Tesla Taxi FULL HEALTH CHECK: Is The Battery RUINED After 430,000 Miles? [Episode 4]

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[Music] this thing behind me is our aging super high mileage Tesla Model S it's done 430,000 miles that's the equivalent of going to the moon and almost back again it's done the length of the UK 76 times that's the same as driving around the world 17 times an electric car with nearly half a million miles on the clock the batter's got to be toast right surely we're going to do a range test a health check performance test we're going to find out exactly what makes this car tick original battery original Motors so this has had a couple of repairs we've got ourselves a set of cones and a stopwatch literally nothing's happening I get the feeling it's not going to charge don't forget you can buy yourself a new or used vehicle electric petrol or hybrid owned or leased by visiting AutoTrader UK click the link down below and we'll help you find a great deal on your next set of wheels now back to our high mileage Tesla in this video we'll be conducting a full health check with the assistance of an expert this is Matt Cleveley from clely EV a vehicle repair company specializing in electric cars they sell as well as provide mot servicing and repairs to all types of EVS including high mileage examples like this one if there's anyone who can tell us how well or how badly this particular Tesla has aged and what to expect from other high mileage EVS it's Matt hey Matt every how you doing very well thank you yourself yeah good thanks for inviting me along no worries this is our very high mileage Tesla Model S 430,000 Mi on the odometer what do you think of the general condition so it's a facelift version so it's a 2016 onwards vehicle you can see the Brows are failing on the daytime running lights here um that's a common fault both headlights are the same how much would that be to replace headlights are about 14400 and the repair 400 the big thing I want to get to is the battery okay um and what state that's in but we'll come to that in a minute so stay tuned something else I want to show you is just up here spotted it yeah so it's another common failure uh the wiper spindle wees in in the wiper linkage there only happens on the driver's one but due to its proximity due to the close to the Bonnet here um it actually eats its way in on operation so you can see it's cut this groove out of the Bonnet what would the cost of the repair be so the new linkage is about £170 plus fitting so it's around just over 250 pound Bill plus the cost of a a new Bonnet if it's gone that far yeah the bonnet's aluminium so it wears really really quick so if you want it looking pristine again another Bonnet which they're hard to find I believe they're about 8 or 900 one thing I I noticed it's on 21s they aren't very strong so we'll have a look when we have a look on a ramp as to whether there's any cracks or dents or damage but I can't imagine it's done 400,000 mil on those wheels so around the back yeah it's quite neat and tidy actually suspiciously neat and tidy you might say cuz there's nothing wrong with it my eyes first went to these lamps yeah so these lamps one in the tailgate one in the body um the seal can break down between the the body of the car and the Seal of the lamp and so you end up with either moisture condensation or water and spiders collecting in these lamps another thing whilst we're talk about that to check is so if these seals fail the water will inevitably get into the vehicle so is the boot floor dry it is yeah so it could be that these are the original lights and they're doing really well you can see it's had aftermarket LEDs cheap ones put on oh is that why it's flickering they're flickering away it's something tesra owners like to do replace the LEDs right should we have a look at the inside yeah um the screen has a slight problem with it so that's not uncommon so there's a boorder around the screen uh where the two elements the touch screen and the the screen that's displaying are just coming separated does the horn work no that's quite common as well you got shout out the window so that's either overuse because it's a taxi exactly or um the horn units are right in the front and they are susceptible to corrosion there's another thing there little bit of play in the steering column dangerous it's not ideal to I mean that's that's borderline anot fatal so and thenot is the most basic safety check it's not ideal and it probably wants that universal joint changing we should get that looked at at some point yes um the other thing that I've noticed is on the dashboard there's a warning about a fuse the battery fuse needs replacement soon so internally there is a um a fuse a pyro fuse that if you're involved in an accident airbags go off that fuse blows so that there's no high voltage available outside of the pack so the battery itself is is fine but the battery on the fuse is is close to expiration so that's why you got to replace it yes okay yeah cool there is a a service mode in these cars isn't there where you can check the quality of the battery absolutely yeah so Tesla wrote um service mode into the coding of the MCU which is is fantastic even for us as garages what Tesla do first and foremost is they are they're a computer company they've built brilliant software and and Hardware that runs it and then built a car around it yeah we go into this um in so we go into there we push this so it's like a a cheat code on an old computer system so we type in service and we enable it the red border denotes that it's in service mode you can see that cluster in front of us has changed and what does that allow you to actually do so there's a whole menu of service options now if you've um lost any coolant for instance and the tank was empty you can actually do a coolant air purge from here you got door handle calibration brake burnishing so there's a few bits in that you can reinstall software from here and you can check service alerts so service alerts or things uh that are flagging faulty components but there's one thing that this um doesn't do I've noticed on this version uh of generation one MCU it doesn't let you run a bachue diagnostic test on this particular one does no but there are ways around that aren't there there are yes we can remote in as a company with a partner that we work with Okay well speaking of which I think we should probably go and get this car up on a lift get on a ramp analyze the battery as well and see whether it's completely ruined or whether it's got some life still left in it I'm really interested to see the underside of it as well especially after you saying it's not been serviced I want to I want to see how hanging it is underneath let's do it with that we decided to get the car up on a ramp to take a look at some of the components in the high mileage Tesla that most people never actually see including the battery and a motor but first things first we couldn't help but noticing just how clean and tidy the underside of the car was pretty clean under it it is actually surprisingly clean for its mileage yeah pretty good oh well you can already spot the wheel we mentioned oh yeah so it's had some Weld Repair to it that's been broken and then welded F yeah so they just they they crack through let's have a look at some of the suspension there's a little bit of play in this Hub Mountain Bush yeah so let's have a look on this side so there's a lot more play in that one okay I mean given its mileage it's not surprising at all but that's just allowing lateral movement of the Hub there I'd probably recommend that that was replaced yeah so this is that this is the battery pack right here underneath isn't it it is yeah so right the way back here all the way through to the front so this here is your battery Fuse cover so so that warning on the dash the warning on the dash uh we can access the fuse this fuse is bolted up underneath there and it's the battery that's inside that fuse that's gone in that one basically that causes it to yeah right yeah and it's just a safety function so the current uh goes comes out of the battery and into the motors or anything that's running on high voltage goes through this fuse so if any if there's a short internally on a motor or onboard charge or anything like that this is there to protect it yeah you spoke about Motors early on yes can we take a look at one of the motors on this yeah so I've got to just remove this cover from either the front or the back whichever motor we want to have a look at we can have a look at some orange cables and some dry shafts all right let's do it [Music] so what we got here this is the actual rear drive unit isn't it that's right yeah there's a little bit of oil there actually that's right yeah it's got gears in it it's got bearings in it it needs to be lubricated and it's something that's very easily forgotten so in a a car of this age that really should be done every 80 to 90,000 just a hammer home the point a lot of people including the owner of this car uh they look at Tesla who say to them there is no service requirement for your vehicles and they think I'm never going to service it but clearly there are Parts in there that would benefit from being serviced absolutely yeah yeah and now for the big one the battery health check now there are several ways to check a Tesla's battery state of health in some cars it's possible to use the built-in service mode although in this generation of Model S with the older hardware and onboard health check isn't straightforward but you can download third-party apps on your phone that can talk to the car revealing the battery state of health and Matt and I used one called Tessie to show exactly what this particular car had left and it was better than expected Tessy reckons that the battery health is 76.9% which isn't too bad actually 76.9% battery health giving uh a maximum range indication of 216 Mi now over the course of 430,000 M of Drive-In that's brilliant I think absolutely yeah and the fact that we can measure battery degradation I think is it just adds value to get an EV you can monitor your investment and how it's degrading we've done our own check on this car remotely and uh we'll compare notes okay let's see what you got the cleevely test powered by a company called alium is a little more in-depth but all that's required is to send the email address from your Tesla account plus the registration number of the car approximate mileage and battery size and they can provide a certificate like this one so here we go Moment of Truth so this is your report absolutely a little bit more official than the app what it's saying is that the state of health of this car is 72% so pretty similar yeah and it's got a battery health comparison that compares it to other Teslas of a similar age and it's coming out above average and what it's saying about the range as well is interesting it actually estimates what range it thinks you'll get so how does it compare with your range test well I did a range test on Motorway strictly and I got about 190 Mi and it's saying 190 Mi which is um pretty accurate uh City driving it's saying 293 um cold weather range is interesting because on the highway it reckons kind of worst case scenario yeah uh 149 miles on the motorway or 199 in the city which is actually pretty good it's still very usable yeah and that's the point that after such high mileage it's lost slightly more than a quarter of its capacity but you can still cover 150 miles in it so what's the idea behind getting this kind of certificate done for your EV adding a certificate of Health for the battery just puts a little bit of confidence behind a purchase especially when the values of the cars can be quite High um and also it proves the point that a secondhand EV is a good purchase I think what's the thing that you'd say really comes to light after looking at this car today and and going through these state of health figures it just proves uh that all of the talk that you hear in the mass media about EV batteries only lasting years costing tens of thousands to replace that's not necessarily the case if you if you treat it like any other car and you and you look after it and you maintain it the battery side of things there's such clever technology on board that it's doing its best to look after itself you don't need to worry too much about that so much it's just get out there use it enjoy it this has done over 400,000 mil it's been used but it's not degraded every single one of those Journeys it's still got plenty of life in it yeah cool all right you can't argue with Statistics and facts it says here the car is still healthy it's still got plenty of life left in it it's done nearly half a million miles for goodness sake and it's still going strong and if that doesn't prove that an aging EV isn't necessarily a ticking Time Bomb then I don't know what else is guys continue watching our videos we got more planned for this car in the very near future but for now like subscribe and I'll see you soon thanks man thank you [Music]
Channel: AutoTrader
Views: 162,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: High mileage Tesla, Tesla taxi, Tesla with 500000 miles, Uniillable Tesla, Tesla battery replacement, High mileage EV, How long do electric cars last, EV battery, Electric car battery, EV, Health check, How to check EV battery, Tesla battery diagnostic, Tesla service mode, Rory Reid, Auto trader
Id: doAcNVuTnXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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