Tessie - The Best Tesla App: Watch Key, Features, History & More!

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foreign [Applause] [Applause] so as you can see in that clip intro clip that I showed over there the Tesla app lets you unlatch only the driver door but I was able to enlatch all four doors uh with a different app so if you're wondering what app this is this is the testy app and that's what this video today is about we are going to be talking about the testing app uh basically what it is if you've never heard of it before uh what does it do what features does it have and this is not going to be a comprehensive list I'm just picking on some key things here from my experience using this app over the past year to share and um also this is not a sponsored video it's not Tessie hasn't reached out to me to do this or anything this is just me using this app for some time now and seeing the the good things that it does and I just want to share uh you know there's folks who are always out there looking for good apps to use with Tesla that offer them a lot of features and offer a lot of things that they could they could use and so this is the one that I personally um use a lot more so if you're wondering well why Tessie when there are other third-party Tesla apps out there like I said this is from my experience I've used a few or I've tried a few of the other third-party apps I've tried test lab I've tried uh Tesla Phi I've tried up to what I've tried uh Nicola most of them I did them as like a trials just kind of see what they do and I same way too I tried Tessie and like I said uh oftentimes I have multiple at the same time so I was able to do a good comparison and uh I ultimately decided on Tessie honestly from the first time I started using the app up to now it's been a big Improvement uh a lot of a lot of the features that are there now were not features that were there when I you know first started using the app a year ago and so just seeing the improvements now it's it just makes adds to the the usability of the app and so that's what I'm going to be uh trying to show you here again is what are those features that has made me decide you know what I like this one the most and I'm gonna go with it as a mission this is not a sponsored video um so let's get into it what is Tessie simple Tessie is a thought Party Tesla app that takes your Tesla app and honestly I feel like it makes it 10 times more functional by adding a lot more features a lot more tracking a lot more things that are very useful to you and so like your native Tesla app with the Tessie uh testy app you can start control your climate you can unlock lock your car you can control your front your trunk you can even track your your car's location also in real time just like you can with the native Tesla app but like I said this one has a lot more set of improvements that honestly blows the native app out of the water and so if you're talking about what what are those features that you know that makes this a lot more better than the native than the native Tesla app uh besides them having an iOS widget with I know the Tesla app also has and now with Tesla's latest updates you've got short quotes and Siri test C did have that even way before the Tesla native update but beside those two things that they both share in common the few more things that the testing app uh has that I feel provides more value than the native app and so let's talk about some of those uh features one major feature that I love about this app that I don't see in the test in the Tesla native app and I'm going to keep comparing this to the Tesla native app I'm not going to be comparing with the other third-party apps for the most part and so um if you see me doing a lot of reference to the Tesla native app that's gonna be my main comparison but one major thing that I love the most about this app is your ability to track and monitor your battery health uh if the testing app provides valuable insight into your car's battery health it shows you your range and what you've lost over time so um you can tell your car you know if you've got 320 miles or if you're less than that now uh it helps you understand better your charging habits and the impact of that to your battery so like I said this shows your battery health it also shows you where your battery health is compared to other Teslas in the fleet so other folks that have tessie120. cause also you also get other things like just seeing your your max range that you have now with your bathroom with your battery it also shows you I'm going to charge cycles uh you've completed and just seeing this information can help you adjust your charging habits so if you notice that your battery health is not doing good then maybe you need to look into how your charge or whatever but either way it just helps to folk to see that information and knowing what's going on with your battery so that's one key thing that I think this tracks uh I'm also just going to be glossing on a lot of the features here not going into so much details with it but that's one number one number two thing that is my favorite thing with the testy app is the Apple watch um integration so the native Tesla app right now does not have a dedicated Apple Watch app um the third party uh Apple watch apps out there that people use but this one Tessy does have an Apple Watch app so you get your regular phone app and then one for your watch and the what I love about this Apple watch integration here is you have all the controls that you get in the app also from your watch so your climates uh lock on lock trunk trunk you could do it all from your watch now where Tessie takes it one step higher is you can also set up your watch as a key so the same way you can set up your phone uh you can set up your phone as a key so you can get into the car and your phone is there you don't have to get a key card out in the same way you can set up your Apple watch as a key so that way if you are going into the car and your phone is dead or you don't have your phone with you you don't need your phone to operate the car anymore and that actually has come in handy for me one time where we were somewhere my phone was inside with my wallet so I didn't have my key card I didn't have my phone and I got to the camera oh snap um I don't know like wait a minute I've got the watch and it worked flawlessly the door unlocked I got to the car I was able to move the car without my phone without my wallet so that's one thing that uh Tessie app does really good and of course you have to set up the phone the watch key it's called a watch key it has set up the watch Key by using your key card so if you don't have that you do need that anyway uh but once you set it up then you are good and this can also come in handy in addition in a situation too where uh swimmers you want to go swimming in the ocean or somewhere and you don't take your wallet or your phone if you have your watch which you can take swimming with you then that also works as your key and of course it works off of the Bluetooth connection uh from your uh from the watch another good scenario where having a watch key comes in handy is if you're if your cell phone battery dies I mean the watch battery is typically last longer than a phone batteries and so if you're in a situation where your phone battery is dead and you can get into your car instead of having to find a charger or something if your watch is still on then that connection will work where you can unlock the car and hopefully um charge your phone so the watch key I feel is that by itself it's um really really that that's a huge plus uh there and so battery health watch key and then this thought PCA this is new to the native Tesla app it was introduced well you could use it now with the recent update it's Siri so now you can now you can use Siri with short quotes with a netting Tesla app but you could do this also with Tessie and that's one thing that I use a lot now a lot too so when it comes to AC and then this current hitway that's going on around the country once I'm leaving a venue now I just get my phone and I say hey Siri start AC and by time I get to the car the car is already cool for me to be able to get in there and I'm not dealing with all that heat so um Siri integration shortcuts a lot more improved with the testing app over the Tesla native app number four thing that I also like about this app that you won't get or you don't get right now in your native Tesla app as detailed history now this may not be for everyone um but if you care about detailed history tracking having data to review from your car then this app will do it for you with the Tesla app you can see history up to a certain period of time charging for example your charging start will show you history for the past month uh you can see days too but the most you can see is the past year with the testing app you can see for all time now that's all time beginning from when you start using test the app so if you're using the app for the past two years you could probably see the past two years of data if you just start using it a month ago then you have a month ago but as you build history you have that history to review but it tracks not just your charging it tracks a lot of things and like I said this melody for everyone it tracks a lot of things it tracks your driving your tracks where you've parked it tracks where you've I dude it tracks everywhere you've charged so again if you don't like all that tracking may not be for you however if you want the app for the other features but you don't want the tracking piece there isn't there is an option to disable tracking so you can still use the controls but not have the tracking piece um in this app so that's a that's a good thing where they've thought about turning being able to turn that off for folks who don't want all that data being captured but again this is useful because if you need to be able to see where you where you're charged and everything the rates everything it's it's all in there this can be good and it can also be bad right you know depending on how you want to view it it can help prove your case that you were somewhere or not somewhere at a certain time and that can work for or against you so um use it as you may but that's in again if you if you are a dealer lover that you like to have data to analyze this does a lot of detail tracking another positive here is you can export all of those all of that data if you need to go analyze it on your own index so wherever you can choose to export that data and if you are coming from a different app into testy there's also an option to import data into so if you're using a different app for your tracking and you're coming in here now you want to continue that that you can also import data in as well as export your current data so if you love tracking detailed history data that stuff this will do that for you and if you don't care for that particular piece you can disable um tracking and now I'm going to talk about one this is one of my also recent favorite things about the app in the video in the intro video I showed you unlatching the driver's door with the Tesla app and I showed you unlatching all four doors with the testing app that is one feature that you have in here that's also above what you have in your native Tesla app Tessie has the option to unlock any and all doors so say you're a family of four you're trying to get into your car it's about to start raining and you're trying to get to the car pretty quickly you can choose to unlock all four doors before you get to the car so when I get when you guys get there you're just getting in it's less worry less stressful nobody is filling with the door with wind coming down on you that's just one scenario lots of other snails where this can be also be helpful um people like ride share drivers so Uber Lyft kind of a thing this can also actually improve your customer experience if you were to pull up to a pickup and before they start struggling with the door you use your phone to unlock that door for them or other point is just put it open and close it and because you can do any door if your passenger goes to this door or that door or the front again instead of that trying to fit it with the door handle your phone can help you unlatch any door and so this may also not be for everyone but if that's something that you care about you have that feature uh I did post a short about this uh a while ago and I got a comments recently where somebody said um this the unlatched feature wasn't built for everyday use it was only beautiful being used when the doors are frozen and I checked in the manual and there was nothing in the manual that I saw that restricted the use of the unlatched feature so I just want to put it out there in case other folks are wondering about that the Mana did reference you can use that when the doors are frozen but there was nothing that specifically said it was meant to be used only when the doors are frozen or it's a one-time use so again just want to just put that out there in case anybody was wondering and saying ah should I go for everyday use maybe maybe not but the man I wasn't saying anything otherwise so if you care about that if that's something that could be a benefit for you you do have that option of all door unlocked which again I just think is uh interesting and fun but yeah the few more features a lot more fun features and more features of the app that I'm not gonna get through into in this video but I can actually the color is those top five things for me that I that I feel like it sets the test this testing app above the native Tesla app and so um hopefully that's helpful and useful for you let's talk about the big question the elephant in the room yes we talk about the features and what it does all cool all nice all good what is the cost good question right um the app itself is free the app The Watch app those are free from the App Store there is a subscription to this app you do get a free 14-day trial if you're just doing this by yourself or if you're using a referral you get a free one month trial but the subscription comes in three ways you can have either do a monthly which is 4.99 you can do annual which is 49.99 or you can do Lifetime and I believe that is about to 109 dollars for a lifetime um but again you don't have to sign up for the big ones if you don't plan to have the car a long time or it doesn't care for it right there's a monthly option if you want to try this for one month and also like I said you do get a month free if you use a referral so I'm gonna put a referral Link in the description uh of this video you get a one you get one month free if you want to try it out and see if it works for you then that's a very good way to try and if you like it but you're not still sure then you could try for one month it's fun in the night you can test it for a month or two see how you like it and if you feel like you like it then you can do the full year and um I think it basically get two months free if it's not for a year so um that's how it goes when it comes to uh pricing so again if you want to try it out there will be a referral Link in the description that you can try and uh get a free month to see how you like it and decide what you want to do uh and as always like I said too this may not be for everyone if you're not into subscribing for apps or paying for things that you can get something from it for free that's fine this video is just to tell you about the app itself the features what I've used that's been great helpful what I like about it and all that good stuff and then you can decide if it's for you um or not but um there you have it that's my take on this app here called Tessie again this is not a sponsored video this is me just share my experience with it uh I do see people ask questions a lot about which apps to use and so this is just me sharing my experience with it and what I use it for and some of the good features of the app um but before I sign off here two other little features I want to just call out to that I feel actually are very good to know one is um notifications you can set up notifications for different things right uh I do have the app set to where to notify send me a notification whenever any of our cars get home and the battery is below certain percentage I think it's below 40 or so I have notification set to do that so whenever we get home um that way just it's a reminder to say hey I need to go plug the car in right so that's something you can do and you can so you can set the location the threshold for the notification so they it's it's good for that for the alerts uh also on that notification and alerts there's also an option too where you can have it notify you if your doors or Windows or anything that are open and you have rain coming in your area the Tesla app will tell you if you have doors and windows open but this will tell you if you have it open and rain is coming again may not be for everyone but there's a few other options you can set up when it comes to alerts and I just want to just call out those two there real quick as other features like I said there's a few there's a bunch more uh other features and so um hopefully this video has been helpful for you if you're on the fence or trying to find something hopefully it helps you be able to decide and make that decision and if it has don't forget to like the video If you're not subscribed please hit that button uh hit that button uh subscribe I appreciate it but has already done that so far I'll be sure to support your comments your feedback if you know of other third-party apps that do more or similar stuff that you've used also feel free to put in the comments I'm not trying to push one app over the other here um so if you have other apps that has done that does similar or even better but all is please feel free to put in the comments and again uh as always thanks for being here and we'll see you next time
Channel: The Imperfect Tesla
Views: 20,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best tesla app, Tesla, Model Y, Model 3, app, best Tesla app, Tessie, third party, nikola, optiwatt, tezlab, teslafi, history, tracking, charging, apple watch, watch app, iOS app, watch key, remote, best tesla app for apple watch, third party app, best tesla apps for iphone
Id: Fosy2Kf8KGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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