Testing Scary Minecraft Myths That Are Actually Real…

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these are the scariest myths that might make you quit Minecraft starting with a terrifying entity you've probably never heard of the blood evoker all right and it's rumored that we can spawn the blood ofre by capturing a villager and putting him in a Contraption now who wants to be my test subject oh well well well lucky you I feel like I'm catching a Pokémon okay so now what kind of contraption would summon the blood of ochre huh let's go and tie this guy up a little bit [Music] oh why is it attached to his forehead we going to focus what would be the craziest Contraption to get one of these entities to spawn a little bit of redstone maybe going around oh dude this is looking good this is looking good all right this is the rumor that we've all heard about that we'll actually get the blood of okre to spawn I have no idea how it works but here goes nothing three two one why did I expect this to do something did I do something wrong do I need repeaters a little bit of a delay nothing I've been bamboozled I don't understand maybe our villagers busted like do we have to get a new test subject is there something wrong with this basic villager what is wrong with you he's just like so normal looking all right so obviously it's not working inside of the village but what if we did it somewhere else oh like a mansion there's a mansion so conveniently close to this Village all right buddy you're coming with me buddy buddy buddy's gone wait but his lead is still attached to the fence you don't think nah n n dog he brought how wait how' he get out villagers can't jump over fences I can't even jump over a fence where did our mans go d boy kind of freaking me out dude where the heck did he go what how did you get here you're coming with me we're going to the mansion and you're going to like it oh my God I'm giving this guy the ride of his life okay in case this guy's busted we should grab another villager just in case where's that Chomp dude I heard like a Chomp where are the villagers dude they're all gone oh they're just gone hey yo little clothes homie no way no oh I have no idea what happened they're literally just they vanished D case I guess we're not going to get a second villager to go in the Mansion okay the mansion's right in front of us whoa okay dude what is happening I heard a Creeper explosion but I didn't even see a creeper what he's gone again dude this guy's got to stop escaping he's like Houdini villager what okay dude I'm hearing the strangest sounds I've ever heard in my Minecraft career and there's these random cobwebs in redstone on the ground did he go towards the what are what are you doing dude how did you get tied up in the cobwebs I got a sword on Me Hold on let me cut you free what okay dude now now dude things are getting weird dude I'm getting spooked right now I'm [Music] get why are you so close to me stop it ah can you just behave we're going into the mansion all right we're going to build the contraption again but this time it's going to be inside the Mansion I don't know how he managed to escape from it last time so we're going to make sure that this one's a little bit taller than our last Contraption this is it this is our moment and three 2 1 you got to watch until the end of this video to see what happens the next myth was left by spith on Discord and this is what they said do not use the recovery compass on the seed you will regret it which is really interesting because he's saying that the seed is so corrupt that the recovery Compass instead of pointing you to your last death points you to a future death in game like this is going to be nuts what the BR I grabbed a recovery comp this not a regular one okay anyways this is going to be insane if it actually works so what I want to do first is I need to test this by just dying regularly and seeing where it's going to point me little game mode survival jump to the bottom boom now the question is will the compass point me to where I just died or somewhere else in the seene okay so I literally died right here and the compass is is pointing me in this direction is this not blowing anybody else's mind like this is my first time on this seat so all we have to do now is test and see if their coverre Compass is trying to kill us I think that's bro that lightning that that hit on Q that's got to be coincidence oh that was freaking crazy okay we got to keep following the compass look how far away this is we're already like a 100 blocks if not further from where we had just died cuz if this is legit this would probably be the scariest dude maybe the compass is trying to killed me but I keep having like almost near-death experiences but not quite I mean look at this cave like this is terrifying got the freaking dripstone everywhere if we just fall into one of these we're a goner I almost expect like a mob to appear from behind me and try to kill me but I'm seeing no mobs in this cave but I do rate this cave cave out of cave it's gorgeous be a lot more gorgeous if I found diamonds hey yo it's like it new man okay this can no longer be coincidence like this is happening way too conveniently all the freaking time now we do this way where do I have to mine through the stone oh bro I'm going to be mining for ages I feel like I'm fighting a battle against a compass which is very odd oh you brought me you brought me here what what is this oh that is a weird hole oh honestly this is fine look we have water so if something bad happens to us we can land in the water but I don't see nothing up here what a weird dude this is a strange looking hole I'm it's not like I'm like a hole expert but this is just it's strange right like this is not a hole I've never seen before all right we're going up Compass is this what you want to to do am I doing what you want us to do show me that you're not actually trying to kill me and that you actually care about me all right I've got a wife I might not have kids you should show some compassion to me some compassion you get it CU it's a compass hey we got to be getting near the top come on Compass what what oh dude bro what is freaking going on Compass you are not doing a good job at proving your innocence to me right now now what you you want us to go this way where do you want us to go but you got me feeling so confused right now then we'll go go back we will go back wao wao wait we're not going back but there is no l whose mine is this where's my this is not my tunnel remember okay we know exactly where we were at it was like a pool of lava we fell when we mined the diamonds and there was like that little dripstone block right next to the lava pool I don't even I don't even hear lava this is crazy dude okay I'm kicking in I'm kicking an overdrive we're going in creative mode this what you get recovery Compass all right I'm going to fly back out I don't want to play dirty but if you're going to play dirty I got to play dirty back and that involves using creative mode all right so don't judge me this what wait wait it's sealed I know this was open I you can't like I ain't that dumb what is it doing wait okay let me know in the comments has it been doing this the whole time and I just now noticed this ain't no way it just noticed this the first time where am I freaking supposed to go huh huh what okay taking me out of creative mode putting me into survival this thing actually wants me dead this is no longer the recovery Compass bro this is the Death Note Minecraft edition what all right now this is ridiculous I mean I can just stay inside of this little place over here and I'll be fine anyways this is nuts man all right we can just mine out it's fine like if I can't go into creative mode I'll mine out plus I can sit in here and there's no way lava can get to me Compass you are evil Oho am I here a lot of I'm here a lot of mobs I'm here a lot whoo whoo whoa who wait what no no freaking way those weren't even the regular zombies in a cave I think the death Compass is legit I hate the recovery Compass but this is true rumors about a new living seed have come out and they claim it's a terrifying block the living Lecter why would Lecter come to life though that'd be awful uh oh wait wait I see bookshelves Lecter what wait hold on go go rewind guys I swear I saw the the edge of the lecn through the glass it was right here okay am I blind I'm not blind anymore I have glasses on no there was definitely El there I swear okay is there another one in the village what what what are you do see I knew I saw something villager give me that lecn back where did you put the lecn villagers aren't even supposed to be able to carry things you're not an end give me the Leon back bro we can do this the easy way or the hard way and you're making me do this the hard way my gosh dude villagers take so many hits when you got nothing but your fist what did he put it okay what house was he at when he ended I think he was was it this house oh my gosh dude where was the freaking Lecter oh oh hold on hold on oh I see Lecter okay you can't tell me you better not vanish on me this time did something break was there a sign above the elron too this also doesn't look like a regular villager house like this looks abnormal some people are saying you can literally talk to the lecn as if it could hear you through your microphone or you can write a code inside of the book and I've been talking this whole time and I don't think the lectron is coming to life so maybe we have to put something inside of the book Ando please come to life I come in peace and nothing I know something's up with electron maybe he's shy I will exit the premise and I'll come back in still nothing thing new code uh hey yo what what are you guys doing what are you guys doing what dude you guys were just facing a circle why were they spying on me dude villagers are so freaking weird y' now they're just acting normal like nothing happened yeah like you guys are not sneaky no don't come inside no no no you guys this is like overwhelming all right everybody out out out out something's up with you dude something's up with you I'm going to ride something else man please I summon thy Lecter dude this is getting ridiculous now I feel like an idiot like I'm just goofing off on some random seed I'm going to give this thing some Redstone maybe you need some juice yeah and a come on you are busted La what do you think about that huh hey yo that electron did not like that either the electron didn't like it or is it taking my commands and making it into reality like a genie and a lamp what if I say make villagers have overpowered traits all right let's go find a villager oh look at this guy look at this guy oh my go what a carrot for a diamond ax or a hay B for a netherite sword this is like too good to be true and look at this he's only an apprentice wait this is crazy all right hold on hold did it move dude no dude it definitely moved it was 100% not next to the cactus and I know succulents it freaking moved all right dude okay let's like we got to push this to its limits make it rain diamonds from the sky I mean if this works I will know this thing is Alive come on any second now oh oh oh god dude come on all right a little wishful thinking but if it had worked that would have been sick I mean I don't know man maybe like the commands were too difficult or it's not real and this is like a big bust but I mean to make diamonds rain from the sky like that's actually insane if you think about it like you would have to do something freaking crazy to make that work freaking living Lecter Man Minecraft has a lot of strange structures but none of them come close to the ruined portals who built them and why we're here to find that out have you ever wondered why these were added to the game because I definitely have some people say they were added to the game to teach new players how to make portals but I think it's something far different I it just can't be right because you can't even use the crying obsidian to make a portal or can you it's actually rumored that the real secret behind these portals is a brand new dimension that moing doesn't want us to find out about the only unfortunate thing is when you build a portal out of the crying obsidian and try to ignite it nothing happens but that's because we manually placed the crying obsidian what if I told you you can find a seed where every single crying obsidian is placed perfectly at the ruin portal the only problem is you have to find that seed and it's going to take us a little bit yeah there we go oh oh new world we have to find a ruined portal that is perfectly made out of nothing but a crying obsidian every single block in the portal has to be crying obsidian otherwise we can't test this myth I'll do it for the sake dude I'll do it for the sake of the sake but like I'm telling you right now it ain't going to lie dude what I say what I say huh ah dude this one had like two crying obsidian we got to go again oh oh now we're talking wait what is this oh this one is way more crying obsidian and there's a ton of mobs around it too five blocks this is the most we found at a ruin portal so far but it's still not enough for us though to test the myth what every single block except for one we're getting so close come on man if only this one block was crying obsidian come on I got to try it I I just I got to do it I know it's not going to work cuz it's not all naturally spawning crying obsidian but we're getting so close and this is only our fourth attempt we're going to find it mark my words wao this is I have never seen this before what Pillager Outpost no way no wait this one looks like it's fully crying obsidian oh dude we found it ladies and gentlemen we found it oh baby come on yeah pych you Dad freaking click pated by a ruin portal oh you think you're funny don't you but this is still such a freaking cool Spawn like to see a ruin portal over here Pillager Outpost like this is crazy I've never seen something that hey yo okay now it's even crazier because lightning struck bro not even raining in here we can't stop now we're getting too close this is it wait this is perfect no clickbait I can see every single block I'm literally going into creative mode crying obsidian crying obsidian crying obsidian every single block I'm middle I'm literally middle clicking every single block the entire thing even the corners are made out of crying obsidian oh please please please this is our magical moment dude I'm even going to use the flint and steel that spawn naturally in here come on dude oh this is it man ladies and gentlemen we might make history here in 3 2 1 you got to be kidding me we've spent so much time seed after seed just to get this man for nothing really no my heart can't take it you know what sad like obviously not all myths can be real some of them are meant to be fake and to be busted but this one would have been just insane if it worked and now can we spawn the blood of ochre 3 2 1 nothing again dude what is happening is this a bust or what is something else happening inside of the Mansion wait red sheep wait red sheep only spawn when there's a voker nearby why are you guys here wait villager don't he's gone he's freaking gone where's the evoker where's the oh shoot dude what is this sound waa whoa whoa where is the evoker dude I hate this where is the evoker he's nowhere to be seen oh no no no wait is this a dead end no tell me it splits off somewhere come on you got to be kidding me oh come on oh this is like a freaking horror movie oh that only two and a half hearts of damage that's like freaking nothing bro I was scared for literally no reason bro this is true the blood aoker is real and he's really freaking terrifying
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 2,620,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: lgilS00Zbk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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