TF2: A Complete History of the Engineer

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[Music] this is the engineer real named Elkanah ger job area-denial this time it's going to be the complete history of the engineer so far for a character was very rarely shown up in the TF comic series he's actually very important to the storyline of the game but we'll get to that in a bit as always we're gonna start before the beginning unfortunately there's not a whole lot of concept art available of the engineers and most what we do have is very easily recognizable as the same character we have today except for this one where he has a thin mustache and glasses instead of goggles and very different looking overalls in the first trailer the engine has a much paler shirt armbands for his class emblems of a team calling book but overall engineer has pretty much kept his original construction worker look from the beginning the engineer is primarily voiced by grant goodies though nolan north did voice him just for expiration date unlike most of the main tf2 voice actors good eve has mainly done live-action work he played David Bradford in a 70s comedy drama called Eight is Enough which I guess was pretty popular back in the day he actually took over that role from Mark Hamill who played it in the pilots old fun fact and he also voiced wolf in starfox assault and appeared on Family Feud a few times I scream why not why not it sounds like a good eat ice cream cream gravy the engineers last name actually comes from a novel called Konig ER written by Louis L'Amour who valve writers Erik Wolpaw and Jay Pinkerton are both fans of the engineer's grandfather's first name rhadigan also comes from another L'Amour book called Ratigan and speaking of Radigan con nagar he's actually one of the most important characters in the entire tf2 story a whole mini episode could have be done on him but you know what and give you it - for what ConAgra special this time okay Merry Christmas this is Radigan Khanna gur real name rhadigan Khanna gur job inventor and owner of Conners tool and munitions in 1890 blue talk man hires him to build a life-extending machine so we could outlive his brother when rhadigan returns to his workshop a woman who just so happens to look an awful lot like the administrator offers him her entire supply of australium to build the exact same machine for redmond man he of course does build both devices and this extends the gravel wars another 80 years which includes the main events of tf2 after being exposed to the Australia rhadigan became far more muscular grew a moustache to be seen drinking beer and has chest hair in the shape of Texas in what are most likely a collection of Ratigan's notes we could see that he seemed to have an interest in developing a device that could have saved Abraham Lincoln from assassination he also has a picture of the robot Scouts thought to have been developed by gray man when rhadigan dies he has his blueprints buried with him and those blueprints revealed that he built a third life-extending machine I don't know there's still a lot of mystery around rhadigan conquer and even though we haven't heard much about him since the engineer update I feel like he'll at least be mentioned again in the future comics considering Dale has the same last name as his grandfather it most likely means that Radigan had a son in Ratigan's notes we see a picture of the team fortress classic team we also see a much newer looking picture of the TFC engineer giving a young del condor a pair of goggles it's never outright stated but it would appear that the TFC engineer is probably the tf2 engineers father the team fortress classic engineer whose name is Fred and the rest of the TFC team returned on the TF comics where they're hard by Graeme Anton down the administrator but so far Fred and Dale have not interacted at any point in the comics there aren't really any major hints to the age of the tf2 engineers we know that Fred and the TFC team were working for the man brothers in 1930 and the engineer was a kid when he's given those goggles in that picture it's completely possible and maybe even more likely that that picture wasn't actually taken in 1930 but if it was and Dell was I don't know let's say 10 that'd make him around 48 during the main events of game and around 52 during man vs. machine in the comics though to me that seems kind of old I don't really think he looks older than maybe his early 40s but who knows we also know that the engineer has 11 hard science PhDs and that would probably take a normal person a long time to get put engineer is also very intelligent so we could have possibly turned them faster but that does make both engineer and heavy probably more of a real doctor than medic ever was we can see blueprints for the modern century gun and radicans workshop in 1890 but as far as we know it was never actually built until 1960s according to the wiki the tf2 engineer developed the tf2 century in 1965 while under contract with GF industries the year 1965 apparently comes from the century operating manual and looked over that pretty extensively and you can't seem to find that you're mentioned anywhere so I might be missing it but considering how often it appears on the tf2 wiki I'm willing to give them the benefit of doubt on this one in the loose kanyon comic the engineer was brought in by Plutarch man to fix his malfunctioning life-extending machine in order to do so blue talk gives the engineer blueprints that were buried with his grandfather in those blueprints he also finds instructions for the frontier justice the Wrangler and the gunslinger which were all originally developed by rhadigan and engineer appears to have removed his own right hand in order to use the gunslinger it's kind of unclear in the actual game whether he just removes his glove and there's a robo hand underneath or he I don't know he realises his regular hand and he doesn't want to use it in the TF comics he seemed gloveless and with two regular hands but you could see a ring around his right arm where the gunslinger would have cut off that's a nice little detail I like that so he probably has some kind of skin like material covering the Robo hand or maybe he does actually reattach his old one though that seems a little bit less likely the tf2 mercenaries are pretty consistently regarded as rejects s extant Hale describes them exceptionally subnormal but the engineer doesn't really seem to fit in with that label he's probably one of the smartest characters that we know of in the tf2 universe I mean sure he kills people for a living but he's not exactly crazy and he's otherwise in normal life dude we learned on the comic blood in the water that the engineer has been building life-extending machines for the administrator and if I had to guess that's probably why he works from red and blue so that the administrator could keep him close at all times the engineer also appears to be one of the only mercenaries to actually be friendly towards pyro in the true meaning comic he reads pyro the story of Australian Christmas and appears to understand pyro when it attempts to speak the engineer also works on experiments with medic in both expiration date in the comic gargoyles and gravel and okay now it's time for a timeline of the major events involving the Konica family that we know of in 1890 blue tarkman hires Radigan conker to build him a life-extending machine a mysterious woman convinces him to build a second one for redmond man after being exposed to australian Ratigan developed some super high-tech stuff for the time including the wrangler in the gunslinger at some point he dies and has all of his blueprints buried with him in 1930 an engineer named fred is hired by red and blue to fight the gravel wars this is likely the son of Radigan and the father of the tf2 engineer at some point del condor is born in pee cave texas the engineer spends 10 years working as a roughneck in the West Texas oil fields he also manages to earn 11 hard science PhDs in 1965 engineer apparently develops a sentry gun and his other buildings while under contract with GF industries around 1968 the engineer along with eight other mercenaries are hired by red and blue to fight over land in New Mexico presumably replacing friend and the other TFC mercenaries when blue tux life-extending machine is failing the engineer is called in to fix it engineer fixes the machine and rebuilds weapons that Ratigan previously designed at some point around christmas time a rocket crashed lands into a building that the engineer in the pyro are in inside the rocket they find space weapons from another dimension in 1971 the medic and the engineer discover that the mercenaries may be getting tumors as a result of teleportation turns out it just mutates brain later in 1971 redmond and blue tuck man are killed by gray man leaving engineering the rest of the team out of a job they are immediately rehired by Saxon Hale to defend man code in 1972 great man takes control of man co when the team's dispense Fred and the rest of the TAC team are hired to hunt down the administrator and the tf2 mercenaries the engineer goes into hiding with the administrator he upgrades and repairs the life-extending machine that she's been using and that's that's kind of it a lot of the engineers role in the comics is more behind the scenes and while we do know an okay amount of what the engineer did before became a mercenary there aren't really many specific dates so a time line is a little bit difficult to piece together but that was the complete history of the engineer so far who do you want to see next if we're gonna go by that classes is gonna be soldier dome and pyro or spy so let me know but until next time I'll catch you on the flipside dude monsters you
Channel: After Breakfast with SquimJim
Views: 749,517
Rating: 4.9573202 out of 5
Keywords: Team Fortress 2, TF2, After Breakfast, Engineer, History, Dell Conagher, Radigan Conagher, Fred, Administrator, Helen, Elizabeth, Blutarch Mann, Redmond Mann, Life Extending Machine, Australium, Frontier Justice, Gunsliner, Wrangler, Texas, The Naked and The Dead, Blood in the Water, TFC, Team Fortress Class, Catch-Up Comic, Pyro, Australian Christmas, Dr. Grordbort, 1890, 1968, 1972, Mann Vs Machine, Early Designs, Concept Art, Gravel War, Comics, Sentry Gun, TF Industries
Id: 31q2V6h2hmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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