I Built the Ultimate Off-Road SUV Camper! (FULL WALKTHROUGH)

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hi everyone in this video I'm going to go over my 2000 Toyota Land Cruiser and what I've done to it to turn it into the ultimate at least to me the ultimate off-road Adventure Camper to basically show you the finished product first here is the side the front the back the top and the inside I'm gonna make this video as detailed and comprehensive as possible and so it might be on the longer side and so what I'm going to do is put on the screen here and then also in the video description down below a table of contents basically with timestamps so if there's a particular section you're interested in go ahead and jump directly to that spot so I think that for this build to make sense I need to quickly go over my camping style how I use this thing and how I plan to use it so usually it's just me camping sometimes my wife comes along but usually it's just me but I wanted something that was suitable for two of us in case she and our dog did come along and I don't live out of this full time but I do spend between two days and a month camping in my cars at a time and so it can be weeks that I'm in this thing or just a quick overnight trip it really just depends on the trip I think it's also important to understand how exactly I'm camping so I don't stay in one spot for a week at a time or two weeks at a time I'm in a different campsite every night I'm out doing things during the day I find a campsite an hour or two before Park and I'm hanging out just inside and then the next morning I leave at around Sunrise if not before so I'm not like setting up a whole little mini compound here right it's all kind of in here I wanted it to be quick and easy easy to set up or no setup once I get to a campsite as I said this is a 2000 Land Cruiser and I made a whole video about why I chose Land Cruiser so I won't go into too much depth about it but I bought this with about 145 000 miles on it that is relatively low for a Land Cruiser these can last you know 300 400 500 000 miles they're extremely durable rugged overbuilt over engineered they're really tough cars that's why I wanted it but uh that means that they hold their value pretty well this was not a cheap used car if you want to buy one of these with a lot of miles like 300 000 miles you'll still be spending at least ten thousand dollars if you want one with lower miles you're looking to spend 15 or 20 000 than if you want one with things done to it you're gonna be spending more than that so it's it's not a cheap car I love this thing but one reason not to get it is that it guzzles gas it is not fuel efficient with this V8 motor it gets about 11 to 14 miles per gallon we're talking 11 if we're going 80 miles an hour on the interstate going up hills on the interstate around town we're looking at 13 and if we're cruising at 50 miles an hour we're looking at about yeah 14 15 somewhere in that range I bought this with a lift this has a two and a half inch old man emu lift with 33 inch tires I'll put the exact tire specs on the screen here they are BFG ko2 tires which are kind of the standard off-road tire and this car also had improved suspension a modern stereo with carplay and Android auto and a backup camera it also came with these really nice and currently very dirty WeatherTech rubberized floor mats both on the front and then behind the uh the front seats here one of the first things I did was add a full-size spare tire to the back so this is the exact same Tire that's on the rest of the wheels I also got all the windows tinted the front windows are at a 20 tint and the rear windows are all at a ten percent tint the the lower the number the darker The Tint and I wanted this for privacy reasons so people couldn't see my stuff inside and also for heat reasons I've noticed that it's a lot cooler inside here with tinted windows which is really nice I also added these deflectors to the window so that I can roll the windows down a little bit to get some airflow and not get rain inside I added these seat covers which fit okay and they look only okay I don't love the color I wish they were closer to the factory color the seats in here were actually in really good shape the whole car was in a really nice shape when I bought it but I still wanted to put seat covers on at some point I'll get proper seat cover specifically made for a Land Cruiser but those are like three or four hundred dollars these were 50 or 60 off of Amazon and so they're good enough for now I also added this little computer this is called a scan gauge two I mounted it with velcro to the top of the steering column here works great and I wanted this because this gives me an accurate reading of my current miles per hour because these tires are bigger than what came on the car and so the odometer isn't accurate I mean you can get that changed but I thought it would be easier to just get this little computer in here you can calibrate it so that it's accurate no matter what the tire size is and so I have mine saying four different things I think it's current speed current miles per gallon average miles per gallon and then gallons per hour I think you can cycle between a bunch of different things they're like 20 or 30 options to choose from those are the ones that I went with and I really like it it's great having the digital speedometer there even if I didn't need to recalibrate it for this car I like having the digital readout instead of having the little dial there so now let's go to the platform which is kind of the main attraction here this is where everything starts so it's an eight inch platform that I built with my cousin first I had to take the seats out this is a three row seat vehicle the back seats were already out they're pretty easy to to put in and take out the second row of seats uh took about 15 minutes to take out wasn't too bad just needed a socket wrench and it was fine so I removed all of those and then my cousin and I built this platform took a full day to build this this particular platform doesn't have drawers it doesn't you know the drawers don't open like this I don't want that kind of platform because that can only be accessed from the back from back here and I'm sorry there are so many mosquitoes out if you hear me swatting or see my hand swatting uh it's because I'm being swarmed by mosquitoes and so I wanted to be able to access the things underneath the platform while inside the vehicle and that's why I built it like this let me set up the camera and show you this platform opens this way and it has these these Stoppers here and so this means that I can access this stuff under here while I'm over on this side and then I can move over to this side and access the stuff under here so I'll have just a ton of storage space I'm using maybe half tons and tons of storage and I can still access stuff from the back in addition to doing it while I'm inside because again if I'm at Camp I'm inside I don't spend a lot of time outside it's most useful for me to be able to access the stuff while I'm inside the vehicle this is built out of I think 5 8 inch Baltic birch plywood really nice wood also kind of pricey it's a I think 130 dollars a sheet and we use three sheets I think we could have gotten away with two sheets but we messed up and tried a few different things and so we were happy to have the three sheets you can see it's not straight across back here it's kind of contoured a little bit both right here and then also right here and that's so that when it's lifted up the back can still close otherwise it would be scraping up against the closed back hatch here so it took again a little bit of trial and error to get that the right shape but it works really well and I like having this little area in the back I call this the garage we'll get to all this stuff in a minute I just want to show you the platform itself and focus on the platform here again because of the shape of the inside of the vehicle here so back here it curves it curves right here so from this point where we stopped where the wood is right here it curves out so we couldn't bring it straight back and so that's why it's back about that's a good 10 inches right there and I actually really like this space to just put random stuff stuff that I use a lot this is a battery charging station for my filming and then this obviously is toilet paper it's always nice to have that super accessible super handy then I can put wet things back here like I've put my wet or muddy hiking boots back there this is just like a cheap shelf liner stuff from Walmart the insides of the bins or of the uh the platform both sides are not lined it just goes down to the carpet there there are two separate mattresses here and if we move the sleeping bag aside and the mattress aside you can see I have locks on each platform door these are cam locks from Amazon and they're all keyed alike so each door each side has two locks in it one at the back and one at the front so one here one here one here one here one key locks and unlocks all of them these are really nice to have for security so that I can leave the car with you know camera gear or whatever I have back in there and also when going down really bumpy Rocky Roads the back sometimes rattles it'll rattle against the frame you know these doors here will rattle that's not great and so being able to lock the doors means that that doesn't happen as much and then also if I were to roll the car over to crash the car all my stuff that's inside of here won't go flying around and hit me in the back of the head and kill me if I lock down the platform I sleep with my head at this end at the back right here where the pillows are the pillows are inside the sleeping bags here let me get inside so you can see exactly how big it is and and how I fit inside and everything like that so I'm 5 foot 11 and just for the purposes of showing you here right now how I fit in here I'll put my head at this end instead of at that end like usual and so like this I still have a good three or four inches of Headroom and of course if I wanted more I could move the front seats forward here and then I can't sit up completely I can sit up with my neck bent a little bit so here I am um and so usually what I do is sit against the back door here like this I can sit with the pillows behind me and I can be on my laptop or I can be reading or you know writing doing whatever and it's pretty comfortable uh back there the platform goes from here from the back to about a foot behind the front seats and we'll talk more about all this stuff later as for the beds and the other sleeping stuff like I said I have two mattresses one here one here each is 24 inches wide each is from Amazon I took some cheap sheets from Target and kind of folded them over lengthwise like a taco and then sewed them and also sewed that end and so what I have here it's a little sleeve that I can insert the mattress into and it's for some reason very hard to open this right now there we go and then at the end I put button snaps so I can secure the the foam mattress pad in there links to all of the things that I show if I can find links to them will be in the video description so to the mattress and to the million other things that I've shown and will be showing you guys here's a closer look at the button snaps you can get a little 15 tool to to put those on fabric they're called cam snaps and then as far as the bedding goes there's a sleeping bag two sleeping bags one on each side this is like a cheap one from Amazon this is a slightly nicer one but still pretty cheap this one's probably 40 degrees I think this one is probably about the same maybe 50 I don't remember to be honest they're both synthetic on chilly nights I'll just use one sleeping bag on cold nights like last night when it got down to 31 degrees so it was just below freezing I slept in this one with this one around it so both sleeping bags together work really well and I have three pillows in the car I have two normal sized ones just regular pillows one here one here during the day I put them inside the sleeping bags to keep them under control to keep them out of the way and then the third pillow I have is a little travel pillow just a small little guy I think it's in here right now and then underneath the bedding underneath the mattress is this black thing that you might have noticed this is called Den dry and it's anti-mold stuff so what it does is that it it basically gives you a an Airy an air permeable barrier underneath your mattress underneath your sleeping bag and that makes it harder for mold to grow in my last car where I when I had a very similar kind of platform set set up and build I noticed that I started to get a little bit of mold there and this is such a nice platform I don't want to have to rebuild it and I also don't want mold I bought this from Amazon I think it was I don't know 100 110 dollars and I cut it into a couple of different pieces so there's one length here same on the other side and I stapled it with a staple gun to the wooden platform for window coverings as far as privacy goes I have curtains I have curtains on all of the windows except the windshield I have just a normal fold up sun shade for the windshield and then all the other windows have curtains right now they're all rolled up so the first step when putting curtains up is that you need to figure out a way to hang the curtains you need something to hang the curtains from and so I have you can see right here you see this pretty well I used shock cord which is like paracord but it's stretchy and I put that all around the interior from this front left corner all along the top and then all along the back and then all along the front right to above the front passenger side and I hung it off of and you can see I tied it to this thing I have it tied along and two grab handles there are a bunch of grab handles in this car you can see I tied a piece off right there and so it goes all along here and for each individual curtain so I think there are seven curtain pieces in here one for each of the windows so there's one that goes on the front right side one for this window one for this window one the cover is up this and then one for each of the three side windows so seven curtains it was a lot of sewing I sewed them myself this fabric let me undo one of these to show you so during the day they're rolled up and they're held in place with these little gray Velcro straps and I went with gray for everything or tan for everything because I like how big and open and bright and Airy this car is big windows and I wanted it to be light and so I didn't want to use black I don't need black I don't need blackout curtains I just don't want people to see me inside or see what I'm doing inside so as long as the curtains are down you can't see what's going on inside the car and so these are little one wrap velcro strips if the camera will focus there we go so this wraps on itself and so this comes down and then there's one there are two or three of these for each curtain which makes it a little bit tedious to especially rolling them back up that takes a minute but I don't do all of them at every campsite usually I just do the side that's you know facing the road so this is a rip stop nylon it's like a grayish silver very thin rip stop nylon and again this is kind of hard to do one-handed much faster with two hands so there you have the curtain covering up that back left window and I don't really want the curtains to be just dangling straight hanging straight I want them up against here more and so that's what these are for these are little gold binder clips and so I can just attach the edge of this to the seat belts and that works great I attached the curtains to the shock cord so there you can see the the shock cord it's kind of a khaki color I attached it with more of those cam snaps so I just folded it over so this just snaps off it's folded over and then it snaps on for this particular window I usually keep the the cord above the grab handle above the grab handle like that covers the window better and if I'm feeling lazy and I don't want to take the time to actually roll this up which doesn't take I mean it doesn't take that much time like you're watching me do it in real time right now and then you just use those velcro straps what you can do is just kind of stick it up here behind the shock cord and that does the job if you want to leave Camp pretty quick in the morning without trying to make everything look nice this is the front passenger side you can see how I've anchored the end of the shock cord and you can see I also used one of those golden binder clips right there in the middle to kind of direct the flow of the shock cord and so I just took the binder clip and stuck it stuck the the wire part of it in between the headliner and the plastic trim piece and it was able to to get that cord to go right through it I had to do that a lot for the the back the back window curtain too you can see this one you see the the top of the binder clip right there and so again that directs the shock cord from down here up otherwise it would go straight across like right here but having those binder clips takes it up which is nice so this is where I store the front windshield sunshade and then I have some bug spray and sunscreen right next to it super compact foreign [Applause] works great and then on the two side door windows I have bug screens more or less always attached so I made these out of no see a mesh I bought just a couple yards of the fabric and then I cut it to size cut it to basically fit perfectly this window and again I have the same thing on that side and they're held in place with these flat magnets probably I don't know 15 magnets all together for each one got a lot of them so I can roll the window all the way down the best part is that I can pull into camp and right before I turn off the car I can just lower these windows if the bugs are really bad I don't even need to get out of the car I can just crawl in the back I'm sure a lot of you guys have camped in really really buggy really really mosquito infected areas and you get out of the car and and mosquitoes just get in and so being able to just roll the windows down is is just awesome I have a renergy 100 watt compact solar panel on top of the cargo box there the wiring for that goes around the left side of the cargo box comes down this way because I open it on the right side so I didn't want that over on the side that I open it on goes down underneath along the crossbar to the other side and I have it kept in place with some zip ties right there some like 200 pound UV resistant zip ties the cable so I haven't drilled any holes to get the the solar panel cable into the car it goes down alongside the channel here along the inside Channel it does not get pinched on the when the rear door is closed which is really nice goes down goes underneath so it goes underneath here and goes underneath the car and it comes up into the car through a grommet so if you were to to remove the the carpet or pull the carpet aside you'd see a metal hole in the the body of the car with a plastic grommet in it we might so my cousin and I he helped me with this a lot we routed the cables up through there out between the carpet and the trim along the side of the platform to the main power station which is right here this is a jackery Explorer 1000 and I charge it both from the solar panel and while driving it cannot be charged simultaneously so I switch the the 12 volt plug that I charge it from is actually inside of here there's one in the center console for some reason and so I have that coming out here and it plugs into the jackery when I'm driving and I added this little USB this little mini USB hub here so it was easier to access those USB ports because they're kind of hard to to get to down there to try to plug something in so that just makes life easier and this essentially I mean almost exclusively Powers the fridge which we'll get to later the fridge is behind the front seat the front uh passenger side seat here but I want to stick with power for now so that's that jackery that's the main one that can also fit and I've done this before I did this on my last trip that can also fit behind the front driver seat I can fit right here so for example if my wife were to come with me on a trip I would move that to up here to free up the room for her to sit there but I like it better up that way I like using this as a spot to put my shoes and toiletries and things like that and then you saw earlier I think I mentioned this jackery this is a jackery Explorer 240. this is the battery charging station this charges while I'm driving there's another 12 volt cigarette lighter socket right there and so it charges this guy whenever I drive and so this charges my main camera batteries it charges the GoPro batteries and the Drone batteries and then it also charges my phone at night so this cable right here is this cable right here that has three different plugs on the end there's micro USB lightning and USBC so that's handy Sandy to have all those nearby and yeah really nice setup I like having the separation I like being able to just put the tailgate down by the way I love love love the tailgate you can stand on that you can cook on it it's awesome anyway yeah it's nice to have the redundancy of two power stations I got both of these for free from jackery I also have a jackery Explorer 1500. that I use in my other Adventure car my RAV4 and so I figured I've got them I might as well use them it's great having two and if I wanted to I could just unplug this and take it out you know out to the lake to pump up an inflatable boat or something like that you know you've got options when you have a smaller more portable power station that thing weighs a ton I mean you can move it but it's not fun to move this one super easy to move I mean it's it's small let's talk about food water and cooking so for water I have this thing this is a two and a half gallon jug with an electronic little pump on it I can turn it around and I've I I think by the time this video that you're watching goes live I'll have a video showing how I made this I kind of cobbled all of this together but it's awesome press a button and the water comes out so what I use this for a lot is refilling water bottles so I have this one big jug and then I can refill my smaller water bottles and on top here if I turn this around it has different presets so 300 milliliters 501 liter so I can take an empty one liter bottle stick it under here press that one liter button and it'll just fill up that thing automatically fill up the water bottle automatically and then it'll stop once it gets to a liter super cool I really like having this and it's portable you know again you can take this outside you can use it to wash your hands wash dishes whatever you want to do but mostly I use it to fill up empty water bottles and then that brings us to the fridge which is a little bit covered up by the end of the mattress here but it's not a big deal I'm gonna still opens and closes just fine so this bridge or this uh this fridge is not fancy it's not a Dometic it's not expensive this was about I don't remember I'll put it on the screen here the the exact price on the screen around 250 I think the brand is joy tudis which is just a kind of a generic Chinese company that sells things on Amazon they make just a ton of different things and they happen to make a little portable 12 volt fridges but I really like this fridge so far let's see if I can move the mattress back so you can get a better look at it nice little fridge it's quiet it does the job it has a magnet along the ring here so it kind of along the the rim so it it snaps shut nicely my last fridge did not do that I don't cook a lot on my trips I eat a lot of stuff that's just easy to make so sandwiches yogurt vegetables so the the I have a lot of drinks in here and then so that's all the the fridge food the dry food is in this bin right here this is from Walmart see if I can open this for you it latches shut and I have in here dry food which for me mostly consists of hiking food so nuts granola bars you know got some pecans right there jerky dried fruit so that's basically all my food and my water as far as cooking goes again I don't really cook on my trips I I don't enjoy it I don't want to spend the time doing that and so I do have a stove I have a little one person or not one person a one burner backpacking stove I'll show that to you here so in general this side of the platform is stuff that I access and use fairly often this side of of stuff that I have stored underneath the platform the stuff that I don't use as much so on this side here I've got let's see can you see this I'll show you everything else in a minute but let's stick with the the cooking for now so in this bag right here I have some cooking stuff and let's go over what I have in there this bag has a couple different categories of things in it but as far as food stuff goes I have this silicone bowl that I've stuck a fuel canister in that is difficult to get out right now all right so here's my little bowl fuel canister this fork knife spoon combo I also have some some disposable Cutlery in the car here that's uh I think it's in the glove compartment so it's pretty easy to access but I do have this reusable stuff too and then this is the main the main thing so this is a Stanley little pot that I got from Walmart I've used this thing for years probably six years I love it it's awesome the pot has a little handle that folds down has a little lid that just fell off with the handle on it I'll get to this in a second that's the stove but I have a mug in here this is an insulated mug and then I have the last thing if it'll come out there's a little mini fuel canister so it all fits in here this fuel canister this bigger one is a spare you can see the size difference there so this is the little stove just a super cheap again generic Amazon one a little stove here unfolds screws on to this and then a plate and this is a little 12 volt electric tea kettle basically it's an electric water heater you can unscrew this put water in and then screw it back on put it on this thing and plug it in to a 12 volt Outlet works really nicely and then I forget how long this takes I don't use it a ton but I like having it in case I want to heat up water for tea or hot chocolate or I don't know I don't really eat cup of noodles but if you wanted to you could use it for that too handy thing to have let's go to showering and toiletries and things like that so this bag also has that gear in it I have a microfiber towel quick drying towel I have this shower I've made an entire video about this shower so I won't go into too much detail but this is a three liter Platypus Bottle the little ball valve on the end and then this is a soda bottle lid or cap with some holes in it that I poked and so you can just leave this outside or you can put hot water in it if you want and then hang it from I hang it from the top of my car or from a tree turn the uh the ball valve here and have a nice little shower this is the one shower thing that I use I have another one that I'll show you in a second here uh generally I'll I'll take a proper shower like an RV park or a campground or a Rec Center about once a week on my travels but I like having this also I do use this and also just wash my hair a couple times a week apart from the the real shower so I'll use this to wash my hair also as far as my main toiletries go like my day-to-day toiletries I keep those on the other side of the food bin so that bag right there has my toiletries in it and I also keep my shoes there I have this as a pea bottle this is a the Walmart version of a Nalgene bottle I hate it I will be buying a real Nalgene bottle I thought this would be fine it's not it's not great it's hard to open sometimes it's just like flimsy and it's it's not great so that's that and this thing is pretty cool this is my What I Call my second shower let me unclip it here and bring it out and show you so this is a one and a half liter Nalgene bottle with a little pump and sprayer sort of thing attached to it so I use this one brushing my teeth to you know clean off the toothbrush and also to rinse out my mouth and then so the way this works you pump it and then it has three different nozzle functions let me see if I can get it to focus a little bit better here so it'll spray a mist like that then if you loosen it a little bit it'll spray out as a single stream and then if you take it off all the way it's a little triple Stream So three little streams of water and so that is what I use to wash my hair I can sit this in the sun put it on the dashboard while the car is parked and just rinse off my hair really cool little thing and again links to all these things are going to be in the video description also for keeping myself clean I usually have baby wipes or some sort of wet wipe to you know rinse myself to or to rub myself down with I don't have any with me right now I forgot to bring them on this trip but that is something that I use again throughout the week just to get the dirt and grime and stuff off of me really helps in between the real showers so on the left side here which is easiest to access if I unplug the little jackery car charger if I put this up uh right here I have some more toilet stuff I showed you my shower things and these are my actual going to the bathroom toilet things right here and so first off I have a shovel to dig a cat hole to poop into not to put too fine a point on it I also have these plastic trash bags which I'll show you what I use these for in a second and some kitty litter a little bottle of kitty litter and then my actual toilet is right here super compact I've made a video all about this so I won't go into details but I'll I'll set it up here and show you what it looks like really quick this is what it looks like just in normal mode I can sit on it just like a little stool which it is it's a stool that I modified but then to use it as a toilet these slide over like that so imagine these as the seats or as a toilet seat basically I put the plastic bag in there you know open up the the edge of the plastic bag so it goes around the toilet I put some of that kitty litter in there I do my business put more kitty litter in tie it up wrap it up toss it up in the cargo box on top of the car if I need to works really well again I'll put the video of this thing in the description speaking of the cargo box let's move to things up on top of the car here this cargo box I bought used for about three hundred dollars it is the what is it Thule adventurer box it's pretty long it's pretty big but it's a pretty long pretty big car so not really a problem it is uh it's not half width it doesn't take up the full width either it's like two-thirds width and it's just I mean it's big it's it's kind of cavernous I'm surprised at how much it can hold this is kind of an older model and you can tell you know it's not like all swoopy and made out of carbon fiber or anything like that it's it's an older cargo box but that's what I wanted actually because I wanted to be able to mount my solar panel up there and I've done this on several of my vehicles I've driven a hundred thousand plus miles with a solar panel on top of a cargo box it it's rock solid I love it uh you know between my three cars I've driven a lot with a solar panel up there and uh I again I've made videos about how I attach this to here basically there are these little Z bracket things you can buy from Amazon for 10 or 12 dollars and I use that to to attach the two and yes I do drill holes in to the cargo box itself but that's not a big deal I have a two-person pack raft which you've seen in my videos before I have two backpacks the red one is a hiking backpack this kind of grayish one right here is my fishing backpack hence the net and also for showering going back to all that stuff I have this thing this is a pop-up privacy tent right there and then I also have my recovery boards in here along with another fishing net another landing net and my wading boots for fishing but yeah I have the recovery boards in here I may move them at some point to the other side let me show you what's on the other side of the cargo box here it's this this is a four gallon Roto packs fuel can and it's full right now and it's pretty cool I like this thing I couldn't figure out a good way to mount it the crossbars which you can see right here I'm holding myself up onto the car with it and then the other one is right there they're too far apart to just be able to like strap this directly to the crossbars and I can move these but I wanted them far apart for the benefit of the cargo box so the cargo box was more stable and so I put these other bars up here so these are Thule cross bars they're kind of old they're not fancy but they came with this cargo box when I bought it so I thought oh I can actually use those so these are these are crossbars and they're just going between the other crossbars so I attached them in parallel like this and then I can strap the gas can to it this is a ratchet strap super super solid really happy with this setup here and I mentioned that I might move the recovery boards to be over here and that's something that I'm considering I can strap both the recovery boards and the gas can up there like together um I've tried it it didn't work out super well but I'll keep trying it I'll try other configurations maybe I can figure out a way to have both of them up here but for now I mean the the cargo box is so big that it's not a problem having the recovery boards in there okay now let's get into emergency and Recovery gear so I showed you the recovery boards I showed you the extra gas again when your car gets 12 miles to the gallon it's nice to have some extra let me show you the other recovery and emergency gear I have really quick here so this is a portable jump starter I really like this one I've used it a couple times this is an air compressor Hatchet jumper cables this little bag here has tire repair stuff in it so I have one of these tire repair kits the plug things then I have a couple different fix-a Flats in there moving that aside and here these are my toe straps and like shackles heavy duty stuff to pull me out or for me to pull someone else out this can slot into the hitch receiver on the back of the car if I need another hauling or Towing Anchor Point good stuff there this is a a siphon with a little brass ball valve on the end there this is my tool bag I won't open it up it just has Tools in it nothing too crazy I have two different Jack actually I have three Jacks so the jack that came with the car is kind of in this side interior panel right here uh you can access it with the platform here but I'm not going to show you it's just in here it's a basic scissor jack this is a floor jack this is a three ton floor jack that goes up to like 18 or 20 inches pretty high which is important when you have a lifted large vehicle this is a bottle jack this is a 12 ton bottle jack that I just bought from Harbor Freight basically I'm terrified of not being able to change a flat tire if I'm in the middle of nowhere on like a really bad dirt road I want to be able to change the tire and so I like having multiple options I like having multiple Jacks here and then this isn't anything emergency or recovery related that is a box of Walmart plastic assorted Cutlery and then in the center console interior compartment here I have bear spray and I have a first aid kit and again this shovel here this little shovel that I can use for digging cat holes is also helpful if I need to dig the tires or dig a dig snow or sand or mud out from the tires to clear a path for the tires I have two different fans one of them is in this bag that I've kept out here this is the toiletry uh like the shower bag and the cooking gear bag I also have a fan in here this fan has a clamp on it I can clamp it to any of the grab handles over here so in front of the two side windows that I keep open at night I can clamp it there and turn it on it has three different speeds it has low medium and high it can be charged with USBC or micro USB which I like and it has a built-in battery there's a built-in battery I think in this part and so just on the battery alone it can run for I think like six hours on high in about 20 hours on low but then you can also plug it in and run it straight from that while it's charging which is useful so there's this fan the second fan I need to put this thing down to show you it's in the compartment the built-in compartment back in here so on the rear right side of the car there are these built-in compartments there's this long one here then there's the smaller one it's partially hidden right here so this one has a fan in it these are the blades of the fan and then this is the fan The Hub the main body of the fan itself let me show you how it goes together and this is USB powered so it uses very little power I can plug this either into the the little jackery in the back or the bigger one in the front this cable is long enough to reach both places and I've used both it just depends on what I feel like doing so these just plug in there you have it let me show you how I hang it the back of the Land Cruiser has these three vents in it to get some air to the the third row passengers that would be back here I've tied these little pieces of of shock cord the same stuff that I used for the curtains I've tied these little Loops in each one I'll show you a close-up of that now so there's one of those in each vent and I can hang stuff from it including the fan so I can hang that there so it it does hang down and so if I were sleeping on this side I wouldn't want this like right in my face because if you were to sit up then uh you'd get clipped in the head but while it's just me in here I sleep on this side and so I can have the fan over on this side and then you need to get the the cord out of the way the cable out of the way so I usually route it through one of the grab handles like such as and then let's say I want to plug it into the little jackery in the back here I can unplug that and then plug in the fan it has an on off switch that's really the only setting I'll turn it on and there you have it voila it puts out a surprising amount of air and so with this fan here and then the other fan eclipsed to one of the windows it's a lot of airflow it's really nice at some point I might so let's close this here I might make a mesh screen for the whole back so that I could open this up and by the way there is a trigger or like a a lever inside here so I can open up this rear hatch from the inside let me see yeah right here so it'd be nice to be able to open this and then have this be all mesh but that's kind of complicated because I also want to be able to access stuff from here so I need I would need to be able to like reach through the mesh to get to you know the under platform storage and so you know there are ways to do it it'll just take some time to get that all put together so that's the fan or the fans let me show you the lighting and for that we'll open this long compartment and here I have a few different things there's that there's this and I'll show you these in more detail in a second and then there's this so this is a headlamp pretty self-explanatory the camera is not focusing little solar Lantern I need a third hand little Lantern this is from Walmart I like it nice little Lantern and then this is actually kind of similar to The Fan it's a bulb a light bulb I usually hang it right there and then on the other end USB and so again I can plug that in there and this one has a few more controls actually so I can turn it on or off so let's go up here on off on off if I keep it on this button right here I can cycle between colors so this is white light this is a very warm yellow light this is in between and cycle between all of them and then I can make it lighter or brighter so I'll put it down I don't know if you can really tell on the camera that it's getting more dim and then now I'm making it brighter I really like this handy little thing to have and I probably will be getting a little USB hub or splitter to give me more USB ports like I did with the front jackery so those are the main categories of things I've done to the car there's one final category that is everything else and that covers everything else so let me start showing you everything else so in this back right platform I have a bunch of tinkara rods tinkara is a Japanese style of fly fishing that I enjoy a lot I have a second YouTube channel that's all about that style of fishing it's called tenkara addict go ahead and check that out if that sounds interesting to you in the back here I have other camera gear like this is my drone in here these are batteries this is all accessible easily accessible from the back while I'm outside got a couple of lenses here this big mesh bag right here is my dirty clothes bag these are my clean clothes with socks and underwear over in here but yeah I've got shirts and then shorts and pants right there some books back here are the jackets I have I think three jackets back there this bag I've already shown you that has the toiletries and the fan and the cooking stuff in it then there's another bag that's basically the same thing it's kind of underneath it this this lighter blue one right here not super interesting that's more camera gear and more electronic stuff I'm a YouTuber I have a lot of camera stuff and I think that's just about it on this side up in the front here I have a sunglasses holder that will hold two sunglasses I really like this thing I like having multiple pairs of sunglasses because again I like having spares I like redundancy and I break and lose and scratch them a lot right here I have a paper towel roll it's on a thing that is made specifically for paper towel rolls to like attach I mean for this purpose to attach it to a headrest or to like the back of a of a camp chair it's okay it's fine a bungee cord is probably just as good but um you know whatever this is a little bit nicer because a bungee cord will will pinch like it'll pinch the the edge of the paper towel roll a little bit more I have used bungee cords in the past this is better but it's not like miles better and then I have a trash bag that is also attached to the headrest using these little hooks and then I have a bag of tissues I have a little vacuum here this is a cool little thing someone in the SUV rving Facebook group said that they used this to go after the mosquitoes to get in their car which I thought was a brilliant idea so I bought it it's a cool little vacuum it actually works pretty well I need to use it to clean out the car but I have used it also for mosquitoes I've gotten a couple and I'll use it more tonight because I guarantee there are mosquitoes in here after having the car doors open for the last couple hours the seat covers by the way came with headrest covers too and again they're okay they strap on they don't look great but they get the job done and then I have a phone holder this is a vent mounted one with a little magnet on it so let me show you how that works I have a metal plate on the back of my phone that rectangle and so I can just attach it there that's my wife and dog isn't that a great picture and this one is kind of cool because it can adjust so it can be right in front of the vent or it can be off to the side of the vent for example if it's really cold outside and you have the heater going you probably don't want your phone like right in front of the vent so having it off to the side like that helps a little bit I'm not completely in love with this I don't love vent mounted phone holders in general I feel like there is no perfect phone holder and so this is the the least terrible one that I've found I do have a lap desk this is usually in here kind of behind the Jack and underneath the tool bag this was super cheap it's not fancy the legs go up like so that's like that so I can use this inside I can you know tie flies for fishing or I can be on my laptop or if I want to cook back here if I want to do stuff back here I can put this just right here to because this is just carpet but I can have this with the legs folded under just as a as a cooking surface on this car each door has a little light in it and these turn on automatically when you open up the door as far as I can tell there's not a switch to turn that off there is a switch to turn off the overhead lights and I've done that so the overhead lights stay off but I wanted the door lights to turn off too and so I just took a screwdriver kind of pried this off and there's a little bulb back in here I just removed the bowl I yanked the bulb out so this door light does not open I still need to do this for the other doors I was just testing it out to see if it would work to see if I could do it and yes it does work I can do it so I'm going to go ahead and remove the bulbs from all of the doors at night when I'm not wearing my hat I use the armrest here it's kind of a nice little built-in hat hanger and then finally for my license plate I got this like little silicone license plate frame thing instead of the usual metal ones that I've used in the past got good reviews on Amazon and apparently you know it doesn't it's it's flexible so if it bends it doesn't stay in the shape that it's bent in so I guess we'll see how that goes and you might notice that my license plate is six five four three two one I did that because I was tired of trying to remember my license plate number and I didn't care about what exactly my vanity plate said and so I just got these numbers and so I get a kick out of that every time I need to write down my license plate at a Trailhead or like at a at a state park sometimes when you enter a state park you need to write down your car information or like at a motel you know things come up when you need to write down your license plate or remember it I really like having that number I think it's a lot of fun all right guys it's getting dark I'm exhausted my throat is parched from all this talking let's wrap this up I hope I'm in focus by the way I don't know if I am or not but uh and I hope that this this light isn't flickering I've Never filmed with this little USB light bulb in here before when I filmed inside in the past I used this little Walmart Lantern and it flickers on camera not in person just on camera that's kind of annoying I don't know if this is doing that or not overall I love this setup I love this vehicle this is my favorite car I've ever owned I love the platform I love the gear I love where everything is I just really like everything about my setup in here which makes sense I did it you know I built it I put it all together like this and so it makes sense that I like it but um it really is great for me I just remembered the one thing I didn't show you guys is my chair I do have a camp chair it's underneath this side of the platform let me know if there's anything I left out anything that you would add let me know your favorite parts of the build let me know what things you would change and uh yeah I hope you guys enjoyed seeing the tour I'm exhausted this took a lot out of me and it's almost dark now I hope you can see things I hope the video was was clear enough if you liked this video be sure to subscribe to the channel to see the adventures that I go on in this vehicle because that's really what it's all about right like I think a lot of people get so caught up in the rig and in the build that they forget that like there's there's a purpose to it all at least for me it's all about the adventures that I can go on um you know what this car what this platform what this setup allows me to do and so if you want to see those Adventures be sure to subscribe to the channel I'll also continue to post videos and Adventures with my other car my 2011 Toyota RAV4 Adventure mobile and I have a back catalog of 400 videos if you want to see the kinds of Adventures I've gotten up to in the past I think you'll be able to find something that you find interesting or entertaining or enjoyable thanks again for watching and I will see you guys soon in the next one be sure to check out Adventure know-how my new site where you can gain access to a map of all of my free campsites plus monthly bonus videos that you won't find anywhere else learn more at adventurenowhow.com and for links to everything else SUV rving related visit suvrving.com links to these sites and more will be in the video description
Channel: SUV RVing
Views: 220,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: suv camping, suv rving, travel, road trip, camping, camper, vanlife, vandwelling, truck camping, adventure, hiking, land cruiser, toyota, 2000, 100 series
Id: EtYmShchqqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 35sec (3515 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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