Texture Transition Animation in Blender 4.0

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[Music] if you want to make a cool animation without doing fancy slides or rotations then this texture transition is for you this is what it looks like so let's dive straight into blender so we are going to do a texture animation right now I've already got my model brought into blender and I'm going to click on it and I'm going to bring this up and go over to the Shader editor because this is going to be a texture transition and thus we are going to do everything right over here so first of all this is my original setup of the original model so I've made this model quite some time ago and I just brought it in from the asset browser so I have something to work with to show you guys how this texture animation works so first of all I'm heading over to the principal bsdf I'm going to click on it shift d and duplicate it right over here and now I'm going to select both of these principal psdfs and press contrl Z and now we get a mix Shader so let me make this principal psdf black just for example so the mix Shader is now mixing it equally which means that it is becoming darker but as you can see if we put the mix to one it will be one texture and if we put it to zero it will be the other texture namely this one so what we're going to do is to make a texture that is animated that animates this factor and as this Factor animates we can change the texture from one to another now this looks pretty boring so we're not going to animate this we're going to do it with a gradient so shift a gradient texture now if we press on control shift and click we can see where the gradient is located and this is not at the position that I want it to be so I'm going to click on the gradient texture contrl d and now we get a mapping note and if you go into the rotation and change the Y by 90 then it will be rotated towards the bottom and that is what we want and what we're going to do now is bring in a color ramp and I've got a shortcut for this but you can press shift a and type color ramp so color ramp right over here and if you move the black slider you can already see what's going to happen so we're going to move this texture and this will be the factor deciding which texture will be where so on the white texture there will be probably the orange and on the black texture there will be the uh black from this render so what I'm going to do first in order to make this a whole lot simpler is to add in a plane scale it up and select both these edges press e and z bring this up select these edges contrl B and then scroll with the mouse wheel and shade this smooth so now we've got a setup for this entire render I'm going to give it a texture real quick a DOT and I will make it blue why blue well because our uh original life boy I think it's called something something like that is orange and I like this color setup so now we have orange and blue which is nice so here we go back into the life boy I'm not entirely sure how to pronounce it but let's just call it the model for now and I will bring in a math note math right over here and this is an ad note now what we want to do is take this gradient texture and combine it with some noise why well this looks very linear and it's obvious that it's just a straight line going upwards and we actually want to make it look like it's moving in some other worldly sense so I will bring in a noise texture and the factor can go into the value of the ad node then I will select both the gradient texture and the ad node press control Z and we get a mix note and now we're going to use a blend mode not a lot of people use uh it's set on mix when you just open it up like this but I'm going to set it to color burn now why color burn color burn actually makes sure that the whites are preserved but the blacks are exaggerated H if we use this noise texture for example so let's click on this we have a lot of gray scale values in between so there is like gray over here and some black maybe over here maybe over there and some whites but this is not strong enough even with the ad node if we play around with this uh of course you can do something funny with it like so but there's a lot of these values right in between and it will not look the way that we want it to so before we combine them I'm going into this principal bsdf and I I will make it metallic decrease the roughness and make this some type of bluish color something like this now this already looks like something that we can transition into now going back over here we've got our noise texture we've got our ad note and now we want to mix them together and that's happening right over here and what does it look like well like this and that is exactly what we want because now it is broken up in such a fashion that it looks way more randomized and that is very cool so I've got this ad notes set to Min -.4 let's say and you can do with this whatever you want I think we have to play around with it depending on how far the gradient goes but I will get back to that later first of all the color burn it preserves the whites while exaggerating the blacks so if we look at this it's all gray scale baby we don't want that we want it to be more black over here and more white over here so we have a clear separation between the textures now this is what we are going to be animating so we've got the factor and it's going from zero to one and then it will animate the texture but as you can see it's not actually reaching the top and we can play around with a color ramp in order to get that done but I think this is a bit of a hassle so what we want to do is increase this x value until it becomes entirely white somewhere over here take this color ramp and make it even more white we're going to turn the black all the way to the left by the way and right now if we increase the factor let's see what happens well we only get halfway reason for it our ad note is not strong enough so we should increase or actually decrease the value of this ad note in order to get more black value so I'm going to set it to minus. 74 and then with this setup this exact setup it will work out as you can see from Factor zero to one at first it's entirely wi that's what we want because we want it to be one solid texture it shouldn't start like over here and we already see some of the other texture going through no it should be this texture and then it should be this texture and that is what's happening right now and that's absolutely fine now what we can do if we set this to like half we can look around in our noise texture and increase the scill for example or decrease the scale I'm going to set it to two and increase the detail and then you have something that looks like this you can also play around with the roughness maybe increase it just a little bit or decrease it depending on your taste I'm going to increase it to 0.55 right now we have this setup where the X location is slightly shifted and we have our noise texture our ad node which makes sure that we randomize our gradient and now everything is set up for the animation to occur so I'm going to plug this color ramp into the factor have a look at our mix Shader so we've got our orange which is the white and we've got the blue which is the black so you can animate it either way you can either have it go from this to this and have it be real slow like so and that looks pretty awesome if you ask me now you can crank some of these values play around with it like with the color Ram just bring it a little bit in or bring it out and now it becomes a bit harsher let's set up a quick scene to make this look a bit better going over here into Cycles Cycles GPU add in a plane plane right over there go into the modifiers gey Pro which is my own add-on which I'm going to use I'm going to increase the emission strength decrease the amount of lights and rotate this around so we get like a 45° angle and that already looks a lot better but we could use a top light scale so I'm going to bring that Ino and bring it upwards just a little bit and make sure that it looks cool I'm going to turn it off for our vision shading visibility camera you can get the GE lights add-on in the description it's on gumroad and maybe on blender Market by now so anyway this is our texture transition and what I found is that if you animate it slower then it will work better it will look cooler than when it's really fast so really fast doesn't look that cinematic so what we're going to do is bring it upwards go over to the timeline where right over here now I'm going to set the factor to one press I on this mix color node you can click on the mix color node by the way and then you will see the key frames if you click on it if you do not click on it you will not see the key frame so keep that in mind I'm going to set this to uh frame 100 for now and set this to zero press I once again and now if we animate this it it's moving like that now very cool if you want it to be slower simply move the key frame to the right it will start a bit later but it will be slower and it looks a lot more interesting but this is not the end because you want to make it look even better and the way we are going to do it is by adding some displacement because this is really just two textures going over each other without there being any deformity in the mesh at all and you want to deform it if you want to make it look good so displacement displacement over here and we can use this same setup to drive the displacement because the displacement can also operate with black and white values which is great because we're going to plug this into the height going to plug this into the displacement go into the material tab under settings enable displacement and bump now it will be way too much I'm heading over into the scale of the displacement node 01 now let's see what it looks like and it's already a bit more organic and that's exactly what we want you can also increase the resolution of this by subdividing it maybe two times cuz I've got a pretty good machine these renders don't take a lot of time and now it looks like this very cool now if you want to make this even cooler you can set up your camera right here add a empty right over here empty go into the camera to the depth of field select the empty and now we have a cool bokeh effect right over here as it is progressing can increase that bokeh effect or decrease it do whatever you like going into Vier display and right now we have this cool texture animation going on so that is the way it works it's a very simple tutorial and it's done relatively quickly there's one more thing I want to show you so if you select this life boy or the model then we can go over to the gradient texture and set it to let's say radial for example and now everything will disappear which is not really a problem because we have to play around with the rotation so I'm going over into the gradient texture once again play around with the rotation until you start to see something happening that is correct so over there and maybe we have to play around with the Y and the X and this is just playing around until it works basically uh but now what you can do is take this x value let's see what it looks like doing it on the other side no problem let's just have a look at it and now it's really going from that side towards that side which also looks pretty cool so you can definitely play around with that but you really have to fiddle around with this mapping note in order to make it work so either way the linear works you can try radial quadratic whatever and uh it will look pretty cool so I hope you learned a lot we learned what the color burn does we added two textures together and plac them into to the displacement node to have a cool texture transition this was a very short tutorial but that's because it's very easy to do and if you want to become an undeniable force in the 3D space then I highly recommend watching this video [Music] next
Channel: The Blenderender
Views: 10,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Blender tutorial, Blender Beginner tutorial, B3D, Blender for beginners, texturing blender, texturing in blender tutorial, Blender texture animation, Texture animation blender, Texture animation in blender tutorial, Blender tutorial shading, Blender tutorial texturing, Blender procedural texture, Blender procedural texture animation, Blender animation, Blender animation tutorial, Blender tutorial animation, Blender product animation, Blender product animation tutorial
Id: fvJ_yui1JLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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