I Tried Making the TASTY 1-Minute vs. 1-Hour vs. 1-Day NOODLES from BUZZFEED...

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like I always plan us the making of these recipes right around my mealtimes last time it was second breakfast right now we're on to lunch and today by the way hello everyone what's up today we are making noodles we're not making one recipe we are not making two recipes we are making three different recipes and these are all coming from tasty tasty did three different recipes they did a 1 minute in 1 hour and a 1 day noodle recipe and I did this a couple of months ago testing out their different cookie recipes and I had so much fun doing it and I kind of feel like noodles so that's all go and be doing I want to compare the flavors the taste the amount of time that it takes to do each of these recipes it's not done by a very professional chef and just going to see which one my favorite is with the flavors for the amount of time that it takes to create each of the recipes so here we go the first recipe we're gonna try is the 1-minute noodle and this is a cold noodle recipe that you can kind of pull together with any leftovers that you might have kind of throw it into a bowl straight from the fridge and eat it which I am all about I am for this recipe I will say though that the one minute aspect of this recipe is completely determinant on whether or not you have cold noodles in the fridge if you have to make noodles from scratch which it also says in the actual recipe on the tasty website yeah you're gonna add more time to it I myself personally did not have fresh ramen noodles on hand already prepared so I made them in advance and they're chilling in the fridge and now we make the rest of it so in a medium bowl that was this medium medium enough we are gonna be combining 1/2 cup of Chinese black vinegar and then 1/4 cup each of high grade of sesame oil they specify a high grade as well as soy sauce and then last but not least a tablespoon of sugar and then you kind of mix it together you just use chopsticks that's kind of like mixed it up oh my gosh it smells so good now for the next part of the recipe in the actual written instructions it says to have prepared already some fresh noodles cooked and chilled and then in the instructions like the preparation it says to cook the noodles according to the package instructions and then drain so you would have hot noodles to the preparation but cold noodles according to the ingredients list just throw that out there I have cold because that's what they did in the video that just makes more sense if it's a cold noodle recipe anyway so we have one tablespoon of sesame seeds which if I remember correctly the chef said to toast them first which it doesn't say in the recipe tasty and he insisted he says make sure they're toasted I'm the [ __ ] fault what he says this by the way is putting us way over a minute total time unless you have toasted sesame seeds on hand which I don't the sesame seeds the toasted this is a quarter of the total noodles there's a lot of noodles for me personally all in one sitting actually no it's not no I said that absolutely eat all of these so we have the noodles we have about half a cup of this like mixture right here I'm just gonna stir it up again I'm gonna put on some of the whoa that was all at once okay and then I have to chop up a green onion here and unite and I'm not super quick in terms of chopping I regret my decision to wait to chop these while the noodles are in the liquid right job learn from my mistakes make sure you have everything chopped in advance okay sprinkle that on top there and then am I done I'm not garlic 1 TSP of garlic minced it's about a clove I don't think I've eaten raw garlic in a noodle dish before I usually cook my my garlic I do like the taste of garlic though okay it's not chopped as nicely as the chef but you'll excuse me cuz I'm not like it did it do that on top and then I'm gonna drizzle a little bit of chili oil right on top ooh so insta look up pretty those into a fire for a minute I am into it smells delicious I'm excited now I'm gonna mix everything up and we're taste it also chopsticks are really hard to hold when you're not used to having like long nails for me they keep getting in the way mixie mix here let's taste test oh I don't think I got any green onion I'm gonna try on a gun I do like the crunch of the sesame that's really good there's no ton of depth of flavor there but when you're hungry you just want to throw something together relatively quickly and then dice up more green onion I feel like it definitely needs more green onion oh cool I like I'm okay with it you know yeah I'm gonna put some more on looks a lot saucy er than the video it's Lucy saucy saucy I only put like a like a quarter or a half a cup I think that's what it called for thoughts I like quick snap right that's the point mm-hmm yeah it's like snap noodles like I'm into it like I like the crunchiness of the sesame with it yeah oh yeah that's good and B lightness of this the green onions with it also good there's a construction these are very good oh my god like kick of the garlic well that's good do not more often all right let's go on to the our noodles and for this one our noodle recipe I just realized that I didn't it's like we're family right so this is one our noodle recipe looked so good when I was watching him make it I was like drooling and the chef from the video said this is a recipe that he grew up with this is what his mom used to make it's just very nostalgic and I'm excited because there's a lot of ingredients here that I haven't had a chance to like experiment or play with yet so it's good but most of this doesn't like the cold noodle recipe will happen on the stove so let's go over to that I really need to get one of those little like standing stove tops are they called like a little cooktop I need one of those cooktop son just need to put it right here is if it doesn't tasty make one need to get that I was actually thinking of buying a whole bunch of like tasties cookware and stuff and like testing it out do you guys wanna see a video on that leave me comment let me know and I have everything laid out very organized which I feel like will like cut on the amount of time but like it does take some time in terms of preparation especially if you're new to this recipe and something that you haven't really done before or not the greatest at chopping oh my gosh did that work no cut off better so the first thing we're gonna do is I'm going to turn on this particular pen right here and we are going to heat up a mixture of garlic shallots and gender also synthetic oil which I don't have a lot of but probably let that heat up a little bit alright so into my hot pan go the shallots and the garlic and the ginger as well doesn't fit Rachel oh don't want to brighten the garlic so I'm just gonna kind of move these around turn down the heat a little just want everything to soften up a bit oh that smells so good my pregnancy nose is working welcome so these have been cooking for about two minutes which is what they said in the recipe until lightly aromatic so I'm you know I'm a little bit more sensitive to sense than the average bear but I would say that those are pretty aromatic now so now I'm going to put in some ground pork and they said in the video that you use any ground meat as long as it has a high percentage of fat content to it so I'm gonna put in the amount that it says in the actual recipe though I will say that in the video it looked like you use way more meat than the recipe called for I feel like these are food recipes spread this out and then I'm just going to leave it to cook uninterrupted so you get that nice caramelized crispy coat to it and then the other pan over here I'm gonna add in that soy bean paste and sweet bean sauce I want to get that nice and caramelized I'm also starting to boil the water because I know I'm going to have cook some of the noodles which are right yeah Oh surrett over here don't worry about it okay now who transferred the meat to a smaller pan because though it was giving the nice caramelized finish the pork it was starting to burn the tender in the garland so switch it over now we're gonna add in the paste and then to this I'm gonna add in one teaspoon of the dark soy sauce okay now I'm gonna reduce the heat to low and I'm gonna add in a corn starch like a slurry mixture now when I made it from the measurements that they had which was eight tablespoons of corn starch to four tablespoons of water sorry teaspoons of both it's a two to one ratio I found that it was way you to porn starchy and it wasn't like liquid enough I like even as it is like with this it's just I might had some more partner to this it was just dry chunks of corn starch it's like a hint of water stir that up and I'm supposed to add water to this this is looking a little bit thick a couple of tablespoons of water and then this is supposed to cook for about fifteen minutes or so so I'm gonna transfer this over to this burner on low to cook so I can cook up yeah for the egg mixture I have one egg beaten here a little bit of oil in the pan here it's nice and hot and what the chef is saying in the video is that he likes the egg to have more of like a caramelized feel not like the more western version of a scrambled egg which is very like soft and fluffy and light like he wants like a crust almost on it and in the recipe they said to like make it nice and even and cut it into little thin slivers and stuff and then the chef sort of like dumped it in like I've chopped it up and was fine so this might mean I can overcook script legs that I got covered well that's just giving that another 30 seconds I'm gonna dump the noodles into the boiling water those are gonna go for about like two minutes good and they also said to like constantly be stirring the noodles up are my chopsticks around I'm gonna set timer for about two minutes and plate I'm gonna take half of those noodles put them into a bowl and then I'm gonna put some of the scrambled eggs in sprinkle with a little bit of cucumbers and then we're gonna add the caramelized sauce on top it looks so much better when you have it on camera as soon as I've mixed it all together it looks less good give this wool get all over myself this little taste mmm no no I like that I like the bean like the pork with it it's not a very strong pork flavor though even the egg - I really like it with the egg in it this is good yes you can Chris coming in when there's food to eat excited for this one oh you like this one the best out of all three well I thought I thought it looked good I don't know why I'm holding the bowl for you like you're an infant oh not your favorite not the flavor I was expecting um something about that meat the fermented flavors a little stronger yeah not what I was looking Oh sad like that that is real good to me there's like I don't like it and it keeps eating it so you like the one minute noodle better than this one in terms of flavor yeah you know simple and pretty good yeah do you try with the egg oh do the egg with it I have something or maybe it's the sweet might be this I'm not sure yeah but one of those is not my favorite it is a little bit on the sweeter side which is your favorite no labor profile no that might be it it's okay good so you're going to the next one yes yes oh yeah the next one Chris helped a lot yesterday to make that one I'm excited okay okay one day noodle so this one day noodle process if you will was very heavily set last night now this is a Taiwanese beef and noodle soup it takes a lot of effort that go into it a lot of different ingredients many of which came from a specialty store what I like about it is a lot of it is prep so that if you have a busy night I feel like the hard part is done and you can kind of put it together with the noodles and like bam you have a meal so let's go back to last night around what was it Chris like 5:35 that we started ok so he started at 5:00 p.m. and so the first thing we did is we brought a large pot of water to boil I love that I'm saying we in this we like I was a part of this process I've I've been filming it it's ok we're a couple it's we and to that water we add it in these short ribs beef shin bone as well as oxtail and let it boil for about 30 minutes to what they call remove any impurities that is not the water that's going to be used for the stock we actually drained it out so we drained it we washed off the meat in cold water bones everything transferred it to a clean pot and to it we added a variety of different fruits and vegetables that are all going to add different flavors to the stock so what the chef was saying is that these are all really interesting ingredients but they all play an integral role in the flavor profile of this stock and this is something that he makes at his restaurant so I'm very excited about this one so he dumped in a whole bunch of things that are all basically kind of chopped up very coarsely or halved in many cases so we have some onion carrot tomato apple celery garlic and ginger also scallions can't forget the scallions then we put in a cup of rice wine and then covered it with water just so there's enough to the surface of all the different fruits vegetables and meats and then we started to toast a bunch of different spices which I love doing this because I feel like it brings out a lot of the flavors and these are all not all of them but some of them are very interesting flavors that I don't cook with a lot so I was very excited about them so for example there was star eni's there was such one peppercorns and coriander and we would just wanted to toast those until they were fragrant so about 2 minutes or so and then we threw them into the pot because the more the merrier this we have basically everything in there now at this point we are cutting it close because we were supposed to be at Julia's school meeting teachers around 6 o'clock so we we timed the creation of this video perfectly so now to that same small pan I love that I can just sit here and talk about this because it was all done yesterday I'm just just mauston at this point we added in a little bit of vegetable oil as well as doping jjang and then we just let that caramelize get nice and warm and that took about 30 seconds and dumped it into the broth and then added some dark soy sauce to it as well and then rock sugar and I've never played around with rock sugar in my cooking but I thought it looked really cool when we were kind of reviewing it before we dumped it into the pot but like it looked really awesome so then we were do sit down to simmer we booked it to the parent-teacher thing came back and for about three hours or so we let everything simmer and just kind of mellow and get all those flavors combined into the broth then you pull out these short ribs only just the short ribs people you got to do a little bit of like Where's Waldo meat broth now at this point with the short ribs you can cut it up into bite-sized pieces which is what they say in the recipe I personally prefer shredded so Chris shred it up all of these short ribs and then stuck it into the fridge you could do a bite size if you prefer I'm just one of those people that think that shredded meat just tastes so much better so just me anyone else like that so now that the short ribs are out now you're gonna cook it for another three hours I told you this is a lengthy process you have to be prepared and then at long last late into the night Chris added in the last little remaining bits of sugar and salt covered it stuck it into the fridge overnight to let everything kind of really amalgamate so now that brings us to present-day where we get to finally assemble everything and make it up now so I got the broth over there to go grab it and there's probably gonna be a bunch of solidified fat on top so they say to take that off but reserve it because we're going to be adding it back to the heated broth later not all of it but some of it my goodness is so heavy this is what it looks like by the way it looks like Nash butternut squash all right I'm gonna go put this on the stove to boil up because I feel like Chris you're gonna want to bowl this right so I'm gonna let that heat up until it's boiling gonna discard all this stuff inside and then we just have that delicious fragrant broth and then we shall assemble so I guess slowly wait for that to cook Chris do you want to try and some of the chips you got yeah so when Chris went out and got a whole bunch of the ingredients he came across all these different flavored chips that we never tried before and so I thought it'd be kind of fun to taste test them on camera not a lot just a couple so we have plum flavored curry as well as salted egg oh yeah I'm into it chip Cheers milder than I thought it would be yeah it's good though very potato chippy and then like a hint of curry I could I could have gone for like a stronger curry flavor I'm honest I feel like that would get old after through the bag which I am going to get - all right fair enough all right a salted egg or so we switched up a plum plum is dessert all right I don't know well that's not like a second it's not even like salty like regular chips like I bet didn't know that this was salted egg I would just think like it's a fairly unsalted regular chip yeah like regular there's a hint of something I don't know why but it's just kind of a plain chips I'll go Carlo better yeah this is a beautiful package by the way it's very pretty you know pretty small it comes something sweet definitely sweet it's kind of like a sweet and sour sauce yes that's exactly what it is mm-hmm I can get behind that come to meet it is definitely on the sweeter side but I'm not it it's more of a curio though than a really good chick like the curry one that's a good check I like this sound like the grime goes loaded not so we have a start on that Doritos would you bring those back no that's not what I'm thinking that was a bacon cheeseburger or something yeah you can taste the mustard and like it was just kind of oh that's really interesting that tastes like a cheeseburger but I didn't want anymore but the nacho one I loved the nachos nachos yeah Doritos nachos not nacho cheese no no nachos if it was a chip that I was going to eat on a regular basis I would do curry plum then salted that would be my order you I wouldn't have either of those again voluntarily but these I like not playing games it's supposed to order huh you play the game I'll eat the curry chips can I hear the curry time I will I hope you enjoyed this little interlude in the middle of the video but I was hungry and I want chips so he dumped out all of the solids and now we just have the brah I started boiling some water for the noodles and prepared the bok choy and they said in the recipe to kind of peel it by the leaves and then in the actual video they just left it sort of as the whole bulb again this is them not connecting and then I took the short ribs the ones that we kind of had pulled apart and shredded in the video they had cut it up into like bite sized cubes and then seared it so I did something similar only its shredded into the bite size and then for blanching the bok choy there are two different ways that you can do it in the video he just sort of blanched the bok choy in the water where he cooked the pasta and in the recipe they said to do it in the actual broth and then the broth sound really good so that's what I ended up doing and then to assemble the bowls they said to take a tablespoon of the reserve that which felt like a lot to me but it probably adds a lot of flavor and you add that to the bottom of the bowl you put some noodles on top of that then we put in these short ribs as well as the bok choy ladle in some of the broth and then sprinkled some scallions top and now here we are we have the final product it smells absolutely phenomenal guys yes I know I say phenomenal it a lot but it's really good okay so I want it I want to do the first taste test that'll call Chris ruin I kind of want to get like a bite of everything if I can mmm like Bravo I need a spoon I want to try just the broth stir this up a little broth in here wow that is a really good broth it's so full-bodied it's got so much flavor to it and it's got that nice kick to it as well with the spices oh that's good okay so you want to come and try this I think you'll really like it this is the one that you worked I mean I worked so hard on it was a team effort that's right I helped you try the broth separately - mmhmm mm-hmm that's just so good like good hmm I made you a bowl - just so you have this one yes also yes tell me how like incredible that broth is that broth though mm-hmm so what was your favorite like I mean obviously that's our favorite so like in terms of like the amount of work that goes into each individual dish as a snack the cold noodles are tasty like then the second yes yes no like it's not that late nights not easy quick it's good like it really is good then then this is your favorite even though this took so much effort well yeah I mean it took time mm-hmm but it only took a bit more effort than the one hour one right because most of the one day one is just letting it sit so there's like a lot of chopping there's a lot of prep work that goes in there's a lot of ingredient is more work but you have a SATA berth like we have a water broth that the one-hour one you know two meals this this I mean I assume the broth will freeze foul I think my dad's got really like this yeah yeah and I like the fact that so much of it is done the night before they're not I mean they could be done in advance at any point right like if you wanted to do this on the weekend and then it was a lot less work they're gonna put together one thing I'll note is this isn't cheap either like this is five pounds of good short ribs is pricey relative to the ground beef one hour one this is this is much more expensive but you get a lot more you get a lot more and it's better but but it's not just time it is more expensive yeah I think they each had their own elements that I liked but now comparing this one to the one hour one one yeah I mean no no I think that my favorite was this one for sure and in like stark comparison having had both of them kind of side by side basically this one was definitely my favorite but yeah the cold ones they're fine they're like good it's it's snack Oh food like I was treating it like a meal but it definitely is like a snack noodle let me know in the comments if you have tried any of these recipes before if you have any tips or tricks cuz club is my first time making looks iffy if not all these and check out the videos on the side in case you have missed any recently I have a ton of different playlists that kind of grouped together a bunch of these like cooking videos and organization videos and all these different types that's it I'm going to join my noodles now so I hope you guys have a wonderful wonderful Saturday and I will see you all in my next video love you all not gonna sit any up my noodles I just realized this is that's customer chopsticks isn't gonna work as well this is what happens when you only have one pair of good chopsticks Oh
Channel: RachhLovesLife
Views: 663,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rachhloveslife, tasty, tested, tasty buzzfeed, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, 1 Minute Vs. 1 Hour Vs. 1 Day Noodles, noodles, recipes, noodle recipes, dinner recipe, cook, cooking, how to cook, bake, baking, how to bake, easy recipes, how to make, food, recipe, how to, food challenge, homemade, dinner, dessert recipes, do it yourself, dinner recipes, dessert recipe, diy, chocolate, easy, step by step, dessert, taste test, tutorial
Id: bw1FFG8IlIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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