Drag Race: 1,000hp BMW M3 vs 1,000hp Tesla Model S Plaid

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this is a Tesla Model S one of the fastest cars on the planet 1,20 horsepower 3 electric motors and not to 60 in under 2 seconds you might remember we let a Porsche tyan and Audi RS rron GT tried to beat this car in a track race and let's just say it didn't end well go oh my god oh oh R he's got ahead of me oh I'm actually winning I'm actually winning I am not winning oh my word that ter Tesla that car is so fast look at it Jesus that is nut So today we're letting petrol have a go and we've put the petrol into something very special a BMW M3 competition but not just any M3 competition that thing has been modified very heavily by Tom Wrigley performance it makes 1,039 horsepower so this should be a very very close race qu mile 2,000 horsepower and a lot that could go wrong well let's talk to the man himself shall we Tom thanks for bringing along that blue monster of yours uh what have you actually done to it yeah first of all thanks for inviting us on the channel it's an absolute pleasure to be here um so yeah this is the stage 3 G80 M3 we've built um for r44 performance built it together it's features the main basically stage three package water class on these cars so the main features of that are a built engine which we do in house in our Workshop in oer stre some pure hybrid turbos a CSF cooling package along with a full exhaust from Grail today we'll be running on ethanol so we'll be getting the full 1,39 horsepower and uh I can't wait to see what it's going to do it's going to be awesome it looks quite subtle I like the way you've actually done it you haven't gone too overboard on that um but presumably it sounds quite nice can you give it a little rev when the vales open they sound pretty epic but uh yeah the stylings all down to r44 they do an epic job it's nice clean look about it but with um lots of nice sub bits of carbon and um yeah we let the numbers do the talking speaking of which have you done a quarter mile running that before yeah so this car was finished just in time to get for the last few races of the Season at Santa pod uh so on a fully prepped surface it'll do not to 6 in 2 seconds dead and a quar mile time of 9.3 um at4 45 mph I think it was so it can definitely move today I don't think we're going to quite get that power down um what would it been a little bit greasy but we'll see It'll be very interesting obviously both cars have got the same challenges to compete with so it will be very interesting all right mate I seen you got your lid on so I'm going to do exactly the same cuz this is going to be a fast one uh so if you're ready we'll do it yeah let's do it I feel I've got a lot of pressure on my uh shoulders from all the petrol heads here so um let's see what we can do for them quite nervous now actually I I don't know if I even want to win against that car but we got the Pinnacle of electric performance certainly in a mass Market Arena um against the Pinnacle of petrol performance modified very heavily all right so typically my Tesla is now saying I need 19 minutes for it to reach Peak Performance but we're not going to listen to it we're just going to run it anyway cuz let's face it in the real world you're not going to sit around for 19 minutes so we're going to we're going to run it the first time with the battery cold because we had warmed it up to be fair but now it's got cold again while we chatted and it wants 19 minutes again but we're going to run it and see what happens all right yeah that's fine me mate okay boost 3 2 1 go okay he's got a good start I'm actually hanging with him he's pulling away slightly actually know he's pulling away quite a lot n he's about two car lengths in front we're doing 150 mph and he's gaining he's actually gapped me he's actually gapped me all right so round one to petrol I will say I wasn't in Peak Performance but it was about a second gap on that one good race though Tom how did that feel yeah I just got so much wheel spin I mean um normally these cars shift automatically in the launch sequence but it actually um it didn't know what to do I think the wheels just span out so violently that it just um yeah it got a bit confused on the gears but it was yeah it was still ridiculous I mean I think it did add the drag on then it still did a 9 9.74 Mile so it's not too shabby not too shabby indeed it's worth noting that our Finish Line is at the heart half mile Mark the M3 did the quter mile in a 9.7 while the Plaid managed a 10.2 half a second back but we know both cars can do better so I popped off to get my battery in the right operating window and my tires warm Tom whose M3 happened to be using identical msten Pilot Sport 4S rubber to the Tesla decided to do the same once we were both happy we reconvened for another run okay mate boost 3 2 1 go [Music] better start and we have left him oh yes I'm going to keep running it this was a lot better oh yeah we're doing 150 160 165 over the line and it is 11 1 the Tesla came back he had a terrible launch so obviously this is this isn't 100% Fair I'd say but I'm still taking that Victory Tom what happened bad launch yeah it literally just spun all four wheels the whole way down the road then so I don't know I'm not going to make too many excuses but defo looked a bit wet on my side okay all right we're going to call it 1 one and um we'll give it one more go hopefully he can get a perfect launch cuz my car's still happy and uh we and see what happens okay mate sadly Tom's car wasn't happy he decided he needed to pop off to fill up with fuel and not just any ordinary fuel to unleash his full power he needed stuff you can't actually buy at a petrol station soon enough though we were ready to run it again and this would decide who was truly fastest okay boost 3 2 1 go I'm actually in the lead at this moment he is just behind me this is very very close he's not closing the Gap as quickly as I might expect he's still there he's still there I'm not pulling anymore and it is oh my God that is a that's a dead heat over the line that's very close the Tesla stopped pulling about 50 yards from the end I reached the pretty much top speed um it stopped accelerating and then that M3 just came back Tom uh that was a great race good launch I'm happy with mine over the line I have no idea who won what' you reckon oh man that was an epic race literally um yeah don't know it was close I think really mate you'd have to go back to the cameras on that one but yeah that that was absolutely epic I think that was a true representation of both cars there yeah definitely all right photo finish that was exciting all right we'll have a look and see who won and then um yeah I'll get the champagne On Ice I'm quite confident with that oh mate my heart is racing that was epic it was literally neck and neck the whole way down there um it's just yeah it's awesome to see how two completely different cars um are doing yeah equal things really right I'm going to have a word with the cameraman and see if he can give me a clue as to what might have happened I have no idea yeah I have no idea yeah okay cool we'll look we'll look back at it no idea it looks like it looks like a draw from what I can see here's the story of the race which ran over a total of a half mile to the flag the Tesla got a slightly better start and began pulling smoothly with the M3 losing ground with every gear shift by the time we got to the quarter mile marker near the plains the Tesla was ahead completing the quarter mile in 9.7 seconds the M3 was a tenth behind as we continue to the half mile marker at higher speeds the Plaid seemed to reach its V-Max and stopped accelerating at which point the M3 pulled past to take the Wind by a yard would the model S plaid track pack with its much higher top speed have taken the win perhaps one day we'll find out but for now here's the rolling race right here we go rolling race over the line and go okay he's actually pulling away from me ever so slightly oh my God yeah you see he's actually using an extra horsepower that's where the horsepower tells I've stopped pulling now at 165 that is where the Tesla hits its maximum speed it seems certainly in this mode cuz it stops pulling after 165 and the BMW takes the rolling race I mean I think he might have been slightly ahead of me over the line when we started but I wouldn't have caught him I was up for you mate yeah I'm pretty happy with that I think you might have been a a little bit ahead of me over the start but I wasn't catching you either way cuz I hit I hit my V-Max at about 165 stopped accelerating basically and you were pulling all the way okay mate I could do one more if you wanted but um if you're happy with that that's fine for me yep totally happy with that but we had one more event to run what goes fast must come to a stop so it was time for a break test 3 2 1 break look at [Laughter] that uh well there seems to be a bit of a gap between us do you reckon that was acceptable are you happy with that yeah M I am I think to be fair I think I always thought that was going to stop a bit better if I'm honest um yeah that fair enough man I don't think we're going to get much better than that that's interesting I didn't think the Tesla would Outbreak The M3 but um I mean the pictures don't lie do they so yeah I'll take that of course this is YouTube so there will be about half a million of you suggesting that there's no way the Tesla would win a break test because it's far heavier than the M3 so we decided to run it again to see if the result would be any different 3 2 1 break look at that look at that the Tesla won okay I mean that's pretty definitive right that is a a a car length and a half maybe gap between us yeah there really is no argument with that mate that was bang on as well I was literally right on when you said as well so I think uh yeah that's conclusive mate two n to you on that one I'm afraid so in conclusion both cars are very rapid both cars have their quirks the M3 needs special fuel to develop this level of power and the Tesla needs to condition the battery before it can unleash its full potential the Tesla won the race to the4 mile just and the M3 with its Superior top speed won the race to the half mile Mark finally the Tesla had the better stopping power right thank you very much to Tom for coming along Tom actually represents a very cool charity called the race to save lives all the contact details for those guys are down in the description box below make sure you go check them out but if you enjoyed that video video don't forget to like subscribe and we'll see you again soon
Channel: AutoTrader
Views: 710,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bmw vs tesla, 1000hp bmw vs model s plaid, model s plaid vs, model s plaid drag race, plaid drag race, plaid 1/4 mile, tom Wrigley performance, r44 bmw, tom Wrigley bmw, plaid vs, fastest drag race, Rory reid, auto trader, lions barber collective
Id: siVI-x8sdS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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