm just gonna [ __ ] go mock knight and just beat the [ __ ] out of people that that was that was fun with this item but now you can't do that anymore now you have a base speed boost you have to still like you have the same faster firing speed on these right i think you do yeah 40 faster firing speed gain a speed boost on hit and then and then you have 50 percent faster movement speed on the wear while active and 60 damage penalty and maximum health strain on the other side [ __ ] ridiculous like come on hate it i hate it i hate that they change these things it's like they were totally fun as a fun silly fine gimmick item before but now they are the worst item one of the worst i actually know it's not the worst item for heavy it's one of the worst items for heavy you know what put it back do something these these are like the worst horrible like it hovers between broken and e leave it in e for now but jesus christ what happened to these things remember what they took from you valve listened to the wrong people on this one on these two items they didn't listen to anybody on this item i don't know why they did this the [ __ ] eviction notice like come on the community is completely unable to balance items well that's why you shouldn't listen to me right these are my opinions do i know a single thing about game design no but i've been playing this game for over a decade so i think i have some say in how things should work at least a little bit right but did non game designers have any real weight and value and their input on a video game that wasn't made by them absolutely [ __ ] not they're not no eviction notice make them put them back as the silly stupid gimmick beat the [ __ ] out of people item only give them that [ __ ] speed boost on hit faster firing speed and then damage penalty and that's it leave them just like that don't put the stupid [ __ ] health drain on them don't give any don't give the player a speed boost when they're out only give them the speed boost on hit that's it that's how you fix these items then they'll be more fun then they'd see a lot more use but now to me these are both [ __ ] useless in comparison to the heavy's other melee options what do i do next let's do let's do shotgun i don't know let's do a shotgun on heavy let's just do any let's do let's do a single shotgun why so first of all why would you ever use shotgun on heavy like if you're wanting to play heavy effectively in any capacity why why would you use any shotgun you're only using shotgun on heavy if you're playing fat scout for the most part i don't see any strong argument with pairing a minigun with a shotgun in any capacity because why would you ever need to use this when your minigun is going to do infinitely more damage at close range and you're likely never going to run out of ammo unless you're using something like the hue long heater right because you do chew through ammo faster than the hue long heater but if you do ammo management it shouldn't be that much of an issue right you play around a dispenser play around a [ __ ] payload car you play around ammo packs shouldn't be that detrimental right but beyond that if you're pairing this with any minigun why because the shotgun is mostly effective at long range it's chip damage the pittance you can do the exact same amount of chip damage and then higher damage with any mini minigun at close to point blank range why use a shotgun unless you're playing fat scout that's just me ah i mean i'm not really seeing a strong use for the shotgun unless you're moving yourself to the fight and don't want to get caught off guard right but even then most miniguns aside from the brass beast are gonna let you rev up fast enough to deal with any aggressor that suddenly appears in your line of sight if you're moving towards a fight right unless someone comes in from behind you like a spy but if they do you're [ __ ] dead anyway if you're fully aware like if you have any amount of game sense and know how to spy chicken like look behind every once in a while you're not going to get caught that off guard you're not going to get caught off guard that often you're going to be able to spin up faster by the stock of thomas i'll have to deal with whatever threat suddenly comes your way right and yeah vis var varsk varsk yeah i heard about that too heavy was just given the shotgun as a placeholder since they didn't have a time to give him a proper secondary and then they came with a sandwich later in 2008 there you go for me just just the stock shotgun like if you're gonna use a shotgun on heavy stock shotgun is the worst option because if you're playing fat scout you're gonna use the family business because why wouldn't you have two extra shots a faster firing speed for what a 15 damage penalty it's effectively nothing on a hitscan weapon especially at like point blank range it's not that much you're sacrificing what 10 damage roughly at point planes like was there's like 78 80 damage per shot at point blank and then at max fallout that 10 difference doesn't make all that much of a difference anyway so yeah for heavy exactly the family business is just a straight upgrade to stock so why would you ever use the stock shotgun ever on heavy when the family business exists i will have a note i will say a note about fat scout a note about fat scout is it's fun like it's it's like a fun wacky thing you can do fat scout can be enjoyable like you just want to dick around moving around blasting people with a shotgun yeah you can do that you know that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with shotgun on heavy or wrong with you're just wrong with using a shotgun heavy but if you're playing with your minigun actively then why use a shotgun i have honestly listen in all of my years playing tf2 in all of my years playing this [ __ ] game i think i've maybe seen someone using a shotgun with a minigun as many times as i can count on both hands i just so rarely see anyone pairing a shotgun with a minigun because why would you ever do that woody could just rev up and blast people away anyways the only people that pair a minigun with a shotgun is people yeah yeah if you're only using a shotgun with a minigun if you've just installed the game as soon as you get the sandwich or any lunchbox item you're probably going with that if you're gonna use a shotgun heavy you're using the family business but if you want to use the panic attack the panic attack is effectively just a straight upgrade because the only people you're going to be picking at i mean when you're picking at people with this gun right if you know how to like tame your firing speed like you know if you do a delay between each of your shots so you don't get that wider spread on consecutive shots you're probably going to be performing better with a panic attack than the stock shotgun but only by a little bit and also if you're not playing on if you're playing on a valve server random spread can [ __ ] you over to a little bit on the stock shotgun and if you don't have a bigger clip size and faster firing rate like the family business the panic attack can make up for it but they can make up for it a little bit so fat scouting best options family business panic attack worst option definitely the stock shotgun i guess if you really really want to push the argument for pairing a shotgun with a minigun the panic attack is probably the best option because you have the faster switching speed but beyond that it's the only real reason i can see forever using a shotgun heavy with a minigun that's just me not i mean god but even then it's it's just so it's so hideously ineffective whenever i see it used i it's only barely better than the stock shotgun so i'm putting it in d tier as well for heavy family business is just objectively the best option for fat scout and then panic attack is just not not nearly as good let's do i don't know i feel like let's let's get a primary out of the way i like the hue long heater dusk subscribe thanks man i like the hue long heater i would say that the hulong heater is one of the most underrated weapons in the game because people see the damage penalty and they see the faster ammo consumption and then they immediately disregard this weapon as being useless in comparison to the stock mini gun when as i've done for a video and tested that whenever you're opting to use the hulong heater and you know disregarding the game mode what have you you can play equally as effectively with the hulong heater as you can with the stock mini gun in terms of points kills and damage you just have to play with the hue long heater differently you have to really exploit good positioning so you force people to come into you to hit your firings so you get that bonus damage and even then that 15 damage penalty doesn't really make up that much of a difference between it and the stock minigun and you're getting someone who's on fire often enough to make up for that lack of damage if not more sometimes and also yes in the casual setting there's pretty much always a pyro on your team anyway so you're gonna be able to use this item and get that damage bonus more often than you might think and this weapon is ridiculously good on payload like if you're playing heavy on payload use the hulong heater and just [ __ ] the cart stick your [ __ ] in the tail and the tailpipe of the cart and and just stay revved up and you're good yeah nothing can come close something catches on like if someone tries to like block a cap they they eat that you almost do you do five percent less damage than the brass beast against someone who is on fire with too long heater think about that for a second five percent less damage than the brass beast on a minigun that has no speed up no spin-up penalty and no movement speed penalty so long as that person is on fire that's pretty good the hulong heater is very much the get in your target's face weapon get in their face with this thing you do that this item is awesome and really fun to use i love this thing and it's really good too like if you're like something i've noticed as well like if you're making a push with your team into like a group of players if you're suddenly coming across a whole bunch of people that just suddenly get close to you and your firing is activated you're doing 16 damage per tick and then you follow up with your [ __ ] shots on this thing you're melting through people that get close to you i love the hugh long heater more people need to use it it's stupid fun but it's not the best minigun it's not the best functionally there are the other options tend to be a little bit better for a couple of reasons but the hue-long heater is awesome i love it use it more i would say that the natasha is an item that is okay so first of all the natasha is objectively broken on heavy all right so for those of you that don't know the slow effect in team fortress 2 like the the slow effect that you get from the stun on the natasha that you get on the sandman ball from the ball from the sandman if you spam strafe like if you just hold if you just hit 80 80 80 80 over and over again that negates the slowing effect like if you strafe you're not affected by items that slow you down so if you're being shot by a natasha heavy just spam strafe and you're not going to be slowed down at all and it effectively makes the item useless so this weapon is broken and bugged and needs to be fixed you have a mini gun that is buggy on its slow effect you have a 25 damage penalty and a 30 slower spin up time i would consider the natasha objectively the weakest of the miniguns because it's only effective and two or three very specific fights against scouts against pirates that only know hold only know how to hold down mouse one and um people who are sticky jumping or who are rocket jumping because hit scan already kills airborne momentum based off of how much damage it does but the slow effect also kills momentum in the air so you really [ __ ] over people who are airborne because of an explosive jump this item is also very good on if you want to give a really good middle finger to someone who's abusing the broken game mechanic of splendid screen eyeliner demo knight whip out the [ __ ] natasha and it's the biggest [ __ ] middle finger you can give these guys it is so satisfying to [ __ ] these guys over oh it's the only time i love using these items whenever there's a [ __ ] demo knight who's just invincible whip this [ __ ] out and he's [ __ ] dead it's so good love doing that [ __ ] the high gps balance mod does something very interesting with this mini gun so this mini gun brings everyone else down to the level of the heavy so he can track his target easier and [ __ ] them over what the high gps balance mod did is that instead you get a speed boost every time you hit someone with the natasha but the speed boost is like it it's oh it's like an instantaneous thing like as soon as you get it it goes away there's no it lasts like a tenth of a second so you have to be actively hitting someone to make you faster if you're not actively shooting someone you're still moving at the same base speed so instead of bringing other people down to your level you're rewarded with faster movement speed so you're more mobile while spun up and shooting targets and you still have the damage penalty i really really like that balance change that the high gps balance mod did it makes this weapon a lot more interesting and i think a lot more fair so that natasha i think is very very good it's a good change there are a lot of changes in that balance mod that i personally don't like or agree with but this is one of the few that i actually really would not mind seeing them put in the game also who plays support heavy heavy's not a support class he's a defensive class you're a damaged powerhouse who's holding down and you know a specific spot or pushing in very slowly with the rest of your team you are the team's anchor with natasha you are no longer an anchor you're just a [ __ ] chain on the anchor you're not doing much first one i see is the next one i do buffalo buffalo it is okay buffalo steak sandwich um i don't know where to put this it's kind it's just not it's very lackluster so the only good thing about this item is it's a throwable health kit that you can give to your medic or to someone who's hurt right that's the only that's like the strongest upside that you have with this weapon or this item i should say it has the same healing properties as the stocks are not stock sandwich it basically is stock at this point as the sandvich so you can use it that way if you want but it's actual use which is eating it and then giving you a slightly faster movement speed at the cost of not being able to use your primary and being locked to your melee unless you manage to find a shotgun then swap to that while it's on the ground yeah you can do that but the fact that this thing has a hidden 20 damage penalty that's not advertised by the way if you look at the item description of this thing it doesn't tell you that you have a 20 damage penalty while its effects are active don't know why they ever opted to not put that in there so yeah you're forcing the heavy to go melee only but then you give him a damage penalty against everything that makes sense yeah right oh god damage vulnerability sorry yeah vulnerability sorry damage vulnerability damage vulnerability vulnerability vulnerability vulnerability vulnerability sorry damage vulnerability gives you a damage vulnerability of 20 so [ __ ] sucks i don't understand why they didn't put that in like in the [ __ ] description of this item put that there so it's at least you know publicly broadcast so people know what they're getting themselves into i mean aside from that the weapon works as advertised it it you can be stupid with it like if you're right you can you can do the melee only thing where you're running the kgb and you can get the crits on demand right if you get a kill on somebody then you have chris for a few seconds you just [ __ ] whale on people with that whenever you combine this item with this melee i'll talk about this one next the kgb if you combine this with the kgb and you're chaining crits together crits together man that's fun but that's the only time when this item is really viable i mean perhaps you could make the argument that you could eat this item and then use this as a means to get to the fight faster without having a health drain but then you'd have to time it very perfectly because if you're too close you're not going to be able to use your mini gun until its effects wear off so probably not the best use for that either but if you're using this with this oh man that's pretty good but also yeah you can already randomly crit with the killing gloves of boxing which to me makes no sense change that the this item should not randomly crit if if this gives you crits as a reward it should not randomly crit period the frontier justice rewards you with crits the ambassador rewards you with crits the diamondback rewards you with crits and none of those have random crits but these rewards you with crits and these can still get random crits that makes no sense so remove the ability to randomly crit with this thing and these are still like the second best heavy melee option because why would you ever use the stock fists when you can one like here's the thing if you know you can secure a melee kill on heavy you whip these things out you punch someone once you have crits now then you can swap back to your mini gun and guess what you have a critical hit minigun oh you can do that few people forget that they can do that and if you have like the tomislav with these things you punch someone you whip out the tombstone faster firing speed guess what you have crits now and no one ever seems to remember that they can do that then again if a heavy is ever using a melee he's pretty much like if you're using heavy on melee on heavy you're kind of doing that as like a last ditch thing like [ __ ] it i'm gonna die so you have to be actively chaining your melee with your primary to get those crits on a hitscan weapon but whenever you manage to do that it's pretty [ __ ] good so why would i ever use the stock fists when i might be able to get crits with this thing at the penalty of a slower firing speed of about of what twenty percent yeah only twenty percent i'm always going to use these over the stock fists why would i new to the kgb even more when it's hard enough as it is to get close to the heavy to get those crits because random crits are [ __ ] stupid and shouldn't be in the game especially on melee which already has a higher base crit chance so if you get a random crit you're just immediately able to chain crits for free that's stupid this item should not randomly crit yeah i think kgb is just like it's it's just the second best item for heavy it's it's the second best melee for heavy it's very good that's why would you not use these things over stock that's it stock fists you're the stock fists i mean they're they're just okay i mean again if you're if you're actively trying to use melee on heavy you're only doing it because it's like a last ditch effort to kill someone or you're just [ __ ] memeing around that's it so stock fists are fine also apoco fists are the same thing but it's to reskin it makes your enemy gib when you get a kill on them and that's it but yeah i mean stockfists are like your third best melee option and oh yeah tom kill you can do ton i forgot tom kills duh yeah you can tom kill with the [ __ ] normal fists that's always fun yeah stock fists are fine and like when you compare the stock melee to like all the other classes in the game the only classes where stock melee is probably your best option is demo man if you're not playing demo knight and sniper if you're not using jaradi bushwacka this is kind of a similar case for heavy if you're not using the fist of steel or the kgb the stock fists are actually pretty good because i think the gloves are running urgently blow and the eviction notice does blow but um yeah stockfish are just good because again random crits are stupidly high on [ __ ] fists i yeah wild [ __ ] so it's high stock melee is good on heavy it's just good that's why it's easier it's just good it's not amazing it's not bad it's just good holiday punch is a direct upgrade if you aren't wanting to kill the crit i [ __ ] hate this item man i hate the [ __ ] i [ __ ] listen the only reason why the holiday punch is in broken needs nerf territory is because the it works on uber players you can just immediately turn like if you see someone being ubered and you're a heavy all you have to do is just turn your brain off and just [ __ ] wall to someone and get a random crit and completely stuff the uber it's [ __ ] stupid this item should not affect uber players it can have random crits fine i don't care but it should not affect people who are [ __ ] invincible why why are invincible players still affected by the [ __ ] gimmick of making people laugh that's stupid it's one of the most broken things in the [ __ ] game that should not happen it should not [ __ ] happen remove random crits not not sorry remove the fact that it makes uber players laugh because of the stupid gimmick then it's fine other than that like if if this item didn't stuff ubers with random crits it'd be like down here it's like kind of around here right because this is like the fun wacky gimmick item you can randomly crit someone in town kill haha i got you with the tickle mittens i got you it's silly funny and wacky they're not really viable in any other way you're using this item to dick around but the fact you can stuff ubers with it completely is [ __ ] stupid i hate that [ __ ] remove that effect on uber players [ __ ] them it can still affect quick fixed players and [ __ ] vaccinated players totally fine right because the [ __ ] vaccinator [ __ ] you because i hate the fact but this should not affect regularly uber players no bad bagels yeah you're probably wondering why this next tier list came out so quickly after i made an announcement saying i'm working on a different project well a buddy of mine volunteered to do the bulk of the editing on the stream bod so that saves me a lot of time about six hours in fact if not more depending on the length of the vod because yeah you got to watch the whole thing and scrub for stuff that you want to keep so um he's taking care of the bulk of the editing on these stream bots for me while i put my own flare in with the rest of the stuff like this little mid-roll thing no i have not hired an editor to do all of my videos only editing long stream vods that i otherwise would not have much time to touch so he's doing me a huge favor and is just going to be sticking around for the rest of the tier list so say hi to him in the comments because i think he's doing a pretty good job i don't have any weird emails to share with you this week i would normally kind of like throw up a silly uh sponsorship cooperation request sort of thing but i didn't get any so uh just gonna be more direct this time if you're liking this tier list then leave a like leave a comment if you've made it this far into the video why would you still be here if you didn't like my content so if you want to support me do all the stuff that the youtube algorithm likes when it comes to promoting videos because that'd be greatly appreciated and if you really want to support me then head on over to my patreon page patrons get access to the full unedited vods from these streams or if you pay a little bit more you can get inside of my discord normally i put a link in the descriptions of my videos so only a certain number of people can get in i like keeping my discord small and not open to the public so it's not just this massive endless [ __ ] of kids screaming and shouting dumb [ __ ] i actually like hanging out in there and talking with people so i try to keep it small and not open to idiots morons mongs neanderthals nimrods you know those kinds of people so yeah thanks for watching and um let's [ __ ] keep going and i'm gonna go all go at more skins that just dropped in the new cs go operation i'll see y'all later warrior spirit yeah let's get these out of the way i would say that it's really hard to pick which one of these is heavy's worst melee option because the warrior's spirit is really bad yeah 30 damage vulnerability [ __ ] that is so brutal on heavy man it's awful so like if you have a 30 damage vulnerability that takes you down to 230 effective health as a heavy that's [ __ ] awful right that's still not that bad and it's only effective when they're out right but i don't understand why this item has to be balanced by make you take more damage to deal more damage i've never liked that balancing idea deal more damage take more damage it doesn't feel correct it feels like lazy game design like i feel like there are better workarounds for that than just making the heavy suddenly take a [ __ ] load more damage when it's out i don't like that i'm willing to accept that the warrior's spirit has at least some shred of viability right because if you're doing the last ditch thing if you're gonna [ __ ] die you're facing someone down you don't have time to rev up you whip out these [ __ ] things you get a random crit you deal over 200 damage and [ __ ] pop-up and you get 50 health back but if you have any extended fight with the warrior spirit you're [ __ ] you're just gonna die and also like this item is supposed to be paired with the buffalo steak sandwich which is just not don't no you're running around with 193 effective health when you're under the effects of the buffalo steak sandwich and you have the [ __ ] bear fists out oh it's so bad oh god and i mean yeah you do like a hundred damage per swing and you move faster i guess but ah it sucks it's like i don't know unless you're just really being stupid and going for it go crazy but then why would you use the buffalo steak sandwich when a random crit from this thing like this guy just said just basically one shots everything except another heavy unless the class is overhealed so yeah i don't know but yeah i would yeah these are definitely more useful than the eviction i might actually bump them up here i would say these are probably better than the buffalo steak sandwich because you can still whip these out in like a last ditch effort in one shot a guy with a random crit and maybe if you're playing on a server without random grips you're doing 80 damage per swaying so you can two shot a guy if he has anything less than 200 health like on a soldier so you can do that too yeah these are probably better than the buffalo stake but i still really hate how like the do-more damage take more damage balance mentality i [ __ ] hate that i don't like that at all but if you're if you're using an item for a health kit then you're using the sandwich like this is the secondary option you're always running for heavy unless you're using the second banana the sandwich is just good why wouldn't you have why would you sacrifice the ability to completely give your entire health pool back or give a medium health kit to somebody that's also replenished by picking up other health kits this item is insanely good for heavy and it's a really good team play item as well because you can just give it to your medic or give it to someone who's hurt it's it's just good like what what this is the meta this is the meta item and this is like one of the few times where i completely agree with the meta and that this is objectively the best secondary item for heavy it's very [ __ ] good most people just use this item because of how [ __ ] good it is it's nuts it's very good it's it's the best in general it's not i wouldn't say it's the best with a pocket medic it's just good in general like if he needs help he can toss it to him if one of your teammates he needs help he can toss it to him because if you got it it's just solid it's very good sandvich is the best secondary option why would you ever use anything else that's just it's it's just like it's it's it honestly is the heavy's best item aside from you know this is this isn't the best items but yeah the sandbitch is just the heavy's best item it works with any mini gun it works with any melee it works with any kind of play style except fat scout this is the most versatile the most useful item in the best item in heavy's arsenal period the best item that heavy has top of a tier nothing will beat it uh so a close a close second to the sandwich a close second to the sandwich is the second banana because only because this thing replenishes twice as fast right and whenever you're using this thing you're not completely out of health you might be like a little bit less than half health right so this is the optimal item to use like it'll top you back off to have enough health to get yourself back into the fight or you can or so you can wait for a medic right and then the faster regen on this thing is just makes you be able to use it more often and then like if your medic's on fire hi here have a small health kit it's it's effectively a watered-down version of the stock sandwich that's just a little bit better if you don't have a medic on your team because you can use it more often it can get you back into a fight faster and if you just you know it just it tops you off it's it's a top and off item it's a top enough item it's just it's just good yeah and the second banana does come in second at least in terms of it being you know yeah it's not that it's worse it's just it's a pretty solid side grade right but you would you would pretty much want to stick with the stock sandwich if you have a medic on your team so you can heal him back up if you want to be a more selfish player and only use your lunchbox item for yourself then you're going to be using the second banana it's very good one thing that i kind of have a peeve with when it comes to lunchbox items especially with a dollar coast bar dollar coast i'm gonna it's kind of it's it's it hovers dollar cost bar hovers between between c and b term but i'll get back to that in a minute is i think i don't know i i still would always much prefer using the sandwich over the second banana and i've heard arguments i've heard arguments for the second banana to make its eating animation faster and i kind of disagree with that because you also have the faster recharge time if you didn't have the faster recharge time then that be a justification to give this a faster eating animation so you can you know [ __ ] stuff the banana down your gullet faster but that's not a good rework for this item i think that type of a tweak is much more deserving or the actually the dollar cost bar is much more deserving of that kind of a tweak it recharges at the same rate as the stock sandwich it only gives you 100 health but it increases your base health by 50. that's pretty influential in some scenarios it's not as good as people make it out to be for a couple of reasons yeah like someone pointed out it lets you tank an extra pipe it lets you tank an extra rocket you can tank two head shots but it's not that effective given how slow heavy moves and the fact that its effect is temporary for only a short period of time right this item is usually best paired when you have a quick fix medic because when you have a quick fix medic its overheal is only 25 so heavies get overhealed to like 425 i think is what it was i think heavy heavies get overhealed to 425 with the quick fix medic when they're using the dollar cost bar but all all health pools have a cap at the amount of overheal yeah all classes have a cap on the overheal so like if you're using the stock medigun or the um or the vaccinator or the kritzkrieg it caps at 450 and you can't overheal more than that but since you're not hitting that maximum cap of 450 with the dollar coast bar and because the crits creek heals you overheals you for half as much you can get a 425 health overheal with a dollar coast bar and a quick fix medic which not a lot of people know it's pretty good so if you got a quick fix medic on your team you're probably gonna be able to use this because not only do you have that higher health pool when your overheals drain completely but you get a better buff so that's pretty cool so but beyond that it's just not it's not that influential right it only works when you remember to eat it and then when you eat it you eat it so slow that by the time you're done eating and get back into the fight you've already chewed through like a third of the time that that health bonus is active so this item would be a lot more effective i think it'd be used a lot more often if the eating animation was faster right if you could eat this thing faster and get into the fight more quickly so you can actually make use of that higher health pool instead of sacrificing a third of that time to the actual taunt animation itself that'd be good dollar cost recharges in 10 seconds sandwich and 30. is that true did i [ __ ] that up ah it is 10 seconds sorry i did not see that okay yes the recharge time is 10 seconds okay so this does have a faster recharge time that's my bad i still think that a faster eating animation would be better for this though oh that's right the balance mod does make you eat this faster yeah so yeah the balance mod agrees with me on that one they make the eating animation faster for the dollar cost and even because it recharges 10 seconds faster right it's like here think about this way right you get back into the fight right you get back into the fight and you're using this thing and you don't pay attention to when your health pool goes back down unless you're not overhealed but if you're actively engaged in a fight and because it recharges so quickly you're not going to be able to like stop and pause and eat it again like how often do you eat this item more than once in a single life right if the eating animation was faster i think this would be a lot better because you could give yourself more health back instead of 100 and you could make use of its effects more aw you like really cycle its effect more often i think that'd be a little bit of a better tweak that'd be good but right now it's it's good i it's definitely better than this piece of [ __ ] lunchbox item i would consider it a pretty decent alternative to either of these two lunchbox items because of that you know extra 50 health but um it's just not as good it's not as good as the other lunchbox items but still good slight tweak and it would be up here it'd be like [ __ ] amazing but it it it resides comfortably down here i would say it's probably firmly nestled like in the middle of our b tier items yeah i think it deserves to be bumped a little bit about right there about right there is good okay uh let's get the fist of steel out of the way i [ __ ] hate these items these items are a genuine crutch if you're heavy using these you are you're not a skilled player you don't know you don't know how to position you don't know how to position yourself and you have a medic inside your ass at 24 7. like i i immediately lose all respect for you if you're using the fist of steel it's it's a stupid good item it's broken right because you instantly get 500 effective health when you pull them out because of the 40 damage resistance that they grant you a heavy walking around with 500 active health that can still be healed and still be overhealed to 390 health oh but guess what what does that 390 health turn into with a 40 damage resistance gee let's do the [ __ ] math on that shall we 650 health 650 health against the heavy he cannot [ __ ] die unless he has a medic unless he has a spy backstab him or someone's whaling on him with a melee item but even then with 650 effective health it takes three swings to bring him down the downside of this item which is double damage from melee items only comes into effect when he's by himself then these things are infinitely less effective because if you're by yourself you're trying to like whip these out quick enough like oh [ __ ] i can get out and get like get out of live right across the sniper sideline then yeah you can take anything that [ __ ] sniper you're whipping these things out to like cross the sniper sideline fine you can survive that way in that instance they're okay but like if you have a medic in your ass like oh [ __ ] i'm gonna lose this fight now i won't and then you [ __ ] just zip away and don't have to worry about it it is the biggest get out of jail free card in this [ __ ] game because of overheal it's ridiculous no overheal when this item is active then it's fine also fun fact even though these things deploy slower what's the deploy it's it's uh yeah they [ __ ] yeah they deploy slower those rather they holster slower you can completely circumvent that by quick switching your items so if you're quick switching your [ __ ] fist of steel over and over again you can completely circumvent having to put these things away slower so that downside is non-existent stupid just [ __ ] spam your mouse wheel as soon as they come out that damage resistance is is in effect and until they're fully deployed you just keep quick switching then you don't have to worry about it uh okay let's do the brass beast so the brass beast is i don't know i think a lot of people ignore this minigun it's it has its uses but you have to play hideously defensively i have a lot of fun using this thing because the only the best way to be effective with a brass beast if you're doing jump revs around blind corners right or if you're waiting for someone to come around a blind corner this weapon very much turns you into like a spider in a trap you're waiting for the flies to come on your weapon as soon as they do they're [ __ ] right this is objectively the best defensive minigun option the heavy has right because you can jump spin up around corners your movement you can move a little bit but you're effectively stationary but it's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be it's still pretty it's still a pretty good minigun i think this is even despite how lackluster it is in comparison to the other miniguns i don't think it needs any kind of adjustment i think the brass beast is okay a lot of people call for it to like you know have some kind of a buff of some kind i don't know what it would need but i think it's totally fine right because it's a higher damage hit scan item which is brutally powerful as soon as you're in the heavy's line of sight he melts through you unless you're far away that's good you can you can play well with this if you know how to really pay attention to positioning and timing with getting yourself into a right spot to start shooting people right on offense like if you're playing like offense on like you know attack defend or payload then this thing is not a good option but if you're holding defensively on any game mode this is really [ __ ] good i've seen some people try to use this thing offensively but it just makes you an even slower anchor for your team so you tend to fall behind quite a bit and so unless you over extend initially and then rev up then you can kind of be effective on offense with this thing but you put yourself at greater risk of having someone catch you off guard before you're revving up and you might die so bit riskier to use this thing on offense but defense it's pretty [ __ ] good also by the way you can tank three head shots with this because of the damage resistance the damage resistance it gives you below 50 health so there's that too unless the sniper charges up and then he can still one shot you but there's also that anything else anything else to cover about the brass piece no i think that's i think it's pretty good i think i think that that adequately sums up the brass beast it's just it's just good just tight you know you still play decent with it now we have the last two and i'm putting them both up here we have the mini gun we have the tommy slav so i made a video about tommy slaw versus minigun and when it comes down to it the minigun always outperforms the tomislav in terms of damage by ten percent bullet for bullet if you land every single shot with the tommyslav and the minigun the minigun's always going to outperform by more than ten percent roughly like 15 because of how tick rates work in tf2 the 20 damage the 20 slower firing speed really translates into something like a 15 damage penalty and not exactly a 20 damage penalty as if you were to hit bullet for bullet but no matter the play style no matter what you do as you play heavy using either the stock mini gun or the tommy slav you will always underperform you will always do 10 less damage and throughout and again i did [ __ ] 50 rounds of stop 25 on stock 25 on tomislav different play styles offense defense you know and when it just came down to it mini gun always work better right the difference that the tomislav makes is that if you're revved up you rev up faster so in a 1v1 against the heavy that isn't revved up like if you both start revving at the same time you can beat him that's the only upside that tommy slav has the only strong upside the tommy slav has and you can jump rev up a little bit faster right you can pick fights a little bit easier but that rev up time isn't that significant to where it makes up for that 20 percent slower firing rate which translates into into like a 50 damage penalty again so and even then it's like yeah you're hitting slightly more shots at medium to far range but it's not that much more because again you have the slower firing rate that kind of accounts for that damage adjustment that you would otherwise be getting with a stock minigun right you're firing more often but you're hitting fewer shots instead of firing less often and hitting more shots it's effectively the same amount of damage at medium to far range and it makes the most significant difference at close range at close range the stock minigun is always going to do better because you have the faster firing speed it's always going to do more damage and as a heavy you know if you're timing your rail if you and here's the thing too like if you just barely miss time like if you have two unrev heavies you have a tommy slav heavy and you have a mini gun heavy and if they both rev up at the exact same time thomas loves gonna win but if you mistime that by a [ __ ] millisecond if that thomas love heavy just barely starts revving up a hair after that minigun heavy he's gonna die the difference is so so minor between the two miniguns that for me if you're just going for normal just you know you're the anchor you're doing damage on heavy you're using the stock minigun stock mini gun is by far the best minigun option in the game if you want to be a little bit more offensive with your team and just again marginally more because you have the faster spin up time and again just a tiny amount if you want that little bit more of faster movement as your jump spinning up then you're gonna use the thomas law but once you start firing it's always going to be worse than the minigun so for me when it comes down to stock versus tomislav stock always beats it but only by a little bit and at the end of the day it really just boils down to whatever your preference is right while objectively i've shown that the stock mini gun performs better it just depends on how you want to play heavy right you're going to use the thomas love if you enjoy having a slightly faster spin up speed and hitting about the same amount of shots at medium range even though it kind of like tricks you into thinking that you're hitting more shots and doing more damage you're doing about the same as the stock mini gun anyway so it just boils down to whatever you prefer more but for me stock minigun just is always better and also the other thing too someone might argue that the silent spin-up makes a significant difference but tf2 is such a loud [ __ ] game that you're probably not gonna be paying attention for the heavy spin-up noise in the sea of other [ __ ] going on right the only time you're gonna catch that a heavy is spun up is when he's by himself and there's no one else around you right it's like oh [ __ ] there's a heavy spell around this corner probably shouldn't peak but if you're like if you're engaged in an active fight people are doing like you hear voice lines going you got shots going off you got all the cluster [ __ ] [ __ ] going around you you're probably not going to be paying attention specifically for a heavy spin up noise and if you usually if you bump into a heavy and he's spun up either way you're [ __ ] you're gonna die so that silent spin up time doesn't make that much of an impact at least from my experience tommy is a straight upgrade if there are no heavies on the enemy team no i disagree for example if you're pushing into a sentry nest with a tommy slav it's in it's weaker than the stock minigun because it does less you already have a damage penalty against entries but then you have slower firing speed so you're going to be weaker against sentry buildings right so there's that you're always doing less damage at close to point blank unless you're doing a spin up battle with another heavy so there's that and at medium to far range you're it's still effectively the same amount of damage so even if there isn't another heavy on even if there isn't a heavy on the other team minigun's still the better choice yeah i always say stock is better um yeah that's it that's the that's the tier list we kind of we blazed through this one pretty quickly but then again there weren't as many items to go through on this tier list so rev up sound to your list brass beast is the coolest a minigun's classic thomas love is bad natasha's cool there's no spin up so there's like a little jingle jangle spin up but it's not awesome but no the brass beast has the coolest spin-up sound the natasha's pretty cool head the stock is classic and then this is bad [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Zesty Jesus
Views: 159,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tf2, zesty jesus, zesty, jesus, tier list, heavy, weapons, guy, team fortress 2, minigun, tomislav, natascha, anime, tier, list
Id: YDOT0uHK0pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 13sec (3313 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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