Test Flight on Pilatus PC-24 Jet. Extreme G-Force!

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- Beautiful Switzerland this morning! I have Matthew Hartkop here with me - he is a test pilot. - [Pilot] Now, this is a very unusual - we're going to cross a road with an aeroplane. So, we have take off thrust set. Passing sixty knots. Now, welcome to the air over Nidwald. My main job is to keep us clear of traffic. I'm going to let you fly for a little bit. Your controls. It's your aeroplane. We'll do a stall test. - I have never experienced half a G. I'm a bit anxious to see if I can take it! When the stall happened and when the nose went down, it felt like a roller-coaster. You're just falling out of the sky. - The Dutch roll is the motion of an aircraft that feels like rolling. This is 1.4 G right there. - [Sam] Woah! (Sam groans) - [Pilot] Level acceleration. - [Sam] Let's do a touch and go. - [Pilot] So, as you see, we had a big bird underneath us. - [Flight computer] Traffic! Traffic! - [Pilot] It's over... - Climb! Climb! - [Pilot] Six, we had to avoid the traffic. This is the Eiger right in front of us. You can see that this airfield is kind of in the mountains, surrounded by terrain. Good morning from beautiful Switzerland! This morning, I am with Matthew Hartkop - he is a test pilot. He will be flying me and showing me the capability of the Super Versatile jet behind me - the PC24. - Okay, follow me for a walk around and I'll show you all the things that we look at on the outside of the aeroplane before we go and fly. The biggest part of the walk around of course is to make sure that everything that should be attached is attached. So the first thing that we have here are the pitot probes. One is a primary and the other is a standby. This is the primary and this is the standby. If you look, you can see that they're discoloured because they get heated, very very hot, to prevent icing. They measure the dynamic pressure and the static pressure. Here, this is the angle of attack probe. We have two of these and one's on the other side. That measures the angle of attack, the air flow, the angle coming over the aircraft, over the wing, and basically tells us how far away we are from the stall. Avionics bay in the front here - make sure that these latches are all secure and flush. Landing gear - on the nose. You can see that the landing gear of the PC24 is quite beefy and has low pressure tyres. That enables us to land on unpaved softer fields, dirt and coming up to fine grass. So, on the front we have the weather radar. What about here? Checking the panels are secure. Refuelling panel here has single point refuelling. This is also a heated leading edge. Protection system protects against ice. Checking... The engine, all the intakes, blades - the rest we can see, the engine inlets. Here, on this side, we can check the trim point - you see where the elevator, the stabiliser, is trimmed to - it's in the green range. A large cargo door or cargo area. It's not a common thing to have on an aeroplane... - I know, a side door! A business jet with a side door like this! - Hence, they have a replacement door so... So we've also checked the cargo door before and we see that it's fully latched. We have green indicators all the way around. Alright, welcome aboard! Let's go! - Let's go! - [Sam] Just get my seatbelt. - Okay. And then... First thing we're going to do is turn the battery warmer on. You'll hear a bunch of systems powering up and coming online. Aeroplanes always have checklists to make sure that we don't forget something so I'm going to go through... So, right engine we're going to start so, up here - switch that to "run." And press the start button. Indicates start - we have something called N2 which is indicating that that's beginning to turn. A quick trip around the cockpit: So we have our main, primary flying display - it's called the PFD. That is here, that indicates your airspeed on the left, altitude on the right, this will be our flight path vector there and altitude is by these bars here. We have a flight director, so I have it set for takeoff and that will show us where to put the nose. It helps show you what the autopilot's going to do when you turn it on, you know. And this again is our heading. Down here, there are various overlays which we can turn on and off - terrain, for example; you can see the terrain that we're in is quite mountainous. Weather radar etc. Here's the engine primers, so two engines - left and right. Most important parameters, these are our radios and these are our navigation aids and then here we have the primary, that's our navigation display here. It shows what we have for a flight plan and it shows a moving map and it shows a vertical display of where we're going and what we've planned. Then, repeated on the right, we've got the primary flying display and then down here at the bottom we have, basically, an overview of all of the different systems. We can go through the... I'm going to reach out here and pull these back. So we just check full movement. Star Plus 124 requesting taxi. - [Radio] 2, 4 - Hello. Taxi holding Point 0, 6 (mumbles) 006, temperature, 1, 1. - [Pilot] Taxi to 0, 6 1006 (mumbles). Now this is a very unusual part of flying here - we cross a road with an aeroplane. A road. - [Sam] Yeah. - And we go right across it. - Also, cows around. - Yeah. - [Radio] Flight 124 is ready for departure. Holding short, 06. - [Radio] 124, expect departure in 2-3 minutes. - [Pilot] So what we'll do is, we'll come up to takeoff thrust whilst we hold the brakes and then we'll release the brakes. - [Flight computer] On runway 06. - [Radio] 124, climb south of the axis and report passing 6000 feet. Clear for takeoff, 124. - So, we have takeoff thrust set and releasing in 3, 2, 1... It's alive. Passing sixty knots. And we want to be (mumbles) - come on up. Your handle comes up, the (mumbles) comes on. Now the flaps come up. We're going to fly director off. Now, welcome to the air over Nidwald, a little canton here. - [Sam] Incredible, it's like a 12 second rolling takeoff. - Yep. - Amazing. - [Pilot] You see that we have lots of mountains around here and my main job is to keep us clear of traffic, clear of mountains... So, we'll just come up to 10,000 feet. What we'll do is, we'll come overhead and we'll just go through little bits of the aeroplane. I'll let you fly for a little bit, just so that you get a feel for it. - Oh really, can I? - Of course, you get to see what the guys in the front are doing. Part of the equation here - I'll set the auto-throttles and I'm going to get them for 180 knots. You'll see that these will begin to move on their own, the thrust levers. You'll see that they'll move on their own - it's going to control... You can just put your hands on with me but I'm still flying so my controls... Are you ready? - Yeah. - Your controls. - Okay. - It's your aeroplane. So, let's just start a little bit of a climb so you can get a feel for that. So pull the nose up maybe four or five degrees and now the wings are coming up this way so let's straighten them out so that we're alright a little bit. There you go. And you can see that the thrust is now coming up to compensate for that. If you feel like you have a force that you're holding, if you feel like you're holding a pull force, then trim up, if you feel like you're holding a push force, then trim down. Your controls again. Now, let's do a gentle descent. So just push the nose gently forward and when this is below the line there we'll start descending. Let's come back down to 9000 feet. - Okay. - So, I'll put a little bug there. We'll do a stall test. We're going to put the gear down, that gear comes down here, there's the handle. There are three green landing gears and now the flaps are going to begin bringing the nose down to fifteen and that flap handle moves, the flap's indication is there. Those big flaps on the wing are now beginning to move. And you'll feel that, you'll feel that change in the aircraft altitude and you can also feel that we're slowing down. Now we're going to put the flaps all the way down to land, which is 33 and this makes a big change in the aircraft altitude. It generates a lot more lift and slows our stall speed. What happens is that as we get closer to the stall, the stick pusher system compares the angle of attack at both sides - that's the indicator we checked at the beginning of the flight - compares the angle of attack on both sides and if they reach a certain value and they agree, it's going to push the nose forward, so you'll feel that will be about half a G. So, we won't be quite floating but we'll be coming forward in our seats. - I never had half a G. I'm a bit anxious to see if I can take it! - We'll get a stall warning in just a minute. There'll be a stall warning and the stick will shake, like that. - [Flight computer] Stall! - [Sam] Stall. - [Flight Computer] Stall! - Getting close to the stall and now we'll continue. - [Flight Computer] Stall! Stall! - It does that to make sure that you can't miss it. - [Sam] Woah! - [Pilot] And there's the pusher. There we go, so it makes this... [Sam] Oh my God. - [Pilot] It's trying to protect you from going too slow. And so it does all that and then the recovery, I'll put the flaps back to fifteen and the power comes up. It comes up, and we're climbing again. - When the stall happened and when it went nose-down, it felt like a roller-coaster. You were just falling down from the sky. - Yeah. - That was a thrill! - So, we will test something called the Dutch roll. So, Dutch roll is a motion of an aircraft that feels like rolling and yawing at the same time. Kind of like swimming. And it can be evident, especially at high altitude. So we have a yaw damper which will cancel it out. So, to test that, we will use the rudders. I'll push the rudders. - [Sam] Rudders are on the wing. - Three, two, one, now. So, there's one, there's two and release. You can see that the aircraft is in a motion like this but it will dampen itself out. I mean, some of the things that we do when we're testing, we test manoeuvre stability, which is basically how much force it takes to generate a certain G. So you were talking about G - we had half a G. One G is standing on the Earth. We're just going to do a sixty degree angle bank turn, a 2 G turn. - A 2 G turn. Oh my God. - Ah, well, our trainer aircraft go up to 8 G, but we're nowhere near that. So, this is 1.4 G right there. (Sam groans). - Woah! - [Flight computer] Bank angle! - There's two, gives us a bank angle call out to tell us: Hey, you're at a higher bank angle than normal and this is 2 G right there. - That's my first 2 G! Beautiful execution! - What we can do here is we can do what's called a level acceleration. Just from just above the stall speed, then we will accelerate. That's where we can map out when we decline performance so that you can map out the best speeds for accelerations. Acceleration in 3, 2, 1... Now. Here comes the acceleration. - Oh yeah, look at the speed! Woah. - And as we do that, I'm trimming the aeroplane, so we've gone now through 200. We don't exceed the VMO, the normal operating speed. So, we're right at the, just about at the red line of the aircraft which is 290. In testing, we've gone way past that. Let's do a touch and go! - Let's do a touch and go! - Right. - Great, let's do it! - So, we're going to turn here and slow down and enter the traffic better. - You're going to feel some turbulence here as we descend through the level of the mountain tops. We're going to land on 0, 6. We're going to go around the mountain. The traffic pattern in this airfield is quite interesting - it's 4000 feet but on the other side of the mountain here, we'll come around and we'll fly through a gap and then do a touch and go there. And then is the Hammetschwand lift. You see the elevator on the outside. I guess it's one of the longest. So, give me some left wing down and we can see the... there's the elevator. - Wow! This is also the famous one though, the Bürgenstock or something. - Yep, this is the Bürgenstock resort. Look here, we have three down flaps on 33. - [Radio] 124, stop, start... 2, 4 wing - 080 degrees flying stat, 06, clear for touch and go. 124, clear touch and go. - [Radio] 124 is coming in strong - 4000. 124, you're number one, runway 06. After touch and go, it will be for a left turn (mumbles), 6000 or above. - Touch and go, 6000 or above, 124. - You can see a field right there. Just turning on the file. - [Flight computer] Approaching 0, 6. 100. 40. - [Pilot] Bird underneath us. - 30... – 124, Going around for a bird. There was a bird right underneath us. - [Sam] Oh! - [Radio] Confirm for another circuit? - [Pilot] 124, confirm for another circuit. - As you see, we had a big bird underneath us. - I was so focused on filming... - You'll see it on the film. - Hopefully we'll see it on the film, yeah. A really big bird. - I didn't know which direction he was moving. It was a kite. - Oh. - Let's do it again. - We're going to touch down. I'm going to put the throttles forward and then I'll change the flaps and then we'll take off again. - [Flight computer] 100. - [Pilot] Right side. Clear. - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10. - [Pilot] Good, comes up. And rotate. Oh great, gear comes up. Following the heading of the track right now, on our way up to 6,000 feet. Now the route that we're flying right now is going to go over Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau and then around the valley to Stadt. - [Flight computer] Traffic, traffic. - He's going to be on our left side. - Traffic, traffic! - [Sam] Can you see the traffic? - Traffic, traffic! - It's over here. - Climb, climb! - Level off! Level off! - Okay, so... - [Sam] Level off. - Yeah, I see him now. It's a... - Clear of conflict! - You see how the system gives you all of that information. I saw him. Little turbulent here - slow down. - [Radio] Can you confirm your position? - [Pilot] 124, just coming in to Bern. Now 6,400 back at six, we had to avoid the traffic there. - [Radio] (Mumbles) Up to 7000 feet, continue north in to the valley. So, we're going to be coming over this ridge in to Grindelwald. This is the Eiger, right in front of us. - This one. - Yeah, the big, flat face right there. You can see part of the ski area there. - Yeah, we're above all of them! - And the clouds are right... All the people that took the train up there are in the cloud now! So, what we'll do is, I will come around and then it will be on your side. - Okay. - [Radio] 124 (mumbles), we have runway 2, 6 in use - please land at your own discretion. - [Pilot] Okay, lapsed on the fifteen. We'll go just for a straight in approach. And there's the airfield, at the end of that valley. - [Sam] Yeah. - It's hiding behind this little mountain. - [Pilot] 124, flight coming in to 2, 6. - [Radio] And, 124, for your information, we have six knots coming from the west. - 124, lock flaps with 33. Pressurisation's coming down. Dampers are off already. You can see that this airfield is kind of in the mountains, surrounded by terrain. Not a very big airfield. - [Radio] 124, coming on the final 2, 6. Landing 2, 6. - [Pilot] This is going to be a... We're going to stop quickly. So, just make sure that you're holding on to whatever's in your hand. We'll do a quick stop. - [Flight computer] Sink rate! - [Pilot] And that's going to tell us that because this is a steep approach here. - [Flight computer] Sink rate! Sink rate! Pull up! Pull up! - Okay, the terrain is... - Pull up! - That's the system, because of our steep approach angle here. - Pull up! Approaching minimums! Minimums. Sink rate! Sink rate! 100. - [Pilot] Right hand side. - 50, 40, 30, 20, 10. - Okay, that was that. - [Sam] Wow! That was incredible! He didn't use all the runway - it's only a 1000 metre runway here. - So, yeah, the system is, it's giving you a lot of warnings but that's what this approach calls for, unfortunately. - Welcome to Gstaad airport here at Saanen. We are currently at 3284 feet above sea level.
Channel: Sam Chui
Views: 750,135
Rating: 4.9113102 out of 5
Keywords: pilatus, Pilatus PC-24, PC-24 Jet, Super Versatile Jet, Touch N Go, Dutch Roll, Missed Approach, Test Pilot, Flight over Swiss Alps, Over Switzerland, Airplane, Private Jet, Business Jet, G Force, Pulling the G, Crystal Class, flight sim, Simulator, Gstaad landing, Sannen Airport, Buochs Airport, Over Jungfrau
Id: 258bIdmD0kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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