Tesla Wall Connector vs. NEMA 15-40

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welcome to crosstalk solutions my name is Chris and today we're going to be testing out the Tesla wall connector versus a NEMA 15 40 outlet which one's going to give you the most charging bang for your buck stick around to find out so here we have the Tesla wall connector now this thing is a way to quickly charge your car up at home it works on various different amperage levels depending on the type of car that you have the amperage level that was recommended for my Tesla Model 3 performance was 60 amps so that's what I use when I had this installed we put in a 60 amp breaker for the wall connector so this Tesla wall connector is not cheap this costs 500 dollars for this unit and on top of that if you're like me and you don't want to touch electrical you also have to hire an electrician to come out and install it now we're going to go through all of the costs to install this thing including the electrician costs a little bit later in the video there's also a big debate on whether or not the Tesla wall connector is worth it versus a NEMA 15 40 50 amp circuit or 50 M outlet now I got a ton of comments on my first impressions video of people saying you don't need the wall connector it's a waste of money just put in a NEMA 15 40 outlet instead it's gonna be a lot cheaper and then you can just use the mobile connector that came with Tesla to charge up your car as opposed to having a dedicated wall connector so for the purposes of this video I went ahead and did both so I've got a NEMA 1540 installed here on a 50 amp circuit and then of course the wall connector was installed on a 60 amp circuit and we're gonna test out the charging capability of both of these I should also mention that if you're lucky enough to live near one of these Tesla super charging stations and if you have free unlimited super charging on your Tesla this is an absolutely viable option to getting your car charged up on a regular basis in my case however this is the closest Tesla super charging station to me it's about 45 minute drive away up the coast here in Lincoln City Oregon so the Tesla super charging stations can charge up your car completely in about 60 to 90 minutes and as you can see here I'm getting about 230 three 234 miles of charged per hour plugged into this super charging station now granted I'm the only one here right now so I'm kind of getting the full use of this thing and if I was in a pinch and I really had to get the car charged up quickly I could actually take 45 minutes drive up here charge up the car and then drive back home in much much less time than it would take to charge up my car at home if I was only using a standard 120 volt outlet so if you do live within five to 10 minutes of one of these super charging stations it's absolutely a viable option for you it's kind of just like going to the gas station you know once or twice a week with a regular internal combustion engine car but also keep in mind that if you don't have the unlimited super charging you are gonna have to pay I'm not sure exactly what those costs are but there will be a cost associated so given that the supercharger location is way too far so it's not a viable option for me to go there and charge up all the time you have the option of using the Tesla mobile connector now this mobile connector comes with every Tesla automobile or you can buy an extra one for $300 so each mobile connector comes with two plugs one is your standard 120-volt outlet plug and the other is the NEMA 15 40 240 volt plug if you're using the standard 120 volt plug with the mobile connector the Tesla charges up at somewhere between 4 to 5 miles per hour which is just dreadfully slow I like to keep my car between 100 and 200 miles of charge just for daily usage and so charging this thing from a hundred miles to 200 miles takes about 20 hours ok so that's just not viable if you are a commuter and you're using your car a lot if you're very low on charge and you just have a few hours before you have to go out again this is just not going to cut it so let's start with the Tesla wall connector but before we get to the testing let's take a look at what comes in the box when you receive this thing the first thing you'll notice is that it's very obvious what is inside this box this is exactly how it came to me there was no outer box whatsoever so bear that in mind if you live in a location where this might be sitting on your doorstep maybe have someone sitting there ready to take this inside as soon as it gets delivered get rid of that okay so what do we have in here we got a bunch of miscellaneous screws looks like some grommets or caps for some of the holes that are in the tehsil wall connector we've got what looks like a mounting plate then we've got this section it looks like this is probably the bottom cap this is where or maybe this is the back yeah this looks like the back so you've got a bunch of places where you could potentially punch holes in this to run wires in and then you've got your big thick I want to engage this is oh for for AWG connections okay here's the wall connector itself there we go that does look beautiful pull off the plastic gorgeous now on the side we've got a reset button looks like we've got a place to ground this thing out right here and that's really all there is to it it is connected to the part that goes into your car right there and so then when it's hanging on the wall this fits right up in there like so pull it up and out up and in alright there you have it [Music] okay so with the Tesla wall connector I'm getting between 40 to 44 miles per hour of charge and it's pulling 48 amps out of the 60 amp circuit so now let's switch over to the NEMA 1540 and see how that looks [Music] so with the NEMA 1540 I'm getting about 28 miles per hour of charging and it's pulling 32 amps off of the 50 amp circuit now in other words if you want to talk about total time to charge the car with the Tesla wall connector going from almost completely out of juice all the way up to completely full would take about seven hours with the NEMA 1540 going all the way from zero to full would take about 11 hours to summarize all of the different charging options the 120 volt mobile connector charges it four to five miles per hour the NEMA 15 40 50 amp circuit charges at around 28 miles per hour the wall connector charges at about 44 or I'd say 40 to 44 miles per hour and then the Tesla supercharging stations charge it anywhere between 220 to 245 miles per hour at least the one that I visited in terms of cost really the only different spoils down to the difference in cost between the Tesla wall connector and the NEMA 15 40 outlet everything else is going to be about the same so the electricians labor the miscellaneous parts etc is going to be the same regardless of which way you go in my case I didn't have to upgrade my breaker box and I had plenty of space left for the two you know the 160 amp circuit for the wall connector and the 150 amp circuit for the NEMA 15 40 so it was just the cost of those breakers running a wire from one side of my garage to the other and then getting it all wired into the equipment I would estimate about if you were just doing either the wall connector or the NEMA it would probably be between three to five hundred dollars for the electrician and then the cost of materials so the cost of the NEMA 15 40 plug is about 10 bucks versus the cost of the Tesla wall connector at about 500 so all told the Tesla wall connector installation is probably going to run you somewhere between 900 to 1100 dollars versus the NEMA 15 40 which is going to run you somewhere between 400 to 600 dollars so given that the NEMA 15 40 50 amp circuit charges at about 60% of the capacity of the Tesla wall charger that's going to be perfectly fine for most people if you have a daily commute and you bring your car home and you plug it in at night and you unplug it in the morning that's going to be plenty of power plugged in overnight to charge it back up to where you need it to be so why then or how would you justify the cost of the test the wall connector and to me there's really only three reasons number one it's just a status symbol I mean let's face it it's nice to have this cool-looking Tesla thing hanging in your garage here the second reason why you might want one of these is basically just for looks and convenience if you have a nice garage okay unlike me you can see I have an unfinished garage I literally cut this piece of plywood out in order to slap it onto the wall for the for the Tesla wall connector if you have a nice finished garage this is going to look a lot nicer and be a lot more convenient than having your mobile connector sort of just hanging loose and you know dangling with this long cord all over the place if you don't care about that though then no big deal and the final reason why you might want to go for the Tesla wall connector is if you always want to keep your mobile connector in your car so there may be instances where it's kind of like an emergency device you have to plug in you have to get a little bit of juice somewhere and maybe the mobile connectors the only way that you're going to be able to do that so having this in the car is kind of a nice safety feature in that case you would want to or you would have to buy a second mobile connector for your NEMA 1540 plug and the mobile connector is $300 so at that point you might as well just spend the extra 200 bucks and get the wall connector okay so there you have it there's a look at the Tesla wall connector versus the NEMA 15 40 50 amp circuit if you guys have any comments or questions put those down in the comments below and tell me what you would do what would you prefer over these two items me personally of course I'm going to use the Tesla walk because I already bought it and it's sitting here and installed so I will take advantage of the faster charging of this wall connector and I'm just going to turn off the circuit breaker from my name of 15:40 and you know if I ever move out of this house I can take the wall connector with me and the next owner of the house still has a nice 240 volt circuit that they can use if they happen to have an electric car okay so that's it I hope you enjoyed this video if you did enjoy this video please give me a thumbs up and if you'd like to see more videos like this please click Subscribe my name is Christian crosstalk solutions and thank you so much for watching you
Channel: Crosstalk Solutions
Views: 560,592
Rating: 4.7940941 out of 5
Keywords: tesla, model 3, model 3 performance, tesla 3, tesla model 3, tesla wall connector, wall connector vs nema 15-40, tesla nema 15-40, nema 15-40 tesla, tesla wall connector vs nema, tesla wall connector installation, tesla wall connector nema 14-50, tesla wall connector vs nema 14-50, tesla wall connector review, tesla wall connector model 3, tesla wall connector vs mobile connector
Id: gVG7di9gFQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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