Testing Viral KITCHEN GADGETS from ALIEXPRESS... What's ACTUALLY Worth It?

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okay do I have any watermelon buddies this is what happens when I sliced up with a watermelon I just eat all of it hello all you wonderful people of the internet hope you guys are all having a great great weekend so far and today we are back we are testing out some more random kitchen gadgets weed or not I have found ones that I haven't tried yet and really at the end of the day I just don't want you guys wasting your money on products that don't work so make sure you give this video a big thumbs up and subscribe so you don't miss out on new videos here every single Saturday I know it's not even do some kitchen gadgets starting with the one that's right in front of me it's all about citrus I'm all about citrus really my middle name should be lemon they have two different citrus related products here today and I thought I would test them out and just kind of see I've always wanted to know if this thing works this like spray thing I was pretty hyped water I did clean them so this one's a mini juicer and this one is a citrus sprayer I've seen these all over the place I'm so curious if they work we test them out on some lemons as well as some oranges and just gonna compare see what they're like see if they do the job or if one's better for one type of fruit first the other so let's start by getting it looks like they just have like a glass to pour the juice into okay okay like I don't know where I keep my glasses and let's do the oranges first so I have a nice navel orange right here and looks like they just sort of stick it in and twist it stickers annoying me I needs to I'm just gonna stick it in and squish it all the way down I'm just gonna like squish it around a little bit to to like try and break up some of that fruity goodness it smells really good mmm you know the more juice I can break up the better of this thing is gonna work right this isn't difficult by the way that was like not a lot of work alright I feel like I've sufficiently you know gotten some some juice moving through let's see how much juice I can actually get well that was disheartening so much for my early 90s cereal commercial moment I like squeeze some well then I'm just like splitting it down the side there did this right that's what says to do this isn't working well I did manage to get the core out though so that's not something so you can see didn't get a lot of juice did get a little bit though I had to earn it I worked for that we did do something similar on a lemon I wonder how do I get this out feels like starting all over with that banana boom what's a banana that is pretty easy let's try it with a cucumber a little bit harder than I was maybe if I only do a couple at a time I cut myself pretty not great all right everyone crisis averted fell I don't need it giant blast then get one of these little guys I mean I like a nice glass of hot lemon water in the morning a little bit honey in it right mmm starting to juice well I do have to say it smells delightful in here yeah this is working a little bit better all right I mean looking at them aside but like obviously these are two different glass sizes but I mean you can kind of tell like probably similar amounts of liquid came out of them I bet if I put this in like an actual like the juices that I hang on this type of thing I bet if I cut into this and then tried to like squeeze more I get a lot more juice out how much juice did beget turns out not that much there is so much juice stupidness normally I wouldn't juice and orange like this I feel like we like pretty much butchered that will hinge like look how much juice was in just the one half of the orange did not get a significant amount juice out and I like these ones a lot better I love by the way that this is a four point nine out of five rating whose rating this thing who thinks that was good and then this one right here has a 4.8 rating and like almost 800 reviews Wow and I guess you just twist it in ah well I did poke a hole in it how am I supposed to get this in to use these together first we dig the hole and then we put this guy in wonder if it can just you know that's not how you're supposed to do it but I just punch it oh look at that that wasn't super exciting baby I am getting a little bit are you what are you spraying with this it even like think to check apparently it's good for spring meet what that's all I see as all people seem to be using it for yep just a meat sprayer don't buy these these who are basically useless unless you're looking for a citrus core in which case like maybe this is helpful for you you're gonna get something that's the way to go oh good alright this next product we're gonna test out is not something that I am personally going to be partaking in but it is something we bought like a months and months ago I'm when we made all of these different orders and that is an air pressure one opener so Chris is gonna help me with this because I feel like it's weird if I did it myself a lot of the internet fire net they have here a fine 2007 Hiller estates icewine ooh oh this is interesting so this has a wax seal should still be fine but normal thing I don't know wine at all no no no are there instructions for this where I might just Jameson Oh No yeah it looks like they just jammed it in oh no quirk in there no wow hey all came out of this was it easy to use like yeah it looked like it was like rosy who was not Colter is there something that you would use again yeah yeah you know what actually you know what this would be really good for if the top part of the court breaks and you can't like get a corkscrew in there this would be really good because you could still put this through the cork and then push it out it that way just as easy if not easier than a corkscrew but even just as a backup this is great to have I think this is literally the first time that you've ever said that anything off of like wish or Aliexpress is actually worth the money usually you hate everything that I end up getting I'm like wow this is so cool and you're like I'm never gonna use that did you like the other melon slicer thing no like I liked it I just I'm gonna use a knife you know what about the grater or the banana cutter where I almost lost my finger all great off you sure it was sharp this is good this works thumbs up from Christopher you may take your ice wine now I don't want any of that actually I've got this another gadget yeah is it from wish no I don't think so okay so we use the air pressure to take the cork it so this is okay cork it on and then you pump out the air with this thing so in theory it keeps it fresh longer I am learning so much about why I don't know if it works or not but let's see I think was partly the difference at like a wine Jules gift well thank you for your for your assistance I appreciate it okay this next product I'm probably the most excited about and it is a product that helps you to create those like tri-colored icings I don't know if you guys remember but a couple of months ago I attempted to do this like free hand basically free sky lit with some Ziploc bags you know what we're going rogue this is not the perfect icing consistency internet don't want to meld the colors together I just want it to be thin enough that it fits and it basically failed miserably so I bought this little like piping tip thing that you basically put three different bags of icing in you form them all together you put the little piece on that kind of keeps everything together and then you can see three different icings there and it just like it looks so cool in the picture and like I like your pipe smell oh I have three different icings the right here figured we would like dye them so one I'm just using regular this is neon food coloring just because I found it in my collection of food colorings and it wasn't open yet so I wanted to try it then I'm gonna do violet oh that's way too much what am i doing this is gel and then royal blue and now that I'm seeing these all out I'm realizing that I'm going to need spoons and I just unnecessarily dirtied two additional nice cool so let's stir these up see what colors we have so I want these to be like a lot darker with a lot more he's good to talk about like makeup products being pigmented so it's kind of fun when I got to talk about food being pigmented yeah that's what I'm talking about herbal I also tried by the way to make a much thicker icing this time a little bit of a workout not gonna lie to you but I'm really not that fit to begin with so I'm not that surprised I'm just gonna like fully mix them through one more time to just make sure everything is incorporated as possible hands are cramping that's really sad it seems like what I need to do based off of what I'm seeing is that I need to feed this through but chop it so that it will fit here but all these pieces will kind of slot together I need to trim them like here I think that was too much so I kind of like fall off no I think then I go put this over glass cuz in the last video you guys recommended when you're filling it like fill it like this and then everything stays in one general area appreciate your support in my dreams to becoming an excellent icing piper oh my gosh guys look oh my gosh I feel special okay now I have another two to go okay to cut these a lot smaller than I did last time something like oddly soothing about this just very like methodical I'm not very fast but I am enjoying myself [Music] so the next thing I need to do is I need to fit these all together I guess it just goes like this and then I need one more they all kind of fit together and then I put that on oh wait do did it come with a like a piping tip no no it didn't I think I have some hang on all right I found a bag so this one looks like it is the biggest option that I have it's like it's just supposed to like fit in no stop it okay um do I need to like does it say what I'm supposed to use this has been helpful for me to see beforehand okay so it looks like there are specific measurements of piping tips that are big enough that they can fit in here so looking at it it looks like I need to buy one a so yeah so now I have to pause my filming and go and buy that so oh I'll be back it won't look like anything on the video though which is the great part of editing so haha everyone success oh wow Rachel what should I go in public like this well it's the only thing that I could find and it came with twelve different pieces this is you again this isn't twelve twelve pieces what are you talking about there are four twelve pieces oh eight disposable bags alright fine I'm going to try this one which is like the cleanest cut looking one it's just a nice round one so I'm gonna go and grab the icings I'm going to wash this and then hopefully actually let me check to make sure that this is actually fit I'm so mad that this is back I have my three three icings here welcome together oh my gosh please work please work please work please work please work please work please work yeah yes let's get to finally doing some icing this better be worth it so I have here a cupcake which I have mostly scraped the icing off of and I scrape I mean I've eaten it was her daughter's birthday this weekend and so I had cupcakes just lying around this ended up being perfect in terms of timing I could just pipe on top but you know I got a night I don't have a reason I just we need I think it's really good icing by the way this is from the video where Chris gave me a recipe and I had to follow it without looking at the video only with audio like we have actually converted over from our normal icing recipe to this one it's really really good okay hands are washed cupcake is bald let's get into this icing maybe I'll do it on that on the like a plate first oh you guys redeemed oh no almost except I split the bag apparently oh no this is the one that I cut too high up okay noted for next time but like pretend that didn't happen I'll put tape on it okay it's not the cutest looking but that at least is gonna fix it I have never been prouder this is my biggest accomplishment to date like ignore my like really terrible icing job here but like a little bit so much I don't know if I'm gonna let anyone eat that but can we just appreciate flying's bring this closer you guys can see it everyone appreciate all the work that went into this pretend it was iced Wow Wow that works really well feel like I've redeemed myself a little bit kind of not really I will be using this again and obviously all of the large tips that I now have that I can like experiment with like different ways in which the icing will look on that cupcake Wow exciting right guys this next one is an herb keeper so I picked three different types of herbs from our garden and you can see in the back here has a little spout so you're supposed to fill it with water every three to five days so there's some water at the bottom down there and then I have this lid that is going to fit right on top and this is like the little plug that like seals it up but I thought it'd be really interesting to compare this to other popular methods of keeping herbs so one is very similar but it has like a little cup as well as a plastic bag that sort of like loosely covers up the herbs there so that's one method and then the other one is just wrapping the herbs like the bottom part in a wet paper towel and then sealing it in some form of bag so I figured we put these all into the fridge at the same time and just see what they look like by the end of the week yeah be a guys on Friday okay guys I'm back it's Friday it doesn't look at all like it's changed from the last time I fell but it's not Friday so I have sort of been analyzing all of the different herbs and what they have looked like now so I have to say the one that looks the worst is definitely the one that was in this silicone bag the paper towel is still damp it's just all the herbs especially the parsley have wilted and then in the glass here you can see again parsley has wilted it held up fairly well I did notice at the time it is starting to like wither a little bit and then had the plastic bag on top of it as well and then in the herb keeper this is probably the one I was most impressed with like everything is intact the parsley looks fantastic has not wilted in the slightest and everything looks really good it was easy to use and check on like the water supply like fits really nicely inside the fridge highly recommend if you use a lot of herbs and stuff in your cooking it's really great all right this guy so pinwheel guy this is for cutting up of watermelon and if you couldn't already tell from the beginning of this video we have watermelon and I have been enjoying it and I tried a different one that I bought off wish for the last kitchen gadgets that I did if you alternate like that it's a boat and it worked fairly well it did need a little bit of like you need to like drive the thing into the watermelon to like pull out some of the products so I was like me this pinwheel be easier and I can like compare the two having tried the buggy mail so I have a watermelon right yeah that's the way they have it cut on the picture here as well these are the instructions so we put it into the watermelon and then we bring it out like a pinwheel and tada perfect little watermelon chunks okay keep my hands down here Rachel oh that was not as difficult as I thought and also I didn't do a very good job let's try that again let's try a little bit lower yeah feel like it's not helping that I'm sitting down maybe I need to stand for this okay let's try there there's lift dump I mean it is working it's not cute though I'm making a mess of my counter but I have watermelon now mmm that's a good warm on so between the two this one feels easier to me at least versus the other one but I feel like I would still need to go through and like like how would you get the side pieces you don't want to waste watermelon at work on an angle kinda would it be easier to just chop it probably but I like a gadget okay there's something oddly soothing about this whole like windmill thing that I'm doing also butchering this poor watermelon to death just wanna see how much I can actually get out like it's a lot of juice I feel like I want to save this who doesn't love watermelon juice my son they drink all of the orange juice by the way this worked it feels like something I would need to practice to get really good at and I only get watermelon that's actually good here like what two months out of the year we don't grow things well here I mean it works but you still have to like chop the watermelon with a knife in order to get into it to get all these chunks but like it was pretty easy credit where credit is due it did do what it said it was gonna do I'm still doing it and still still doing my pal warm Elmo huh so what do you guys think of these like kitchen gadgets we're just gonna sit and chat and eat well are there any that you love that you have bought that you've been really excited about let me know what those are know if there are any other gadgets that you guys want me to test out whether it's in the kitchen or organizing or anything let me know down below there's any like categories of stuff and now just go sit here I need water man so like basically my stomach will be baby watermelon make sure you check out these videos on the side in case you have missed any of the other kitchen gadgets that I've done or tasty videos organizations stuff like that and make sure you subscribe your videos here every single Saturday come join us as well as soon to be two videos a week very excited about that if there are any types of videos you guys want to see let me know I always read all the comments and I love to hear from you guys so keep you posted I hope you guys have a great rest of your weekend and I will see you guys all in my next video love you all not like how I couldn't do a full kiss cuz I'm holding water bong I couldn't put that down apparently I'm very sorry I was really good watermelon Oh
Channel: RachhLovesLife
Views: 736,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rachhloveslife, wish, wish tested, kitchen gadgets, kitchen, tested, testing, viral, watermelon, watermelon cutter, watermelon slicer, aliexpress, eliexpress gadgets, weird, silly, comedy, viral kitchen, testing fun, fun, funny, viral gadgets
Id: l5AXZ_vt5Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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