Tesla's FSD 12.4.3 First Impressions & Major Challenge in Chicago

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hey everybody welcome back to another full self-driving video I have the latest version which is 12.4.3 in my model 3 and I'm going to test it out in downtown Chicago here yet again a lot of people questioning whether I really do have the latest version Let me just show you in the software here if I go into the software menu you can see I have 12.4.3 and if I go into the release notes there's little information about what's new so we we kind of have to figure this out as we go you may be wondering how am I getting these versions ahead of everybody else I have been testing ever since October 24th 2021 I did a 7-Day challenge to get into the full self-driving beta program as an early tester and then Elon Musk saw a series of my tweets back then and he responded to them and next thing I knew I was added into the first release group also known as the OG group so I'm very privileged very happy to be part of this group I've been posting videos for almost 3 years now and working hard to document the progress of full soft driving that is the entire purpose of my channel so if you're new here welcome and thank you for joining please don't hesitate to hit the Subscribe button it goes a long way towards supporting me I also have a patreon site where I provide Insider tips and a little bit of extra information about my setup and all of my video gear and how I do my editing uh we're going to get started you can see I have Fairmont Chicago dialed in this is a great place to test lower whacker Drive Nike Chicago heading over to the Trump Tower the Willis Tower and then ending it at the Chicago Theater we're ready to go I'm in park so I'm going to put it into drive for anybody that's new to the self-driving software you do need to put it into drive first and then you need to wait for a little icon to show up in the upper left I'm waiting for it right now it's a little steering wheel icon the cameras kind of have to get adjusted understand the environment still waiting for it here should show up any moment and if it doesn't you typically have to push forward just a little bit if you're parked in an unusual location or it's lost its bearing somehow it it sometimes won't allow you to turn it on when you first go into drive so I'm still waiting for it here not seeing any sign of it so it looks like I am going to have to push forward manually just a little bit let's see how much it takes before that wheel icon shows up just tapped on it ever so slightly there still nothing little bit more there interesting it is not letting me turn it on okay so we'll just go directly into the lane there it is there's the steering wheel okay here we go this is an exciting ride I'm so happy to have all of you here you will not be disappointed with this video I promise you there there's a lot going on here this is July 5th it is extremely crowded down in the city you can see I'm turning left here and I'm in the wrong lane to be doing this I'm probably confusing the other driver there they proceed forward my car then goes left and not exactly the perfect thing to do I come up to this intersection it's a four-way stop and you'll see here a car on the Right comes up after me and my car really hesitates you can see here it's time to go it comes to a complete stop right there there's our Nitza stop and you can see this other car comes up I should have gone a little while back uh confuses them uh they just proceed forward and my car then does its thing I'm not in the city so I was patient enough to allow it to do that but if I was driving and not filming I certainly would not have given it the benefit of the doubt there to wait that long so I do report that with the camera icon in the top area you can see here it's turning right it didn't get over far enough into the far right lane it just didn't feel right so I'm going to replay this you can see also the path here jerks to the left thankfully the steering wheel did not move and respond to that slight disturbance with the path uh when I talk about the path I'm talking about that blue uh line that's projecting out of my vehicle so once again I reported that because it just wasn't the best behavior so straight out of the gate we're not really seeing the best behavior here I'm going to fast forward through a lot of sections of this video just to save you some time these are uh Flawless Maneuvers everything is done really really well in these sections but I do slow it down for the merge onto the highway because I think this is absolutely fascinating how it does this you can see we've got a lot of traffic and I'm coming in and it puts on its left turn signal and it's trying to get over right now thankfully the person behind me gave me a gap that is not always the case now if they had closed that Gap I would have missed the entrance and I would have had to take over and basically force myself in manually you can see my car is moving moving over now look at the path it's really all over the place you can see it's it's changing lanes to follow route that car is not letting me in a lot of full self-driving users have had issues with Lane selection and on the highway it still has issues here you can see it's trying to get over but it hesitates once it hesitates twice and then it eventually gets over so that was very uncomfortable for me as a user so I do go ahead and report that here again it's trying to change lanes and it actually aborts and stays in the lane and then tries again and forces itself over thankfully that time it was assertive enough but it's 50/50 whether or not it gets over quickly or hesitates I was asked at one point why I don't have the blind spot camera showing up on my screen the reason is because I don't get a lot of use out of it I'd just much rather look over my shoulder and I also have an older Hardware 3 Intel processor so I'd rather not have that visualization taking up extra memory here again changing lanes to follow out getting all the way over into the far left lane not bad I thought it did fairly decent there highway driving I don't have too many issues except for merging and every so often Lane selection and getting off at exits now you can see here the left turn signal went on but there was no message indicating why it was doing that I think it was because the lane another Lane opened up and it was just getting over just for the heck of it now take a look at this we're changing lanes to follow route we need to get over and we have some cars on the right that are merging here now this is fascinating what happens here this is first of all the first time I've ever seen this message it says right here changing lanes to avoid neighboring vehicle use turn signal to cancel if I am not mistaken this is brand new to 12.4 and uh specifically 1243 but as you could see it was just really not the best behavior it made me feel really uncomfortable and to get a uh real understanding of how uncomfortable it was you this is inside of the car you can see it's coming up here it felt like I was going to collide I mean I I'm awfully Brave to allow it to do what it did I I know a lot of people would have taken over a lot sooner than that but I was willing to trust it that easily could have been an accident however depending on the traffic behind me if they weren't paying attention because I was hanging out in the other lane you can see it's kind of moving a little bit to try to Center itself in this Lane here after that situation now I have the Fairmont Hotel dialed in and previously in my last video I also had the same destination however it went up on the Upper Wacker Drive it's supposed to go to Lower Wacker Drive so let's see if it does it this time there it is on the left and yes left turn signal goes on we are going down into Lower Wacker Drive if you don't know the history of this check it out this is really really cool Chicago is very interesting multiple [Music] levels and because we're in Chicago I do have to mention that scenes from The Blues Brothers were filmed down here oh yeah that was definitely lower whacker drive this is definitely lower whacker drive as well as scenes from The Dark Knight which is one of my favorites yeah so if any of this looks familiar you may have seen it in one of your favorite films at some point there's probably a traffic signal right around this corner yep can't I just Vault over these guys like Bruce Wayne does in the dark knight meanwhile and we are stuck in traffic this would be the perfect time to Vault over these cars thankfully because there's so much traffic and I failed to mention on the way in there was actually a sign mentioning that this is heavy traffic situation there are events going on down in the city so a lot of congestion here today so this is the most complex environment you could possibly throw full self-driving into and as I mentioned previously if full self driving can tackle Chicago it can tackle most complicated cities I would say except for maybe India and parts of China you can see here poor GPS connectivity it comes here it proceeds forward and then breaks the car behind me they could have rear ended me if they weren't paying attention that was uncomfortable for me to be honest with you and you have to be in the car to kind of witness situations like that now coming up here we are supposed to turn left onto East southw Street now this is exactly where we need to turn left and the GPS connectivity a lot of issues in Chicago are related to the maps lower and upper and then you have sub Lower Wacker Drive all these different levels but here it misses that turn and now we start going into the abyss we are straying off course here and I frankly am a little bit nervous I don't know where it's going and I don't know what is about to happen here this area is very unusual I pull over the map and I think to myself okay Fairmont Chicago is basically right above us let me just delete that and see if this improves our route someone comes up behind me here you can see so now I'm like oh no but look at the sign it says no turn on red I zoom in to see what it's actually going to do since I changed the Waypoint it looks like it's going to do a uturn here but the right turn signal is on the U-turn says we're going to go left now the car behind me pulls up to the de side maybe they gave up waiting maybe they thought I was being weird who knows but not to worry the light turns green and my car goes but wait pedestrians H okay no it's safe to go and which way no now this is Su lower whacker nobody goes down here guys this is like this is where all the rats and all the monsters and the trolls they hang out down here this is like Uncharted Territory basically I don't know any addresses except maybe some parking garages and maybe some loading docks that are down here so I have no idea what it's doing it's kind of going randomly through here this is the wrong way to be going and then we start to go where are we going hold on a minute [Music] run it did stop now a car is coming turns out this is a police vehicle ladies and gentlemen I'm about to get arrested honestly guys it's been really nice knowing you I hope I can continue to make full self-driving videos while I'm in jail look at that get my gun I immediately take over that's the first disengagement and I'm freaking out oh good they left this is not a good situ situation to be in suddenly I look behind me we have another police vehicle Second Chance where I could possibly get pulled over please go away okay I think we're in the clear but wait I'm driving manually so I can just drive as fast as I can to get away if they start chasing me oh no are there lights on oh no oh no no no no no wait a minute this is not good okay I'm speeding now okay I'm playing around nobody stopped me so I was very relieved so now I'm trying to take it out and I'm still driving man manually I'm thinking okay where are we headed we're heading over kind of toward the Navy Pier and then back up onto Michigan Avenue to get over to the Nike Chicago store it's the same location that I had dialed in for my previous trip I do turn the software back on it comes through here really nicely now take a look at this this is absolutely fascinating coming down Green Light I should keep going a pedestrian crosses incorrectly my car slows down for them should have gone there and it had to stop so you know a human driver would have gone through because they had the RightWay that human was moving I kind of laugh a little bit because it was not not the way a human would drive thankfully nobody was behind me but these situations always kind of make me giggle because we're in an unusual time right now with this technology now take a look at this this is another fascinating thing so there's good and bad aspects this is really good yellow arrow proceeds forward look at the Gap it finds the Gap I didn't even know I had to stop here I mean I take that back I did but I mean for the software to figure out exactly how to stop here I thought that was pretty impressive so I think it did a good job there I go back and forth I posted uh a positive review previous L of these latest versions and then I posted a negative review and someone said I can't trust you you have schizophrenia well I'm sorry to say but the software has schizophrenia it acts really well sometimes and then other times very poorly now take a look at this I'm playing this at at real time just so you can see here someone comes up behind me it is a green light the bus goes and I'm not going so I'm wondering well why okay that light on the far left we don't know there's the green there look at that that's out no light there then we have a red light there for the no turn on red randomly and then no light there so one green one red okay so that kind of explains it they're kind of canceling each other out right well it's really hard to see exactly what happened here so I'm going to have to slow it down and zoom in this is slowed down to 25% speed look at this light here so it's it's turned green but the light is actually out that bulb is broken so this is an edge case and the far the light on the far right is green now look the bus passes over its field of view and it goes out and it comes back on so as soon as that turned green the car started to go no actually I take that back it started to go because I pressed forward so there is our first intervention ladies and gentlemen unfortunately that was a very interesting Edge case but it's a perfect example of these situations that a self-driving car needs to be able to handle very very very difficult how do you determine you can't always take cues from other drivers around you that's just not the appropriate thing to do so you really need to solve for these situations extremely complicated so you can see we've got quite a bit of congestion here we're moving forward and then we're going to be turning right on the Fairbanks Court proceeding forward you're going to see here this is a very interesting intersection coming up here we have a lot of people this is a one-way Street I want to draw attention to that first and foremost and you see we have 1 two 3 four five Lanes of traffic I'm getting all the way over into the far right lane which is the correct location to be in and we've got a bus right in front of us the bus proceeds because it's a green light and the bus makes it through but now the light turns red and I'm forced to wait no big deal I'm not in any rush I'm testing this and I have all the patients in the world so we're waiting for all these people to cross now I want you to see what happens here everybody always talks about how horrible full self-driving is in certain situations but we really need to also look at human drivers because human drivers are not perfect either in fact I quite honestly in most cases would trust full self-driving versus human drivers this is a perfect case in point take a look at the car in the second lane from the far left watch that car the light is red suddenly what ah yeah that is not legal at all so you can see here though this is new Behavior it starts to move forward before the light turns green I have never seen that before ever that is really cool and that's not the only only time that happens throughout this drive very impressed now look it has to shoot the gap between these pedestrians is it going to go oh so that scared me a little bit very very assertive AI driver mentioned in one of his videos that full self-driving has grown a pair and that is a perfect example of a very assertive scenario where it just really went forward I mean I was shocked that it went now I trust it enough where I was not going to take over or disengage I feel like somebody who's new to the software may have disengaged there you can see this bus is slowing down my car hesitates does not turn left until the Green Arrow at this point I'm going to have to cut this video short and continue this drive in my next video thank you so much for all of your support please consider subscribing ring and joining my patreon it goes a long way for small content creators like myself until next time thanks for watching [Music] w
Channel: TechGeek Tesla
Views: 21,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autonomous Vehicle, Full Self Driving, FSD 12.4.1
Id: bcvH5wwf7Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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