Testing the Cheapest SUV Tent on Amazon!

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Hi everyone. So a couple years ago, I started an SUV  RVing Facebook group and it's grown to about   15, 000 members. It's a large active group. If you're  interested in that, I'll put a link to it in the   video description, or you can just search for  SUV RVing on Facebook and you'll find it. But I bring that up because a lot of people post about  SUV tents. They have questions about tents; Are they   worth getting? There are various types of  these tents, but they all basically attach to   the back of your vehicle. Some go down onto the  ground, some just stay above here and hang from the   the rear hatch. I have no experience with these. I've never used them, I've never really wanted   to have experience with them because it's just one  more thing to do once you get to camps, just one   more thing to set up. But I wanted to try it out  just so that I have the experiences so I can share   it with you guys, and so I went on to Amazon and  bought the cheapest SUV tent on Amazon. That's what   I have right here. I'll put a link to this also  in the video description. This was I believe 79 dollars. Comes in two versions and I think it also comes  in a couple different colors. I think there's a   black one, this one is tan because it matches  the kind of sandy tan color of my car here but   the two versions of the tent are for big SUVs and  small SUVs. Because this is a big SUV, I got the big   version. I think the small version is about, what  was it, like ten dollars cheaper something like that. And so I've come out here into the beautiful  mountains of Idaho. I found this campsite. There's a   you can probably hear it, there's a creek right  here, right next to camp. Gives some nice ambiance here to the video and to to the campsite. I've  come out here specifically to set up and test   out this tent. Let's start! I've never taken it  out, I've never used, it still has the tag on it. I don't know anything about it, never set it up,  so let's see how it goes. Okay. let's take it out. Plop the stuff sack on the ground. I don't think  this comes with any poles, I think it just uses   the structure of the rear hatch here to hang from. I believe there's some straps. Okay a couple of tent stakes and some cord, some white paracord  kind of stuff. These have these little adjusters   on them. I don't know if you can see that but  it lets you adjust the length, the tied   off paracord. Little stuff sack for the tent  stakes. I'm seeing lots of straps and hooks. I'm just trying to wrap my head around which  end is which on this thing, give me a second here. Okay, I think I've figured this out... maybe... possibly. That did not work. I don't think there are  instructions that come with this. Yeah there are no instructions and there's no picture. And I remember reading that on the reviews on  Amazon, there are no instructions that come with   it and, I bought this like a month and a half  ago so my memory's a little fuzzy on   how this gets set up. Just hang on with me here,  bear with me here I'll figure this out. Starting to come together. I think that's it! And so we have it, and I have to say, it fits pretty darn well! This is not  made specifically for this vehicle. This is just a generic SUV tent but it's a really good fit. It took me about 10 minutes   to set this up and again, that was with fumbling  around not knowing what I was doing, not having   any instructions. At some point in this video  I'm going to take it down and then put it back   up again. I think maybe after I show you all  the features here, all the bells and whistles, I'm going to do that. Take it down, see how long it  takes to take down, put it back up see how long it   takes to put back up now that I know where all  the straps and everything go.   This is, by the way, not sponsored by this company. I  bought this thing, they did not send it to me. And so here we have on the back here one  big door. You can see the zippers right here. And so this can open- all the way up so you could get in or get out this  way. That's nice And this is all mesh back here. This is all no CM mesh, it's a fine mesh, better  than what you'll find on a lot of bug screens so that's a plus. There is this little awning part  that I have rolled up I'll take this out in a   minute, but this can this is just like a basically  a piece of fabric that can extend out this way   as an awning, or if you want to completely weather  seal... well I don't know how weatherproof this thing   actually is, but if you want to weather seal  this as much as possible, you can zip it up here   and here so that the the mesh is covered  up with the with a more waterproof fabric.  On the bottom here are several straps. These  are elastic straps and on the end of each one   is a plastic hook. I'd feel better if these were  metal. I suppose you could probably change that. You could switch them out. So there are a couple  hooks here. There are two hooks on each side for   the tires and then there are I think three or  four hooks along the bottom here with again with   the elastic straps you just attach those to things  underneath there and overall it creates a pretty,   actually, surprisingly decent seal around the whole  thing. I realized also that it came with several   of these little magnets, they were attached  to the tent stakes. These are not very strong. I imagine these are to, you know, if you have a  gap here or something like that you could, you   know, stick that there but I mean it is such a weak  little magnet. That's not going to do anything if   there's any wind. Any wing comes through it'll just  pop that thing right off. And then on the top here   you can see there's some paracord, so I actually  added that after inspecting it, the paracord here   is mine. So there are - let  me get up here - and show you. There are these loops here, but there were no  cords, there was no cordage attached to this to   to anchor the top. I think it would probably  be okay without that, but I had this   tan paracord, which surprisingly matches the tent here, so I just used that to tie off to the   to the back end of the the rail here. And then  again I did the same thing on the other side. Now let me undo this and I'll see   how it goes, see how it works.  Like I said this can be secured. There's another zipper on either side. Not bad, not bad. And then on each corner of the  bottom of this tarp part, of this awning part, there's a little webbing loop and a little  plastic ring. So that's what you use to tie out this awning part and for that I'm  going to use this white cord that came   with this thing. This is the lightest, cheapest  feeling cord. Oh there are four pieces. I thought   there were just two of these of these pieces of  white cord but there were four. So you could use   two of them to do what i did on top there then use  the other two as tie downs for this awning part. And now I'm going to take down the  whole thing, see how long it takes. Put it back up see how long that  takes. Let's start my stopwatch now. Well... Doesn't fit perfectly back into the bag here. I wish the bag were a little bit bigger. Maybe if you take the time to, you know, fold it in the  right places and tightly compress it as you roll   it up and then slide that in, you know, maybe  that could work, but in reality I think most   of us are just going to try to stuff the thing  in here. And I don't know if you remember at the   beginning of this video, but even then even when  I got it in the mail, it was sticking out of the   top a little bit here, so that's good enough for  now... and let's now set it back up. That took... four minutes. One minute of that was rolling  up the awning thing so if you're not using that,  three minutes. Now let me start  it again to get it set up. Well that wasn't pretty, but that took four  minutes 45 seconds. If you knew what you were doing, you could do it in three or four minutes. I  still do not know what I'm doing, but yeah. Either way, doesn't take too long to get it set  up, even if you're fumbling around like I am. One   thing you don't want when you're camping in a  tent of any kind is loose fabric, loose material. Stuff like this because if it's windy this  is just gonna be moving around all night, fluttering around all night, and it'll be loud. I wish there was a way to secure this better, then as far as the looseness of the tent  itself goes, I mean it's loose but   it's not too bad. I think, let's see, oh there  you go there's that does that sound bring back terrible memories of being storm bound in a tent  for you? Because it does for me. Yeah you don't want that sound. Well let me show you the view from the  inside here. Right away, the first thing that I notice is just how much more airy it feels in here. So usually again I have this back door closed and   I have the rear window open which takes up about I  guess this much room, but this is, I mean, this is so   luxurious feeling, so spacious and I feel much more  connected to the outside. Like I can hear the creek   much louder and I'm getting much more airflow  from this versus having the the rear window open, which, of course is, I mean you'd expect as  much. This is a huge a much larger opening   than just the rear window, but that's pretty  cool. One thing to note is that these seams   do seem to be sealed. There's like, I don't know  if you can really see it, but there's seam tape   that's gone over here, so there should be some  degree of waterproofness on those seams. I don't   know how much stock I would put in  that. I wouldn't want to trust my life to   to that being waterproof, but I think that  in most downpours you'd probably be fine. Now this isn't really the kind of tent that  gives you more living space, it's really just for   ventilation and to feel closer to the outdoors, to bring a little bit more of the outdoors in. If you do want to get more living space by  adding a tent, again, there are tents that are like   regular tents, but then there's a tube  basically of fabric on the side of the tent   and that tube goes around the back end of your  vehicle of like a minivan or an SUV like this. If this video does well I might buy one of those  on Amazon and test it, so if you like this video   you want to see more stuff like this, give this  a like. It snowed on me   earlier today, but I think we're mostly done with  the bad weather, so this isn't going to be like   a comprehensive all-weather test of this  thing. I just wanted to bring it out on a trip, set it up, give you guys my first impressions, see how I liked it. I don't think I'm going to   be using this very often on my trips. I  think I'll probably use it occasionally,  if it's like super hot outside and I want maximum  airflow, if I have an awesome view back here maybe   I would set this up so to just give me like a more  open window, a broader look, a better look at that   view. I'll continue to use this occasionally  in the future and give you guys updates on it, but yeah, I think it's time for dinner. I'm  gonna go ahead and enjoy my peace and quiet   for the rest of the night here and my pieces  of pizza and I'll see you guys in the morning. Good morning I slept really, really  well last night, I got about 10   hours of sleep. It was fantastic. Before  I talk about the tent though and how   it all went, I forgot to show you the creek  yesterday. It's just right behind camp here Really pretty little creek. Basically the tent worked as expected and there  were a couple of things that I wanted to touch   on here. The first is that I don't think any bugs  got in now there aren't a ton of mosquitoes out   here at this time of year or other bugs, but there  are some and I don't think any of them got into   the car through the tent so that's  a plus and second, it was much colder in the car   last night than it would have been if i had just  opened up the windows in the car without putting   the tent on. Now that's not surprising, that's  pretty obvious given how big of an opening, how   much air there is and so that can be either a good  thing or a bad thing. This time of year, I mean, it   got down below freezing last night, it was  chilly. I stayed plenty of warm with my sleeping   bags, but the inside of the car I could just tell  it was colder than it otherwise would have been.  In the summer, that's awesome. If you're camping  in the desert, great. If you're camping higher up   in the mountains or in the shoulder seasons, then  maybe you might not want that that abundance of   of cooler outside air coming into your car. Overall, cool little tent. I'd say it's worth 80 dollars. If   you get a handful of nights out of it, I think it  would be worth it. I don't know what the long term   durability is of something like this. I'm  guessing not great. One thing I did want to   show you is on top of the tent here. There's  dew or condensation on top of the tent here. It's 9:37, the sun has been up for a little while  now and so it's been burning off the water on   top of there, but pretty soon here I'm going to be  packing that up and putting it into its stuff sack   and that is one of my least favorite things  about tent camping is putting away a wet tent in the morning. Just wrangling with all of that  wet nylon is not very fun. Now if you're the kind   of person who stays at camp for days at a time, then yeah, all of the water on there will probably   burn off by the end of the day, so that's not a  huge issue, but again if you're packing up camp   in the morning, that is something you're going to  have to contend with probably more often than not   unless you're in really dry climates, unless you  are in the desert. I think that'll just about do   it for this video. I'm gonna break camp and  get out of here. Overall I could see myself   potentially using this in two circumstances; one if  it's raining a lot but I want to have some airflow. Like in the past, when I've opened up that  that back window in the car without the tent and it was raining a lot, some water did get in my  sleeping bag was a little bit wet in the morning,   so something like this would help with that. And  then also, like I said yesterday, if it's really hot   and I want a lot of airflow then I would open up  both the side windows and the back there, put that   tent on the back, get just a lot of airflow going, try to get it as cool as possible inside. I'd   say that something like this is worth getting if  it fits with your camping style. It doesn't really   fit with mine because again I like to to pull  into camp and be done and in the morning I like to   get up and go without having to mess with a tent. That's to me the appeal of camping in your vehicle. But you know everyone is different everyone's  style of camping is different and if you are   interested in this kind of thing, then yeah, I  mean it's a good little tent for eighty dollars. I'll keep it packed away in the car or up in the  cargo box and I'll take it on trips with me and   if I encounter a situation where I need to  use it then I wouldn't hesitate to pull it out.  I hope that was helpful, again, if you want to  check out the link for this tent I'll put that   in the description down below. Thanks  for watching. Let me know what you think,   let me know if you have any questions, and I'll see you guys in the next one. Be sure to check out adventure know-how my  new site where you can gain access to a map   of all of my free campsites plus monthly  bonus videos that you won't find anywhere   else. Learn more at adventureknowhow.com and  for links to everything else SUV RVing related,   visit suvrving.com. Links to these sites  and more will be in the video description.
Channel: SUV RVing
Views: 135,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: suv camping, suv rving, travel, road trip, camping, camper, vanlife, vandwelling, truck camping, adventure, hiking, suv tent, tent, amazon, cheapest, idaho
Id: 0SOWuXya4Vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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