TESTING Viral Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipes by Joshua Weissman, Tasty, Anna Olson

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- One of the most popular and most basic pastry is actually chocolate chip cookies. So I decided to try out three of the most viral chocolate chip recipes on YouTube, so we're going to be trying one from Tasty, the one that Chef Anna Olsen did and Joshua Weissman and Babish. Chocolate chip cookies is the type of pastry that you can... It's very simple. You can even do it with your kids. But just like any other recipe in the world, there's always that secret ingredient or that golden ratio how much brown sugar versus white sugar, blah blah blah. We're not going to have these recipes compete. We just want to see what their difference will be. They all went viral, right? So I'm pretty sure each recipe, each cookie will be delicious, so we'll just be checking if there's like a difference, if it's huge or not, or which one is worth trying so you won't explore it anymore. Just go for the best or the one that works for you. All right. So Tasty claimed this is the best chocolate chip cookie so we'll start with that. So the unique ingredient for their recipe is brown butter. Over low heat, just place your butter in a pan until it melts. So with this, since a lot of the solids, a lot of the moisture probably evaporated already and we need 225, we're going to add at least one tablespoon of water. Next up, brown sugar. White. I already put in my salt. And I'll mix it together. So another key ingredient here is coffee powder or espresso powder. So they say that espresso powder really brings out the flavor of chocolate. So I'll be needing two egs, one whole egg and one egg yolk. Keep mixing. And then, add your vanilla extract. So this recipe calls for two types of flour— bread flour and all-purpose. Bread flour has like more protein content. So it develops gluten faster. The all-purpose flour is kind of average so you can use it for like cookies, bread, or cake. Next up, baking soda. Fold it. Make sure everything's incorporated. So this is the type of cookie dough that you really have to rest before you use it. All right. So we will be using a combination of semi-sweet chocolate chips and chopped dark chocolate. I like doing combinations because it kind of gives you the different texture in chocolate. Make sure that it's well distributed so that every cookie has chocolate chips. Just like in all recipes that we'll be doing today, recommendation is to rest this overnight. But we are just going to freeze this for one hour which is probably enough time. So the next cookie recipe would be Anna Olsen's. We start off by creaming our butter with a combination of white sugar and brown sugar. Except with this one, where she want us to use light brown sugar. Its molasses flavor isn't as strong as the dark brown sugar that we used in the previous recipe. When you say creaming method, it's the act of introducing the sugars with the butter. It's like you're mixing them together until they become light and airy or until it's well combined. For this one, I want it to be just well combined just like how Miss Anna did it. Don't forget to scrape the sides and the bottom of your bowl just to make sure that everything is mixed. We are going to be doing this for all the cookie recipes 'cause this is like an essential step. All right. So next up, we will be doing just one egg. And with that, we will add our vanilla extract. I forgot the salt. All right. So the key technique for this recipe by Miss Anna is a combination of flour and corn starch. Let's also add the baking soda now. And slowly add in the flour. So when it comes to chocolate chip cookies or cookies, we don't want the gluten to be overworked too much. So the loose flour will be combined with the dough through just folding. Since our chocolates will be fold in, too. I'll add my chocolates. So this is just chocolate chips. Let's transfer it to the bowl 'cause we are going to rest this dough for an hour in the freezer. All right. So the third and final recipe is going to be from Joshua Weissman and Binging with Babish. First thing that we're going to do is flour. Same as Miss Anna, they added corn starch. Let's also add the baking soda. So we'll use a stand mixer so it'll be faster. Butter. It's already softened 'cause it's room temp. By the way, if you have like super cold butter, just cut it into small cubes so it'll soften faster. Brown sugar and white. Before, it was a combination of all-purpose flour and bread flour, but this time, it's a combination of all-purpose flour and cake flour. Okay. So with the eggs, they used five eggs— three egg yolks and two whole eggs. We're going to add our eggs one at a time. When an egg is incorporated, you can add the next. All right. So again, let's scrape the sides and bottom. So let's mix the cake flour and the all-purpose flour. Then slowly add it. Let's scrape it so there won't be a waste. So we will add chopped chocolate. Let it rest for an hour in the freezer or overnight in the chiller or fridge. Our doughs have rested for one hour in the freezer. Line your pan with parchment paper. Have a scooper here. Let's just flat it a bit. By the way, my oven is preheating at 350°F. And the size of this cookie, it's going to bake for around 12-15 minutes. There you go. So how will you know, aside from the standard time, how will you know if the cookies are cooked? So if the edges are golden brown, you're good to go. Sometimes you can't eat it right away 'cause it's super soft. So next is Miss Anna Olsen's cookies. All right. So her temp calls for 325°F. The first one that we did, the Tasty recipe was 350°F. Cookie number two by Miss Anna is done. A little bit paler than I expected. Okay. Next cookie. Chef Joshua Weissman and Babish's. Okay. By the way, this goes for 425°F. 10-12 minutes. So we're now on the last cookie. Also looks different. We'll cool this down and then taste it ourselves. So all three are done. This one is by Tasty. Miss Anna Olsen. Joshua Weismann. Let's start with the first one. So you'd think you'll taste the coffee, but no. It really just enhances the flavor. And the cookie that you'll get is also different when you brown your butter. It's really different and I really recommend that you guys try it for other pastries too. This one is like the more familiar cookie. Maybe like the ones that we see in cafes. It's good. Crispy outside, chewy on the inside. By Papa Joshua. They say this is like their Levain cookie. Okay. You know what, that's where you'll see the difference. Like here, the combination is bread flour and all-purpose, that's why it kind of has a bite to it, while this one was combined with a bit of cake flour so it's fluffier than this one. But we should always just base things on how you like them. Like in life, never look at someone else to compare, just look at someone else when you want to learn from them, right? We'll just focus on the takeaways. Let's not be the type who compares themselves because it's just self-sabotaging. So anyway, I love you all as much as I love these cookies. Until next time.
Channel: FEATR
Views: 44,662
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Keywords: erwan, heussaff, thefatkidinside, featr, cookies, cookie recipes, joshua weissman, tasty buzzfeed, anna olson
Id: Nqmr2Cyrj-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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