Testing printed (home-made) ShaperTape - Is it any good?

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Testing printed (home-made) ShaperTape Hello and welcome back to my channel Today I continue with my series of little videos about the Shaper Origin A couple of months ago, I posted a video about how to save ShaperTape And one of my viewers commented on that video He asked if I ever had tried the ShaperTape generator And I was like "What's that?" So I clicked on the link and found this little tool that is on the Internet and anyone can use Where you can generate PDF files that contain ShaperTape And so you can print your ShaperTape - this here is an example In this tool you have a set of parameters to define what kind of PDF you want to create If you leave it on the default settings and you download a PDF And you get a PDF with a couple of those strips That's kind of a waste, you have a lot of white space here So that's not very helpful You can change that. I typically change the setting to centimeters, because I am in Europe I enter 29 height and 20 width, which is standard A4 format I change row spacing to 1 So I get more strips, and I also center everything These are the settings that work for me That way you get an A4 paper with a bunch of strips You can fiddle around with that until it serves your needs These settings work for me And so I asked myself: Does that work? So this is a video where I try if self printed domino tape is any good. Let's give it a try... First I started my marking all places where I would attach the ShaperTape to That way I can make a fair comparison between the original and printed ShaperTape I put original ShaperTape on the workpiece And also one strip on the place where I will engrave the name I do this to observe how the tape reacts when you route over it Here you see that I put the name "Grace" on that ShaperTape It's about 11cm wide, and 3cm high I engrave the name, and you see, it worked like a charm Now I start cutting out the printed ShaperTape And I replace the original tape, with the printed one I glue the printed tape onto the wood with a glue stick It is kind of fiddly. You need to cut the strips and glue them onto the wood, so take some time. I scan the printed ShaperTape, and it works perfectly Also the cutting works without problems As you see, the name has been well engraved Now comes the tricky part Turns out that the glue sticks too much to the wood, and removing it is really fiddly At the end I decided to remove the tape by sanding with 240 grit paper Here you see both names, one next to each other Both are fine The right hand one looks a little bit softer But that is due to the sanding, and not due to problems with the printed tape I decided to repeat the experiment, but instead of taking a glue stick I took regular packaging tape to attach the printed tape to the wood Again scanning and cutting worked without problems Here you see the result: It worked out fine Compared to the glue stick, removing the packaging tape was much easier The engraving turned out wonderful Here we are again: What is the conclusion of this little experiment? First: The self printed domino tape works If you have budget constraints or if you ran out of tape and can't get to it fast enough then you can use this as a method to get to workable ShaperTape for your projects There are a couple of caveats The main one is, that it's a little bit fiddly You need to print it out Then you need to cut it out and somehow attach it The glue stick method I don't think is workable Because you need to spend a lot of time removing the left over tape I found this was too much work The method with the packaging tape worked better But handling the packaging tape is also kind of fiddly But if you have the time, in general it works well It just requires more time Less money - more time Up to you to decide I will possibly not use it very often Maybe if I have a very large workpiece But not even then... I might just not use it But I think it's cool that it's out there And if that is helpful to you, in one or the other occasion, go ahead and give it a try The Shaper Origin recognizes the self printed tape It works - it's precise It keeps everything that it promises If you find better ways of attaching the tape to the workpiece that is less fiddly or have other ideas on how to make this more helpful Then leave comments on this video and others can learn from that Maybe it even inspires me to make another video Like here, Jens posted this question, and I made this little video - thank you Jens That's it - if you liked this little video, don't forget: thumbs up and subscribe And: See you around! That's it! If you liked this video, please subscribe
Channel: Wooden Soul
Views: 17,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, dIY, Do it yourself, festool, shaper, shaper origin, shaper tape, domino, domino tape, shapertape, dominotape, #shapermade, home-made, printed, selfmade, shapertape generator, domino tape generator, selbstgemacht, gedruckt, drucken, ausgedruckt, imprimir, hecho en casa, cinta shaper, cinta, cinta domino, holzbearbeitung, carpintería
Id: IVZ7neybcXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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