Who Knows Me Better? | Brooklyn & Bailey VS Parents 2020 #WithMe

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- Okay, well today we have most of the fam here. - Hello! - We got like half the family here. And um, we are going to be doing, well okay so the twins did this with me. - Yes. - Like a year ago and they failed. So... - Kamri is a momma's girl, so mom is gonna pull this out for Team Parents. - Oh great, great. (upbeat music) - Okay, what is my favorite animal? - Do you know Shaun? - I think. (laughing) - I mean I know, I think I know. - Then write it down, then write it down. - Are we talking... - Don't look, don't look, you're cheating! (arguing back and fourth) - Flip em'. What'd you say? - Dog - Giraffe - It's Giraffe. [Cheering] - I had it but Brooklyn made me change it. - This is an easy one. What is my favorite piece-- like item of clothing? - Oh that's so easy. - Oh I'll add another point, and my favorite type of like jewelry. - Wait is this a two part? - It's a two part question. - Ready. - K. What'd you put? - Shoes and necklace. - Necklace - Ring - It's necklace. - OHHHH - You guys are so bad at this. - Bailey do you smell something, somethings burning. We're toasting them guys - Ummm favorite TV show - TV show? Like anything on Netflix count. - We don't watch with them so. - Do you think, or do you think. - No it's definitely. - Probably yeah that's what I would guess. - I'm ready we got this one I'm confident. - Ready,set, go. - New Girl. - New Girl. - It's New Girl I love that show. - I'm proud it's my favorite show - I'm interested to see if you guys remember this. I don't think they'll get it. - Oh no. - What is the name-- the name of my second grade teacher? - What - I think I remember this one. - I think I got it. - I know Kindergarten. - I think I'm right. - Okay wait. I know what you're gonna say, it's kinda correct. - [At the same time] Yeah - Okay then do my fourth grade teacher cause it's the same thing. - What? - It's the same thing. - Oh. - Fourth grade, you guys remember this one. - That was me that remembered it. - I don't think that's right. - 3,2,1. - Clemens - It is Ms. Clemens. [Cheering] - I knew that one. I remembered that one. - What was my favorite trip ever that we've been on? Not all together just in general. - Oh K, ready. 3,2,1. HEFY. - Kenya, that's not a country. - I put Africa, you didn't say country. - You said trip. - Okay I did say trip - Listen I did say Kenya, which is where she went in Africa and as a family I said her favorite was South Africa. - Excuse me, I said HEFY. We could all go for extra credit points here. - HEFY was Kenya. - Yeah but this is a bonus. - You each get a point. - Thank you. - Except you didn't say Kenya. - You didn't say country either. - I said favorite trip that's correct. Okay um, what is my favorite flower. You should all know this one. - Oh, oh I know. It's the- - I've specifically told you this ten times and then you'll tell me something about it after. - Yeah this ones true, this ones true. - I know this ones it. - How do you not know this? - I know Ryland's I know Brooklyn's. - I asked this the other day that's why I know this. - I know yours, I know Catarina's, I don't know Kamri's-- - Okay I have to take a break I'm sorry. - I specifically told you just the other day. - K flip it. - Brooklyn's not here yet. - I don't know I said Hydrangea. - Baby's breathe - Baby's breathe is the accent to the flower. - That's not even a real flower. - That's exactly what you told me when I told you that. Mom goes why it's a weed. - It's a weed. But it's pretty. - It's beautiful. - It's pretty but it's an accent to flowers. - It's my favorite flower. - It's kind of like your favorite food on your plate being the parsley, the garnish to the meal. - What is my biggest pet peeve? - This is so easy. - Oh I know this. - Dad should know this one. - [At the same Time] Chewing - Yeah [Talking Over Each Other] - She complains about it a lot that's how we know. - He chews aggressively, most people chew like this he goes like this. - You have to fully masticate the food. [Everyone] Ewww gross. - I'm just telling you. - What is my not biggest fear but what's a fear of mine I guess biggest fear. There's one. I think Brooklyn know it - No that's not helpful. - Well you know it too. - I'm looking to you cause I don't know. - Traumatic experiences that I've told you about you were there for one of them. - Okay, what. Public speaking. - Stuck slash falling in an elevator. Okay I mean like you got the first word. - No,no that doesn't count. - It's getting locked in places I can't get out of I was in that gas station. - Oh the gas station bathroom. - Okay, my favorite smell. - Vanilla. - Yeah that's right. [Cheering] - I put that down. - That's my favorite scent, if anyone's wondering. - She loves the smell of baking brownies but I didn't think of that one. - That's like favorite food smell. - I was like why's vanilla a weird answer. Okay, how do I usually sleep? On my back, on my stomach? - Oh oh easy um. - What? - Cause I remember. - Why is she like "oh no worries I watch Kamri sleep every night." - I don't go in your room, I give you full privacy so I don't ever watch you sleep. - Every time I go in this is how she is - Maybe it's not this. - Flip it. - No I said on your side with the blankets covering your ears. - That was when I was like five. - That's what I remember. - That was really when I was like five. - My arm is falling asleep. - No it's on her stomach. - No it's on her back. - I usually sleep on my side - Ohhh we said side. - Side is right here, points to us. - You do not sleep on your side. - Yes I do. - Every time I go in you're on your back. - What is my absolute favorite food? [Cricket Sounds] - [ Paisley] I know it. - I'll give you two answers like there's two different ones I'll count as correct. - Food? Were talking about food not dessert right. - Just food in general. - Okay. - I'm gonna put one of these. I'm gonna put both of them and just see. - You ready. - I don't think this is right. - You can't do that. - Yes I can. - What'd you put? - Potatoes, fettuccine alfredo , brownies. - I put alfredo and potatoes. - Okay my answer was potatoes. - What was the bonus point? - My other one would have been like ice cream. - [Paisley] I knew it! I was thinking ice cream as a dessert. - She doesn't eat dairy so. - Why do you think that? - What? She eats dairy. - She doesn't drink straight milk. - He said that like ten times to me last week. - She like oat milk and almond milk. - Oat milk is good. - They don't make oat milk ice cream at Covers. - Ice cream is worth it. What was the last video I posted? - [Paisley] Oh I know it. - Paisley knows it. - [Paisley] I remember there's a couple of them. - Paise can you name the last three? - [Paisley] I can name at least one I remember. I know all these. - Quarantine - What'd you say bananas for? No. - It was Quarantine in Canon. - Yeah mom got it. - Oh I filmed the Canon one with you. - Yes you did. - Dang it. - I remembered the skin care one. - I blanked, I blanked on that one. - I know cause I do all the analytics on them so I check up on them everyday. So I knew which ones they were. - I have like a couple answers, so if you get one of them we'll count it. What is my favorite book? - [Paisley] I know it. I know one of them. - I have like three I'll count. - [Paisley] I know it cause I saw it on your bed when I keep on breaking Fin, I saw that beside your bed. - You gonna put an answer? - No I don't know it. - 3,2,1. Wonder or Book thief. - Book thief is one of the three. - Yes. - Wonder used to be. - My top three are probably The Book Thief, I love, To Kill a Mockingbird, and um I just forgot. When did I get my guitar? Whoever gets closest to the date. My first guitar. Whoever gets closest to the date. - [Paisley] I know all of these. - To the date. - I gotta find exactly but I know pretty much exactly what it is. - Yeah but she wants a date. - So did she get it for? - I could tell you what kind of guitar it is, where we bought it from. - Well we bought several so I'm tryin' to remember which one is the first. [All Talking Over Each Other] - I could tell you what store it was from, I could tell you who was there. - Let me find it I know I have it. - I don't think so. [Whispering] - Okay I have it - Ready? We can tell you where it's from, what brand it was. - Ready, set, go. - We just put a random date. - December 2016. - November 2016. - And it was a Taylor guitar and we bought it from Guitar center. - I thought you got it before Christmas. - It was in 2016 but the month and the date was July 13th. - We're closer, we're closer. - Ohhh we are closer. - Did we win? Does that mean we win? - No it doesn't. Neither one of us was right guys. - But we were closer is what she said whoever gets a closer date. - 2016 was correct. - We got 2016. - We win, we win, we win. - WIN - We're all winners. - Yeah so the twins win this time so I mean it was close it was only one point off. - Did you guys think we would get that close? - I did not. I didn't think you'd get that many. - Technically we both got 2016. - All right well I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video and watching them actually get some questions right. Mom and dad did really well. - We did really well. - But yeah, thank you guys for watching this and I'll see you next week. - [Everyone] Bye. [Music]
Channel: Kamri Noel
Views: 1,384,991
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Id: nBbdoqxoaVw
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Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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