Tesla Model Y Highland - EVERYTHING We Know | DON'T Buy Now!

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Tesla's all-new redesigned model 3 is launching really soon with a ton of new features but what exactly is gonna happen to the Beloved model Y is Tesla's most popular model going to get some really big upgrades is it going to get refreshed is it going to fall behind the all-new shiny model 3 and cyber truck launching soon or is Tesla working on a secret refresh for this model that's sort of a stop Gap giving us some of the bigger refreshed items now and waiting until sometime next year to give us the rest of the stuff that you probably don't want anyways let's talk about the 10 or so big changes Tesla has planned for the model why what they are when we should see them what could be coming from the model 3 in a good way and a bad way and should you buy a model y now or should you wait for the refresh model that could be coming soon what's going on with the model y let me tell you everything you need to know it also tells you some exclusive news that you haven't heard anywhere else and also a huge thanks to incogni for for sponsoring this video when it comes to the model y Tesla is in a super unique position and that is that they kind of don't need to do anything although the model Y is for all intents and purposes just a larger version of the model 3 exact same design DNA it is by far Tesla's most popular vehicle if you look at the numbers around the world the model Y is selling like hotcakes in fact it's not just like the best-selling EV or the best selling SUV but it's the best selling car period its hatchback design makes it way more versatile than the model 3 feels a bit more Airy and roomy inside than the model 3. it's super fun to drive and with recent price cuts and federal tax incentives it's honestly a really good deal right now too like right now the model y starts at 47 740 for the base model and that is before incentives and for that price you're getting a really great car at a really great value it's very versatile it's a lot of fun to drive it's got incredible Tech it has the new hardware 4 camera system and is a really great car but when you sort of look at the news and the headlines and YouTube videos and hear all the stuff about the new refresh model 3 starts to make the model y it seem a little bit old and on one hand this is sort of an unfair comparison the model y debuted seems sort of like a blur now sort of in the spring of 2020 when certain economic and Global things were happening so many people don't remember I think I've like launched around March of 2020 so that'll give you some context on when that vehicle came out so it's about three or so ish years old right now the model 3 on the other hand debuted back in I want to say 2017 2018 it's been quite some time so that car was definitely in need of a refresh and while the model 3 is going to be getting a pretty big refresh the same can't be said for the model Y at least right now so let me tell you what's coming to the model 3 I'll tell you about all those new features but first let me give you my perspective as a model y owner who owns a long-range model y been driving it every day for the last 18 months let me tell you about some of the things I don't like about the car or specifically if a refresh model why was to come what specific things I'd like to see and I'm curious let me know down below if you agree or disagree the biggest one for me something I use all the time is the frunk and the nice thing about the model Y is that while it's got a front this is a really nice front trunk area obviously you've got a lot of nice space in here but the biggest thing for me is a powered front trunk we have competitors on the market crew have cars at similar prices who have this obviously it's nice to have the powered trunk but the front as it is is sort of annoying because you've got to kind of do the manual closing you've got to make sure you close it just right as I showed in my previous video you can only open it from inside on the screen or you can use the mobile app or I guess if you've got the key fob and on the outside I can't think of anything specific that I'd want except for one thing and that is going to be a front bumper camera and the reason that that is so important is because that's supposed to be sort of the secret sauce sorry for the camera adjustment there that's supposed to be the secret sauce in making a 360 degree top down uh view available in the car on the outside I mean besides you know maybe a design tweak the cars already have upgraded cameras with hardware for they already have more cameras with hardware for design colors all that stuff looks really good but powered front that's a big one for me but let's move inside and talk about some wish list interior upgrades now as exciting as this new model Y update is going to be something that's not exciting at all something you're going to dread is all of these spam calls and texts and emails you're going to get if you do any sort of research into the financing options available to you to buy this all new Tesla I mean these days it seems like if you enter your info anywhere whether it be with a card dealer subscribing to an online newsletter doing any sort of online shopping it just sort of leaks it gets online your personal info just sort of starts floating around online and the worst part about it is not only could this be a serious invasion of your privacy and this could be some really sensitive info but you might not even know it's happening like right now it's sort of a horrible thing to think about but luckily we don't have to worry because incogni is here to keep us safe secure and keep our data off the web and also here to sponsor this video incognitracks down the data broker is Distributing your personal info online and then they contact them on your behalf to get them to remove your info from the web and personally this is really an eye-opening experience for me because I realize that it's way more than just like my name and email address floating around online it's things like my physical address it could be my credit card numbers my social security number it could be my phone number which is linked to a lot of online accounts luckily for us incognit could not make this process any simpler it's really really simple to get started basically you make an account you give them some of the info that you want to make sure is Tracked Down online then they handle the rest it's totally automatic super simple they get in touch with the data Brokers and get that data removed and also what's nice here is that it's not a one-time thing it's not a one and done this information is constantly floating around the web new stuff is being added and removed all the time so Incognito is going to be constantly searching and looking to make sure your info is not floating around in different depths of the internet and getting started couldn't be simpler to learn more and check it out for yourself today hit the link down below and the first 100 people who use the code Robert Rosenfeld will get 60 off in cognitive that code is Robert Rosenfeld on screen here for 60 off in Cockney for the first 100 people so if you want to learn more check it out for yourselves today which I definitely recommend you do do not wait get started right now hit the link down below to learn more or head to incogni.com Robert Rosenfeld now obviously we have rumors that Tesla is going to be removing the wood trim inside of the newer model 3 so that would be expected to move and I kind of agree I think the wood looks a little dated the one thing I'd love to see in the model Y which actually is a rumor for the model 3 is some sort of instrument display some sort of actual display here not a heads up display though Tesla could do that but I'm talking AES you know physical screen here that would give you information like the speedometer and autopilot information it is so nice on the model S and model X to have that separated to be able to have way more screen real estate on the screen especially since this is the smaller 15 inch screen as compared to the S the X and the Cyber truck being able to have more screen real estate to utilize as much as possible would be really really important and that would be nice with the screen I feel like you use I mean you really do uh really lose so much screen real estate to the stuff you've got to have speedometer charge level navigation being able to get rid of this and have full access to this screen would be really really nice the other thing I'd love to see that is a standard feature on the S and the x that would be a nice option on the three and the Y is a rotating tilting screen I guess I should say I should say tilting not rotating but the ability to swivel the screen from a center position to the left and the right again it's in the model S and x and I understand that as a more premium feature but after using it for a little bit on a test drive that would be really nice to have to this screen I know that you can get aftermarket mounts and stuff like that but uh just sort of stock from the factory it's in a fixed position so that would be nice to see I don't think there's anything I can think of that I'd really want to change I guess the one other thing that's a rumor for the three that I guess would be nice to see the Y is some sort of rear screen though I find this a little hard to imagine because I feel like this would be more expensive uh and excuse the mess I've got a you know one and a half year old so that's kind of what the back of my car looks like but having some sort of screen back there uh would be nice again that's a rumor for the three seems a little ambitious since it seems like that would be more expensive but that's something that is being at least floated around the internet right now but like I said the model Y is a really really good car you've got a lot of cargo space in the back here you've got a really good audio system you've got the hardware 4 system you've got the ryzen processor there's a lot to love about this car so Tesla doesn't have to change much with this car to make things better but like I said having that front bumper camera having these sort of improved interior having some sort of instrument display would be a nice thing I don't think it's gonna happen but that'd be my pick refresh interior you know a larger screen would be nice but I think really what the model 3 is going to give us with that refresh is stuff that us model y owners would really want it's the powered Frank it's the extra camera on the front it's the refreshed interior stuff like that model Y is a fantastic car and hopefully we should be getting some updates upgrades and new features very soon now with all that being said I'm sure many of you guys are typing furiously in the comments down below that most of that stuff is coming with the model 3 and yes the model 3 refresh is going to bring basically every everything I mentioned you're getting the powered Frank you're getting ventilated seats you're getting the new interior you're getting the new design changes you're getting a better sound system ambient Lighting on the inside you're getting a whole lot of stuff with that model 3 refresh which is great but we're not talking about the model 3 we're talking about the model y obviously the model 3 refresh is coming basically any day now it's supposed to come around September or October but the model Y is a bit of a different story and that sort of leads us to the good news and the bad news in this video good news is that yes the model Y is going to be refreshed according to Reuters it's called project Juniper Tesla's actively working on it and we should be getting some new features but I will say two bits of bad news that one we don't exactly know what Tesla is working on with that refresh we're assuming making a big assumption that because the model 3 and model y share so much of the same design DNA that everything the Highland refresh gets the model I would get so new front and back new interior upgrade sound system ventilated seats all that stuff is probably a safe assumption the bad news that according to the Reuters report and other independent Tesla insiders this model y refresh unlike the model 3 is not coming anytime soon the original Reuters report that broke the story of project Juniper says we likely wouldn't see that refresh until the end of 2024 maybe the fall if not the very end of the year in 2024 that also sort of aligns with tesloscope they've been a great source of information for the project Island refresh they say the model I refresh probably wouldn't come until 2024 or 2025 this is news uh they just uh tweeted sort of in the thread I was in just a couple of days ago so maybe a little bit of new info here you're likely going to be waiting at least a year 18 months if not longer for a model I refresh which sort of makes this stuff all a little less exciting now I will say that there were a couple of reports floating around online of a stop Gap uh sort of mid-cycle secret refresh that would bring some of these new features to the model y but would reserve some of them for later on and from what I had read it said that Tesla's probably going to focus first on the interior upgrade so they would give you the new ventilated seats and the new Dash and all those interior upgrades first and then upgrade the design the exterior parts of the model y later on in the end of 2024. I kind of have to put a very heavy grain of salt with that information because we just don't know if it's going to happen though we did hear from Drive Tesla Canada a couple of weeks ago that the model wire line and Giga Texas did go down for a little bit so that at least is coming from a credible news outlet and Source but we just don't know if that secret refresh is coming does make a lot of sense to give us something before the end of 2024 2025 but we just don't know if that's really going to happen or not we probably won't know any more on that until sometime early early to mid-2024 but with that being said let me make it very clear that the model Y is an amazing car as it stands today in fact like I mentioned in the beginning of the video the model Y is selling like hotcakes selling so well that Tesla's in the position they don't really have to do anything there is so much demand for this car it is selling all around the world so Tesla could sit back relax let the car continue to sell and then make changes when they want to and I already know there will be questions Down Below in the comments of this video of should I buy now or should I wait and I'll give you my piece of advice for those of you looking to buy a model y I think that at this point unlike the model 3 there are more reasons to buy the model y right now than there are to wait for a couple of big reasons one is that this vehicle already has hardware for us you're getting the latest and greatest camera system that Tesla has to offer that's not in the three right now will be in the refresh model so you do have that Advantage right now also remember the federal tax credits and incentives right now are very very good so you don't want to miss those they are obviously subject to change I think in the beginning of 2024 so keep that in mind Tesla has a notice on their site that these will change so keep that in mind as you make your financial planning and also like I mentioned model Y is still a fantastic car yes when the model 3 refresh comes out it's going to look a bit more dated it's not going to have the more advanced Tech might not have some of the nice creature Comfort interior refresh upgrade features and stuff that was a really long sentence but it's still a really great car really great tack AMD ryzen processor you've got everything you need for full self driving and the FSD beta once Tesla enables that on Hardware 4 still a really really really great car that you are going to love and if you want a Tesla basically anytime within the next 18 months I would just say get one now enjoy the car don't wait for what could or could not come down the road on the other hand if you live and breathe like I do for the latest and greatest technology and you have the ability to wait and you know see how the tax credits could motor could not change now prices could or could not change if you're okay with that and you're okay sort of taking that risk then by all means wait for next year to see what could come again we're looking at end of 2024 fall 2024 the earliest so you're going to be waiting quite some time probably later knowing Tesla's timetable on how they do things but you are going to get a redesigned car you're going to get all the new interior stuff so if you do want The Cutting Edge bleeding edge stuff and you're okay waiting a while then wait for the model why because they refreshes in the works so again according to what we know you're probably going to be waiting quite some time so I'm curious guys what are your thoughts on this your thoughts on the model y refresh I've also heard a couple of interesting theories that Tesla should make a model y Plus or like a model X light basically make a model y version it's a little bit more expensive that has some of the Creature Comforts of the X without the more expensive stuff like the Falcon Wing doors let me know your thoughts on that down below we can discuss all refresh news and also doing a giveaway in this video you've got a chance to win a 25 Amazon gift card or a free Tesla t-shirt you can win either all you've got to do is three simple things like this video subscribe to the channel drop a comment that's it all you've got to do I appreciate it you guys thank you so much good luck to all you entering I'll pick a winner in a week as always I appreciate your support thank you so much I'm Robert Rosenfeld and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: Robert Rosenfeld
Views: 29,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, tesla model 3, model 3, Tesla model y, Tesla review, tesla model y, tesla model 3 vs model y, tesla model y review, tesla model 3 review, tesla news, tesla stock, elon musk, model y, model 3 2023, model y 2023, elon, tesla rwd, tesla cybertruck, cybertruck, tesla discount, tesla price drop, model 3 highland, model 3 project highland, new model 3, new model y, model y refresh, model y project juniper, new model y 2023, tesla project highland, project highland
Id: ESqEuY71S7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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