Testing CHEAT Cars VS The Reverse Speedbump Challenge in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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So today we're back with the reverse speed bump challenge except for this time I'm allowing modded vehicles and we're gonna be trying out the most ridiculous things to try to get across to the end of this challenge so stay tuned until the end to see if we make it hit that thumbs up button and let's jump in all right folks so last time we used base vehicles in the game but today we're going crazy I've activated all of my mods and I'm pretty sure the game warned me that it might self-destruct but we're doing this uh we're gonna start off here with the monster truck all right so reverse speed bumps uh this was probably one of the highest requested Vehicles you guys wanted to see me do I don't think this vehicle is gonna work because obviously look it's topping out at like 72 miles an hour um The suspension's Good the tires are nice and big but I feel like when we get to the really big ones oh we are totally screwed no it's already broken and boom uh monster truck is out you know it it did decent uh I feel like if it was a little bit faster it probably would have done even better but you know what we're gonna set it over here uh there is uh the monster truck so let's move to the next vehicle okay so we're gonna run to Bugatti next so are you guys Team Speed are you a team a suspension here I asked this question uh last episode and honestly it was like right down the middle uh people really couldn't decide like which side of the aisle you want to be on when it comes to getting across these reverse speed bumps so let's see if this Bugatti Team Speed can make it here oh my goodness it's beautiful uh all right here we go we saw it some drag racers work pretty well and oh that was oh this is good holy man oh no I think we just folded it in half yeah Bugattis are not supposed to do that that was pretty impressive though uh so we made it to the end of the blue uh we had four more sections to go uh that's definitely like a I guess we can call it a passing grade uh so we'll stick that over here by the way I'll leave all the vehicles out to the side that way we can see the Carnage and figure out which vehicles made it the furthest okay so I know this one's probably not gonna make it very far but I wanted to pull it out anyways because this is the F4 car we checked out a couple days ago fantastic mod I highly suggest checking out that video but I just I'm curious like uh open world suspension is always kind of strange wait why could I not okay there we go I was in manual um nope something's already okay hold on I feel like we need to give another shot there I didn't realize uh that it was a manual do we think we're gonna make it past the yellow I think it will I think at full speed I don't think it's gonna make it past the green okay here we go and we're taking off okay get a little bit more speed this time there we go third gear oh fourth gear okay here we go to the green oh oh it blew right apart oh wait what the heck was that um yeah that wasn't gonna make it but I wanted to try it out anyways I would say we stick it right back here this is about where it made it Ford exploded and launched itself through the sky also the suspension just disappeared um that's normal all right so we're gonna be trying out this drag racing Monte Carlo next now as far as where these mods came from I know a lot of people are gonna ask I've had these in a folder on my desktop uh they just kind of come out uh whenever I do ridiculous Vehicles so as far as like the quality on some of these they might be kind of shady I know some of these are actually really good they have four cars good the monster truck uh let's try this thing out but as far as like providing links for these it's going to be a little harder for me to do that uh oh my goodness uh this twin turbo Monte Carlo is booking it I don't have the NOS on right now whoa wait come on look how far this was what just happened let's try it again with NOS but yeah that's why I separated the videos here that way we had the lure friendly uh episode and now we have the ridiculous episode all right let's see if the nitrous helps us there this thing makes it really far uh also I've got will spin it's like oh this is like sideways okay we're good we're good come on yes holy holy men wait what that made it so far that was impressive it kept getting over and the engine fell out um all right we're gonna set this over to the side well yeah I think man I'm starting to be Team Speed you know at one point I would have said hey you just have to have a really good suspension but when you get to these uh later ones like you've got to be able to skim over them you cannot uh rely on suspension to dive down unless you had a really really tall vehicle I'm talking like up to the sky but that was rather impressive on that one okay so we all know the gravel vertex now this is a quality mod here I love this mod it's got so many configurations and I wanted to use this I was thinking about it last episode but I was like all right we gotta hold this because I know there's some ridiculous configurations that in this pack might actually make it uh so hmm do we want to go with like Spears dragster which I'm pretty sure is uh over the top uh has a lot of power since we use the dragster or drag racer last time I feel like this one might be perfect for this oh yes check that out oh that is all right it's ridiculous uh let's go and pull up line here um all right let's go NOS are we gonna bake it with this here we go oh that is it's just stupid fast it's amazing though look at that okay come on keep going yes haven't gotten caught yet oh dude we're doing it we're doing it wait oh oh what is up with the purple I can't get past this section I'm pretty sure this pack has a faster look we're two away from making it uh also it is a ball of fire down there okay still on uh Team Speed uh the spears dragster which by the way if you don't know who Spears is YouTuber does a lot of GTA uh very fun to watch also very friendly dude uh but yum uh let's see if we can find something a little bit faster in this pack okay so I have the infinite dragster um yeah this is gonna be amazing by the way if you want to know where this mod is I know this one is on the main beam site oh this is this is stupid it's got jados on it I just hope it's stable enough to make it down all right here we go NOS is on I don't know if that's necessary is this gonna be the vehicle that makes it three two one go oh my God uh wait okay so I think we have figured out there's a thing is too much speed pretty sure infinite dragster has too much speed what even happened there oh the tires exploded you know sometimes you just gotta slow things down in BeamNG to really I guess take apart what happened and yeah it wasn't I mean obviously it is because it's too fast but the the back tire is definitely grenaded himself so we need to kick it back then okay so I am pretty sure this is cheating uh I'm gonna guarantee this is cheating uh so I just want to do this real quick uh even though we're probably not gonna count it here we go uh yep I already get some lift look I'm doing the speed bumps I'm totally not flying right over them right now this is not cheating hold on let's get really close to the last one here uh come on baby and oh yeah look at that we're clearing it I totally did the thing hold on let's just dive down into it I had to pull that out because I'm pretty sure this was mentioned in the last video somebody's like well just use the one with the wings even though it kind of really defeats the purpose of the reverse speed bumps it sure looked cool when it crashed uh into the side of the wall here you can see it's a little imprint nice all right folks you ready to go uh Back to the Future here I mean I don't think this thing I don't think it's cheating because it they kind of act like jados so uh let's see if we can do this here we go oh no it takes a second as long as I can get through the first set of bumps okay we're good wait for it now we gotta hit the legendary speed okay the shifting was really slow in this one uh we're almost there come on third gear oh no I'm gonna need the speed here in a second oh was that important oh there it goes okay we're going back to the future oh my God um let me get what the did that tire just take off the opposite direction I feel like the tires exploded again okay let's go slow-mo uh actually I'll wait until we're a little bit more up to speed here uh for some reason this one is really stubborn when it comes to shifting I don't remember it being this stubborn all right there we go third gear oh my goodness it's gonna happen again all right slow mo uh right when we hit 88 we start to get that little speed boost uh I mean it looks like it's handling it decent here oh man those back tires uh well the the speed okay there it goes I wasn't sure if it actually worked in slow-mo there it goes I mean it shouldn't change anything so what happened here oh it seems like those back tires like they keep bouncing up into the body all right here we go let's see how far we can make it uh I'm gonna assume well actually I don't think we're going fast enough to explode the tires it must have been when it hits because that back I mean that suspension is like buckling right now all right here we go it's the next set I'm gonna correct a little to the right oh it's just starting to turn into jello uh oh my goodness oh okay it wasn't a tire explosion it was just the back tires just getting caught okay that didn't work at all um I had a little more faith that that was going to be potentially one of the ones that would get us to the end okay so we're gonna use the hunicorn here because 1400 horsepower um I think this will be decent this probably isn't quite uh like the other uh drag racers here let's see if it hooks up the same way yeah I definitely think those might be still a little bit faster I mean it's 1400 horsepower wait hold on but is this one stable whoa okay yo this is okay this is someone okay it was somewhat working you know to be fair uh where's the vertex we aren't that far from it wow it's this purple one is the Bane in my existence right now uh how do I want to start thinking about this one you know honestly if you look at it from the naked eye you can barely tell the difference they definitely are longer bumps I just don't know how you get across them uh so let's keep looking for maybe speed uh wait a minute I got an idea all right so I do have some big vehicles coming up I've got the belas and I have agent wise resizable car which we have used that before I feel like if maybe if you have a way oversized car you could get through these I just wanted to try this out so this is the tank uh with jados oh my goodness tank tracks are really really do not work well on reverse speed bumps all right well the tank made it right here we're just gonna keep it out um yep did not work as good as I thought it was going to okay so this is Agent wise etk resizable mod um I feel like this one's called big fat cheater which I don't think this one's legal first off I'm having problems uh staying between the lines here uh another problem is the speed bumps aren't as wide as the car so it's technically the car can just drive over them like this okay I'm actually between the between the rails here yeah this is cheating that's not no okay let's go maybe with the size down from this they've got to hit the speed bumps I mean if we count this one we have to count the flying one too okay so we're gonna use the times five so uh by the way agent y recently updated this mod uh which is kind of cool to see all right so we're definitely hitting the bumps like you can see it react to it a little bit but man it's pretty minimum so here's the problem I see those big ones are still just ridiculous in size one try to keep it a little to the left I mean we're still technically crossing over these bumps uh oh my goodness okay it's getting a little worse here oh I think it just broke the suspension okay so big vehicle is this the furthest we've no it's not okay you know that really makes me not have a lot of faith in the blaz um we are gonna get it I might have to actually reset my game for some reason it wasn't in my main mods folder and I know where it is uh but right now let's go ahead and give you a top three uh right now it's mainly speed so we have the vertex mod uh the spears uh version of it uh you've got the Monte Carlo and then you have uh the hunicorn and then of course fourth is what we were just in yeah I think we uh we gotta do it let's go grab the ballaz so this is really broken my belaz is just one giant no texture it also just kind of looks really dirty oh my goodness this isn't gonna make it so they had a ridiculous version of this uh in another mod I think it might have been another fix but yeah this is this isn't pretty oh my God oh you know what this is a problem I've always had with this these big tires they sometimes they get clipped uh it definitely just clipped right into the right into the speed club and it shredded them oh wow yep okay well that big is not better I definitely think small fast try to skim over the bumps okay we proved that bigger is not better but what about longer by the way this whole episode is gonna get taken out of context that's what she said um so what we're gonna do what if we were to upgrade the engine on this I want to try to make something that would get across of course we're not gonna get the Ludicrous Speed like the vertex but I mean I've got some pretty good engines in here like a big old V10 that I just put in here that I'm not even sure is actually running oh says it just fell out of the bottom Komodo might have made a mistake here wait it doesn't have any fuel in it what is a V10 take oh this was a diesel duh okay so let's get a gasoline in here okay so we have a running V10 version of this oh my goodness it's got speed it's also got a exhaust that's hanging out that's fine all right let's try this as a V10 motor it's good but it's not ridiculous but question is with how long the truck is like does that help us on the later part because this has hurt us I feel like it might actually hurt us I just wanted to try it because this was another one of the comments from the last video oh my goodness I mean it's cool looking oh the tires are folding and there it goes oh that brought me some Joy okay so with going through my mods I realized that the vertex cars are the winner right now this is the ultimate mod for this challenge uh whether or not being a little bit of cheating but I don't think it's that bad I got one though okay this one's called the power demon I'm hoping that this might be the key uh debating this challenge now there is a God mode one but I feel like the god mode one maybe it's not gonna be fast uh we'll have to try it too all right here we go there's a lot of will spin here also I'm once again there we go shift them what the heck this is beautiful so far yes we're doing it nope we're not doing it anymore we have died is that the engine yep the engine has ended up where the transmission should be that didn't make it okay folks this is the last hurray this is the god mode vehicle with the jado now I am gonna remove uh the ram plow if I can so we're just gonna let's just put on just a stock bumper on this okay so now we have our god mode we have no Ram plow so I don't think it's gonna catch uh in the speed bumps I mean the tires shouldn't explode on this right all right here we go three two one go come on do we finally have this challenge beat this would be great if we did uh oh my goodness okay no exploding attires oh uh what does that even mean what well maybe the tires aren't invincible uh the car did pretty good I mean it's got a slight being on the right rear I gotta watch this in slow-mo let's do it one more time I was hoping this was gonna be it I mean as far as like the after the crash this is the best the vehicle's ever looked uh all right here we go what actually happened here all right so I mean just look at it work it's beautiful but I think it it has just enough time to drop down into the speed bump that yeah it obliterates it honestly at this point I'm not sure what vehicle can do this I mean if you guys come up with something else oh yeah the front tires did explode maybe there's a uh Invincible Tire mod I mean we almost made it to the pink uh that was definitely a thing
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 224,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cars vs speed bumps, beamng drive, beamng, beamng drive gameplay, beamng police crashes, beamng drive car crashes, beamng drive crashes, beamng drive mods, beamng biggest crashes, beamng funny moments, car crash, camodo gaming, beamng.drive, gta, gta test, beamng speed bump, beamng speed bump at high speed, beamng weird cars, testing car, reverse speed bump, beamng reverse speed bump, gta reverse speed bump, game, new, gameplay
Id: OkbmxEcxmgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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