Making an Air-themed Resin SWORD (it glows!)

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We have an arsenal of resin weapons, and we would like to add to it. We started with these three resin knives, and our latest addition was this lava-themed resin ax. And after this one, we thought it'd be fun to do another elemental-themed weapon. An air-themed resin sword. (intense rock music) Fight. (swords clang) KATELYN: This video is brought to you by Squarespace, the all-in-one platform for all your website needs. Specifically, we want to try to recreate little clouds inside of resin to make it look like the sky. But we have some concerns. How are we gonna add the clouds? We did a ton of research, put a lotta time to it, and didn't find any good answers, so instead, we're doing a whole bunch of experiments. We bought all these materials, and we're gonna try them out to see which makes the best cloud in resin. (bright music) Paperclay. It's like clay, but there's paper in it. (laughs) When you tear it apart, it leaves kind of like a rough edge that looks more organic. (growls) I'm a big monster tearin' apart clouds with my tiny little claws. I kinda wanna just put this clay straight into the resin as is, but you have some worries about that. Yeah, I worry that the moisture content in the Paperclay might mess with the resin curing. We just microwave this, and it'll turn rock-hard, 'cause I did an experiment and that worked. (laughs) We have a nice selection of different-sized clouds. Let's go ahead and put them in the microwave. That's a weird sentence I didn't think I'd be saying ever. (microwave beeps) KATELYN: For a minute? Think that should be enough. KATELYN: Okay. Don't wanna burn the clouds. NARRATOR: A few moments later. I smell, like, the wood is burning. (tense music) Doesn't it kinda smell like campfire in here to you? There's so much, oh! KATELYN: (gasps) Oh, careful. The wood, the wood is so hot! Maybe we shouldn't have put it on wood. Maybe we shoulda used like a plate. Like a paper plate? KATELYN: Yeah. To cure the paper clouds? KATELYN: Yeah, I don't know! Dude, this wood is hot! KATELYN: Don't touch it! Oh, it's so hot! Wait. How hot's that wood? (bright music) Guess in the comments. How hot is it? Oh, boy! That's 110 degrees, 120 degrees Fahrenheit, 125, 130, 170, 180. Oh, my god. EVAN: It's 200 degrees Fahrenheit. No wonder it smells like burning wood. 229 degrees Fahrenheit. That's some hot wood! It's hot wood, y'all. Let's see if these are cured. Oh, yeah. They're hard. Feel that now? Feel that. These are some pretty solid little clouds. Yeah, those are never gonna be translucent. No, these are like "Simpsons" clouds. KATELYN: Yeah. Let's get the- Ready to mix some resin? Yes. Sorry, we start talkin' at the same time, it's kind of awkward. It was the same idea. It was the same idea. We're on the same page. Doo, doo, doo, doo, resin time! (upbeat music) EVAN: So I think for the color, we're gonna stick with a pretty simple blue sky. I think let's mix up this and see what it looks like. Oh, my gosh, I'm just realizing, like- KATELYN: Yeah, how are we gonna get that in? I think I might just, like, open it up a little bit. Oh, my... EVAN: Like, spread it a little bit. Ugh, oh, god. Aw, come on! Doin' what I gotta do! Yeah, I mean, that's already, like, more than halfway full, which is crazy. Yeah, maybe you should put some clouds in before you add more resin. Yup. KATELYN: From the side, it's looking okay. Okay, I think that mine is done. I'm gonna try it now with the uncured clay. EVAN: Ooh, yeah! (upbeat music) Oh, that one broke in two. That's pretty good, though, I think. That's pretty good, I like it. (upbeat music continues) Sometimes, technology feels a little bit like magic. You don't want bubbles? Boom! Under pressure, no more bubbles. I mean, (laughs) I do need to apply pressure. I can't just say magic words. Yeah, that's true. You can do both. Boom! Under pressure! (pressure pot hissing) Boom? Boom is the magic word. Oh. Probably not the best magic word to choose when you're talkin' about a pressure chamber. Yeah, maybe not. (explosion & static crackling) (pressure pot hissing) (bright music) I am very curious. Alrighty. Okay, wait, which one is which? This is mine. Okay. EVAN: And it's... KATELYN: Okay. It's okay. The blue did not mix well. KATELYN: But the clouds, I will say, look pretty good. Now, you can tell that they did poke out a little bit, like when the light catches, but they look pretty cloud-ish. I don't know. (Katelyn mimics mold squishing) KATELYN: Okay. Honestly, they look about the same. (gasps) It's soft! Look, look, look. Can you see that? Okay, yeah, yeah. That's bad. Well I'm not crazy about either of these options, (Evan laughs) but I would say the baked one is slightly better. (mellow music) Cotton balls. We had some around the house, and they seemed like a logical thing to make clouds out of, so why not give it a shot? EVAN: Oh, I like how there's almost little, like, dots- Yeah. Of clustered, concentrated white. Now, the main thing is- Oh, wow! When this is in resin, will it still look like that, or is it gonna get all, like, soggy and gross-looking? Ooh! I'm loving that so far. Much more transparent, much more soft and cloudy. That's fun. So I think I wanna try just putting them straight into resin again. Do you wanna do anything to yours first? Yeah, I wanna do the exact same thing. I wanna pull some out- And put it in the microwave? (laughs) So you're putting some UV resin in a cup and on the mat. On accident. On accident. I did that on accident. Yeah, I'm gonna soak it, so immerse it, soak the juices up. Yeah. Oh, yeah! All right, so there we have it. Mmm! A very resin-y... Oh, that is so wet. I'm gonna just stand back a little bit. EVAN: Look at that, that's nice and airy. Can you get little pieces? Oh, look at that. Nice. EVAN: That's a nice little one. KATELYN: Looks like a tooth. (playful music) I wanna soak the cotton ball, cure them, and then put them in the two-part epoxy resin. Byoo! (spaceship whirring) All right. Let's see if it's cured. Oh, yeah. Yeah! EVAN: That totally looks like a tiny little cloud. (bright mellow music) I definitely wanna put this one in. I love that one. I'll put one of the other big ones in, the biggest one in. KATELYN: Ooh, I can see 'em from the side! They look good. I think they look pretty good. Yeah! EVAN: I'm afraid I put too many clouds in there. No! Really, it's not about the aesthetic distribution. It's just about, like, do they look like clouds? Yeah. Now I'll try putting in my dry balls. (snorts) Which you think of, like, dry eyeballs. Yeah, that's what it makes me think of. Let's see if this is a good idea or a bad idea. EVAN: Already, already, it's looking very strange. The cotton balls are kinda getting stuck on the edges a little bit. Yeah, I think this is- EVAN: It's organic-shaped. Oh, organic is good, but is this good? One thing I can tell is they're merging into one, which is not a bad thing. It could be, like, a nice, soft look, but they're definitely merging, and I have zero control, which is not a place I like to be in. EVAN: Well, it's also all of their tails, all of their sides are pointing upwards. (Evan laughs) Oh, yeah, I do see that. EVAN: You're pushing them down in the middle. Sorry, I gotta go like this to see. Come over to this side. (Evan laughs) I like how this footage is just the top of both of our heads. (laughs) Hi. KATELYN: I think that might be a good amount. EVAN: You know, we'll just see what it looks like when we take it out. Okay, ready for the pressure pot, the other pressure pot. I think we're gonna name him Max. Max, I like that. That's cute. He's a big boi! He's Max boi. He's Max boi. He is the largest size that we could find for a pre-made pressure pot, so- Exactly. Max. I like it. (groans) We have Pascal and Max. Oh, Max, why you gotta be so large? (metal clanging) (Evan groans) (pressure pot whistling) Let's see how the cotton balls did. KATELYN: So these are yours, where you resined them first. I thought they'd look better. I'm not crazy about these. No, they just kind of look gross. They look like little snot balls. Like boogers. (Evan laughs) EVAN: They're not as opaque as I want them to be. We'll see if mine look any different. They don't even look white. They just look like they soaked up the ink. EVAN: They just soaked up the ink. The blue. They're more blue. (gasps) That's it! They soaked up the ink! I think they literally, like, took the dye. Yeah, mine, I don't think did, but yours, yours 100% soaked up the dye, 'cause, like, blue clouds. 'Cause they're blue. There's no white in there. So we were gonna test wool and Poly-fil, and this other, like, fuzzier-looking Poly-fil, but I feel like after our cotton ball experience, I kinda worry they would just all be the same. But that's okay, because we have more options. (energetic music) Air-dry clay! And also, air-dry clay, and air-dry clay, and air-dry clay. Did you know I was buying this many? No, I put them all in the cart because I was like, "Oh, let's look at all four of these "and compare the options." And then you were like, "I bought the air-dry clay! (Evan laughs) "All of them." (bright music) This one, I was actually really excited about, because the listing mentioned resin clouds in the description. It came to us all the way from Japan. And it was busted when it got here, so- It was busted. There's that. Let's open this up, see if it's still usable, see if it's self-sealing. Ooh! (gasps) Ooh! Ooh! Good job. Past us, look at this. (Katelyn laughs) It's very, look at that! Ooh! Oh, yeah! Okay, that's promising. Now, if we can just keep it fluffy in the, like, small- Look at that. Thin form. Ooh! Oh, that right there, that is a cloud. Let's set this aside as, like, potential test one. Let's see about some alternatives that are a little bit easier to source. (lids snap) Show me what you got. (container clatters) Unnecessary. EVAN: Oh. Oh, whoa, look at this. Not the same, not the same. It goes into, like- It's strings. It's like cheese. Strings, but like, not at all the pull-apart cloudy texture from the Japanese clay. It's string. Look at that. That's a cloud right there, boom. This is way too wet. It looks like gum that's been melting in the sun. I don't think that one's gonna work. Okay, no. Fail! Fail. (anvil thuds) (clay bounces) "Foam clay, non-toxic. "Cut, sand, prime, paint." Open! (calm music) (energetic drumming) (calm music) (energetic drumming) (calm music) I made a cat. It's a weird cat. (energetic drumming) Do you need... do you need any help, baby? It's not opening. Oh, it opens from here! Well then, what is this? What is this? You look at this! This looks like the edge of the lid, right? (laughs) No, you break the tab and you open right there. My lid was the exact same and I was able to do it just fine. (laughs) But is the clay good? Let's see. I really think this might be the exact same clay in two different packages. Oh, it's the gum clay. It's the gum clay. Oh, yeah, so we did get two boxes of the same thing. I apologize. You don't know until you know, right? Especially if you don't do any research and you just buy them all. Yeah. I'm sorry, that came out saltier than I meant it to. That's okay. I'm just gonna be me and my cat over here. Okay, but this last one, this last one looks so puff... No! Oh, my gosh, we have so much air-dry clay. No! What am I gonna do? You can mold some nice things. I'm gonna turn into an elf. KATELYN: Oh, you're gonna make some ears? Hey! Dobby is free! Okay, well, you know what? This is the thing. We explored all of the options in person so you guys know the only one worth getting is this one. KATELYN: Yeah, the one from Japan that took two weeks to ship. Yeah. Okay. Hey, we have it. I'm excited to try it. We have it. Yeah, we have it. We have it. We also have a lot of other things, so, I guess we're gonna find a project to use air-dry clay for. Maybe. (clay thuds) (container clatters) It's fun, right? Yeah. Right, so before we do the test in resin, I think we should do another microwave test just to see if we can cure this in the microwave. I'll prepare a few little pieces. This is still working really great. I'm still able to pull off just, like, cloud after cloud. This is the easiest one to prep clouds for too. Who woulda thunk the thing that says "for clouds in resin" actually works? (laughs) Let's put some of these pieces in the microwave. Let's test it. Let's see if they dry out. Should we do less time than last time? How much time did we do last time? I don't remember. (Evan laughs) They look the exact same. Let me choose a piece to see if it's harder. Did you just listen to it? I don't know what I'm supposed to do. KATELYN: They still feel pretty squishy. (clouds squishing) I think they're always gonna be a little bit squishy. The other ones weren't. Other ones weren't? Now that you're questioning it, I don't remember. Yeah, other ones did get harder. Thought they got hardened. They might be ready. Yeah, let's stick it in the resin, see what happens. ♪ Crusty blue ♪ Oh, no, I did two! It's fine. Is it? Yeah, it's fine. You get a cloud, I get a cloud. KATELYN: I like that. Yeah, I like that a lot too. I might add just a few more clouds, like maybe a medium, and then like a really small. They're floating a little bit. EVAN: Like they're going up? KATELYN: Yeah, they're goin' up just a little bit. Oh, they are totally floating. KATELYN: Yeah. Okay, yeah, they're going up a lotta bit, actually. Oh, 'cause they're air clay! There's air in it 'cause it's air clay! No, no, it's air-dry clay. It's air-dry clay. EVAN: No, are they still floating? KATELYN: The one on the right. Yes, look at the one on the right! Oh, wow! Come on. It's a little submarine raising to the surface. Yeah, he's raisin' up. EVAN: And if they're not raising, that means- He's breaching the surface! We could put a weight, put him in some concrete boots. (Evan laughs) Weigh him down so he sees the bottom of the river. Now, the other ones aren't floating. What if we just remove this and ignore it? Yeah! (Evan laughs) Into the pressure pot with you. (pressure pot whistling) (timer dings) I am feeling very hopeful about this one. (pressure pot hisses) (pensive music) Oh, no! (Katelyn gasps) Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. When I said I was feeling hopeful, I forgot about the fact that they floated. EVAN: And the sad thing is, like, other than them raising up too high- KATELYN: They might be the best-looking clouds. EVAN: They might be the best-looking clouds. KATELYN: Let's compare this to the others. EVAN: Think we can get rid of these. (exhales) So we can move forward with the paper clay, or we can try to make the air-dry clay work, or we can try a whole new material. (upbeat drumming) So we discussed, and we thought, "What if we don't need to imbed something "for it to be clouds? "What if we can just make clouds "by injecting, like, really highly-concentrated "white resin into the blue sky?" And even if it doesn't look exactly like clouds, what is the element of air? It's sky, it's wind, it's a breeze. (wind blows) This could be very interpretive. (Evan laughs) (upbeat music) (respirators whirring) Your butt is not as soft with that on it. (spring boinging) Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! This is inappropriate content. (upbeat music) Okay. Never done this before. Kinda looks like a cloud! (resin farting) Kinda looks cloud-ish. Now, pulling it up is interesting. I need to kind of, like, swirl my way out. Yeah. It just, like, flows. I'm not pushing on it, but it just, like, flows out. Oh, wow, it, uh... (laughs) What? (Evan laughs) What? EVAN: It looks organic. It's clouds! Do you not want them to be organic? (laughs) Let the wannabe pro show you how it's done. (gloves snapping) Because I have the wisdom and foresight of going second, I'm gonna do a few things differently. Number one, I'm not gonna pull it out, and I'm gonna suck upwards. Oh, suctioning upwards! EVAN: Inject another one, and then suck upwards. Try doing a tiny. EVAN: And I'll do a tiny right here. KATELYN: Yeah. EVAN: And I'll suck upwards. KATELYN: Yeah, the suction really helps separate them and stop the flow. There you go. You know, it's not the most cloud-like shape. I was just really tryin' to focus on not doing what Katelyn did. (laughs) Yours look like there's letters written in the sky. It looks like K-O-R. Yeah, Katelyn Only Rocks. (Evan laughs) I'm curious to see- How they both turn out. Like, does the resin keep going, or does it kinda stay where we put it? (Evan laughs) (pressure pot whistling) (timer dings) Ooh! Ooh! Oh! KATELYN: Is it separate? Things happened. This one looks about the same. It still clearly says K-O-R. Oh. I mean, it looks cool, but I don't know if it looks like clouds. It does look like organic wind-like things. It looks kind of- Interpretive air. EVAN: Interpretive air. It honestly looks cooler than most of these. EVAN: Yeah, it looks really- KATELYN: Like, it looks cool. The weird thing about mine, the weird thing about mine, all of it settled down to the bottom. I mean, again, that doesn't look bad. It looks kinda cool! Doesn't look bad! KATELYN: It looks kinda cool! (laughs) Just like we planned the whole time. Yup. (bright music) It's time to disassemble the sword. Now, I think one easy place to start is to take off this really cheap handle wrapping. This was a very cheap sword. That's- For swords, it was cheap. Now, what's interesting is it looks like this is just black electrical tape. (laughs) Take this whole thing apart. Is that just, like, foam, or plastic under there? Yeah, it's just two pieces of plastic. (Katelyn laughs) No way, are they making- Is that a bottle opener? No, there's another knife under this. Oh, my gosh! What? This is crazy! (Katelyn gasps) Oh, this is, oh, this is bad. Do they sell the knife also, and they're just, like, being super efficient with their materials? EVAN: Yes. This is gonna cause errors in our mold! KATELYN: This is gonna cause- And then they welded this on. We're gonna have to grind it out. Yeah, we thought we could remove this piece- My gosh, my dudes! What do we do? (upbeat music) (saw buzzing) (metal clatters) I mean, I knew I was gonna have to eventually design, like, a new handle, but I didn't expect it to be like this. (Evan laughs) KATELYN: I guess we just need to design a handle and get it cutting. And since we were now having to make a new hand guard too, might as well make it fit the theme with the cloud shape. (upbeat music continues) Ooh, such nice, rounded edges. EVAN: Wow. (upbeat music continues) KATELYN: Creating the handle, hand guard, and mold boxes was going great, until we did an oopsy. (object crunches) (Katelyn gasps) So we have two beautiful mold boxes with our sword pieces ready to go, and as we were placing the sword one, our connection between the handle and the sword, (clicks tongue) it popped. Yeah. It separated. We have a very thin gap there, big enough for silicone to get in, so we have to fill it. It's just annoying. (both laugh) It's so painful to, like, take apart work that you did. I know. (playful pensive music) (Katelyn gasps) Okay. KATELYN: Okay, it's exposed. EVAN: There's the crack. KATELYN: See the crack? Do you see it? EVAN: They're not even connected anymore. We're gonna put some blue tape on one side, sprinkle in some baking soda, drop in some super glue, it's gonna be fine. It's gonna be better than it was before, honestly. Possibly. Perhaps. I mean, maybe not. Okay, so we're gonna sprinkle in some baking soda with our very official funnel. It's a piece of paper. (tense music) Hey, I got it pretty good. I'm gonna work it in with a razor blade. This will be really cool if it works. Yeah, this will be really cool if it works. That is a precise-lookin' line, baby. Saturate, saturate! Go all the way down. (tense music) EVAN: Look at that. Okay, the back is good. It looks almost filled. Looks like there's a gap at the top there. (Evan sighs) Okay. I'll do it. You know the benefit of having to undo and redo your work? What? You get better every time. (warm music) I love getting better. (upbeat jazzy music) KATELYN: And now, to finally make our mold. Silicone! (party horns toot) I was just reading, it says, "Stir part A, "and shake part B thoroughly!" EVAN: What? What's that gonna do? I don't know! It says to shake it. EVAN: Katelyn's perspective. (Katelyn laughs) (bright music) (laughs) Whoa, you're so close to the edge! KATELYN: What? EVAN: Oh, careful, careful. Stop making me nervous! EVAN: (laughs) You want me to get a paper towel for you? That would be very helpful. (bright music continues) (Katelyn chomps) Time for part B. Good thing I shook it! You ready, or you gonna stress me out again? EVAN: I have full confidence in you. KATELYN: Thank you. Unlike my filming skills. (laughs) Okay, let me read the instructions, in case there's anything specific, you know. What if it's- Like stir clockwise three times, counterclockwise once? Like, stir it, but you can't use any fingers, and um- Pretty sure they wouldn't do that. Do you want me to read for you while you stir? Sure, thank you. (warm music) EVAN: Um... Uh, it says nothing. (warm music) After the silicone was mixed, it was time to put it in the vacuum chamber to remove the bubbles. (warm music) (vacuum chamber whirring) It's bubblin' time! (vacuum chamber rattling) Oh, it's goin'. (vacuum chamber rattling) Oh, it's really... It is aggressively bubbling. BOTH: Oh! No, no, no, no, no. (bright music continues) EVAN: Okay, okay. Did you release some pressure? No, no, no. (vacuum chamber rattling) How much do I wanna push it? Let's not push it too much. (vacuum chamber rattling) Continues to push it. (vacuum chamber rattling) We are making, like, zero progress on these bubbles. Now, the bubbles are poppin', but there's still so much bubbles. There's an indefinite number of bubbles. The bubbles are forever. Normally, by this point, there'd be no bubbles, but what do you see when you look in? KATELYN: Covered with bubbles. So I need to prepare the super pressure pot, DIY pressure pot. Yes, my husband, the engineer with lots of experience building high-pressure systems, DIYed a 36-inch pressure pot so we could ensure the sword had no bubbles. We originally thought we'd use it to get bubbles out of resin, but since the vacuum chamber isn't gettin' 'em outta the silicone, we're gonna use it on the silicone too. Do not try building your own pressure pot at home. No, seriously, it could explode. (explosion blasts) I didn't think we'd be using it so soon! I know, me neither. (upbeat music) KATELYN: Look at how beautiful it is. Look at it cascading. EVAN: Cascading. Burying the sword in a sea of liquid jello, but it's not normal jello, it's clear jello. Imagine eating clear jello. I can imagine that. I mean, eating jello is already, you know, no offense to jello lovers, but it's not my favorite snack. (Evan laughs) But just imagine it being clear. Isn't jello naturally clear, and then they just add dyes to it? Yeah, I know, that's why it's weird. (Evan laughs) We did say that we were gonna tape the two long edges of the mold together so that the silicone didn't make it bow out. EVAN: That might be what's happening right now. It is bowing, yeah. It's definitely bowin'. It's bowing. EVAN: All right. Blue tape. It's so Boeing, it's an airplane. (upbeat jazzy music) Now, where were we? EVAN: Right about here? Mm, clear jello! Wow, mm, disgusting, but also wonderful. Let's do it, baby! (epic music) Oh, creation, so exciting. Wait, what the heck? (Katelyn gasps) (music winds down) Why isn't it- Why is it not, why is it too tall? Oh. Oh, my god! (epic music) Do you need me to hold that other side? (groans) What if I'm getting goo on my creation? (upbeat jazzy music) (pressure pot whistling) (timer dings) (pressure pot hisses) (wind rustling) (Evan laughs) They don't call him Max for nothin'. (Evan groans) I don't see any big bubbles. EVAN: Whop! Whoop. Oh, guys. KATELYN: That is nice. Look at this pro of a mold! That is pro level, look at that. KATELYN: Yeah, that's real nice. EVAN: That's near perfect. That's perfect. Look at the gloss. Yeah! KATELYN: I'm so glad we put it in the pressure pot. EVAN: Max did a great job. Now, this will be the inaugural test of your homemade pressure chamber. (pressure chamber hissing) (pensive music) Okay, it's lookin' petty bubble-free to me. I wonder if the tape is gonna lead to, like, us having an uneven base. Hopefully not. Oh! It is, feel how much that went up. It went up. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. EVAN: Hey, the mold held up, though. It didn't leak. Separating very nicely. KATELYN: Yeah. Oh, yes! Oh, yeah. Yes. Oh, it's goin'! Yeah, baby! Oh, yeah! Sword mold. Sword mold! So good. That's super exciting. Because the new pressure chamber has passed, it gets eyes. (suspenseful music) It becomes sentient. It joins our army of named pressure pots. Not named yet. The name will come to us. Oh, I have a name. Can I say the name? EVAN: Yeah. Long Boi. It's crooked, that's fine. Should I give him a mouth? (Evan laughs) (Katelyn laughs) Long Boi! EVAN: Long Boi! Look at how long he is. (both laughs) Oh, welcome to the family. (mellow music) Before we do the resin, we thought that we would reveal the design. EVAN: Wow, it's a gradient. I love it. It is. Thank you, off-camera commentator. So we have this piece that is the blade and the tang, that's gonna get covered with the handle, so we thought we'd do like a blue to pink gradient, with some purple in the middle, to, like, bridge the gap. EVAN: But where's the clouds or the wind, or the white stuff? You'll notice, I just put it on the sword here, and that's because there's actually gonna be handle pieces to cover this tang, and we could add the clouds to those. And of course, we're not just doing normal white for our clouds. We're gonna make them glow in the dark! And then we're missing the little hand guard that we made to look like the shape of a cloud. And since it's the shape of a cloud, we thought that that would be cool to color it white, like a cloud. (Evan laughs) We also thought maybe we could try a version where the handle matches the white swirly of the cloud hand guard. EVAN: How could we decide which one to do? What if we did both instead? We're gonna do both instead. I mean, not instead. We're gonna do both. (energetic jazzy music) Here we go with the glow. Yeah, glow powder! Our clouds are gonna glow! Yeah! Heck yeah. Okay, and then we have our opaque white. Oh, yeah, Evan made a second mold so that we can do two of these. Heck yeah. Thank you. By the way, if you want a full extra 24 minutes of resin-testing content, we recorded a whole test section that is available to our patrons and YouTube members. I thought we weren't gonna admit that we did a test. (respirators whirring) All right, so I'm gonna try doing a dirty pour between white and blue, just a little bit of blue, 'cause I want it to look kind of like a sky in the clouds, have a little bit of a blue tint. I'm gonna give it one quick stir. Okay, yeah, to not over-mix it. EVAN: Ooh! KATELYN: I mean, that looks nice. I was thinking I'd make it more blue. I'm not sure if I like it. I like it. You like it? You don't? (Evan groans) No. (laughs) Should I fix it for the second one? No. No, it needs to match. Then it's only gonna be half as good. It's better to be uniform, and then you might like it. If it's half and half, it's not gonna look good at all. Yeah, true. KATELYN: You didn't make them the same. EVAN: No, I didn't. KATELYN: You added more blue! EVAN: Oh, that looks totally different. (energetic jazzy music continues) Okay. Go for it, baby. I wish you more luck than I had. Okay. So I tried injecting resin clouds like we had before, but we realized the last molds we did were vertical, and these ones were horizontal, so it might be different. (energetic jazzy music continues) EVAN: She went for a more blue cloud. I'm trying to add some more white to change that. (energetic jazzy music continues) (Evan groans) Okay. Long Boi, are you ready to join the team? "Yeah!" (laughs) We finished adding a face to him. Oh, my gosh, I love him so much. Me too. Now, let's get pumpin' more resin. KATELYN: We have our white and gluw. Our what and what? KATELYN: Our white and gluw. Why are you so fancy all of a sudden? KATELYN: Our dluc. EVAN: No. (laughs) KATELYN: And our pinz! Oh, oh! Fu... (pause beeps) We have an extra sword here. I wonder what we could do with it. ("classical music") KATELYN: No, no, no, no, no, no, no! EVAN: I really need another place to channel my creative energy, like building a website with today's sponsor, Squarespace. KATELYN: Squarespace is the one-stop website platform to help you succeed online. EVAN: Let's say you make cool products, and you wanna sell them. KATELYN: Squarespace lets you host your products in an online store, whether they're physical, digital, or services. EVAN: And with their Fluid Engine design system, you can customize every detail of your website using simple drag-and-drop. KATELYN: They also have a new asset library system to help organize all your files and content in one place to use across the Squarespace platform. EVAN: Plus, you can add extensions from vetted third parties to add even more functionality to your website. KATELYN: If you've been wanting to build a website, take this as your sign. Go to for a free trial, and when you're ready to pull the trigger, go to for 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. EVAN: That's for 10% off. (upbeat classical music) Let's go crazy. You ready? (upbeat classical music) EVAN: Just get some toothpicks and do some mixing. Oh, my gosh, the mixing adds so many bubbles. That's why we got a big pressure pot, baby! We got Long Boi. Trust in Long Boi. EVAN: Trust in Long Boi. KATELYN: Shall we do some clouds, baby? EVAN: Yeah, let's do it, baby! Look at all the clouds we added. Who knows where they're gonna end up? KATELYN: Who the heck knows? Loading commence. KATELYN: Beep! Beep! Beep! (pressure chamber whistling) For those of you who don't know, it takes seven days for our resin to fully cure, and I think that we should give the sword as much time as possible. The sword is extra thin, and the thinner the resin, the more time it takes to cure. However- But! I think we can demold the handles now. Now, has it been seven days? No. No. It's been two, (Evan laughs) but we've demolded after two days before when it's this level of thickness. Max, did you do a good job? (groans) Maximillius. That's his full name. Oh look at this. Look at these, look at these. I'm not sure about this, but I have some high hopes about these, so let's start with the one I'm least sure about. KATELYN: Now it only matters what the other side looks like. No. Mm, it's not our best cloud work. No, there's also a bubble. Max! That just looks like a virus. It looks like a bacteria slide. KATELYN: No! EVAN: I'm much happier about this, from the backside, though. KATELYN: This is not bad. The only thing is, like, it's a little boring. EVAN: I like that, honestly. KATELYN: That's pretty good. That's a nice cloud, boom. Now, mine was a little... I like that more. A little blue. Oh, yeah. I'm happy enough to proceed with this. I am too. Oh, phew! I know. Okay. I know. (Evan laughs) We thought we were gonna have to do a late-night resin pour. (both laugh) I was ready! I was ready. I was ready. I was pumped. It's 10:01, it's 10:01. I was like... (grunting) Yeah, but I think we're gonna be okay. We'll just- Hope our luck holds up. (mellow music) As you might have heard, it takes seven days for resin to be fully cured. It's been three. (laughs) We're not very patient. I wanna see how it turned out! Whoa-ho-ho-oh! Ooh, okay. I like the gradient I'm seeing. EVAN: All right! The pink got way more pink. KATELYN: It did get way more pink. Oh, my gosh! That gradient's looking really smooth, I gotta say. I cannot wait to take this out. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Does it feel like it's solid? Oh, it's comin' out. Oh, oh! Whoa! Oh, that's so cool-looking. Whoa! Oh, it's cool-looking. Yes! Oh, my gosh! Support it, support it. (gasps) Wow, look at those clouds! Oh, my... I'm so sorry for yelling in your ears. My god! That looks really cool. This is beautiful! It looks really, really cool. Our clouds turned out so good! This is amazing! Okay, this wasn't planned, but because the blade part was at the bottom of the mold, and the white sunk to the bottom, there's like a gradient of white where it's more white on the blade part. EVAN: Oh, yes! That looks so cool. Success! That looks so cool. Okay, okay, okay. Careful, careful, careful. We have to hide it from them. We need to save it for the final montage and reveal. Oh, yeah. (both laugh) (upbeat music) (epic music) Days, nay, weeks ago, we had this cheap sword, and now, we have... Ha! The coolest thing we've ever made. I'm so pleased with how this turned out. Like, the way that the clouds look on the sword ended up being so cool after so much trial and error. I really like the contrast of, like, the white and blue handle and hand rail, compared to the blade. I feel so powerful! That's so cool. Oh, my gosh. It's so cool. It's also kind of, like, cute. I don't know. It's like the cloud, it's kind of, I don't know, a little cute. I'll kill you! KATELYN: Don't say that. This is YouTube. We're gonna get demonetized. How dare you? I'll stab you.
Channel: Evan and Katelyn
Views: 1,070,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: evanandkatelyn, Evan and Katelyn, evan and katelin, even and katelin, even and katelyn, evan and caitlin, how to, DIY, husband wife, E&K, evan katelyn, DIY resin, resin mold, resin, epoxy art, epoxy, epoxy resin art, epoxy resin, resin tutorial, resin for beginners, easy resin crafts, resin sword, cloud resin, resin cloud, cloud sword, elemental sword, resin weapon, elemental resin, epoxy sword, sword resin, epoxy cloud, resin art, resin sky, resin clouds, epoxy clouds
Id: gX2KTZ9uJg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 20sec (2480 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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