Testing Scary Minecraft Myths To Prove Them Wrong

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these are some of the scariest Minecraft seeds of all time starting with seed 21166 players have reported being attacked by a living tree while traveling the forest playing on the sea so let's check if this one's true okay I'm not seeing anything unusual in this world but the tree is meant to oh wait what is this I'm pretty sure this is just a buried shipwreck but let's just check it out to make sure okay or maybe it's not a shipwreck I can't seem to find the ship anywhere yeah that is weird uh where did the logs go there was just logs there a second ago I'm sure of it you guys literally saw it I'm not crazy if there is a living tree it's probably in the forest over here okay you can't tell me you guys didn't see that I swear the water was just turning red for a second okay we're going into creative I'm a little scared now not going to lie wow there's a village over here maybe we should check that out this Village seems perfectly normal other than the portal going through this house right here yeah I'm sure that this is a coincidence especially this one block up here look at this guy he's trapped in the house all right let me help you out buddy wait what where did he go also why is there a bunch of tree blocks in here did a tree spawn in the middle of this house or do you guys think the living tree put this stuff here okay that noise might have been him telling me that I was right yeah we're getting out of here okay guys that water was definitely red like you guys can't tell me you didn't see the red water there well at least he can drink the red water and instead of drinking me I guess but yeah guys in the original story it said that the tree lives inside of the forest so enough is enough we're checking out the forest if there is anything weird in this Forest it's going to be really hard to see because of all the trees around here so you guys need to keep a lookout for anything strange in case I don't see it hold on do you guys hear that it sounded like someone was breaking wood and it definitely wasn't me I mean this is what it sounds like when I break wood and is that Redstone in the walls okay I'm 99% sure Redstone cannot spawn here something is up wait what was that what just happened how was it night time right now what just happened I swear it was just day okay I'm really not liking this there's a lot of sounds a lot of weird things going on wait what did I just see over there watch until the end to see what happens next is seed theophobia which is supposed to be a seed where everything in your world is trying to kill you this is the seed of wealth than out of phobia that's kind of what the word means so everything in the seed is supposed to kill me all right Pig kill me come on kill me okay it's not working if this seed is correct the pig should be trying to kill me right now oh my God I almost fell in that hole that is a really weird hole to just be there isn't it like usually lava doesn't spawn with a random hole leading to your demise that better not have been you pig trying to kill me with the lava but yeah let's get some tools what I might be wrong but did this cow just hit me nah nah it had to have been just like a skeleton or something that is hiding now come on out skeleton I know you're in here I'm not looking for you buddy why do you keep following me nah you know what actually um why does the cow have infinite health I'm telling you something is weird with this world the cows are invincible and following me Pig's trying to kill me something is up but we still have no proof I mean these could all be coincidences right so I think we need to find something that is a little bit more likely to kill me than a pig or a cow we need a sheep but not just any sheep a red sheep because a red sheep is way more likely to try to kill me than any other kind of sheep so we'll get a flower from over here and we should be able to craft this thing into some red dye come here sheep boom and now you're red kill me sheep you can do it or maybe not for a seed where everything is supposed to kill me nothing is really killing me wao what was that okay not really sure where a dripstone would have come from maybe the sky is trying to kill me yeah that is so weird there's literally nothing up there and it just dropped from the sky I don't know guys the red sheep didn't work the cow and the pig didn't work I might have to say this one is busted but wait what is that over there how did I not see this before was this even here before okay now this is weird I've seen Villages before but never have I just seen a single village house in the middle of nowhere like this yeah this is so strange is is anyone even in the house hello anyone in there okay that is not the floor of a house that is in fact death somebody needs to get some insurance because something happened to this house this is not okay wow one more step forward and I would have died and just as I was about to say this seed was busted okay we're going to go down here but we have to be careful I'm not taking any chances if there was a giant death hole in the house who knows what could be at the bottom okay and it's just a normal cave at the bottom this is so weird I wonder who put this house here it must mean I'm going in the right direction I'm going to put some blocks at the entrance right here just in case I back track so I know where I am you know what's really weird about this cave the fact that I haven't seen any hostile mobs in this cave at all like a cave usually has a ton of mobs in it but this one seems to have none okay why are there a bunch of dripstones on the roof like this am I crazy or does this look exactly like a dripstone trap waiting to happen like if I was under here someone could just break one of these and boom I would be dead yeah I'm just going to take care of these real quick I've been traveling this cave for a while now and there's been no luck like if everything was trying to kill me this would be the perfect place for it to happen hold on a minute is this not the entrance to the cave from earlier wait how did I end up going in a circle I swear I don't remember backtracking at all but I know this is the entrance because of the blocks I put here and also this giant hold on a minute why is there lava coming from the entrance to the cave okay now this is really weird how would lava just randomly spawn exactly where I entered this cave okay we need to find another way out of here I am done with the seed I did have my suspicions at first but this confirms it the seed is definitely out to kill me yeah we just need to find an exit out of this cave right now I swear I'm hearing noises right now as well that definitely weren't there before come on where's the exit to this cave it feels like it's just endless come on exit please hold on what is that why is there a villager and why is he naked hello random villager what's going on man surely you know a way out of here right like you're going to help me right why is he just staring at me menacingly wait hold on it's a death villager oh my God the Villager the house it's all making sense now never trust a villager yeah this seed is definitely real do not play this seed unless you want to get killed because what just happened coming up next we have the seed of the Endless desert it is said that when you create a world using seed desert with numbers like this there will be an infinite desert yeah this is not a desert we spawn in a Plains I guess this is myth busted then but wait there's also a chest right here though did I turn on starter chests why would I turn on starter chest there's no way I did that and yeah we got some starter stuff wait is that a saddle okay I'm 90% sure you can't get a saddle from a starter chest and I don't think I even turned on starter chest to begin with this is so weird whatever I guess we keep exploring this Plains maybe it will turn into a desert let's pretend that the grass is dead bushes right now and I'm breaking dead [Music] bushes okay wait tell me why there is camels inside of a pl's biome I'm telling you camels do not spawn in a Plains is this a new 1.21 feature like what's going on I'm not even on 1.21 there just should not be any camels here maybe we can use one of these guys though hey man you want to set wait where did they go I'm telling you guys there was literally just three camels right here how did they do disappear like one disappearing that would make sense two of them now that's a little weird but three disappearing something has to be up with this seed well I guess we just keep exploring then weird things are happening on the seed but none of them seem to be desert related at all it could be possible that we just haven't found the endless desert yet maybe it's like a back rooms type of thing you have to fall into it but yeah there's nothing else really weird going on as of right now like let me know if you guys see anything weird I feel like if the seed is supposed to be cursed we should be seeing it is that a desert well okay yeah apparently there's a desert well in the middle of this Plains first we had camels and now we have a well but this well isn't telling us how to get to the infinite desert oh well you guys get it maybe we throw a piece of gold into the well kind of like how people throw coins into fountains we got to go into creative for this come on gold bring us to the infinite desert okay it just did nothing that is lame maybe we could try diamonds diamonds is the best offering I have now show us the desert uh did anyone hear that if I look up and there's a desert all of a sudden I'm going to leave the world okay there's no desert for a second I thought that sound actually meant something I guess it was just a cave noise or something okay at this point I'm probably going to have to say this one is busted I mean I've been looking around for a while and I still have yet to even see a desert the desert things in the plains is the only real evidence we have of this being true and even then those could just be a glitch or something oh hey we found a yellow sheep aren't these supposed to be r or something wait yellow sheep that is not something that can spawn in Minecraft like I've heard of a pink sheep but yellow no that's weird there's just one yellow sheep oh wait the Sheep died what happened to him he was just fine a second ago who killed the yellow sheep why would you do this oh well I'm sure that was just nothing nothing to be concerned about just a yellow sheep dying in the middle of nowhere totally normal day out here okay that is not supposed to be here like camels maybe that's normal a desert well a little strange but a whole pyramid yeah that is definitely not normal maybe we finally found the entrance to the endless desert okay why is there more yellow sheep inside of this pyramid what is with these yellow sheep let's check for anything weird on the top before we go down into the bottom I know there's a secret room in here that was added in 1.20 so we can check that out okay nothing really weird so far yeah nothing is really weird with this room it seems perfectly normal what about on the sides here oh wait why is this blocked off usually there's an entrance here so what's behind this oh there's a bunch of diamond blocks I wouldn't exactly call this scary this is more like exactly what I would be looking for if I started a new world like yeah just give me these free diamonds thanks desert temple and there's also more blocks on this side of the temple but this time they are gold well this is more of a secret room seed than a scary seed I guess but we still do have one more place to check the bottom of the temple now usually there's a TNT trap down here with some chests but after seeing those two rooms who knows what will be down here yeah it just looks the same as usual we got four chests with normal Loot and the pressure plate do I dare step on the pressure plate guys what do you think is it a good or a bad idea to step on this pressure plate all right whatever let's just do it let's blow up the cursed desert temple okay it just blew up like normal guys so I guess this seat is busted nothing weird is going on here wait I was not in a desert before I would definitely remember if I found a desert before this because I was literally looking for one forever also why am I no longer in creative and why am I no longer able to Sprint luckily I can just fix that by running the command again endless desert thought it could get to me but yeah this definitely looks like an endless desert and the person who found the seed also reported finding some kind of glitched camel I don't know if that was the camels from before or if it was something different but we are not sticking around to find out I was able to make it to the the endless desert that is enough for me to believe this one is true I mean if there was glitched camels we would definitely be seeing them by now while flying around here but no it's just all desert which is honestly quite creepy I can see why this seed would be scary what happened in the forest earlier I'm telling you I just saw something unusual in the trees over there this is so bad this Forest really has me feeling like I'm hallucinating now I'm sure there was nothing there it was probably just a zombie or something considering that it's night time what's up with this tree right here I swear this is not normal can trees fall down in Minecraft or is this man-made this kind of reminds me of the Shipwreck thing from earlier which just randomly disappear okay that is not possible more random logs on the ground and then they just disappeared again what is going on in this world and I had no way okay I'm telling you I definitely saw something this time there is no way something is definitely in this Forest okay maybe if we go back and then come back again okay that's sound was terrifying yeah if there is something in this Forest we don't want to find out I'm getting out of here come on let's find an exit to this Forest why is it so hard to find an exit to everything in these seeds there's just trees everywhere does this ever end maybe this is the seed of the Endless Forest this is terrifying I do not want to wait is something following me what is this noise it sounds like something is definitely following me I am not turning around for this whatever is making this sound I don't even want to know oh no I think we might be hitting a dead end oh never mind we can can just go up here was this sound just this pig no way that the pig was making those sounds it sounded so much different than pig sounds all right I don't know everyone was hyping up this living tree and the whole time it was really just fake the seed is busted guys there is no living tree in the forest just some scary pigs and some misplaced wood Minecraft isn't a scary game uh that's not me it's a photosop so naturally when I saw this video about making the most terrifying Minecraft mod I had to give it a try to see if Minecraft can really be scary so there's two versions of the mod regular and nightmare mode now obviously you already know which mode I'm going to go with okay fine I'll do nightmare mode so obviously we're going to play this mod in hardcore mode because why wouldn't I make the horror mod even worse by adding hardcore that sounds like a perfectly good idea right so I'm just going to do some normal things like cutting down trees and hopefully we don't run into this guy I don't really know anything about the mod yet because I didn't watch the video in order to make it even more scary so I have no idea where this guy spawns all I really know is the mod is called noises so I'm assuming he spawns in a cave so that's exactly where we're going and by the end of the video I want to kill this guy that's the goal and obviously now that we have some stone tools the next place I'm going to go is get some iron at least that's what you would think I'm not going in there yet instead I'm going to look for some food and we don't want any of this food this stuff is bad quality instead we need to find some of the best food in Minecraft if we're going to survive this guy o is that a pink sheep how did I just find a pink sheep naturally I swear I didn't put that there maybe this guy's good luck he'll protect us from the cave monster I'm not going to lie even though I know he only spawns in caves I'm kind of scared I'm going to run into this guy on the surface already but I still have yet to hear any cave sounds so I'm pretty sure I'm fine stolen goods this is the best food in Minecraft I'm sure the villagers won't mind that I'm literally taking all of it all right and let's check this house o we got some decent stuff what was that noise I'm pretty sure it was this guy using this but I don't know that's kind of got me scared I'm not going to lie I've never heard that noise before all right let's quickly kill this guy and now we actually have a decent amount of iron so I'm I'm going to make a pickaxe and I'm going to get some wood and I'm going to make a shield cuz we're definitely going to need this against him now for the last iron I'm just going to make a helmet so at least we have some armor going into the caves now I have no idea what we're going to need to defeat this guy but we're probably going to need at least full iron armor I'm assuming he does a lot of damage so the best place to look for iron is in a cave it's also the best place to die to the cave monster but that won't happen I'm I'm sure of course we got to find a cave first there's absolutely no way I'm digging down with this guy in the game can caves even spawn in jungles I swear I've never seen a cave in a jungle I might just be looking in the wrong place it's also turning nighttime which is kind of scary because I don't know if this guy can spawn on the surface the mod says cave noise but that really doesn't tell me anything about if he spawns on the surface or not also we're in hardcore so there's going to be a massive amount of mobs I need to find a cave quick okay and here's our cave there's also a m shaft down there that isn't scary at all all right we're just going to slowly go down at first I don't want to go too deep and also we're going to need torches because I turned full bright off for this I'm not really seeing any coal up here do I want want to go down there I'm just kidding I'm definitely going down there I don't care okay maybe this wasn't a great idea get some of this guys come on I'm worried about the cave Monster not you guys okay I just want to make some torches guys come on okay and we got some torches that's really good I still have yet to hear any noises all right let's just keep getting iron if we have full iron I feel way more confident against this guy I'm not going to lie I keep looking around everywhere making sure I'm not getting jumped okay we got 18 iron that means I can make full iron that's huge I have a feeling if he's going to be anywhere he's going to be in this m shaft so we're going to check that out out next so there's a mine shaft down there ooh and there's some diamonds too we're not really looking for that we're looking for the cave monster and now we're in the M shaft and all I'm really seeing is some normal mobs here not really seeing anything in this m shaft either I think maybe we're going to have to go even deeper if we want to find this guy so let's just go get those diamonds is he really going to let us get these diamonds I mean come on all right let's get the diamonds and it's only two I mean I guess we just make a sword cuz we're trying to kill this guy maybe we need to start going even crazier maybe I need to stop using torches okay there's no shortage of random zombies dropping from the sky yeah maybe I stop using torches okay so it's absolutely dark over here I still have no idea where this guy is you think this is the perfect place for him to spawn but I still haven't even heard any noises so I don't know I guess we just keep caving then maybe we can find more diamonds cuz the more gear we get the better chance we have against this guy at least oh and there's literally more right here by now you'd think I would have heard a cave sound but I still have yet to hear anything maybe this mod really isn't scary okay I honestly thought that was him but it's just a witch I don't even know where this guy is the mobs are scarier than the cave monster I swear I just saw someone over there okay now that's kind of scary I swear I just saw someone over there I actually have no idea could have just been a creeper or something it's definitely fine okay I definitely am not hearing things you had to have heard that there's no way I am not going in that direction I don't know if that was a glow squid and I've just never heard them I'm still not going that way I know I said I wasn't afraid of him but now I don't know where I'm hearing footsteps too we actually got to get to like an open area here I don't want this guy jumping me out of nowhere oh and I see sunlight here that's definitely a good place to be right now we're definitely going to go back here there's definitely nothing wrong with this world right now everything is normal here okay I'm not hearing things I for sure just heard that that way I don't know what that is but I keep hearing it like I'm going to head back over here cuz this is where I heard him originally maybe he's over this way now running towards him probably isn't the best idea but I mean at this point we got to do it okay I definitely heard that again fine it's fine got this zombie and we got torches all we need we're about to not have this zombie maybe he's up here cuz I see water coming from this yeah maybe it is glow squids n that is that is not that is not glow squids and we're also I definitely didn't die as seen by my new found durability in that message in chat proves I didn't die I would never die there's nowhere to go guys I just want to go back like that that sound right there making me want to go to the surface but I'll stay in the cave why not yeah that is not sounding very good I will tell you that does not sound great how are we going to kill this guy like we just stay here if we want any chance of killing him it's an open area I me he could jump on our head but that's about it okay he's got to stop with that oh my God that is him that is him okay he's probably not that bad how much damage does he do no that's not bad okay there's not much I can do there's honestly not much I can do there well at least I have cheats on I mean this is this is totally legit I'm playing hardcore real I don't know I feel like I could have killed him if the lava wasn't there but his hit box is like really small I don't know I will say it kind of scared me when he spawned in I won't lie like other than that he wasn't that bad I think we can definitely kill him though and he's already coming back he already wants us and I guess we just fight him in an open area I guess probably the best chance oh he is back already he just has no hit box okay he's got to be dead no way he just has zero hit box all right I means certainly we can kill him this time there he is he does have a hit box I just can't hit him he's actually unhitable he's unhitable I'm actually not sure if you can kill him like I swear he's unkillable that was so weird I guess it's time to resort to another method we need to trap this guy clearly the sword isn't working out don't mind me I'm just mining coal I hope no scary monsters come out okay I I actually hope it come out what was that I'm not even actually in a cave there's daylight mining coal nothing to see here okay this cave does not look like a good place to fight him but whatever we're just going down okay this place looks better it's like a goat horn noise there's no way these are real cave sounds right wait is that a left-handed skeleton isn't that rare oh he is here let's try this and it actually works he's just in the boat I bet he didn't think of that what are you going to do now watch him teleport out of the boat all right let's see if you can actually that creeper actually almost fumbled that I'm pretty sure I can't even hit him in the boat okay now I can hit him but see it just stops working so weird am I just bad okay and we killed him kind of that wasn't I guess that doesn't really count as killing him we're definitely going to have to kill him the legit way right now oh he is out wait he's not he's not chasing me why is he not chasing me all right this is just a Mickey Mouse kill honestly oh now he's upset dude wait where'd he go the noise he makes is so scary I can barely hear myself talk over this all right let's go in for the sword oh my God he's so fast okay and that scream after all right I guess we technically killed him legit I mean he was standing still for a little bit of it but still I'm going to count that and as for if this is the scariest mod or not it definitely was pretty scary at the beginning but after encountering him for the first time it really isn't that bad I will say I'm now permanently scarred from this mod though because every time I hear a Minecraft cave sound it will never be the same okay we are not going anywhere near that a couple months ago I made a video on the scariest mod in Minecraft and since then a completely new cave dweller mod has been released that is supposedly 10 times as scary so just like last time I decided to be the judge of that here we are in a brand new world and apparently this mod is way scarier than the last one so in order to make it worse I'm using shaders so that my caves will be very dark which is definitely going to end up being a problem later in the video so let's collect some wood and some stone make all my stone tools the usual Minecraft stuff and our goal in this video is to make full diamond armor I am not allowed to leave the cave until I'm either wearing full diamond or I'm dead I'm really hoping it won't be the second one but with what happened last time I'm not very confident but confidence shouldn't matter as long as I have enough gear to survive the cave dweller so I went on a mission to get some food and what better place to get food than a village first things first we got to get rid of this guy I could really use his iron and now we need some hay bales looks like I found the only Village that comes with no hay bales but it doesn't really matter though because there is some conveniently placed food right here and now I'm just going to smelt some of this iron we got and we'll make a shield and a pickaxe now let's smelt the rest of this food and we'll get a bucket of water because I do a lot of jumping all right now we're pretty much set up to go into a cave and once I go into this cave I am not allowed to come back up until I'm full diamond armor or of course the second option which I don't want to talk about the first thing I'm going to do in here is Get Some Coal because it's going to be super dark with these shaders and yeah I guess we're just going into this cave okay creepers already you guys aren't the monster that I'm supposed to be worried about like actually please go away we might as well get all the iron that we find down here as having some armor would be pretty useful and it seems this cave has come to an end so I have to dig down okay that is not really what I wanted okay I just got jump scared by a zombie to be fair he fell on top of me how was I supposed to expect that still no sign of the actual cave monster though I remember the old one making a lot more noise as long as he gives me time to get full iron I guess I don't know why I'm mining gold we don't need gold but we do have enough iron now so let's just put some iron into these furnaces and now I'm feeling a lot safer so let's go find some diamonds I'm not going to lie the scariest part about this mod right now is the fact that I haven't heard the cave monster yet like did I forget to install the mod again okay this is a giant cave which is honestly more scary than a small one and that is exactly why it's more scary than a small cave that is definitely not a normal Noise Okay zombie now is not the time I have a cave monster stalking me only thing we can really do is keep exploring the cave I guess well we could just stand still and do nothing but that won't help us find diamonds I'm also not sure how we're going to find any diamonds considering how dark it is in this cave I've probably ran past so many already okay it's been a while since we heard that noise maybe I actually got away from him and I was just talking about how I thought he was gone and now he's back but at least we found our first vein of diamonds and it's just a one vein meaning we still need 23 more okay we are not going anywhere near that I don't know if you can even see that on the video but he was literally right there what am I even supposed to do can I just wait him out by sitting here okay no I'm not going back out there I'm just going to strip mine to another cave there's no way I'm dealing with that all right I've been strip mining long enough then I'm ready to go back if he's there I don't even care anymore I'm not scared of this guy okay he's not back here anymore wait what was that that is definitely not a normal noise yep that's definitely him okay he's literally right there I know I shouldn't go back but I got to see this again and he's just gone that is so weird well at least we didn't die oh and we also found more diamonds and we found even more bringing our total up to three yeah I'm not sure if this full diamond thing is happening but as long as we just have peaceful interactions with him just like the last one we should be fine that doesn't stop the fact that I'm still terrified though but that's all good okay of course he's in the only part of the cave that I haven't been to yet I guess I'm just going to slowly dig down to make sure he isn't down [Applause] here okay my pickaxe is about to break so I'm making a terrible investment we are now back down to zero diamonds all right we just got to leave this bunker there is no way that I'm getting any diamonds from here yeah he's not even here it's just a skeleton I wonder if this is what exploring an actual cave feels like okay this is crazy how are we going to find the deep dark when we are also being followed by the cave dweller we're about to have the cave dweller and the warden in here okay the jump scared by random mobs total is up to two now honestly less than I expected nah we're getting out of here I do not want to be a part of whatever that is he can stay down there wherever he is because we are not dealing with that right now I really don't need you attacking me right now this is a bad time okay I've been around this whole cave like five times I think we're safe up here but he definitely spawned or something because that was not the same noise from before all we need is 24 diamonds which is exactly where we started and at this point I'm pretty sure it isn't even a lack of diamonds it's just a lack of eyesight because of these shaders and I just got jump scared by a regular mob again come on diamonds stop being the rarest ore in the caves we're also running dangerously low on food I'm about to have to start eating rotten flesh okay that is a terrifying noise I'm blocking in for this one I don't know what that is why is it so long how is it still going yeah we're just going to sit here for a second I am not ready to face that noise oh at least we found some diamonds it's always a one Vin I'm just being cursed by the cave dweller or something after that last noise I am not stopping for anything we are just running at this point okay and we found more diamonds and instead of one this time we got two that's great all right it appears am out of food so it's time to dig into our rotten flesh more deep dark we are not going this way okay it looks like our only option is the deep dark actually maybe the warden will help us fight the cave dweller so it might actually be a good idea I keep feeling like I'm hearing noise because everything is so silent ooh there might be food in one of these chests nothing and we actually got some food let's go okay it appears he's not happy that we were able to eat and he's literally just right there yeah that's not terrifying at all I hate the fact that he just stalks you and he doesn't actually attack he kind of makes me want to chase him for some reason but I'm going to use my brain and just avoid the area that we saw him in which is probably the best idea and it's just the only way we were able to go so of course he would spawn there well hopefully he's not still here okay he did leave us some diamonds and it's just a one Vin again at this point we are just stuck down here the only way out might just be to die to him it's not looking good at this point another one Vin that is awesome I also feel like I'm starting to backtrack in my cave but I just don't have enough torches to be placing everywhere okay this is a much larger cave I'm pretty sure I haven't been here yet there's got to be diamonds in a cave this big there's no way I literally can't see anything at the bottom here but I definitely just have to jump down oh and we found more diamonds just another one vein which brings our total up to six okay it's that scary noise again the one that lasts for way too long it makes you immediately box up since I'm able to make a piece of diamond armor I might as well anything to help us fight against this guy and I swear I can hear this guy breathing am I going insane okay there's just way too many mobs out here why is there a giant water pool here that I can't see these shaders are honestly half of the experience I really can't see anything down here come on there has to be diamonds this cave is so big we're almost out of rotten flesh it looks like we need to farm a little more and we're also almost out of torches that will definitely be a problem if that happens I've never been more scared while caving this is actually insane I just don't understand where the diamonds are this is actually crazy okay why is there just a zombie with a sword if that thing hits me it'll probably kill me please don't blow up the food okay I'm kind of busy right now so how about we just don't why is this zombie just waiting for me to leave this is where I heard him but it's really just the only way that I can go this is just kind of looking like the end right here we got no food and no torches oh my God and we're just dead I threw my pickaxe trying to press one he just gets me at the perfect time when I'm not paying attention that's actually crazy I had no idea he would be there I guess that proves it this mod is definitely scarier than the first one if you want to play this mod I put a link to the mod creators video in the description but I don't know why why you would want to play this I'm going to be afraid of caving forever now this is the least realistic that Minecraft can be and every single time that I die Minecraft is going to get more and more realistic until either my PC explodes or we beat the realistic Ender Dragon this is level one and everything is literally just one color my Crosshair is also just a big Square so that's pretty interesting the water also looks really awful you can't even see through it and there's these weird green things coming out of it I'm not really sure if it's even supposed to be like that but yeah this texture pack just looks really bad I hope there is nobody that actually plays Minecraft like this like look at this lava I honestly kind of want to jump into it just to get to the next level of realism because this looks too bad okay I got some food I think it doesn't really look appetizing though it's kind of just a square okay and this chicken is definitely the worst thing I've seen so far what is this all right let's just get some stone tools because we still have to beat the game and this crafting looks so bad you can't even see where to put the items now let's mine some Stone oh wait this is coal I literally can't even tell the difference that's so funny okay now we have our stone tools and I think it's time to upgrade to level two I've had enough of this so let's just make a bed and we'll set our spawn and let's just put all our stuff in a chest all right now it's time to jump in this pure orange liquid and now we are on realism level two and this looks a lot better than it did before we have some shaders and a little bit better of a texture pack although this still isn't a very realistic texture pack I mean what is this block even supposed to be I have no idea the good thing is now we're actually able to tell which tool is which instead of them just being a bunch of big squares and wait there's also new sounds when you switch between tools I'm 99% sure it wasn't like that before okay now that we have this texture pack I want to try to get a full set of iron armor to see what it looks like so in order to do that we're first going to have to find a cave oh wait I thought this block was coal but it's actually andesite and wait is this iron in the corner here nope that's Granite okay that's one bad thing about this texture pack you can't tell what the ORS look like wait look at this wolf this guy is looking super realistic I wish I had a bone to tame the realistic wolf but unfortunately I don't and wait are these Dolphins they look so cool look at their tails move okay the water looks really bad though so I'm just going to have to move on okay we finally found some coal and it actually looks a lot different than andesite and with these realistic sounds this cave is actually kind of scary but the good thing is we did find some iron but yeah these sounds definitely make caving kind of scary even though it's mainly just water that I'm hearing all right now we have all our iron so we just need to smelt it and let's craft our full iron armor okay and it's just literally regular armor I wasted all that time getting it thinking it would look cool just like the actual items do so after that disappointment I think it's time to upgrade our realism again so let's just put all our stuff away in this chest and I'm just going to jump in this lava to upgrade to level 3 okay this is level three and now things are starting to actually look pretty realistic you can tell because I'm getting a lot lower FPS than I was before and yeah these items actually look a lot more realistic now I mean look at the sword this is crazy and I'm also walking kind of realistic now my limbs are actually bending when I walk this looks so weird wait is this supposed to be iron ore why is it glowing and wait physics are on in this level too this is so cool the coal L is just being broken into a bunch of pieces I can also hold my torches out now for light I don't need to place them okay it's night time right now so I want to sleep to see how realistic it looks in the day and wait there's monsters nearby that's not cool look at the zombie why is he walking like this okay and he literally got chopped into a bunch of pieces I don't know how I feel about that okay now we can go to sleep and let's just go up to the surface to see what it looks like in the daytime why is the spider jumping like that is this how spiders fight in real life I don't think spiders fight at all actually actually but yeah this level of realism actually looks insane during the daytime I wonder how it can even get more realistic than this okay we still have to beat the game so my next goal is to make it to the nether which means we need to find some lava and the realistic lava is probably going to look so cool judging by how everything else looks okay and we found a ruined portal this will probably be good enough to go to the nether all right what's in the chest okay we got four obsidian that's actually going to be really good to go to the nether so let's just place two of these here and we'll put the other ones here and now let's just water this lava to complete the portal and we actually still need a flint and steel I don't know how I forgot that wait is that gravel I can't even tell how is it blending into the sand like that that's pretty cool okay now let's just light the portal and I was honestly expecting it to look a lot cooler I'm not going to lie and this is the realistic nether it's definitely not as cool as the realistic Overworld and now that we've made it to the nether we need to find a nether fortress so we can get some blaze rods to beat the game okay this guy needs to stop chasing me he's not even realistic why is he here digging in the wall is just not really possible I literally can't see anything okay we finally found the Fortress now we just have to kill some blazes okay let's just kill all these blazes and I think that's definitely enough blaze rods so now it's time to get some ender pearls but first I kind of want to see what level four looks like so I'm just going to jump in here and this is what level four looks like it's honestly not that much different it probably wasn't the best idea to die in the nether either because now I have to go back and find all my stuff but at least the game is looking a bit more realistic now also look at this crafting table it's super realistic okay we're back in the Nether and honest ly nothing has really changed here either it also seems like some of the blocks are just not realistic anymore I'm not sure how that happened okay I'm pretty sure I'm going in the right direction hopefully I am or my stuff is going to despawn and this spot looks good cuz there is a ton of blocks here and yeah my stuff is down there good I was beginning to think I lost it the next thing we need to do to beat the game is get some ender pearls so I'm going to try to find the biome that has Enderman and I'm pretty sure this is the biome where Enderman spawn so now we just need to find some all right let's just put this guy in a boat wait what is going on when I hit him that is so weird wait the Enderman have like special fighting techniques this is actually really cool look at him he's trying to kick me I didn't know that Enderman knew how to fight like this all right I think we have enough pearls so now it's time to go back to the Overworld and find the stronghold so we can get to the realistic Ender Dragon okay the Eye of Ender says it's this way so let's start heading to the stronghold this water also looks pretty realistic if it wasn't for the render distance this would look so cool okay we found some land and I think we should be getting pretty close to the stronghold wait are these supposed to be pigs I didn't know there were super realistic pigs in the game and also these Turtles look kind of realistic and also kind of not it's a mix of both we might as well get some beds from this Village because we're going to need these to kill the dragon and wait look at these villagers I had no idea they looked like this I'm also pretty sure the Villager just blinked which is really weird I don't really like that actually okay it's looking like the stronghold is right here so let's just dig down I literally can't see anything cuz of the physics what is this and we made it to the realistic stronghold and I'm instantly being attacked by every mob all right I'm pretty sure this is the only place that the portal room can be but there is just so many mobs I don't know how to get there okay I think that's all of them wait the silverfish is actually going to kill me okay that was almost really bad so as you can see I only have two hearts left so I'm going to have to die one more time before we fight the dragon but the problem is this next level might just break my PC so hopefully it doesn't okay this is level five and now things are looking insane I don't even know where my stuff went I'm pretty sure this level just broke it I also don't know what this black thing is in the way here this is so weird okay I got my stuff back but don't ask how I definitely got it fair legit and now as you can see things are looking too realistic I'm not even placing blocks anymore it's just a bridge okay I'm pretty sure the portal room is in this direction and yeah we've made it to the realistic portal room okay let's just fill this thing in with Eyes of Ender and I guess we're just going to jump right in wo why is all the endstone purple oh yeah I forgot the whole thing was just going to collapse like that okay so it looks like there are no longer any blocks in the end the island is actually realistic but the Ender Dragon is just default that's actually kind of disappointing at least the end looks super cool though I mean look at that Sky okay so we need to place some obsidian here and let's just get our beds ready to kill the Ender Dragon okay I don't really think this is working it's impossible for me to see the dragon's hit box I guess we just have to use our sword okay this isn't going to work either the dragon just keeps disappearing I'm not really sure what to do here anymore so I guess let's just break all these crystals okay I kind of forgot that was going to happen I'm not going to lie at least we get to see the final level in the Overworld though oh my God this is a completely different game from when we were in the Overworld last look at this tree it's basically a real tree and the Sun is just a big blob there's literally just no blocks as well so everything just looks completely different okay even though we died it was definitely worth it cuz level six is insane look at these caves they're just circles in the side of this mountain it's like actually difficult to climb up now the first room was Savannah themed I was able to find these buttons so I pressed all of them and one of them made a ding noise and dropped down water on the outside so I went up the water and found a very detailed chest with a square inside of it the square was actually a netherite ho so I used it to start hoing the edge blocks to hopefully reveal something behind them I event found out one of the blocks was connected to some Redstone and it put a block of sand inside of my inventory the sand could only be placed on Sandstone though which was kind of a problem after a couple minutes I ended up finding the Sandstone hidden under the opeg water pool and that unlocked the entrance to the next room now the graphics were looking a little better I was in the Nether and I could see the exit on an island across the lava so I parkour up the trees and searched the top of them but found nothing I noticed I could cross these Vines to the glowstone though and now I was able to reach an island the island had a barrel with a saddle in it so I took that and went back down I then parkour again and I checked the other glowstone but all I found was a button that did nothing I spent the next 5 minutes searching for anything else in the room and I found nothing so I just kept trying to jump across the lava without dying and eventually it worked in room 3 I was now able to see myself when I looked down it was a snow biome with a cabin and I instantly noticed some barrels so I searched them and found a raw pork chop and a piece of charcoal I found another pork chop in a hidden barrel and then I entered the house in the house there was even more empty barrels and there was also a smoker so I decided to cook the pork cooking the pork gave me a stone shovel and I climbed onto the roof of the house only to find another piece of charcoal from the top of the house I was able to see another chest though so I parkour over to the chest and found a lever inside of it now that I had checked everything I started digging the snow with the shovel because that seemed logical in one corner I found a hidden room that had another lever inside of it and in another corner I found another hidden room that required me to use the lever to enter it when I entered the room there was another door and I was able to use my other lever to go to the Next Room in room four the shaders had gotten better but this was still nothing compared to what was to come I also forgot to enable the texture pack so pretend it's like this I was in a jungle with a huge temple in the middle and I needed to make a sacrifice I found these blocks which were making weird sounds when I stood on them and I climbed up the temple in the middle only to find a chest that was empty I climbed on top of the trees and I found a sunflower in the leaves but I was unable to break it I went up higher and I found a chest with one gold ingot in it and that was it next I I climbed up this hill and I found a hidden chest in the corner with a lead inside of it so I put the lead on this cow and nothing happened but then I took the cow over to the blocks that were making sounds and I stood on the other one and it made a noise I went towards where I heard the noise and I found a chest with another gold ingot in it I decided to check out what this villager was trading next and I found a trade for a stone hoe that required a lead so I traded for the stone hoe and saw that it could be used to break a sunflower which I needed for the other trade option so I went back to the top of the tree and broke the sunflower I brought the sunflower back and now I had a melon which could be placed on top of the coar dirt I found coar dirt beside another melon So I placed the melon down and heard another noise I went towards the noise and a chest had appeared in this cave which had another gold ingot at this point there was nothing left to do so I put my gold in the chest at the top assuming it was where I should put my sacrifice when I put my gold in the chest things started happening and I made it to the next room in room five things were starting to get realistic my FPS was dropping rapidly and I still had more rooms to complete so I needed to hurry up because my PC was getting ready for takeoff I was in a mine and I don't know why but I took this person's head I also found an iron pickaxe which could only break iron ore so I started mining I found a room behind the iron with a person named flu or something I don't know so I took their head too I kept mining iron and I found flus and there was a lever hidden in the lava behind flus which could only be placed on Mossy stone bricks so I looked around for Mossy stone bricks and I found an iron door which I was able to open I found Paul and Paul was trading three iron for a stone button the problem was I had raw iron because I played the map app on the wrong version so don't tell anyone what happened but now I have a button there was also a book on aurn and it had a bunch of words in it I could only place the button on chiseled stone bricks which were right in front of me but I didn't realize it so I looked around for almost 5 minutes while my IQ was draining and there was clearly a reason for that eventually I went back to the room and found out these were chiseled stone bricks so I magically got more buttons and each time I pressed a button the color of the block changed in front of it when you actually read the book it tells you that you need to enter a color combination the only place I had seen colors was the armor of the people around the mine so I tried putting their colors in alphabetical order but it didn't work I actually just had them in the wrong order though so I tried again and it opened the entrance to room 6 room 6 had a lot nicer shaders but my FPS was dropping even faster I was in a room from one of those Rich mansions that are always haunted I found a flower then I found a secret room behind a trapo and in the room there was an emerald on the table and nothing else I could take I also stole the armor off of these armor stands and checked every barrel and trapo until I found a diamond it was looking like my new goal was to Rob this Mansion rather than Escape it but then I realized someone was home and they looked very scary it turns out they wanted to trade these items for the exact set of armor that I had but I was still missing two of the items though so I only did the first two trades there was a book telling me Larry gave the key to Barry and this was Barry so now I knew I didn't get scammed I went back out to the main room and found the sunflower right where I started and now I only needed an iron nugget I ended up finding a room behind this large wall of paintings and inside of it was the Nugget so I took the Nugget back to Barry and got got the last piece of armor I tried putting on the armor but it did nothing but then I remembered where I got it from and it made sense so I placed the armor on the armor stands and I heard a noise but the door was still closed I ran around for anything else and I found a secret room behind the paintings but it was useless so I ran around some more and I found a hidden room in the most obvious place it could have been in this room there were four Swords on the wall and I instantly knew I had to rotate them in a certain way to open the door I remembered seeing a sword like this in the first hidden room so I left the room and I ended up finding the diamond sword instead which was point at the top left so I rotated the diamond sword and I ran back to the trapo hidden room and found the gold sword pointing at the bottom left now I just needed to find one more sword because I could just guess the last one so I went back to the useless room behind the painting and it was still useless I ended up finding the Last Sword in the first open room and it was pointing towards the middle right so I guessed The Last Sword and I heard a noise telling me the door was open so I went through the door and the gold block was here to teleport me to the next room room seven had new shaders and they came with really annoying motion blur I also had a very realistic Shadow I found a chest with a wooden shovel that could break red sand so I started digging after breaking almost every block of red sand I found a chest containing a cactus the cactus could only be placed on top of a cactus so I found a cactus I could place it on and it created a staircase when I got to the top of the staircase it let me jump to a tree and the tree had a chest with cocoa beans in it that could only be placed on Jungle logs so I found the one spot on this tree it would let me place them and a ding went off and I was given a turtle egg I didn't notice I was given a turtle egg though so I spent 5 minutes being stupid before I noticed the egg and saw I could only place it on Sandstone so I spent 5 more minutes searching every sand block because of the realistic textures but then I found out it was the block that already had the turtle eggs on it placing the turtle egg gave me sugarcane which I placed on the only sugarcane without string on top of it to open the entrance to the final room room 8 looked like some sort of back rooms maze so I put on the final level of realism but unfortunate things happened I wasn't giving up though so I started my game up with more memory allocated and after another crash I got it to work but I was wasn't able to last more than 30 seconds without crashing so enjoy this accurate representation of the last level the level one Graphics were insanely realistic especially this dirt there was a house in front of me and inside of it I found a chest that gave me a wet sponge every time I opened it and a few furnaces beside it there was a cauldron and a brewing stand filled with empty bottles outside and I found a ladder leading up to the roof on the roof there was a chest with five blaze rods and three Nether wart inside of it and I could see an entrance to another room which I couldn't make it to I found a button on the ground but it did nothing and I found a staircase leading underground beside the house underground I found a chest that kept filling with iron ingots and I found a button to spawn a phantom after killing the Phantom I had the resources to make a slow falling potion so I headed back up I crafted buckets and used the wet sponges to fill the buckets with water after that was done I filled the cauldron outside with water and I used it to fill the empty bottles now all I had to do was wait for the slow falling potion to finish and once I was done that I drank the potion and glided to the Next Room in this room I was getting much better fps but everything was still very realistic I was on a farm with a windmill at the back of the room so I entered the windmill in the windmill I found a very sharp broom which could be used to break cobwebs and I also found a scythe to break crops and an axe to break logs I explored the top floor of the windmill and I found another chest with enchantment bottles and three rabbit spawn eggs I checked the basement and I found a shopping list which told me I needed to get rabbit stew a loaf of bread and cook cod I walked further down the basement and broke the cobwebs with my broom and found a lure three book next I spawn the rabbits and only killed one of them because I already got what I needed so why would I kill more of them I decided to get the easiest item first which was the bread all I had to do is break the wheat crops with the scythe and then I could craft the bread I also found some wood I was able to break with the axe and then I went back to the windmill to craft my bread it took me forever to find the crafting table but I should have known this was a crafting table look how obvious it is now I had a piece of bread and I also crafted a fishing rod because I needed to get cooked Cod next I went back outside and used the water to fish only to realize I forgot to add the lure 3 enchantment to become a professional fisherman so I added lure 3 and I was able to catch a raw Cod first try I went back down to the basement and I cooked the cod in one of the furnaces and apparently that gave me nuggets now I only had one item left to craft and that was rabbit stew so the first thing I did was check Google and Google told me that I need a carrot a baked potato cooked rabbit a bowl and a mushroom I knew how to get four of these things but I had no idea where to get a mushroom eventually after checking all of these trap doors outside I was able to find one which had a hole underneath it I swam down the hole and I found a little cave where there was nine mushrooms the problem was that I couldn't break them but I fixed that pretty easily when I found this block of wood that I could break now I was able to craft the rabbit stew and I used this button in the basement to teleport to the next level in this level the game was still realistic but the shaders were noticeably worse I was in the desert with a giant mine in the middle of the room I went down to the bottom of the mine and I found a lava pool that had a room behind it but I couldn't swim through it or I would die so I went further down the cave and I found an elytra and a minecart chest and 45 wood planks a different Minecart chest I also found a cave that I had to crouch to get into which had a chest with a bunch of totems in it I grabbed all the totems and went back to the lava pool from earlier which I was now able to swim across on the other side there was a chest with a pickaxe which could break iron ore and coal ore so I started mining every vein of iron and coal ore that I could find and I found nothing except this cave with a skeleton across from me I could see a button on the floor but I was unable to reach it so I continued searching for something else after finding nothing I gave up and pressed the hint button which told me Shields can deflect arrows from skeletons so I used my coal to smelt some iron and I crafted a shield I went back to the cave with the skeleton and I blocked my shield an arrow activated the button but nothing happened I thought I was stuck but eventually I realized I had a compass in my inventory which was named x marks a spot the compass could be used to break red wool so I found an X made of red wool and I pressed the button to go to the next level now the graphics were looking less realistic but still not bad I was in a snow level with a cabin and two different snowmen one of the snowmen was named Henry and Henry asked me to get him a golden carrot and and some pumpkin pie so I started looking for that I entered the cabin and found a chest with a shovel that could break red sand a book and 20 torches that I could place on Sand the book was called snowman quotes and inside of it it said sometimes instead of roasting other people you should stop to roast yourself I think they were referring to the fact that only 5% of you are subscribed to me so I went outside and used the shovel to break a piece of red sand and there was an area beside it with a small hole in the wall and that I could only crawl through I climbed back up and I found out the Torches could melt the ice so I melted some of the ice and found more red sand in the water pool Under the Red Sand there was a chest with three carrots and seven gold nuggets which meant I only needed one more for the golden carrot when I swam back up I saw a chest on a tree so I parkour to it and there was three sugar cane and 10 eggs in it next I used the ice to swim into the hole from before and I found a sign with coordinates on it when I made it to the coordinates I found a secret lever which put the message Pumpkin broken in chat I went back down the hole and I picked up the pumpkin now I was able to craft the pumpkin pie and I just needed one more nugget to make the golden carrot I realized that I could just smelt my shovel and that would give me one more Golden Nugget so I smelted the shovel and I crafted the golden carrot and then I delivered the two items to Henry and he gave me a flint and steel at first I was confused but then I remembered what the book said from earlier so I jumped in the fire I was teleported into the air and there was now a cave underneath me there was a button in the cave and when I pressed it all it did was play water sounds I'm not going to lie I cheated on this part but basically what you had to do was get the same amount of air bubbles as times the sound was played the next level was just default Minecraft with slight shaders I was in some sort of space base and there was one room on each side of me I decided to check the room with a chest first and it had a chest with a book and a bunch of hunger potions the book told me to drink the potions but when I did nothing seemed to happen I climbed up a water pool in the middle and I found there was a second floor I found a gold block with a pressure plate beside it which said helmet equipper but nothing happened when I stood on the pressure plate I checked a few chests and I found a laser hoe and another book that said I needed to eat a baked potato for jump boost so I went to the last accessible room and I collected a few potatoes I also found a chest with biofuel in it so I was able to cook the potatoes I ate the potato and I used it to jump up to a door which led to another room with a chest that contained a button I placed the button on the gold block which said helmet equipper and I was given a glass block which I guess is a space helmet I went back to the first floor and I was now able to enter the room that said do not leave without helmet the room led me outside and I immediately found a chest with a music disc which was the key to something I looked around a little bit and I found a place to put the key when I used the key I was given a spaceship repair tool which let me break blocks of iron so I started breaking the spaceship with the repair tool and I found a chest with a glass breaker that could break glass so I went to the other side of the room and I found a place that I could break into which led me to the next level now the graphics were pretty bad and this somehow isn't even the last level the first thing I found was a sound puzzle which I'm pretty sure has to do with these pressure plates but I just didn't listen to the sounds and died a few times before leaving it for later I found a hole with a sign that said needs fire resistance a massive unlp portal and a nether fortress Building inside the Fortress I found a filled cauldron and an empty brewing stand I also found this really useful diagram in something growing that was hopefully Nether wart I went up to the roof and found three Shields and three red squares which were apparently sharp five gold swords I searched the last corner of the room and I found parkour leading me to a blaze spawner I absolutely destroyed the blazes and I got a few blaze rods and I realized there was nothing left for me to do except the pressure plate puzzle so I spent 15 minutes guessing the puzzle instead of using the sounds because that was easier after crossing the puzzle I got two flint and Steels and now I was able to light the nether portal when I got through the portal I realized I was now in the Overworld but it was actually the Nether and the level before was the Overworld there was a house and inside of it there was a chest with a shovel that could break sand and four fishing rods I found a hole beside the house and it led to a cave with sand so I broke all the sand There Was An Unfinished End Portal in this cave and there was also a chest with two wart Pickers I couldn't find anything else so I went back to the Overworld SL Nether and I picked the wart the next part was confusing because I had to use this really detailed diagram to solve it but eventually I figured it out it told me the Slime cave was open and I found the Slime cave with fire covering 90% of my screen there was a button that spawned a baby slime so I did some killing and headed back to the nether SL Overworld where I smelted some of my sand to make glass then I went back to the Overworld SL nether only to realize I had to go back through the portal again to craft the bottles now I was finally able to make a fire resistance potion and I swam through the hole to the Next Room the next room's grab Graphics were absolutely terrible the colors looked like I was playing the first Mario game ever created this room had no Puzzles and it was just a bunch of trivia which I definitely completed first try because I'm a genius after getting all the questions correct I was finished the puzzle and I was able to see what this texture pack actually looked like honestly it's probably better the puzzle ended here because I don't think my eyes could have handled this and it was even worse on the title screen this is a giant slime statue and inside of it is one of the hardest presents which I am going to be attempting to Escape I spawned inside of a Bedrock room with a sign that said the rules no breaking signs I walked out into another room and I saw a crafting table and a hopper I opened the hopper and there was eight iron inside I looked up and there was a button on the roof as well as a one block gap which I assumed was the exit to this room the problem was I didn't know how to fit through the one block Gap with only eight iron ingots I grabbed the crafting table and placed it so that I could look through the Gap but I found nothing it wasn't until I checked my crafts that I realized what I needed to do I needed to make two iron trap doors one to build up and the other to push me through the Gap So I placed the trap doors and after a few tries I made it to the other side in the Next Room there's a five block Gap with a pit of lava under it and there were ice blocks below my feet these ice blocks were packed ice though so I could not break them for water normally this would be a problem because you can't make a five block jump in Minecraft but if I get a running start and spam my space bar I am actually able to make the jump dump because there is ice I made it into the next room and there's a crafting table on the floor and an item frame with a slime block on the wall there was another room that I was safe to drop into which had more slime balls on the wall so I collected all the Slime balls and now I had eight slime balls and eight item frames there was a Bedrock Block in the middle of the floor and I was pretty sure I needed to place a slime block on it to bounce to the next room but I still needed one more slime ball to make a slime block I looked around the room and found nothing but then I just decided to break the crafting table and the last slime ball was under it so I put the crafting table back and I crafted the slime block now I could place the slime block on top of the Bedrock block and jump to the next room in the Next Room I found two item frames with a red and brown Mushroom in them there was also a slab and a deep slate block that was probably meant to blend in with the Bedrock so I broke the Deep slate block and underneath it was a hopper that contained a bowl I also tried breaking the slab but there was nothing under it so I put it back I needed to make a 1.5 block jump but the only thing I could craft was mushroom soup so I had to be missing something I looked around and eventually I found another deep slate block hiding in the Bedrock so I broke the Deep slate and above it was a Cornflower I now knew exactly what to craft I crafted a suspicious stew and because I used a cornflour the stew would give me jump boost this jump boost would allow me to make a 1.5 block jump into the next room inside of the next room there there was a long hole in the ground as well as a stone block in an item frame with a sign pointing towards it there was another Stone above me as well so I grabbed the stone and dropped into the room I collected the other Stone and then checked the hole for anything else inside of the hole there was a crafting table and another Stone so I collected that too I needed to make it up this wall but three stone blocks definitely wouldn't be enough so I checked the crafting table and saw that I could make six stone slabs which would be better after I made the slabs I went to the side that I saw earlier assuming that was where I needed to build up I built up and I was still short a few blocks but I looked in F5 and saw a wooden pressure plate at the top I realized that from where I was standing I could throw one of the item frames on the pressure plate to activate it so I activated the pressure plate and water came out allowing me to swim up in this part of the room there was nothing except for a hole in the roof which was the exit I was confused until I realized I could swim through the water to break the Piston behind the Piston there was a barrel that contained a slime block and that was it so I went back into the room and now I had a piston and a slime block if I plac the slime block on top of the piston and stood on it I could boost myself up to the room but the problem was I still needed to activate the Piston luckily I could break the pressure plate from before and I could throw an item frame on it to activate the piston and boost me to the next room inside of this room there was a furnace in the corner a hole with three beehives in it a hopper on the roof and a massive hole covered in signs I opened the hopp Hopper first and inside of it was six blocks of sand unfortunately these would be of no use to get down the hole so I had to keep looking there was nothing else in this room though so I decided to break the hopper behind the hopper there was an item frame with coal in it so I was pretty sure I had to smelt the sand so I used the furnace to smelt the sand and I was left with six glass this still didn't give me a way to get down the hole though so I decided to break the furnace because I didn't need it anymore behind the furnace there was a crafting table and I could only make two things I remember there was still beehives in the hole so I made bottles to collect the honey if I collected the honey I can make a honey block which would allow me to take less fall damage dropping down so I collected the honey but I only had three bottles and I needed four to make a block of Honey luckily there was another beehive hidden underneath and I was able to make the honey block so I dropped down and landed the clutch making it to the next room there was a two block jump to get to the next part of the room so I had to use my honey block to get up I thought I was stuck but I remembered that I needed to crouch to the very edge of the block to be able to jump inside of the next room there was lava flowing from the roof as well as a second area with bamboo in it I looked up and also ended up finding a fire resistance Arrow so I grabbed that before I dropped into the next part of the room I clicked the lava to see if anything was behind it and I found a hopper with the crafting table now I was sure there was nothing left at the top so I dropped down into another part of the room I broke the dirt holding up the bamboo and I found a hopper underneath it with three string inside of it now I was able to craft a bow which would allow me to use the fire resistance Arrow to go inside the lava I tried to get back up but I didn't have enough blocks that was when I realized there was another deep slate block so I broke it and there was another piece of dirt behind it now I was able to get back to the top part and I shot myself with the fire resistance Arrow I swam down the lava first and there was a room with a hopper that contained 12 string I swam up to the top of the lava and there was a room but I was trapped in the lava by a Bedrock block above me there was a chest I could reach though so I opened it and found three wood planks there was also a crafting table and I knew exactly what to do just like in my last video I needed to make a bed and sleep in it to get through the hole so I made the bed and placed it in the room but it was still daytime so I was unable to sleep I realized it didn't matter though because the bed set my spawn point so I just had to wait for the fire resistance to run out and swim in the lava until I died I threw my items into the room so I didn't lose them and I let myself die in the lava and respawned in the Next Room I collected the chest in the crafting table and I used them to build up to the next part of this room I walked down this hallway and I saw a sign that said over 98% of you are not subscribed which is better than last time but it still isn't 0% so please subscribe at the end of the hallway there was a giant drop down into another room that I would definitely die from it was fine though because I still had my bed which I could use to negate some of the Fall damage the only thing in the next room was a rabbit's foot in an item frame and a two block jump to another room I could see Targets in the other room but I didn't have any arrows to shoot them I looked around the room and I ended up finding a secret Hopper with a blaze powder and a Nether wart inside now I was pretty sure I needed to make a potion but I was missing a brewing stand I thought I had looked everywhere but then I placed the bed under my feet to get a better look into the next room and saw brewing stand hiding in the corner so I used the brewing stand to make a potion of Leaping and because I was standing on the bed I was able to jump into the Next Room because it was only a 1 and 1/2 block jump in this room I found a slime block in the corner and in front of me there was a big lava pit that I couldn't get across there were a couple of targets on the roof but I didn't have any projectiles to hit them with I saw a hidden Hopper across from me so I checked if there was one on my side and sure enough there was the hopper contained two arrows and now I could use them to shoot the targets the targets dropped two sand blocks into the lava and I could use them to parkour across the lava I made it to the other side and opened the hopper finding an ender pearl I went to the end of the hallway and there was two ladders and that was it the only thing I could do here was Pearl glitch so I threw my Pearl and I was teleported to another room there was another slime ball in an item frame so I took that and in front of me there was an elevator to the next room this room had lava falling from the roof a single block of ice in the floor four beehives with honey forming a staircase and another part of the room higher up I checked inside of the lava and like usual there was a hopper hidden underneath with four string and two iron ingots with four string and four beehives I realized I could make candles to melt the ice but I still needed Honeycombs to craft candles and all I had were beehives but then I remembered I had two iron and I could make shears shears would allow me to collect the Honeycombs from the beehives so I made shears and collected the Honeycombs after that I crafted four candles and placed them on top of the ice block I waited for the ice to melt but then I realized I still had to light the candles for that to happen I had nothing in inventory to light the candles but there was still one part of the room I hadn't checked I used F5 and I could see there was a hopper in this part of the room but it was still too high up for me to reach luckily I still had Honeycombs left over and I could make two honeycomb blocks to complete the staircase when I got up I found another slime ball in an item frame and I checked the hopper and I found an arrow this might seem useless but I can actually shoot the arrow through the lava to set it on fire and light the candles so I lit the candles and waited and eventually the ice melted I swam down the water and I made it into a small cave likee room I was trapped by a Bedrock block above my head and I could see nothing except for a piston with a slime block on top and an observer beside it this was until I noticed water particles coming from the ceiling I crouched forward and ended up finding a deep slate block so I broke it behind the block there was water and I could now swim out of the hole there was a hole above the slime block but it was too high up to reach I went back to check the water and I found another slime ball in an item frame on the way I swam up the water and there was a small hole with a hopper inside that had two Nether wart and two Nether Bricks I went back to the slime block and thought I was missing something but I checked my inventory and saw that I could craft red Nether Bricks I placed the red Nether Bricks in front of the Observer and I was launched into the next room I immediately saw a hopper in the floor and I checked it and found two Moss blocks in front of me there was a four block high wall with a fence at the bottom two Moss blocks was not enough to CL climb up the four blocks and I couldn't jump on top of the fence because it's too high so I turned the Moss blocks into Moss carpets and now I was able to climb up the next part of the room had a taller wall I had to climb and a crafting table in the corner I was also able to see a few Pistons holding up water in the roof I checked behind the crafting table but there was nothing so I placed it back down I found a hole in the corner with water at the bottom so I dropped down inside of the hole there was another room and I found a bunch of dead bushes and blocks of sand so I broke it all and I was left with eight sticks and 15 sand I was about to build back up but I noticed there was another part of this room that I could build up to so I built up to the next part of the room and there was another item frame with a slime ball as well as a hopper that contained two steak and a stone block there was nothing else up there though so I went back to the bottom and built up to the main room luckily 15 sand was exactly enough to make it back up and I went back to the crafting table and use the eight sticks I got to make ladders I used the ladders to make it up the wall to the top of the room there was a hopper with a sign pointing at it so I checked the hopper and it had an iron pickaxe in it I took the pickaxe and broke the hopper to see if there was anything underneath underneath the hopper there was nothing so now I was kind of confused until I remembered the Pistons I saw earlier the reason this was important was because I could make a lever to activate the Pistons but the problem was I didn't know where to place it so I tried the obvious which was under the sign with an arrow pointing down to my surprise it worked and water dropped down from the roof so I climbed up the water and made it to another room in the Next Room there were some walls that I couldn't climb up and another piston with a slime block on top I found another slime ball in the corner and that was it I looked around and ended up finding a couple of wood buttons near the roof I still had one Arrow so I decided to shoot the buttons to see what happened it ended up activating the Piston underneath me and I was boosted to the next part of the room in this part of the room there was only a block of dirt and I needed to make it up four blocks I tried building up with the items I had but it was impossible that was until I remembered I can break the block underneath candles and they stay floating so I made a staircase out of the candles and I climbed up the wall to another part of the room in this part of the room there were some leaves in the corner and I had to cross a two block High Gap to get to the next room I could use the hopper I had from earlier but I still had shears so I decided to Shear the leaves to build up instead in the last part of the room there was a sign with arrows and a pit of snow there was a five block jump to the exit and I was able to cross this with the hopper in my inventory but I saw a block of powdered snow in the middle of the hole so I decided to drop down in case there was something important I broke the powdered snow and there was a hopper underneath it the hopper had a diamond shovel inside of it and that was it so I collected the snow and built back up and just built to the last part of the room I found another slime ball in the corner and there was a hopper that I couldn't reach but I was able to reach it when I crouched and there was a levitation arrow in the hopper I looked up and I saw a hole in the roof so I shot myself with the levitation arrow and floated up to another room in this room there was a hopper on the roof I opened it and it had 12 sand in it there was another slime ball in an item frame and a furnace and a crafting table at the end I looked up and there was a big hole but I only had 12 sand so I wouldn't be able to get to the top I knew I was missing something so I tried breaking the hopper but I found nothing I broke the crafting table as well and behind it there was a dried kelp block this might seem useless but a dried kelp block can actually be used to smelt all 12 of the sand blocks so I turned all of the sand into glass and now I was left with 12 glass blocks which still isn't enough to get to the top but I can actually turn those blocks into 32 glass panes 32 glass panes looks like it is enough to get up the hole so I tried building up and it was just enough to make it to the ladders I was in a room full of lime wool and I tried to break out of it but everything was covered in barriers I looked down and there were two Bedrock blocks that were positioned kind of like the ones from the roof room I did earlier there was a sign that said I hope you have them all and another slime ball in an item frame I picked up the slime ball and now I had nine slime balls and I knew what to do I crafted a slime block lined myself up and jumped placing the slime block underneath my feet I made it to the exit and there was a big drop that I wouldn't survive luckily there was an elytra and a firework rocket on the walls so I took those and I escaped the prison this is a giant dragon egg and inside of it is one of the hardest prisons which I am going to be attempting to escape I spawned inside of a small Bedrock box so like usual I looked in F5 I saw a popped chorus fruit in an item frame that was out of my reach and eventually I found a hopper on the floor I jumped and I could barely see the hopper so I opened it and there was an ender pearl inside I used the end Pearl to escape the box and collected the popped chorus fruit from the item frame I was in another bigger room with an entrance to another room that I needed at least four blocks to get up to there was another Hopper on the ground and I opened it and I got a water bottle and that was was it there was nothing else in this room so I started breaking The Hoppers to see if there was anything behind them there was nothing behind the first one but beond the second one there's a hole and inside of that hole there was another Hopper I opened the hopper and there were two blaze rods and now I knew how to make it up to the next room I crafted four nend rods using the popped horse fruit and a blaze rod and that was just enough blocks to make it up in the Next Room there's a bunch of quartz ore in the corner and a hole in the top Corner leading to another room there was also a hopper in the corner that had one coal and one gunpowder inside of it I looked around and ended up finding a block of TNT hidden in the roof but that was all I could find I needed three blocks to get up to the room but I only had one which was the TNT I knew that I needed to do something with the quartz but if I broke them with my fist they wouldn't drop anything that was when I realized I could use the TNT to blow them up and I would have them drop the Ws but the problem was I still needed something to light the TNT and none of the items I have would do that that was until I noticed I actually have enough materials to craft a fire charge I just need to turn the blaze rods into blaze powder and then I was able to make three fire charges using the gunpowder and coal so I lit the TNT and went behind the wall to make sure I didn't take any damage then I went back into the room and picked up 14 quarts and now with these quarts I could make three quartz blocks allowing me to build up to the next room in the Next Room I collected an item frame with a phantom membrane and there was also a hopper with five Nether wart I saw there was a huge drop down to another room but it was way too far to survive I needed a way to get down and I assumed I needed to make a slow falling potion with the items I had but I was missing a brewing stand so I went back and checked Behind The Hoppers in case I missed something but there was nothing behind them now I was confused so I took another look down the hole and that was when I found a brewing stand hiding on the side so I made an awkward potion and then added the Phantom membrane to make a slow falling potion then I drank the potion and I glided down to the next room in the Next Room I walked over two pressure plates that actually took my potion effect away and there was nothing in this room except for an oak log but the oak log was all I needed to get to the next part though so I I made four Oak planks and used them to build up in the next part of this room there's a huge pool of lava leading to an opening on the other side there was also two dispensers really high up in the roof and a hole with a crafting table and a pressure plate that I assumed I needed to activate the problem was I had nothing to activate the pressure plate so I checked in the crafting table for any crafts but there was nothing of any use there was nothing else in this room though so I had to check other places first I checked beyond the lava to see if anything was there and I actually found a hopper with a warped fungus inside of it this still wouldn't let me act the pressure plate though so I still had to be missing something so I decided to check the previous part of the room because it was oddly empty and when I did that I ran into a floating piece of string so I checked around and ended up finding one more and now I knew what to do I went back to the crafting table and I made a fishing rod now that I had a fishing rod I could use it to activate the pressure plate and when I activated the pressure plate a Strider came down from the roof as well as a saddle So I placed the saddle on The Strider and crafted a warped fungus on a stick to guide The Strider to the other side of the lavva this next part was incredibly difficult and I probably needed jump boost to complete it in the Next Room there's a one block Gap at the bottom of a wall that was blocking off another room I also found a crafting table in one corner and a chest in the other I went to open the chest but I found that I couldn't open it because there was Bedrock on top of it so I broke it instead the chest dropped 35 iron nuggets and that was it so I went to the crafting table and checked what I could make but none of the items would help me go under the wall I needed one more iron nugget to make an iron trap door but I didn't know where to get the last nugget but that was when I realized there was actually another chest that I could open and that chest had a piece of steak an iron helmet and a stone button in it but none of these items would help me get under the wall so I was still missing something I looked around the room one more time and I realized I could break the crafting table to see if anything was behind it there was actually a furnace behind the crafting table and now I knew what to do I could smelt the iron helmet and get one more iron nugget but now I needed something to smelt the helmet and my only options were the chest and the crafting table since the steak would not be enough fuel so I decided to use the chest because I would need the crafting table to make the iron ingot anyway after it was done smelting I grabbed the iron nugget and made the last iron ingot and now I was able to craft an iron trap door I placed the iron trap door with the button beside it grabbed my crafting table and crawled underneath to the next room in the Next Room there was an entrance to another room that was three blocks up and it looked like it could be the exit because I could see the sky so I looked around and found a chest with five Nether wart in it and that was it so I picked up the two chests in this room and I actually noticed that one of them was a trap chest now I had enough blocks to make it to the next room but I decided to make a Nether wart block with the nine Nether wart and I used that instead of the trap chest because it will most likely be used in another room now I was in another room and I thought I had escaped but it turns out there was barrier blocks in the way and I could not Escape there was a block of ice on the floor and that was it and it looked like there was a massive fall underneath and I had to find a way to melt it at first I thought this would be easy and I used a fire charge to set the ice on fire and waited but that actually didn't work so I needed another way to create a light source and I was confused until I found the secret opening in the barrier blocks in the secret opening there's a chest and inside of it there was four candles So I placed the candles on top of the ice and lit them using my last fire charge eventually the ice melted and I made it down to a weird room where there was a crafting table in the Middle with a sign above it that said third sign there was also a platform in the corner with a hole in the roof above it and that was way out of my reach finally there was a wall with paint back where I entered from so I first decided to check beyond the paintings and I ended up finding a secret room inside of the secret room there's a furnace and it contained three raw copper and I decided to use the two signs on the wall to smelt the copper I went back and broke the sign that said third sign and I used that to cook the final piece of copper now that I had three raw copper I was able to craft a lightning rod and I used it to climb up to the platform when I made it to the top of the platform I checked the hole and there was a hopper that contained a totem of undying that was that was left in the room though so I decided to start checking behind things I checked behind the paintings and I found nothing else but when I broke the crafting table there was a trail of redstone with a sign above it that said activate here so I broke the trap chest and placed the chest under the sign and then open the chest to activate the Redstone the Redstone ended up removing two of the Bedrock blocks on the right wall and there was another room with a massive drop to an end portal the end portal was not finished though so I still needed an eye of the Ender to go to the end so I looked around the room and I found a h ER right above me that contained the eye now I was able to drop all the way down because of my totem and I activated the portal to go to the end when I made it to the end I spawned on a platform with a huge structure above it and I walked forward and had all my items removed by a command block so I broke the pressure plate so that didn't happen again and I walked to the end of the platform there was flowing lava which probably led to the structure above and I clicked behind it and found a glass bottle and a blaze rod I also found a slime ball hidden at the end of the platform and that gave me half the items to make make a fire resistance potion so I looked around some more and eventually I found a hidden brewing stand and a sign that said subscribe which reminds me that over 96% of you are still not subscribed so if you are in that group Please Subscribe I opened the brewing stand and there was Nether wart in it so now I was just missing water to make a potion I looked everywhere for water and I thought I was missing something but then I found the Water Source hidden off the edge of the platform so I made a really risky jump and filled my water bottle and then went back to the brewing stand I made a magma cream with the slime ball and I made one fire resistance potion and now I would be able to climb up the lava so I drank the fire resistance and swam up the lava and when I made it to the top I was in another room which had four popped chorus fruits hidden in different areas I used the chorus fruits to make four perple blocks and I used those to climb up to the other part of the room this room was a giant platform and there were two observers in it as well as two rooms on the side that I didn't have enough blocks to climb up to so I decided to look around the edge and I found a dropper which contained one piece of bedrock and an end crystal in it I used the Bedrock to finish a staircase to one of the rooms and inside of this room there's a hopper with two different types of logs and an oak plank in it there was also a space I had to crawl under so I made a crafting table and crafted a boat and then used it to go under the wall on the other side of the wall there was another Hopper with a piston a slime ball and four honey blocks and now I knew where this was going now that I had a few blocks I used them to build up to the other side of the room and inside of it there was a bunch of iron ore I knew this iron ore was put there for a reason though so instead of breaking it I used the end to break it so that raw iron would drop the explosion revealed another room behind the iron and this room had a furnace inside of it that contained eight sticks so I decided to smel the three iron three iron would be the perfect amount because it would leave me with enough sticks to make a pickaxe and I could use the pickaxe to break The Observers in the main room the reason I would want to break the observers is because I have almost everything to make a flying machine but The Observers are one of the things I'm missing so I smelted the iron and while doing that I noticed something weird the iron was immediately disappearing after it smelted so that meant there was a hopper behind it so once I was done smelting I broke the furnace and sure enough there was a hopper which contained the last items I needed to make a flying machine so I crafted my Pistons into the sticky pistons made a pickaxe and broke The Observers and then I made a flying machine after that I activated the Flying Machine and flew to the end Island and on the end Island there was a giant dragon egg and inside of it was the exit to the Overworld so I went through the portal and that was it I had escaped the end prison in Minecraft this is a giant furnace and inside of it is a Bedrock prison which I am going to try to escape I spawned in a small room with a hopper and a furnace covered in amethyst buds I broke the amethyst Buds and I got four amethyst shards there was an entrance to a room in the roof and another room beside me through a window I used the ice to swim through the window into the other room and I picked up two string and two trip wire hooks I looked around and found a dropper with Oak stairs and two Honeycombs inside of it I also noticed a hopper at the top of the room so I built up and inside of it was glowstone dust I could see sand on top of the hopper so I mined it and the sand fell down I collected all the blocks in the room and went back to the main room I was now able to climb through the hole in the roof and through the hole I found a chest with a netherite axe and a blaze rod I mined the chest and built up to this area with an iron door there was another room above this and I was able to jump and get a gold ingot from the furnace there was also a buring stand in this room and I jumped and grabbed Nether wart from it as well at this point I didn't know how to get into that room so I went back to the other room I saw two different holes in the roof so I decided to try to build into those I crafted candles in an amethyst block which just barely gives me enough blocks to make it to the first room in this room there was a dispenser with jump boost pots gunpowder and a fermented spider eye inside it I also could see another hole in the roof and a hole in the floor with a villager standing on a pressure plate I used my blocks to build up to the other room and I found a shulker box with three glass bottles in it so I collected the shulker box and all my other blocks and I headed back to the room with the iron door I was considering breaking the iron door but then I realized the chest I had was actually a trap chest so I could use it to power the door in this room there's a furnace a melon and a brewing stand so I broke the melon and realized I probably had to make a harming potion to throw at the Villager I had no idea how to make a harming potion but I guessed and I managed to get it I ended up using the harming potion on the Villager and it didn't die which I thought was a problem I decided to restart the run because I thought I messed it up by only using one harming potion but it turns out I only needed one anyway hitting the Villager with the potion gave me a shulker box and I used that shulker box plus the jump boost to climb up to the Next Room in this room I found a chest with two cobwebs four sticks and one iron ingot there was a Target on the wall and a piece of redstone beside it there was also another room on my right with water across from it and a hole that went pretty far down below me I decided to just drop down and I saw a little hole in the left as well as another drop even further down I tried to jump into the hole but I messed up and fell all the way down I found a few note blocks in the wall and when I clicked them a secret door opened I found a feather on the wall an empty dispenser and a pumpkin on the roof I broke the pumpkin and found there was another room above this one I mined the note blocks and I found a few Pistons behind them so I mined those and also mined a piston and a pressure plate in the hole I missed the jump to I used these blocks to build up through the hole in the pumpkin room and found two raw iron blocks leading to an entrance I had no way to climb up these blocks so I decided to head back to the main room I climbed up to where the water was and realized I could place my cobwebs in it to make string so I went back to where the target was and had a choice of crafting a f fishing rod or a crossbow since I had no arrows I chose the fishing rod which ended up being a mistake it turns out there was supposed to be Flint in the chest in this part of the map but it wasn't there so I had to restart again and made my way back to the room this time I had a slightly different strategy I had used a few less blocks in the room before giving me more blocks to work with I also used the blocks to make the water flow all the way down so I didn't have to build back up to the main room once I was done that I continued like before but this time I made a crossbow instead I shot the Target and heard a dispenser in the other room so I collected my stuff and went to find the dispenser I found the dispenser in the pumpkin room and it contained shears next I built up through the hole in the roof back to the room with the raw iron blocks I was able to build up to the entrance using the three blocks in my inventory and found four blocks of iron and a door there was also a hole in the roof which went to another room so I broke the door and went back out the room I collected my blocks and used the door to build back up to the room so I could grab a sticky piston I brought the sticky piston because I had a wooden pressure plate and I could use the Piston to re arrang the iron blocks so I rearranged the blocks into the shape of an iron golem and then I left the room and grabbed my pumpkin and placed it on the head to spawn the Iron Golem I killed the Iron Golem and it dropped three iron ingots which I was now able to use to craft a bucket so I crafted a bucket and then I ran back to the main room with the water and filled my bucket with water I was now able to climb back into the Golem room with the bucket and then I climbed through the hole in the roof where there was a button which teleported me to a new room I lost all of my items and I was in a room with a door and a dispenser I broke the door and found an egg and a piece of string in the dispenser I then used the door to climb up the wall to another room this room had a piece of sand with a sea pickle on top of it and a floating fence gate I rearranged these blocks so I could climb the next wall to another room this time there was two dispensers a hopper a redstone comparator and an iron trap door the dispensers had a health pot and a stick in them and I activated the comparator with the hopper which activated the iron trap door so I could climb the next wall in the Next Room there was a composter a beehive and a pumpkin I noticed the Beehive had had honey in it so I drank the health pot so I could collect the honey I then broke the pumpkin and made pumpkin pie which I used to make bone meal in the composter the reason I made the bone meal was because there was a moss block over the next wall which could be used to make more Moss blocks with the bone meal I used three Moss blocks to climb in a new room with a ton of stuff in it there was a piston a slime block a hay bale a comparator and an observer the next room was too high for me to reach so I used the piston and slime block to make a Launchpad powered by The Observer when I got up I found a dispenser with six blaze rods and a slime block which I broke there was also a Target in the wall with an unlit redstone lamp above it there was another room on the left so I used my blocks to climb up there was an iron door maze on the other side and when I crossed it I found a hopper with a crafting table a stick and a piece of string there was another room on the right so I climbed up there and found another room with lava and a cobblestone wall I checked the lava and there was nothing under it so I went back to the main room and figured out how to craft more blocks it turns out I didn't need the blocks though and I was able to get over the wall by setting myself on fire and jumping I made it over the wall and found a furnace with a popped CH fruit inside of it and I made end rods so I could climb another wall over the wall there was a big room with a brewing stand a hopper and a donkey behind some fences I could also see a half full cauldron and when I dropped down I found three furnaces containing four popped course fruit nine kelp and two raw iron the donkey had a backpack with one stick and one string inside of it and the hopper contained one Nether wart I saw a dispenser in the roof and I was unable to reach it so I killed the donkey for its chest but the dispenser was still out of my reach I then used some weird recipes to craft eight perer slabs and I went back to the other room with the target I crafted a fishing rod which I was able to use to hit the target and when I hid it nothing happened in this room so I went back to the other room and now there was lava falling from the roof I had everything to make a fire resistance potion so I used a few blocks to parkour to the brewing stand and made the potion I drank it and I climbed the lava where I took the bucket and filled it with the lava from the dispenser I then broke my blocks and used perper slabs instead since I could break the blocks I used before and then I parkour to the Next Room there was a staircase which led down to a room with a three block high wall that had a Strider on top of it I used my saddle from earlier to climb onto the Strider and I fell into another room there was a furnace and three clay blocks in this room but before I did anything I went back to kill the Strider because it dropped string unfortunately I had to sacrifice a perper slab to get the items out of the hole but I figured it would be worth it at this point I realized I had a few seconds left on my fire resistance so I collected the clay and climbed up using the lava there was a hopper up here with another bucket inside it and a hole with an entrance to a room above it it I saw nothing in this hole so I decided to just skip it and I made it to a different room where I got two trip wire hooks there was another drop further down where I found a maze on my left and cobwebs on the right I went through the maze where I found a hidden dropper with another bucket 13 Redstone and a block of TNT I also found another room which I had to build up to but I decided to go back and use the TNT to break the cobwebs first because I could use the string to make more blocks I built up to the iron door room and this part made zero sense to me so I did some crazy stuff which was definitely not from the tutorial and I made it to the Next Room in this room there was a hopper with two glowstone blocks and an egg and then I used this Hopper to build up to another room without losing too many blocks now I was in a room with a cow for some reason and I decided to just craft wool and build out to the next room this room was actually the final room and I found a ladder which was the exit to this prison this is a one block prison and I am going to attempt to make it to the final Island and Escape I spawn on top of a Bedrock block with a carpet under my feet and a crafting table underneath it I looked around and there was a bunch of islands surrounding me and there was a Bedrock block with a Cobblestone wall closest to me I grabbed the carpet and looked above me and I found a composter I grabbed the composter and used it as a block and now I needed one more block to get to the Cobblestone wall I looked around some more and saw a chest on top of the Bedrock block above me so I tried opening the chest and I was barely able to open it inside of the chest there was two stacks of apples and that was it two stacks of apples might seem useless but in Minecraft you can actually rightclick composters with food items and eventually you will get bone meal so I spam clicked all the apples and I had exactly n bone meal which was enough to craft a bone block I used the bone block to build up to the next platform and now I could see there was a ladder on the other side I used the carpet to get to the top of the Cobblestone wall but I was still missing a block to jump up to the next part so I carefully broke the chest and then I broke the carpet and placed the chest underneath me then I placed the ladder on the Bedrock block and climbed up I made the jump to another Island and now I needed six blocks to climb up to the next Island the problem was I only had three clay blocks so I looked around but all I found was a furnace and a crafting table on the edge of the island so I broke the clay and underneath it there was actually a dried Kel block and an item frame if you didn't know a dried Kel block is actually one of the best fuel sources so I smelted the 12 clay to make 12 bricks after that I made bricks and I was confident that you got more than one brick block from four bricks but I was wrong so I still had three blocks but luckily bricks can be made into slabs and that gave me six slabs so I could climb up to the next Island on the next Island there was a random sign so I broke it there was also an empty cauldron and some sort of lava thing above it that was covered in Bedrock that led up to another Island I went further and found a staircase leading to another platform and there was a hole in the ground and I found a hopper that had three raw iron inside of it there was also a bunch of droppers covering the rest of the island so I searched them all and found a fire resistance potion there was also a furnace blending in with the droppers and there were four saplings inside of it so I decided to use them to smelt the iron the saplings only smelted two of the iron so I used the sign to smelt the last piece after the iron finished smelting I went back up to the main platform and found a dropper that had dripstone in it now I had a good idea of what to do so I went to place the dripstone above the cauldron and I actually found another Behind The Cauldron So I placed two of them above it I was going to use the dripstone to fill The Cauldron with lava and after it filled I could collect the lava and use my fire resistance to climb up to the next Island but I still needed to craft a bucket I was about to drop down and use the crafting table from the previous Island but then I would have no way back up so I looked around some more and ended up finding a crafting table at the end of the island now I was able to make a bucket and I waited for The Cauldron to fill with lava and then I used my fire resistance to climb up to the top so I made it up to the next Island and there was a mix of dirt and gravel on this island as well as a wood plank which had two sticks on the sides so I collected everything on the island and that gave me two sticks one wood plank eight gravel two dirt and one Flint I needed to build over the void to the next Island so the gravel would be useless to get across and because of this I knew I was missing something I opened my inventory and saw I could craft coarse dirt with two dirt and two gravel so I made that but now I only had four blocks but if you remember from this video you can actually d duplicate coarse dirt if you have a shovel and I had the materials required to make one I just needed to find a crafting table and like usual there was one on the side so I crafted a shovel now I could right click the coarse dirt with the shovel and I m the dirt to get four regular dirt I crafted more coarse dirt and did this one more time and now I had 10 blocks that I could use so I built to the next platform and made it with one block to spare on this island there's a hole with a furnace in it and a one block hole with a bunch of rails inside of it I couldn't get inside of this hole so I needed to find something to get through I dropped down into this Gap and there was a crafting table as well as a piece of raw iron hidden inside of the hole I ended up finding the rest of the iron in the other Hool so I smelted the iron with the wooden shovel which made no sense I don't know why I did this I was only able to get one Ingot out of it so I used the lava bucket instead which was much better fuel after the iron finished smelting I crafted a mine cart and I used it to get through the hole I almost suffocated because I thought the mine cart would keep moving and I got out and it put me on a trip wire which removed all my items and gave me Permanent mining fatigue now I was unable to break blocks so I collected the string from the trip wire and also picked up the stick I found on the wall I walked out and there was an arrow in an item frame and there was also two more sticks I saw a Target in the air and I assumed I needed to shoot it but I still need a bow and I didn't have a crafting table so I looked around a little more and all I was able to find was a hopper on the side of the island that contained a fire charge at first I thought this was useless but then I realized I could actually use the fire charge to burn this wood plank I was trying to break once the plank burned there was a hole underneath it and inside of it there was a crafting table so I crafted a bow and shot the Target and I thought nothing happened but I turned around and the staircase appeared to another part of the island so I climbed up the staircase and found a block of sand and there was a platform that I couldn't get to because it was a five block jump there was another area at the top of the staircase with a cow and a creeper trapped inside a boxes and there was also a sign that said press this with the smiley face and a button underneath it I looked around the room a bit more because I did not trust the smiley face at all but all there was was a platform above me that I couldn't reach so I pressed the scary button and the creeper started floating if first this made no sense but I realized that when I pressed the button the creeper was given levitation the reason this was important was because I could make the creeper blow up and it would drop a lingering levitation potion effect which I could use to go to the platform above me so I walked up to the creeper and found out it was actually named subscribe so please subscribe because the creeper literally died for this once it exploded I was given levitation and I flew up to the platform and noticed that I had levitation for way longer than I needed luckily there was water on the island so I positioned myself and landed inside of it at the end of the island there was a hopper with two iron ingots and one raw iron and that was literally it so I dropped back down to the top part of the island and barely survived with two hearts I ended up finding a hopper with steak in it though so I was able to heal back up a little bit now that I had enough iron to make a bucket I ran back to the island that had a mine cart and surprisingly the furnace was still cooking so I used it to smelt the iron now I was able to run back and craft a bucket which I used to Milk The Cow to remove my mining fatigue I broke the sand at the bottom of the staircase and I used it to make the five block jump to the other Island on this island there was lava flowing from the sky Nether wart and Magma Cream inside of item frames and a cauldron that had a little bit of water left inside of it there was also three slabs on the ground so I broke them to check what was underneath under the middle slab I found a hopper which contained a silk touch hoe and that was it I also broke the slab Behind The Cauldron and found there was a brewing stand under it it was obvious that I needed to get a fire resistance potion but I was still missing a water bottle I realized there was nothing else on this platform but then I remembered something there was actually Four glass on top of the cage that had a cow inside of it on the previous Island so I jumped back to the other Island and used the silk touch hoe to collect the glass and free the cow now I had four pieces of glass so I was able to use one of them to build back to the island and I used the other three to make glass bottles next I grabbed the water out of the cauldron and I made one 3-minute Fire Resistance potion I drank the fire resistance potion and swam down the lava fall and I made it to another room in this room there was obsidian in the form of a large nether portal with one missing block which had water flowing behind it so I used my empty bucket to grab some of the lava which was all over the floor and I used it to complete the portal now that the portal was complete I still needed to light the portal I had nothing in my inventory to light the portal so I figured I missed something and began looking behind the lava with time running out for my fire resistance I was able to find eight string hidden in the lava at first this seemed useless but I realized I could make the string into wool blocks the wool blocks could then catch on fire and light the portal if I got lucky so I placed down the two blocks of wool and luckily they lit the portal and now I was able to enter the nether when I entered the nether I was free and I had escaped the prison my friend trapped me on a cloud in Minecraft and the only way to escape is by completing a puzzle but the problem is I only have 30 minutes to escape so I logged on and I spawned in a large Bedrock room with an open roof and it was raining inside I looked up and I could see a chest with a sign underneath it and lava that flowed all the way down to the bottom of the room there was also an item frame with Nether wart and another item frame with a slime ball in it so I collected those I found an entrance to another room on the top left but it was too high for me to reach so I was stuck I decided to spam right click in the lava but I wasn't able to find anything behind it I did the thing and I could see another room behind the lava but there was nothing to extinguish myself on the other side but since it was raining I would immediately get extinguished by the rain on the other side so I swam through the lava and I survived on five Hearts I was in another really tall room and it was connected to another room that was two blocks high there was a crafting table in the middle of the room so I picked it up and there was a hopper behind it the hopper contained two blaze powder and two glass bottles I looked around the room for anything else but it seemed pretty empty so I placed my crafting table in front of the entrance to the other room which allowed me to walk in I was in an empty Bedrock room and at the end of it there was a huge drop to the ground and a Bedrock island with a furnace on it across from me there were barriers on each side of me so I wasn't able to jump to the cloud when I crouched to the edge of the Bedrock I could see a hole and when I looked in at 5 I was able to see the entrance to another room and a hopper the problem was I didn't know how to get into this room without falling and dying but that was when I noticed something strange in front of me there was a massive drop to the ground but for some reason I could see rain particles the only reason I would be able to see rain particles as if there was a barrier block down there so I threw an item frame down to test it and sure enough there were barriers that would stop me from dying so I dropped down and checked the hopper the hopper contained a full set of iron armor and that was it I had no idea why I would need iron armor so I kept looking for something else I tried to go to the furnace Island but the barrier stopped at a certain point and it was too far for me to jump so I walked over to the other room and inside of it there was a one block hole with a trail of redstone and nothing to activate it I tried to see if anything else was in the hole but I couldn't see anything I checked the roof and there was another Hopper and this Hopper had five iron ingots and three ladders inside of it I walked around the rest of the room and found nothing else so I decided to use the ladders to go back up to the main room when I got back up to the main room I checked if I could craft anything but nothing really stood out to me so I kept looking I used the last ladder I had to get up this incomplete staircase and there was another room across from me I walked into the room and saw nothing except for a hopper and I checked it and it had three stone blocks and 14 iron nuggets now that I had three stone blocks I would be able to get to the furnace Island because I could turn them into six slabs so I crafted six stone slabs and dropped back down I bridged across with the slabs and and I made it to the furnace Island I checked the furnace and it was empty and I could see nothing else on this island I looked around because I figured I had to be missing something and I ended up finding a hopper on the bottom of the island I opened the hopper and there's nine dried kelp inside but I didn't know how that would help me I took a look at everything in my inventory and noticed that I almost had everything to make a fire resistance potion I was just missing a water and a brewing stand I was nowhere near being able to craft a bring stand though so I still had to be missing something I I went back to the main room and realized I hadn't checked behind any of The Hoppers so I broke the first Hopper and there was nothing behind it but when I broke the next Hopper I found a brewing stand behind it so now the only thing I was missing was water I thought I was missing something because it seemed impossible to get water but then I realized something I can actually smelt the set of iron armor into iron nuggets and this would give me 18 nuggets which I could turn into two more iron ingots with two more iron ingots I could craft a cauldron and because it was raining it would fill with water but I still needed something to smelt the armor with I checked to see if anything in my inventory could be used to smelt but nothing worked but while doing that I realized that I had nine dried kelp which I could craft into a dried kelp block a dried kelp block is actually one of the best sources of fuel for a furnace and could be used to smelt all the armor easily so I made a dried Kel block and headed back to the furnace where I smelted all of the armor pieces after I was done smelting I headed back to my crafting table and made the Nuggets into ingots then crafted a cauldron I placed the cauldron down and waited for it to fill with rain water while I was waiting for it to fill I looked inside of it and notice that over 97% of you are still not subscribed and that is way too many of you so please subscribe eventually The Cauldron filled enough for me to fill the glass bottles so I filled the bottles and now I had two water bottles I headed back to the bring stand and placed my blaze powder to charge it then I put the two water bottles in with the Nether wart to make awkward po potions and then I added the Magma Cream to make two 3 minute fire resistance potions now I would be able to get the chest that I saw in the first room by swimming up the lava so I drank a potion of fire resistance and swam up to the top of the lava when I got to the top I opened the chest and it had two stone blocks and nine wheat inside of it I also tried breaking the chest for an extra block but it was too hard so I gave up I headed back down and then I decided to swim to the bottom of the lava to see if there was anything there as well when I made it to the bottom of the lava there was another room with no walls and nothing inside of it I was now closer to the ground and could see that there was planes below me but there was nothing to drop down into I tried breaking the cloud around me but it was covered in barriers so I couldn't get any blocks from there either it seemed like there was nothing in this room but then I looked around on the sides and I found a room that I couldn't get to So I placed my two stone blocks to get to this room and made sure I could make the jumps without Sprint I made it to the room and there's nothing except for a hopper in the roof which contained one snowball I checked behind the hopper and there was nothing so I went back to the main part of the room I looked in F5 on the other side of the room and I found a hopper hidden below the floor this Hopper had four redstone dust in it and that was the last thing I found in this room so I drank my other fire resistance and swam back up the lava I went back to the room with the Redstone in it because I had an idea I had the items necessary to craft a Target in my inventory along with a snowball that I could use to activate the Redstone so I crafted a hay bale and surrounded it in four Redstone to make a Target I placed the Target in front of the Redstone and then I threw the snowball at the Target nothing happened inside of this room so after I did this I went back up to check the other rooms when I got back to the main room there was now water flowing from the ceiling so I made my way to the top when I made it to the top I found a hole where the water came from with a piston in it there was also an item frame with a piece of steak so I grabbed it and ate it there was also a four block wall which looked like I needed to climb it so I looked on the other side of it and I could see there was more of the room on the other side of the wall I needed three blocks to climb up but all I had was my crafting table which I left behind in the previous room so that left me with two blocks that I still needed to get I realized I could break the Piston so I broke the piston and it started flowing towards me in the water I picked up the piston and that was another block so I only needed one more so I placed the Piston down and dropped down to get my crafting table but when I dropped down I realized I had this ladder that I used to get to another room so I broke the ladder and went back to get my crafting table now that I had the ladder I didn't even need to use my crafting table to climb the wall so I placed the ladder and I climbed to the other side on the other side there was a staircase to get back up and a hopper so I dropped down and opened the hopper inside of the hopper there was a wet sponge and that was it I didn't really know why I would need a wet sponge so I figured there was still something missing I thought maybe it was some crazy craft I've never heard of so I checked the crafting table but there was nothing I could could craft so I looked everywhere for anything else I was missing but then I realized I forgot to break the hopper to see if anything was behind it so I broke the hopper and there was a deep slate slab behind it and when I looked closer I ended up finding a second Hopper which contained 27 iron nuggets it was now obvious what I needed to do with the sponge so I crafted my nuggets into three iron ingots and then I made a bucket the reason I made a bucket was because I could cook the wet sponge in the furnace and collect the Water by placing the bucket in the bottom slot of the Furnace so I headed back to the furnace and placed the wet sponge in the top slot and my crafting table in the bottom slot I then placed my bucket in the bottom slot and waited for the sponge to finish cooking once the sponge was done cooking I had a dry sponge and a water bucket and now I could make it to the ground safely by placing water off the side of the island but that was the boring way so I jumped off and I made the MLG instead and that was it I had successfully escaped a cloud in Minecraft this is one of the hardest prisons in Minecraft and I will be attempting to escape it start starting now the second I spawned in I looked around I was in a Bedrock box stuck behind iron bars there was another room so I broke the iron bars and walked into the other room in this room there was a chest out of my reach a lava fall a crafting table and a hole which I assumed was where I needed to go first I checked behind the lava and I found a chest the chest had three Blackstone and a blaze powder in it I know I could craft Blackstone slabs but I decided to check the rest of the room first while searching I found a barrier block in the middle of the room I looked at around and I ended up finding more and I realized I could parkour on them after jumping to the first block there was no more blocks to jump to from here I could use the black stone and make it to the chest but I decided not to because I had blaze powder which hints to me having to make a brewing stand it ended up not mattering though because I tried jumping towards the chest and I was able to open it for a second this gave me everything I needed to make a fire resistance potion I drank the potion and started to climb up the lava at the top of the lava there was another chest and it gave an ender pearl the only thing I could think of using an ender pearl for was to enter the tunnel so I grabbed the crafting table in case I needed it later and threw the Pearl into the tunnel at the end of the tunnel there were two different directions I could go each leading to a different room the first room had nothing in it except for a hole in the roof that was out of my reach the second room had a floor made of ice that looked like it had something underneath it I decided to drop into the second room because it seemed more promising under the ice I could see lava and magma blocks really far down I knew I couldn't live this fall so I needed a way to get down the obvious way down was the ice but if I break the ice nothing is going to happen because there isn't a block underneath it luckily I picked up the crafting table from earlier and I was able to use that to get water I swam down the water and ended up in another room this room was decorated with terra cotta on the walls and lava and magma blocks on the floor unfortunately there were barrier blocks preventing me from breaking out because of this I assumed there had to be a missing barrier somewhere after checking most of the room I finally found one that was missing and under it there was a chest with three ladders a trap door and Flint I realized there was nothing else in this room but I remembered the room on the left of the tunnel had a hole in the roof and I was pretty sure three ladders would allow me to reach it so I decided to climb back up the water and use the crafting table and trap door to get back into the tunnel I dropped into the other room and luckily three ladders was enough to get through the hole when I made it to the top I had entered a hallway with a bunch of different things there was an armor stand with a sword and a cobweb on top obsidian in the shape of a nether portal and a hole in the roof that I had no way of accessing when I got further down the hallway I found another room with a giant pit of lava there was a room on the left a pig across from me and a big hole in the wall exactly on the other side and more cobwebs I grabbed the sword from the armor stand and broke the cobwebs making sure none of them fell in the lava I checked my crafts and the only thing I could make was a block of wool so I did that I used the block of wool to parkour to the room on the side and found a chest with a carrot and a saddle I was very familiar with what I could do with these items because of this video and I used the carrot to lure the pig towards me once it walked over I jumped and landed the pig clutch now I was on the other side but all I had was a crafting table and I still couldn't get to the next room because it was too blocks up while trying to figure out what to do I found a secret chest above the hole and it had three sticks I went back over to the crafting table and made the only thing that let me make a fishing rod even with a fishing rod I still didn't know what to do the only thing I I could think of was fishing in the lava but fishing in the lava turned out to be a waste of time and now I was stumped I decided to check the hole again but this time I checked in F5 I was hoping I would find another chest but instead I saw horse all the way at the bottom if you didn't know you can use fishing rods to pull mobs towards you so now I knew how to get down but I still had to be careful that I didn't die of fall damage getting off the horse so I brought the horse up and luckily I was able to survive the fall and I made it to the the next room this next room had two hoppers on both sides of me and a random button on the wall pressing the button did nothing so I decided to open the Hoppers the first one had an emerald with a sign above it that said you might need this later and the other Hopper had steak a golden apple a blast protection 4 chest plate and a TNT now that I had all these items I still needed to find a way to make a three block jump if you've played bedwar before you might be familiar with the TNT jump where a TNT explosion is used to boost a player so I Ed the button to activate my TNT and jumped over the wall in this part of the room there were three new things a hole in the roof a dispenser and some sort of hot tub there were signs between the water and the lava but if anything was under the lava it was too far to reach the items in my inventory weren't of much use either at this point I was stumped until I found this terracotta on the roof the Terracotta was the same dimensions as the hot tub and all but one of the blocks were red this must be some sort of indicator to where I need to look in the lava the only problem was the lava was still too far down to reach anything this part seemed impossible until I realized I was missing something I thought all of the items in my inventory were useless but it turns out I actually had one useful item if there was a button or pressure plate under this lava I could actually use the fishing rod to activate it so I tried casting my fishing rod and sure enough I heard a noise the fishing rod had activated the dispenser and a shulker was spawned I let the shulker hit me with levitation and I was carried to the Next Room I walked down this long hallway and I thought about the fact that over 99% of you are not subscribed the Next Room contained a bunch of holes in the wall each hole had a hopper in it with the exception of the top left which had a boat I also looked in F5 and found one of the holes had a crafting table it was safe to say I needed to craft something in this room so I dropped down when I dropped down I checked each Hopper and they all contained two bamboo I then made my way to the crafting table and checked the crafts the only thing that you can make with bamboo is sticks so I turned them all into sticks after that it was obvious that I had to make ladders I used the ladders to climb up to where I saw the boat earlier and clicked the boat and clicked the boat I picked up the boat and found a chest in front of me the chest had an iron ingot and that was it I climbed up the staircase and I was back in the room I saw earlier the only difference now is that I had both flint and an iron ingot which means I could enter the nether so I dropped down lit the portal and traveled to the nether the portal brought me to a room full of barriers ear with a nether themed wall pattern behind it there was also a beacon and some slabs that made a staircase to the top I wouldn't be able to jump on these half slabs so I needed to find a way to get up inside of this room there was a beacon which meant I could get jump boost if I had an ore I remember I still had the emerald that I was supposed to keep for later so I used the emerald to get jump boost and I climbed up the stairs but you probably realized there was another way out instead I could use the boat to climb up the half slabs but I don't think this was in ended so I used the jump boost Instead at the top of the room there was a big Bedrock path leading to the exit of this prison I went through the portal and that was it I had successfully escaped the prison this is a giant Minecraft Christmas present and inside of it is one of the hardest pris which I am going to be attempting to escape I spawned inside of a Bedrock box so I began by looking around me I found a couple signs stating the rules no breaking signs and no breaking presents in front of me there was a long hallway with an entrance to another room at the end there was also an ice floor right outside of the box I saw no way to escape so I decided to look in F5 and that's when I found an item frame with a boat in it I crouched to the very edge of the Bedrock and I hit the item frame to drop the boat I then used the boat to escape and made it across the ice on this side of the room there's a pool of lava blocking me from the Next Room the lava was five blocks across so I wouldn't be able to make the jump you've all probably seen this a million times so I'm just going to move on to the next room the Next Room was three blocks high so if I dropped down I wasn't coming back up there were two blocks of snow in front of me as well as a Target and an upside down zombie I was about to drop down but I remembered seeing three snow blocks on the floor so I checked those first underneath the third one I found a present and inside of it was a carved pumpkin I now decided to drop down because I had a block to get back up if I needed to now I was able to see that there was a hole in the roof and lava in the wall I used F5 and found there was something behind the lava so I knew that was where I needed to go I real real I probably needed to hit the target but I did not have a projectile or at least that's what I thought I could actually place the pumpkin on top of the snow blocks to make a snow golem the snow golem would then start to shoot at the zombie and eventually it will miss and hit the target so I created the Golem and waited for it to hit the target the target ended up activating a dispenser and it dropped a suspicious stew even though I had no way of knowing it was safe to say the stew would give me fire resistance considering there was nothing left in this room so I ate the stew and swam through the lava to the Next Room the next room had a floor covered in powdered snow that led to another room the problem was if I touch the snow I would get stuck in freeze and the snow was too deep to break fortunately there was another room on my left so I decided to check that out inside of this room there were tons of presents so I began unwrapping them I ended up finding four pieces of leather total and now I knew what to do I needed to make leather boots because you are actually able to walk across powdered snow without sinking if you are wearing leather boots but the problem was I didn't have a crafting table so I looked around and I ended up finding this little hole that had a sign that read looking for a crafting table better hope it didn't burn I now knew that the crafting table was most likely in the lava so I went back and checked sure enough I found it behind the lava and I made my leather boots the next room had three parts an ice parkour leading to a present a one block hole in the wall which looked like it went to the next room and a sheep that was hanging from the roof I decided to start with the ice parkour because it was the most straightforward part when I got to the end I opened the present and it had a book in a crafting table I opened the book and it said you're getting colder so I went back to the main room next I checked the hole in the wall and ended up finding a hidden present the present contained eight string and now with the Sheep on the roof I was pretty sure I needed wool so I made the string into wool built up and started punching the Sheep after that I had three wool but the only thing I could make was carpets carpets wouldn't be of much use to get me through this hole so I had to be missing something at this point I was stumped but then I remembered I was missing something I was able to break the powdered snow from earlier so something could be hiding under it it didn't take very long until I found another present this time containing three wood planks now I was able to make a bed which I could use to get through the hole so I picked up my crafting table and placed the bed inside the next room there were a few obstacles that I needed to use my blocks to get past and I made it to a snow globe room this room was completely covered in barriers so I couldn't break out and there was a Bedrock house as well as a ton of snow and ice on the floor I also found a crafting table on the roof and a sign inside of the house that said start digging so I started digging in the house and I found a present the present contained five Turtle Scoot and I was pretty sure I needed to make a turtle shell but I didn't know why so I parked on these floating snow blocks to get to the crafting table on the roof when I made it to the roof there was another present with Nether wart a water bottle and blaze powder so I made the turtle shell and now I was pretty sure I needed to make a potion but I didn't have a brewing stand so I looked around some more and found a massive hole that I would die from if I fell in it and I was sure that that was the exit that was it though so I did the last thing I could do and started digging up the floor when digging the floor I actually found that over 99% of you are not subscribed and that is embarrassing so please subscribe eventually I saw particles coming out of one of the blocks and I realized that they were coming from the brewing stand so I made my awkward potion and then I made the potion of the turtle Master the potion of the turtle Master would give me resistance and that would allow me to fall down the hole without dying so I drank the potion and I dropped down the hole into the Next Room the next room was an ice cave and there was a present in the corner the present had three steak in it so I was able to get my health back other than the present I could see nothing else in this room I was about to start breaking the blocks again when I noticed something different about a few of the blocks these blocks were powdered snow which meant I could walk through them the ones in the middle were too high up so I decided to walk through the ones on the right I ended up immediately falling into a room with a crafting table and a furnace at the bottom of the room there was a water pool with kelp in it so I collected the kelp but I didn't really know what to make with it I decided to use the crafting table to get back into the other room to see if I missed anything but then I realized that I could smelt the kelp to make a dried kelp block this block would help me get to the powdered snow that was two blocks high so I smelted all the kelp made the block and walked up into the Next Room the next room was full of presents and there was one block of ice with lava underneath it I knew I needed something to melt this ice so I checked all of the presents when I got to this present something weird happened an items started dropping from the sky there was actually a dispenser in the roof and whenever I open the present it would drop items eventually the dispenser ran out of items and I had seven item frames a shovel and a torch so I went back to the ice and used the torch to melt it I swam down the ice and I was in a large room with a candy cane and two Snow Golems on each side of it I walked into the candy cane and saw a massive hole which looked like it went to the surface I had no blocks to build up but luckily I had this diamond shovel from the previous room and I could use it to break the snow underneath the Golems to make snow blocks when I had enough snow I built up in the candy cane and I made it to the surface successfully Escaping The Prison this is a giant Magma Cube and inside of it is one of the hardest prisons which I am going to be attempting to escape I spawned in a large Bedrock room with lava underneath me I could see another room across from me but it was too far for me to reach so I looked around for items and ended up finding two pieces of string and when I looked up I found a dropper a floating Anvil and a hole with TNT in it I decided to break the string that was holding up the Anvil and the Anvil fell down so I was able to use it to reach the dropper that was beside it inside of the dropper there was a blast protection 4 Diamond chest plate and a golden apple I looked around somewh and I ended up finding a dropper underneath the platform I was on the dropper contained three sticks a flame book and an arrow now I had the materials to craft a flame bow but I didn't have a crafting table so I looked around and ended up finding a crafting table behind the dropper I crafted the bow and applied flame to it using the Anvil since I conveniently had 69 levels now I had a golden apple a flame bow and an arrow to help me get across these items might not be able to get me across on their own but there was still a block of TNT in the roof if I shoot the TNT with the flame bow it will light and the TNT will fall down and I can use it to TNT jump so I ate the golden apple and dropped the TNT down in front of me I was barely able to survive and if I hadn't eaten the golden apple and had the blast Pro chest plate it would have been over so I healed back up and examined the Next Room I was on a Bas salt island with a room across from me that was one block too far to jump there was also a massive fall beneath me that I had no way of surviving so I went back into the hallway and collected the Weeping vines coming from the roof and I also found two more pieces of string beneath them you might have noticed that the Weeping Vines were placed on the roof which means I could use them to get to the Next Room the problem was I didn't have enough of them to get across I could have waited for them to grow but I decided to look around since I hadn't finished exploring this room yet I ended up seeing a dropper underneath the Bas salt so I broke down and the dropper contained two more weeping Vines Now I had enough Vines to make it across So I placed the Weeping vines on the roof and I jumped to the next room in the Next Room there was a dropper in one corner a crafting table in the other a floating block and a hole in the roof and on the wall I checked to see what was in The Dropper and I found four prismarine shards and four pieces of bamboo I immediately realized I could craft a prismarine block and I used it to get a better look at the floating Block in the hole in the wall there was a gold pressure plate at the back of the hole and there was an item frame with the stick on top of the floating block now that I had this stick I turned the bamboo into sticks and I crafted a fishing rod I used the fishing rod to fish the pressure plate inside of the hole and when I did that a potion of levitation dropped from the hole in the roof I grabbed my crafting table and checked the rest of the room one more time and since the hole in the roof was the only place that I hadn't been I used the potion to go up the hole there was a dropper on the way up but I checked it and it was completely empty in this room there's a lava pool on the floor with flowing lava one block higher in the middle I could also see a boat on the other side of the lava and that was it I realized I could use my crafting table to cross this lava but I decided to check the lava first because it made no sense for the lava to be here I ended up finding a dropper with a blue ice block in it so I decided the crafting table would be more useful and I used the blue ice to cross the lava I made a mistake and didn't realize I wouldn't be able to jump because the roof was two blocks high and I almost died in the lava I waited for my health to regen and I looked around the only thing I was able to see was the boat in a one block High Gap leading to another room so I used the fishing rod to fish the boat towards me and used the boat to go under the Gap in the Next Room there was a donkey a chest in the wall a platform with a hole above it and an exit at the top of the room I moved towards the Crafting Table and there was also a chest in front of it the chest contained nine bone meal nine Nether wart and nine wheat I immediately knew what to do with these blocks and I crafted a bone block a Nether wart block and a hay bale next I Ed those blocks to staircase up to the platform and when I thought I would make it I was actually one block short I tried breaking the chest and fishing it towards me but that didn't work that was when I noticed something there was a donkey in the room and it name was Joe the name was irrelevant and what I noticed was that the donkey was carrying a chest so I did what had to be done and I used the fishing rod to pull the chest towards me and the donkey also dropped a saddle now I was able to use the chest as the final block to go up the platform first I checked the hole above the platform and I found a fire resistance arrow in an item frame next I checked the exit hole and I saw a block of snow holding up a block of sand but this was not a normal block of snow it was actually powdered snow this meant that if I shot it with my flame bow the flame Arrow would melt the snow and the sand would come falling down so since it was my only option I used the normal Arrow I had from the first room to break the powdered snow when the sand fell down lava followed it and now I knew where to go so I shot myself with the fire resistance arrow and I climbed up the lava to the next room I was in a box with a one block Gap and through the Gap I could see two Striders and two droppers I was unable to reach one of the droppers but I could reach the other one and I found four Magma Cream inside of it and that was it at this point I saw nothing else in the room so I quick went back down the lava to see if I missed anything I broke the sand and there was nothing under the lava so at this point I had to swim back up because my fire resistance was running out there was nothing else in this room and I had no items to go through a one block Gap so I was stuck but then I realized what I could do with the saddle and it all made sense if I place the saddle on one of the Striders I can then ride the Strider and teleport through the Gap so I did that and I found out both of the Striders were also named Joe why is everyone named Joe anyways I checked the other dropper I couldn't reach and there was more magma cream so now I had 12 Magma Cream the only thing I could make was magma blocks so I crafted three of them I still needed four blocks to get to the top of the room though so I was still missing something unfortunately I realized I would have to kill Joe because Striders drop string and four string crafts in a wall so I got four string from Joe and there's no reason to kill Joe to so I definitely didn't I used the four blocks to build up and the first thing I saw was a pearl glitch setup so I turned around and there was a dropper with a pearl inside of it so I threw my Pearl and ended up on the nether roof there was a chest up here and it had 13 obsidian a piece of wool and a gas spawn egg inside of it so I placed my obsidian in the form of a portal and I spawned the ghast the ghast ended up lighting the portal for me and I went back through to the Overworld when I made it to the other side I could see an exit waiting for me across these lava pools there was a bunch of gravel and sand laying around so I broke it all and it revealed a crafting table there was also water in the ground and a dropper in the wall and it contained a stone pickaxe and a piece of bone meal I needed blocks that weren't gravity blocks to get across so I made concrete because I already had water to turn it into hardened concrete and I had a pickaxe as well I grabbed the crafting table and bridged across using the eight concrete and there was one more lava pool that I needed to cross I already had two blocks I could use to get across so I just placed them so I could jump across before I left I checked this chest in the wall and found a punch two book and a stack of arrows I wonder what that could have been used for next I jumped across the lava and got in this boat placed on the outside to escape the prison my friend built me a prison and challenged me to break out of it but the problem was this prison seemed impossible to escape on the inside all of the rooms are layered with bedrock making it impossible to break out of the only way to escape is making it past all of the puzzles to get to the exit will I be able to do it let's find out I started by looking around the room I was in I was stuck in a Bedrock cage surrounded by a bunch of furnaces I decided to look in F5 mode and I saw a chest above me that was completely out of my reach I decided to check all of the furnaces to see if they had any useful items after checking all the furnaces I was left with one Oak plank four raw iron and four daylight sensors I decided that the only thing left to do was to smelt the raw iron with the daylight sensors once the iron had smelted I was left with four ingots one daylight sensor and an oak plank I thought for a second and realized that I could use these ingots to make an iron trapo I could then use the oak plank to make a button to activate the trapo I then used the trapo to crawl underneath the Bedrock once I escape the Bedrock cage I looked around the room and I saw an exit in the top corner I checked the chest for anything useful and I found a potion of levitation I then checked all the furnaces one more time and I used the levitation potion to climb up to the next room when I reached the top I found a skeleton in a cage and another room which had a hole in the ground I walked past the skeleton and dropped down into the next room I found a few holes in the roof one of which that had a chest that I could not reach the other hole had a dispenser and a Target that I also couldn't reach on the other side of the room there was a block of wool in the roof I broke the wool and walked over to the chest I placed down the wool and jumped on top of it to open the chest inside of the chest there was a bow that was on very low durability I knew that I had to use this bow to hit the target but I did not have any arrows to do so I looked around to see if I had missed anything but then I realized that there was a skeleton at the entrance I used my wool to block back up and angled myself so I could kill the skeleton without it hitting me the skeleton dropped arrows but I was unable to pick them up from where I was standing I decided to use the daylight sensor to push the arrows towards me and it worked now I could go back to the Target and shoot it to activate the dispenser after shooting the target my bow broke and the dispenser dropped me a boat finally I checked the room one more time and used the boat to take me to the next room I picked up my boat and looked around the next room there was a big hole leading to the void in front of me with nothing to walk over over I looked around and I saw a double chest that I couldn't reach I also saw a furnace that was empty and a crafting table inside of the wall I decided to place my wool to build a platform that I could jump to I placed my wool as far as I could and I used my boat to catch me in case I failed to jump I opened the chest and all that was in it was a piece of sand I was quite confused on how a piece of sand could help me if I placed it on the wall it would fall into the void and I don't think there are any crafts that involve sand but then I realized I had a furnace and I could make it into a piece of glass if I used my boat as fuel once the glass was done cooking I placed it ahead of me and I jumped now I was able to break the chests and I made one more jump and blocked up into the Next Room the next room was very small and it only had a couple of ladders and a small hole on the side when I looked down the hole there was a chest I opened it and it had two bones and an ender pearl I figured that the only thing left to do was to use the ladders to PR glitch myself through to the next room I threw my Pearl and it worked and I had made it to the next room inside of the next room I found a floating block of ice a hole with what looked like a furnace that was too high to reach and another small hole with a chest I looked around in F5 and the hole looked like it was long enough to lead to another room I opened the chest and I found two oak logs with two oak logs and no crafting table I didn't really know what to do next I looked around for any other Clues and found nothing it took me a moment but I realized that I could make charcoal by using the the furnace in the roof charcoal would allow me to make a torch that I could use to melt the ice once the charcoal was done smelting I was left with three Oak planks I used two of them to make torches and place them all around the ice once the ice melted I swam through the hole to another room I walked forward and there was a room full of lava with a hole in the roof I used my last wooden plank to build up to the room and I looked around for anything to help me I saw there was a crafting table in the corner but that was it I began right clicking the lava to see if anything was behind it I ended up finding a chest with 12 bamboo in it but that was all when I checked the last lava source I found something strange every time I right clicked I would punch something but I didn't know what I decided to look in F5 mode and it looked like there was a room hidden behind the lava I jumped through the lava and barely lived on 2 and 1 half hearts luckily there was water inside of the secret room there was a double chest that had two steak and two string so I ate my steak collected the chests and used them to block off the lava so I could get back through safely by now it was obvious what I had to do I used the crafting table to make scaffolding and then I used the scaffolding to climb up through the hole in the roof once I made it to the top I climbed up this weird formation of bedrock in this room I saw an exit four chests and four dirt blocks I decided to use the dirt to build up to the chest inside of each chest there was one jungle sapling I placed all four of the Jungle saplings on top of the dirt and made my bones from earlier into bone meal I used the bone meal to grow the tree and then I climbed up to the top of the tree Once I made it to the top of the tree I climbed the ladder and after that I had successfully escaped the prison Minecraft is an easy game okay that's not me okay maybe it was me but Minecraft edit core is an easy game which is why I am going to make it harder by playing five of the hardest seeds with the goal of beating it at least one of them in under an hour and obviously I'm not a speedrunner so 1 hour that's good for me the first seed literally spawned me suffocating inside of a wall and to make things worse I was almost 40 blocks below the surface this forced me to staircase with my fist for almost 10 minutes before reaching the surface I made it to the surface and I started punching trees but then I realized I have another problem my hunger bar I was stuck inside a badlands biome where it's almost impossible to get food and to make things worse it was going to be nighttime soon and I was about to run out of Sprint eventually I managed to found a planes biome and I killed a few chickens I then tried to remember how much iron you need to go to the Nether and started searching for lava to make a portal I found lava and made a terrible attempt at the speedrun portal and then I went to the nether by now it was almost 20 minutes into the run which means the world record would have finished twice now but I still had 40 minutes which is plenty of time I I think I got a nether spawn that fit the seed perfectly but luckily I had enough blocks to bridge across I made it to land where I got attacked by a piglin so I made gold boots which makes me one of them I traveled a little bit more where I I found the nether fortress but I was too scared to enter the Fortress Without fire resistance so I just wrote down the cords it turns out I wasn't too scared to enter the Fortress about two seconds later and I started fighting blazes at first I was doing good but shortly after I became scared of the blazes again but regardless I was able to leave with seven blaze rods just to be safe I then set out to find a Bastion which turns out to be very hard if you don't know how to Bastion x-ray eventually I had found three fortresses and still no Bastion so I just gave up wait you thought I would give up no I actually just died and didn't want to go back and get my stuff now I had four seeds left and the next seed spawns you on a single block in the middle of the ocean luckily there's a shipwreck nearby so I got some iron and forgot how to breathe I went back down one more time to try to get wood and almost drowned again so I swam over to some land and found some trees not too far away I then found a lava pool and messed up the speedrun portal again I made it to the nether just before 5 minutes and things were looking good for a few seconds I managed to make it back to the nether a few minutes later so I went to go grab my my stuff it seems I forgot that items burn in lava though so I went back to the Overworld things were already looking bad as I was back in the nether just after 10 minutes leaving me just under 50 minutes to beat the game I crafted my pigin morph made an iron pickaxe and then I attempted Bastion x-ray unfortunately I found a fortress instead and then I got assaulted by a giant pig now I was missing Hearts meaning I needed to find food fast thanks guys I found some actual food and then I decided to go fight blazes which wasn't a good idea I walked around for for almost 5 minutes until I found enough mushrooms to restore my Hunger you're probably wondering what happened for the next 10 minutes and honestly I'm not too sure eventually I started killing Enderman and got the rest of the blaze rods I needed to go to the end the problem was I only had 5 minutes left to get to the stronghold and kill the Ender Dragon so I had to go fast unfortunately I had exceeded the time limit meaning I had failed once again but I decided to find the stronghold anyway it didn't matter though because I had three eyes break on the way there so I couldn't even fill the portal that means I had two seeds failed and three left to go this time I spawned directly inside an ocean with no land in any direction I found a shipwreck again and I found a ton of iron and even a diamond this time there was an air pocket so I was able to make my tools without drowning this run was looking good so far so you're probably wondering how I will mess it up I thought it was a good idea to try to get the gold blocks inside of an ocean Monument now I not only had to go to the nether but I had to find a cow to get rid of this mining fatigue first it took me almost 5 minutes to find a cow meaning I had already wasted over a tenth of my time and I was nowhere near entering the nether after collecting a few things it was now 11 minutes and I decided to dig down to find lava 3 minutes later I was at a lava pool and I made an amazing portal again I was finally in the nether over a quarter of the way into the run and I tried to Bas an x-ray again I was led to another Fortress though so I fought blazes again I got too confident though and the blazes killed me meaning I had to travel thousands of blocks back to my portal so I quit the world and moved on to the next seed but now things were getting bad because I only had two seeds left to beat and then next one was not looking good this is Minecraft's impossible seed and it gets that name for a reason there are ways to survive this seed but for some reason I thought I was a genius that could find his own way out I was wrong and upon looking in replays I realized that is literally impossible Without You subscribing subscribe right now and I will beat the seed no I actually meant impossible without glitches which meant that I was on my final seed so I had to beat the seed in under an hour or else I will have failed luckily the final seed wasn't as hard supposedly I was surrounded in a desert that went on for thousands of blocks this seemed to be the case but I was fortunately able to find a village with the Savannah right beside it where I could get wood thanks to the Village I was able to get food and beds so I was looking really good the only problem was I needed three more iron before I went to the nether I was easily able to solve this problem though because I saw another Village on my way to the lava pool so I killed the village bodyguard and now I had nine iron ingots I made my tools and went back to the lava pool where I successfully made a portal for the first time this video even though my nether entry was worse than the second seed I still felt like I had plent of time to complete this run so hopefully that holds up I turned my fov to 30 and scann for bastions except this time I was actually able to find one instead of a fortress the problem now is getting to the Bastion because the nether isn't exactly known for its terrain I bullied a gast and then I started slow bridging to an island because this time I had to be careful I finally found a way down the Bastion and I made sure to stay as far away from the pigin bruts as possible I have no idea how to route a Bastion especially hogland Stables so it took me forever to figure out where the gold was I had a close close encounter with a piglin brute and then I got really lucky with a few trades with this random piglin not too lucky though so I went to find the rest of the gold I Min the rest of the gold and then traded in the most painful way possible with a single piglin this was definitely not a smart move during a speedrun and I ended up wasting a ton of time but I was able to get more than enough pearls so I left to find the Fortress luckily there's a fortress not too far away meaning this run was still looking possible I managed to find a double Blaze spawner so I was able to get my blaze rods relatively fast leaving with two extra which is better than one the problem now was that I didn't have enough obsidian to build a new portal so I had to go back to 0000 and try to find my old portal I probably should have wrote down the cords but I ended up finding the portal pretty easily and I was back in the Overworld by 35 minutes this left me 25 minutes with two things left to do make it to the end and kill the Ender Dragon simple after traveling over 1,000 blocks I was able to find the stronghold chunk and all that was left to do was find the Portal finding the portal turned out to be way harder than I expected and I almost died to mobs twice after my encounter I was able to find the Portal and I walked into the end now I had just under 14 minutes to kill the ender dragon and I brought beds so this was going to be easy I know you probably thought something was going to happen but I ended up killing the dragon with the beds and beat the game with a time of 48 minutes and 21 seconds absolutely terrible time honestly but I did it so that's it I guess I don't have an outro this square is filled with over 10 million blocks and if my friends can mine every single block before I finish 10 challenges I will give them $1,000 oh that's easy you're going to lose 100% % first I have to survive 100 wardens for 1 minute I have full protection two diamonds so at least I won't die in one hit but there are so many wardens here this is going to be so hard and this is the first challenge they only get harder from here they're all running at me oh my God yep and I'm already at one heart yeah that is a lot harder than it seems oh yeah and for any challenge I fail my friends will get a buff to make them mine even faster so this is going to be very hard attempt number two I lost my armor but whatever there's so many of them over here I'm going to try to hide in a corner and maybe they won't find me never mind that didn't work oh my God okay last try I got my armor back this is good we just have to survive 1 minute judging by my first two attempts that's not going to be easy they're not chasing me yet okay 30 seconds we're halfway there oh my God how am I supposed to do this 40 seconds no way dude it's literally impossible just because of the sonic boom and because I failed the challenge now my friends can mine a lot faster in this next challenge I have to land five levels of clutches which get more and more insane the first clutch is super easy it's just a simple water bucket I don't know if you even die from this height imagine if I failed for level two I have to land a slime block clutch okay this one is a bit higher all right let's go three more levels to go the next level is a little bit harder now I have to land a ladder clutch from over 100 blocks in the air okay here goes [Music] nothing oh my God I thought I failed it looked like I was way too far away now the levels get really hard I have to land a Sweet Berry clutch from over 150 blocks in the air I've never never done one of these before I'm kind of nervous oh my God I was literally just Spam clicking let's go now for the final level I have to land a boat clutch from almost 250 blocks in the air all right I'm just going to go for it if I miss this they are going to be able to mine so much faster no way dude I didn't even place the boat I'm so bad since I failed another challenge my friends now have upgraded pickaxes oh my God I'm like mining whole chunks now bro I'm mining mining in this next challenge I have to hit an insane trick shot all right you have to bounce off these slime blocks then you hit this lever and finally you shoot the chicken and now that you know how hard it is I only have four more tries to hit it okay attempt number two come on and I missed the lever all right attempt number three oh my God there's no way now I only have two attempts left and I haven't even gotten close Okay you bounce off here now we hit this no way how did I miss that shot all right this is my final chance come on hit this oh my god let's go I actually hit it because I hit the trick shot my friends did not receive above from that challenge for the next challenge I have to bust five Minecraft myths and if I get two of them wrong I lose the first myth is does Thorns work on armor stands I'm pretty sure I've tried this before and it didn't work so I'm going to go with false let's go in survival wait what wait I thought it didn't work I swear I've tried it well now I have to get the next four right or I lose the next myth is can mobs see you when you wear their head I'm pretty sure mobs can still see you when you wear their head so I'm going to go with true okay yeah the Creeper's blowing up I was right let's go three more to go can curses be removed with a grindstone I'm pretty sure you can't remove curses with a grindstone let's see yep it's still has cursive binding okay I just need to get two more right can you smell raw iron blocks into regular iron blocks I don't think you can do this either so I'm going to go with false once again yeah it's false nothing is happening when I put it in the furnace okay just one more to go can you spawn a wither in a snow biome now I've done this one before and it didn't work but I remember some comments telling me I have to remove the snow underneath it so I'm going to trust you guys and I will say you can spawn one all right let's build it right here boom boom boom yeah it worked you guys were right and because I got four Ms Right my friends didn't get a buff again the next thing I have to do is find diamonds in cursed Minecraft okay so I only have 5 minutes to do this so I have to be fast or else my friends will get a pretty crazy buff I think I see a shipwreck in the distance so I'm going to make a boat yeah that's definitely a shipwreck hard to tell with the solid water okay this is the wrong chest are any of these squares diamonds I don't think so but we did get some iron and I'll check for a treasure map okay there is a treasure map okay we just need to find this and hopefully there will be diamonds okay we're getting pretty close to the treasure it should be right here okay my F3 menu just isn't working what I have no idea where to dig down let's just dig here okay there it is wait is that a diamond oh it's just a heart of the sea okay I guess our best chance now is to just dig down let's just get a bit more wood and we'll just go in this water cave let's dig down here okay there's a m shaft I could find diamonds in a mine cart chest I don't have much time left though so we have to get lucky okay we're not going that way I forgot I added my mobs to the texture your pack to come on Minecart chest there's literally no Minecart chests in here are you serious oh wait there's one and there's nothing good in it oh my God there's so many Spider-Mans okay we literally have no time left I have to just dig in this wall and out of time that's so unlucky that was the perfect seed to find diamonds and we still found none and because I failed another challenge my friends now have explosive pickaxes for the next challenge I have to beat a parkour course that gets progressively harder okay I'm pretty good at parkour which is good because I can't afford to lose this one okay this level is pretty easy I'm just going to speedrun it okay there's ladders they're easy ladder jumps though okay the blue level looks harder three block ladder jump now we go here this looks kind of far easy for me though obviously okay this is still pretty easy oh not one of these jumps oh my God I thought I fell okay this level looks hard there's a scary ladder jump already that was kind of far okay oh my God what is this jump that one was scary all right and another one of these all right now I just have to speedrun this and we made it to purple that one was definitely harder okay this level looks really scary all right I'm just going to go okay I just speedran that part okay ladder jumps I'm just going to have to speedrun this again there's no way I just did that now we just have to go up this ladder wait where is the ladder oh my God I have to jump to this one what come on no way that literally looked impossible and there's another one okay now there's only one more jump to go let's go I never even doubted myself obviously since I completed the parkour course my friends were not given a buff now I have to speedrun finding a random mob okay this can either go really good or really bad hopefully I don't roll the Ender Dragon come on donkey that sounds fine of course I was going to get a donkey and now I have to speedr run a Strider I mean it could be worse all I have to do is get to the nether in 10 minutes that's plenty of time and there's an outpost right here I mean I probably shouldn't go into it with nothing but what's the worst that can happen okay you guys can stop shooting I'm just here to visit visit your loot okay two iron some wood and some food that's not bad I just need two more iron to get to the nether and there's a lava pool right here this is a really good seed all right let's just get some wood wait what am I doing I already had wood now I just need to find two iron hopefully there's some iron in this cave okay I'm not really sure if there is iron in this cave I literally found no iron in this cave how is that possible guess we just have to find another cave wait never mind the seed is cracked there's a village here too I can't believe I didn't see this Village before all right let's just kill the village bodyguard and we're good sorry man it has to be done let's steal some crops too okay now I can mess up the speedr Run portal I think that's right oh wait I actually did it oh yeah I need Flint for flint and steel here we go all right we still have a good amount of time to find a Strider remember all I have to do is punch it okay I don't see any yet oh wait there's some right there now I just need to get down they're making it really difficult to punch them and there we go I did it since I completed the challenge my friends did not get a buff for the next challenge I have to beat a world record which Dom took from me in his newest video 21 seconds okay I definitely need to warm up since I only had 25 attempts to get under 11.5 seconds I needed to warm up fast and while I'm attempting This Record sometimes YouTube unsubscribes people so if you think you're subscribed please check it helps a lot okay I keep getting around 15 seconds which is definitely an improvement from before but it's still not good [Music] enough wait how fast was that 1299 seconds wait I'm pretty sure that tied my old record and after that my streak of luck began to run out until I was down to one final attempt okay 16 seconds I just can't seem to get it I only have one more try a 13.26 that's a good time but it just isn't enough since I lost the challenge my friends are now able to fly for the final challenge I have to find a diamond in this massive house this house is literally insane how am I going to find this in 10 minutes I also can't afford to lose this challenge if my friends get the fifth buff it's over I'm going to start following this road here okay there's some cars here with some item frames but I don't seem to see a diamond this diamond isn't an item frame by the way so we don't have to check any containers I think I'm going to look in this backyard cuz that seems promising is this a whole other house this is impossible let's check beyond the paintings you never know if there's a hidden room beyond the paintings at this point looking just seems pointless there's endless places it could be I'm diving in the pool I don't think it's down here okay I think I've checked everywhere I can look in this sideous and it's not here let's check the main house we're already almost at 5 minutes to this is bad oh my god look how big the main house is this is crazy the amount of detail is insane I could be looking at the diamond right now and have no idea they even have an infinity pool and a kitchen with some dude's head on the table what this is crazy I feel like I've only checked like 5% of the house oh wait there's a downstairs floor I don't think I've been here yet how do we get down there is the question we only have 1 minute left how do I get downstairs imagine living in a maze like this I think this is the downstairs area they have a bowling alley are you serious who has a bowling alley in their house time is ticking and I've found a place that goes further down but I still see nothing wait there's a secret room here there's lots of diamond armor but no diamonds all right I'm just going to jump in the pool it's over wait is that the diamond wait it disappeared but that was the diamond I'm certain since I won this challenge the score is now 5'4 but as I said there are 10 challenges so this is not over yet okay so for the last challenge I have to stop them from mining so I guess I just have to kill them I don't know what kind of stuff they've been given so I'm just going to get full netherite all right I'm pretty sure they are over here oh they literally have nothing guys I think your time is up ow wait what are you doing here oh my gosh bro that's it please subscribe I don't have an outro
Channel: Eider 2
Views: 122,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 46sec (8866 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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