tf2, but random critical hits are fair? if your next shot is a crit, your weapon glows

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tf2 is a simple game sometimes you get outplayed and sometimes you outplay people while i did very skillfully roll for a random crit it's fair to say that the random crit interaction could be better for the one who dies they couldn't have seen it coming and there's no opportunity for counter play involved making their death feel unjustified killing someone while the crit can feel unsatisfying too since there is no skill in randomly doing triple damage so what if when your next shot is a random crit your weapon starts glowing your opponent can see that a crit is coming so they have a chance to react accordingly you know your next shot is a crit so it's all in your hands now if you miss that's your fault if you want to fire it at spawn hoping someone dies to it that's on you so that's what we did and we learned a few things first of all this is how the plug-in works for the single fire weapons it simply starts glowing immediately when your next shot is a crit for automatic weapons the weapon first has a dark team colored tint for a second then starts glowing with crits at this point the crits are waiting to activate the player can then spend their crits by firing which will give them two seconds of crits players are allowed to wait as long as they want to fire their crit otherwise the plugin perfectly mimics how stock random crits are calculated including calculations regarding your damage so how did it go the biggest fear people had was the start of an agricultural industry around farming random crits what if people just fired their guns until they're stacked of crits while seemingly a massive problem in fury in practice it wasn't actually that big of a deal during setup time people tried to abuse this by standing at the resupply cabinet and spamming their weapons this didn't really change much because whenever a red player crits a blue player they just respawn in a few seconds as if nothing ever happened red players can see it coming and have better positioning so blue crits usually didn't end up doing anything blue medics if they drop or waste their uber for a crit respawn and build up uber again so it just culminates into a minor delay it only seems to impact red medics who have to be more careful in the first minute of the game depending on your opinion on game balance this might be okay since red team still has a big positioning advantage over blue outside of setup it was a waste of time you might get super lucky but most of the time you were forsaking your team while you were being literally useless you could have been actively contributing to your team in that time so overall it seemed to be more productive to simply play the game as normal the only way farming for crits was somewhat impactful was of melee weapons on the way back to the fight you could use the downtime to farm for a pocket 195 personally i don't think this changes much for most classes since melee is still melee the vast majority of kills still seem to happen with a ranged weapon and it's also the player's fault for allowing someone to get in range to melee them in regards to the spy it does seem to be potentially harder to deal with medics if you look suspicious or fail a stab instead of having a chance to sneak away you have a higher chance of instantly being deleted from play testing engineers seem to be too occupied keeping buildings up to farm crits for their shotgun and they obviously need to use their wrench to repair buildings so it didn't look like engineers could abuse the plug-in to create spies and against the sniper things don't look too different in this clip the spy allows the sniper to corner him and he gets critted afterwards the second spy handles it better by keeping his distance and waiting for a good moment to attack besides crit farming since you had more control over crits it definitely changed how you play when you had them and getting random crit kills felt more deserved and rewarding than before here are some examples i rolled a crit and took a risk i otherwise wouldn't have to peak the cart i was helping a pyro but deserted him when i got a crit after rolling a sticky crit i switched to another weapon to deal with the sentry gun if i retreated here i could have lived i tried to use my crits wisely but end up dying to a spy i would have shot if i didn't have kids this chad just walks out and drops the medic glowing weapons definitely enabled players a chance to outplay and avoid crits as well i see that he rode a random crit so i spam the doorway to make it difficult to get a shot on me even though shooting rockets at the pyro is risky i try to kill them before they can make it up the stairs but of course random crits are still random crits [Music] at the end 71.7 percent thought the plug-in was an improvement over stock tf2 random crits 60.9 said that the plug-in has made them less upset about dying to random crits 28.3 said that the plug-in hasn't changed the way they feel about random crits and the rest somehow got angrier with the plug-in when asked to pick the option they liked the most 67.4 said they still prefer no crits 30.4 said random crits of weapon glows is the best and 2.2 said they liked default tf2 kits the most some closing thoughts this probably wouldn't be a good addition to the game since new players would be taught bad habits and just sit and spawn farming for a crit to get their one cheese kill it looks like the soldier and demo got better because of the plugin while ambush classes and play styles got worse and there's a chance we haven't explored the extent to which melee is broken with the plugin but we'd have to do more play testing to find out this helps create those rare high moments thinking about i'm thinking about the emotional reactions that people have people hate that guy
Channel: shounic
Views: 395,787
Rating: 4.9000759 out of 5
Keywords: tf2, team, fortress, gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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