Texturing the Walls of Our Mountain Home Build

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one two ready [Music] good morning okay so if i'm hearing you right it's pretty much the best job you've ever seen a homeowner do is that correct pretty much he said pretty good job so he said it was the best job we've ever seen and you should as they stand every day this is a very very exciting day around here a long time coming it's been a really really extremely long journey to get to this point so we're very happy to have our friends from rogers drywall here they're getting all of the texture up on the drywall that we only recently completed so very exciting time i can't believe it i am so excited to see these walls completely done no more drywall we still have paint yes we do almost done [Music] so we have two different style textures that are going up here in the house today one is called old world that's going up on the walls the other is called hand bouquet that's gonna be up on the ceiling both of those styles are hand trial knock-down types of texture something melissa and i have never done before we are not artists and there's definitely an artistic element to getting this done so we're gonna leave all that to the pros they are artisans artisans cover up our sins they said i did a great job melissa they said you murdered it no they said he killed it it's beginning [Music] finally found a little oasis off the map no reservations got this [Music] anywhere no destination this whole world [Music] make the clouds disappear [Music] we snuck inside the house to see how far along the guys have gotten they've actually ducked out to go to the bakery to get some lunch and then they will be back they went to the bakery no they didn't go to the bakery well i don't believe you did they go to the bakery did you place an order with them before they left jeremy if you're a good boy i'll take you on wednesday are we going to town to the bakery i know so anyway they have gotten all of the bedrooms done on this side and half of the great room when they said they were going to be done in two days i had no idea that was even possible but they are moving so quickly it is so cool to watch how effortlessly and flawlessly they get this texture on it's so cool yeah it's coming together really nicely and i'm glad we called in the pros for this melissa and i could have figured it out i'm confident we would have figured it out it would have taken us a really really long time and i'm not sure that it would look the way that it's supposed to look we probably would have invented some kind of new texture that's never been seen or done before yeah the mermaid all sudden it becomes the girlissa no the murmy would have been like the hgtv special they'd be like oh we have to have the mermaid on our house oh we'd be special already it would be real special so things are looking really really good this texture makes a world of difference i'm loving the way that it looks and a few more hours we shouldn't have any bare drywall showing anymore incredible [Music] welcome back how's lunch delicious you guys go to the bakery [Music] well that was a wrap on day one of getting our texture put up on the drywall the fellas just left they'll be back tomorrow and just in time wouldn't you know it it is now blowing wind and dumping snow all of a sudden truth spring in north idaho april i'm over it [Music] [Music] so every morning lexington gets a probiotic and magnesium which we refer to as his crazy palette we love that that's why he needs them the magnesium helps to level them out a little bit lexan it's tupperware it's not going to hurt you he thinks if he takes a quick bite and pulls away then the pepperwood can't kill him for sure the guys have already been working about an hour so we're gonna go in and see what they're up to but it is so weird and foreign to go in there and see things done that we didn't do we didn't have to do it's nice it's so nice trying to pull out overnight looks good [Music] so we're trying to stay out of the way but it looks like most of the master bedroom is done and then all that is left is the master closet and the master bathroom and they will be completely done texturing the walls so to talk a little bit more about the texture that we chose this is called an old world finish and it's really flat and smooth it has that kind of appearance of stucco or plaster without it being raised off the wall and being rough so this will also be sanded which will make it a lot flatter and a lot smoother but i love the way it's coming out we knew that we wanted just a really simple wall but we wanted to have a little something a little depth and movement to it i think it's perfect i love it so while we're continues on inside the house we're gonna let this crew keep doing their thing getting more and more mud put up on the walls more texture put on the walls melissa and i actually have a really busy day of our own plan we actually need to go order all of the paint that we need because that's going up on the walls in a couple days get all of our flooring ordered and then we get to go in and finally design our kitchen and pantry room i'm so so excited for this meeting me too can't wait when jeremy was a police officer we knew how important life insurance was but now that we're self-employed we need it more than ever if you have someone relying on you financially you need life insurance it's that simple last year we reshopped our life insurance policy using policy genius and i am so glad we did not only did we get a better rate and a better policy than we were paying before but now we have the peace of mind of knowing that our family is taken care of typically life insurance gets more expensive as you age so don't wait policy genius has options that offers coverage in as little as a week and you can avoid unnecessary medical exams even if you have coverage through your employer it may not be enough most people need 10 times the life insurance that they get through their employer policy genius is a one-stop shop for finding and buying the insurance you need and getting started is easy click the link in the description or go to policygenius.comgsl answer a few questions about yourself and in minutes you can compare personalized quotes from top companies to find the lowest price and the coverage that you need you could save 50 or more on life insurance by comparing quotes with policy genius and when you're ready to apply the policy genius team will handle all the scheduling and paperwork for free head to policygenius.comgsl to get your free life insurance quote and see how much you could save [Music] we got all our chores done around here and we are ready to go to the most anticipated meeting of the year she's very excited the designing of the kitchen last night i sat down with this really professional back of a sticker book and a mini pencil and a broken ruler and i designed our entire kitchen hey we're moving up in the world you designed and drew up the entire house on a napkin so this is really a step up yeah no we've gotten really fancy this was a sticker book where you could create meals it works hey we're supposed to turn back then where are you going do you even have to ask i think we both know the answer to that question we have five minutes to get there we don't have time to go to the bakery listen he'll forgive us i'll bring him a donut [Music] come to papa now we're late um [Music] [Music] see we made it told you 10 minutes late i'm trying to keep this professional wait you forgot the sorry donut [Music] guess why we're late it's an apology donut there you go we had to go to the bakery [Music] darker or we can go lighter but mark thought that this would be a good starting spot yeah he's got my skinny little pull outs already by this it's got your muffin tins your baking sheets casserole you want to make a casserole make a casserole you don't have to dig for anything i gotta have it not apron i love that you've nailed this wall down yeah that is beautiful if we could drill like a little hole it might be off guys oh it's in the leg space it's just so cool to see it coming to life outside of my drawing it looks so much more real we brought in our flooring samples so we can really look at all these different color samples but they did three different colors for our mill work our doors and our cabinetry so we want everything to match into the same color so this is a medium color this is the light with a glaze and this is the dark color with the flooring i feel like this one's a very seamless match but my fear with this one is going to be too dark on all the cabinets and the doors and everything beautiful but probably a little too dark on the blonde one i like it but the hand scraping comes out black when you just do the clear glaze and i'm a little afraid that's going to get too busy so while i like the bright color it could get a little busy so that kind of leaves us with this medium color which the hand scraping shows but it's there's not the same level of contrast on it so it blends a little bit better i think it matches really beautifully with the flooring and it's got a lot of lighter colors in it too so for the cabinets and all the doors it won't be too dark with those nice creamy white walls i love it i think it's beautiful it hides all the red in the alder by adding the glaze that they added so i think this might be our color for the style of doors we are going with the shaker style frame just like this and it's all going to be hand scraped hand scrape essentially means they hand scrape it scrap it up ours are going to be a shade lighter than this but pretty much this style door and then for our comment seam thing the shaker style real simple framing but ours will be hand scraped and a little bit lighter than this for the kitchen island we have something totally different planned it's going to be its own separate piece we'll show you guys what that is later on but i am so excited for it three hours later our kitchen and our pantry and our bathrooms and our mud room are all designed i'm so so excited about this jeremy's now eating another dog i'm starving did you have fun was it an enjoyable meeting for you i don't know how you like doing all of these things is that my donut it's we're married melissa have these okay was yours is mine what's mine is yours he's eating my donut now but no i really did have a good time that was probably the most fun i've had on the build so far i thought that was awesome i'm glad you enjoyed yourself yeah i'm just really excited about the kitchen so now we are going to run in order all of our flooring i think the flooring's out about three weeks so we want to make sure that we get that order in we will continue on from there we got all of the flooring ordered and the last stop of the day is to go pick out paint paint is going on the wall in a few days we've got to get it today unfortunately we only have 30 minutes to make it to the paint store because jeremy spent so much time picking out the cabins and all the specialties yeah that was me that was my phone jeremy's been a great sport all he's been fed today is donuts and i'm okay with that do you like the white chocolate this looks more yellowy to me but it almost looks like there's a little pink in it too some i see i don't see any pink a map if i saw any hue in that at all it would be maybe a greeny but i do not see pink i don't see green oh my gosh back out of the paint store we came away with three different colors of what essentially just looks white to me swiss coffee white chocolate and mayonnaise if you can't tell we are hungry so the the swiss coffee came at the recommendation of a number of you guys apparently it's a very very popular color it's supposed to be a pretty neutral white it's the one that i like the most that's the reason that we got a little sample can to take home we'll get some of this put up on the wall see what it looks like under our lighting um and go from there but i'm thinking i think this is what we'd be going with swiss coffee swiss coffee probably hello hello that's what you're waiting for [Music] it is the next day we are now back home we're back in the house where all of our drywall texturing has dried out completely the guys are going around there smoothing things out by just sanding it and uh knocking it down even further than it already was it looks great we are very happy how that's coming while they were doing all that work and listen i took all the color samples that we brought back with us last night from the paint store we've been looking at all of them in different lightings just some of the legs that are offered up room to room and we have finally pinpointed and selected the color that we're going to be going with on the walls yeah there were so many delicious rich sounding colors espresso foam swiss coffee bavarian cream what did we choose mayonnaise that's right we're going to get about 15 gallons of mayonnaise and just spray it all over the house why not it's the murmy special very us it sounds so unromantic mayonnaise it looks good it's the happy medium we thought it wasn't so the swiss what was it that i said last time swiss coffee was a little too white and then uh one of the other options we brought back with us kind of freaked us out because it was a little too yellow a little too warm this is a happy medium we it works well with our flooring and all the different wood surfaces that we're going to have here in the house so mayonnaise mayo it is so really really busy yet very productive past couple of days here feels good to get that paint color finally pinned down we also checked a bunch of boxes off of our to-do list which is always nice we do have one last thing that we want to get done and it has become a very important family tradition all right guys let's plant some seeds get that garden going lettuce cool as cucumber habanero is very hot tomato baby tomato jalapeno i'm kale and i'm a super spinach and i keep your eyes healthy all right these are spinach don't let the wind blow em i'm gonna make a little hole you're gonna put one seed all right just do like one row [Music] where you are [Music] [Music] all right guys we'll get everything else planted when it gets warmer okay in the bag you have fun dude yeah thanks man well the guys are gone i'm assuming everything's done on the house and go check it out yeah let's go set the bear cams too all right sounds good that's good even cleaned up look at that they did i'm just so glad it's done every time that another step is completed it is so exciting not because we aren't enjoying the build but because that house that we pictured in our minds is finally taking shape it's gone from an idea that seems silly and impossible to a hopeful rendering on a piece of paper and now as we walk through its rooms it's becoming our home when i design the kitchen i'm not excited because my baking dishes will be organized i'm excited because i'm designing a special place where i'll bake cookies with my grandchildren and host holiday dinners as our family grows and changes my plans and my excitement are rooted in my hope for the future and my dreams about all that these walls will experience you want to go down by the stream or you want to go down to the ravine where we've got the grizzly house on let's let's go where we caught him last night we wanted to do this while the kids were still young so that they always had a place that would forever feel like home a place where they would experience and remember the highs and lows of becoming a young adult playing in the trees learning to ride horses pulling food from the ground or leaving on a first date a place that isn't just a mark on a map or mom and dad's house but rather the center of their compass with a force that encourages them to move forward but also forever draws them back we wanted to build them a place that was safe that was rooted in love and hope a place that no matter how far they go or how adventurous they become they know that at any time no matter what they always have a home you
Channel: Good Simple Living
Views: 371,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Good Simple Living, Cabin Build, Log Cabin, Home Build, The Outsider, lifestyle, Eamon & Bec, diy
Id: tyGhewConmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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